Complaint Unlimited Fee AppliesCal. Super. - 6th Dist.November 23, 2020E-FILED 11/23/2020 3:46 PM Clerk of Court Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara 20CV373799 Reviewed By: D Harris 20CV373799 1O 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 TODD ROTHBARD #67351 STEVE NAUMCHIK #208985 RYAN MAYBERRY #232622 BRIAN SKARBEK #266948 CHRISTINA DABIS #230784 LAW OFFICES OF TODD ROTHBARD 100 Saratoga Avenue, Suite 200 Santa Clara, California 95051 Tel: (408) 244-4200 Fax: (408) 244-4267 Attorneys for Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT - SANTA CLARA JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA CANCELLIERI PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, LLC, NO PI ' "ff VS. a'nt' ’ COMPLAINT FOR JAVAD MEHRANFAR, SAIED MEHRANFAR, ALI UNLAWFUL DETA'NER ASGHAR MEHRANFAR, all defendants individually * and doing business as ROSE INTERNATIONAL TOtal damages SOUght MARKET, DOES I through v, inclusive are OVER 352590000 Defendants Plaintiff alleges: | At all times herein mentioned, plaintiff was, and now is a limited liability company licensed to do business in the State of California and doing business in the above entitled County and Judicial District. II The commercial real property owned by plaintiff, possession of which is sought in this action, is situated at 14445 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, California 95070 in the above-named County and Judicial District. Ill The true names of defendants named herein as DOES | through V, inclusive, are unknown to plaintiff who therefore sues said defendants by said fictitious names and prays leave to amend this complaint to show the true names as they become known. COMPLAINT FOR UNLAWFUL DETAINER -1 1O 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 and prays leave to amend this complaint to show the true names as they become known. IV On August 27, 2009, plaintiff’s predecessor at interest leased the above described premises to defendants pursuant to a written lease agreement. A copy of said lease agreement has been attached hereto, marked “EXHIBIT A”, incorporated by reference herein, and made a part hereof. V By terms of said written lease agreement between plaintiff and defendant was required to pay rent to plaintiff in the current sum of $5,796.00; said sum is due and payable each month in full, in advance of the first day of each month, and is subject to a late Charge if not timely paid. Said monthly rental sum was later raised to $7,373.80 with the proper notice required by law. Vl Defendant fell behind in payment in the reasonably estimated sum of $29,279.30, being the reasonably estimated sum due and unpaid for the period through and including November 30, 2020. VII On November 17, 2020, plaintiff caused to be served on defendants a written notice requiring defendant to pay the rent then due within three days or, in the alternative, to quit and deliver up possession of said premises. A copy of said notice is attached hereto, marked “EXHIBIT B”, incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof. VIII More than three days have elapsed since the date of service of said notice, but the total rent demanded in the notice remains unpaid. Defendant remains in possession of said premises without plaintiff’s consent and has failed and refused to vacate said premises. By virtue of the provisions of California Code of Civil Procedure COMPLAINT FOR UNLAWFUL DETAINER -2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Section 1161(2), there is an unlawful detainer of said premises and plaintiff is entitled to possession of said premises. IX The reasonable rental value of said premises is the sum of $414.10 per day, and damages for the unlawful detainer of said premises will accrue at said rate from December 1, 2020 and will continue to accrue at said rate until such time as defendants vacate said premises. X Section 4O of the lease agreement between the parties provides that the prevailing party in any litigation thereto shall be entitled to recover its attorney’s fees and costs incurred in connection with such litigation. Plaintiff has been compelled to commence litigation to regain possession of the premises and has incurred attorney’s fees in the minimum sum of $4,800.00 if this matter proceeds by default, or such larger sum as may prove necessary to prosecute it in event it is opposed or contested by defendants. WHEREFORE: plaintiff prays judgment as follows: 1. For restitution of possession of said premises and forfeiture of the lease. 2. For unpaid rent in the total sum of $29,279.30. 3. For damages at the rate of $245.79 per day from December 1, 2020, through the date of restitution of possession or the date of judgment herein, whichever comes first. 4. For attorney’s fees of at least $4,800.00. 5. For costs herein, and for such other and further relief as t/Q/fllr:the Court may r RYAN ngfiRRY/T/ LAW o FICES org, ODD ROTHBARD Attorney for Plaintiff seem just and proper. DATED: November 23, 2020 COMPLAlNT FOR UNLAWFUL DETAINER -3 1O 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 VERIFICATION I, RYAN MAYBERRY, hereby declare: I am the attorney for the plaintiff in the above entitled action, and as such make this VERIFICATION for and on behalf of said plaintiff. I have read the foregoing COMPLAINT FOR UNLAWFUL DETAINER and know the contents thereof, and, based on information and belief, I believe said contents to be true and correct. The reason that the foregoing COMPLAINT is verified by me and not by a representative of the plaintiff is that such representative is absent from the county where l have my office. I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct, and that this VERIFICATION is executed on November 23, 2020 at Santa Clara, Santa Clara County, California. RYANMQERRY fir LAW OFFICES OF TO ”ROTHBARD / Attorney for Plaintiff x- COMPLAINT FOR UNLAWFUL DETAINER -4 CALIFORNIA% A S S O C I AT, I ON COMMERCML LEASE AGREEMENT Q? O F RE A LT O R g ${- (C.A.R. Form CL, Revised 10/01) é $19; flaw Date (For reference oniy): ("Landlord") and Mir rfirn skflr‘nev Lfsncej.i.~;._~::i. co-ézrusfca: NF 6-“: cw,. a In v. .m- ,W- W L J: .~ 3.1;; n» _;-: 5'. w. :35“; ("Tenant")agree asfollows: 1. PROPERTY: Landlord rents to Tenant and Tenant rents from Landiord. the real property and improvements described as: 1444: Big Basm Wax,Saratnna. Ca 9507a ("Premises"), whichcomprise approximately % of the total square footage of rentable space in the emire property See exhibit for a further description of the Premises. 2. TERM: The term begins on (date) August 1 K 2009 (”Commencement Date"),(Check A or B): ‘ (E A. Lease: and shall terminate on (date) August 31 2014 at 12.00 D AM IE PM. Any hoiding overafiertheterm of this agreement expires. with Landiord’s consent. shall create a month-to-month tenancy that either patty may terminate as specified in paragraph 23. Rent shall be at a rate equal to the rent for the immediately preceding month, payable in advance. AN other kerms and conditions of {his agreement shall remain in full force and effect. D B. Month-to-month: and continues as a month-to-month tenancy. Either party may terminate the tenancy by giving written notice to the other at least 30 days priorto the intended termination date. subject to any applicable laws. Such notice may be given on any date.D c. RENEWAL 0R EXTENSION TERMS: See attached addendum None 3. BASE RENT: A. Tenant agrees to pay Base Rent at the rate of (CHECK ONE ONLY:) D (1) $ per month‘ for theterm ofthe agreement.D (2) S per month, for the first 12 months ofthe agreement. Commencing wnh the 13th month, and upon expiration ofeach 12 months thereafter, rent shall be adjusted according to any increase In the U‘S. Consumer Price Index of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor for AH Urban Consumers ("CPI”) for (the city nearest the location of the Premises), based on the following formula: Base Rent will be multiplied by the most current CPIpreceding the first caiendar month during which the adjustment is to take effect, and divided by the most recent CPI precedfing theCommencement Date. In no event shall any adjusted Base Rent be less than the Base Rent for the month immediately preceding theadjustment. If the CPI is no longer published, then the adjustmem to Base Rent shall be based on an alternate index that most closelyreflects the CPL L2 (3) $ _54_79_6_.£0______ permonthforthe period commencing Aucrust 1. 2009 and ending Julv 31/ 2010 and$ ~» Cu" per month for the period commencing 9.4- gs: : 2022c" and ending 41:11: ‘:.“. .' “IL and permonth for the pen'od commencing Angst: 1, 2011mm“ and ending Juiz .11, "ulz .U (4 In accordance with the a(tached rent schedule.D (5 Other: an increase of 3% for each of Che remaininn two (2) years B. Base Rent is payable in advance on the 1st (or D ) day of each calendar month. and is delinquent on the next day.C. If the Commencement Date falls on any day other than the first day of the month, Base Rent for the first calendar month shall be prorated basedon a 30-day period‘ lf Tenant has paid one full month‘s Base Rent in advance of Commencement Date. Base Rent for the second calendar monthshall be prorated based on a 30-day pen’od. 4. RENT: A. Definition: ("Rent“) shall mean all monetary obligations of Tenant to Landlord under the terms of this agreement. except security deposit.B. Payment: Rentshallbe paidto(Name) Village Square Realty, lnc at(address)515 North Santa Cruz Avenuel Suite C. Los Gatos, Ca 95030 .or at any Otherlocation specified by Landlord in writing to Tenant. C. Timing: Base Rent shal! be paid as specified in paragraph 3. AJI other Rent shall be paid within 30 days after Tenant i's bilted by Landlord. 5. EARLY POSSESSION: Tenant is entitled to possession of the Premises on Auaust 1. 2009 , If Tenant Is in possession pn‘or to the Commencement Date, during this time (i) Tenant is not obligated to pay Base Rent, and (ii) Tenant E isU is not obligated to pay Rent other than Base Rent. Whether or not Tenant is obligated to pay Rent prior to Commencement Date, Tenant isobligated to comply with all other terms of this agreement. SECURITY DEPOSIT: A. Tenant agrees to pay Landlord $ 5, 500. 00 as a security deposit. Tenant agrees not to hold Broker respons‘ble for its return. (IF CHECKEDz) D If Base Rent increases during the term ofthis agreement, Tenant agrees to increase security deposit by the same proportionas the increase in Base Rent. B. All or any portion of the security deposit may be used. as reasonably necessary. to: (l) cure Tenant's defauit in payment of Rent. late charges‘non-sufficlent funds ("NSF“) fees, or other sums due; (ii) repair damage. excluding ordinary wear and tear, caused by Tenant or by a guest orIimnsee of Tenant; (iii) broom clean (he Premises. if necessary. upon termination of tenancy; and (iv) cover any other unfutfilied obligation ofTenant. SECURITY DEPOSIT SHALL, NOT BE USED BY TENANT IN LIEU OF PAYMENT 0F LAST MONTH'S RENT‘ If ail or any portion of the security deposit is used during tenancy, Tenant agrees to reinstate the total security deposit wfithin 5 days afie( written notice is delivered to Tenant. Within 30 days after Landtord reoewes possession of the Premises. Landlord shall: (i) furnish Tenant an itemized statement indicating theamount of any security deposit received and the basis for its disposition, and (ii) return any remaining portion of security deposit to Tenant.However. if the Landlord‘s only claim upon the security deposit is for unpaid Rent, then the remaining portion of the security deposit, afterdeduction of unpaid Rent, shall be returned within 14 days after the Landlord receives possession. C. No interest will be paid on security deposit. unless required by local ordinance. The copyn‘ght IaWS of the United States (Title 17 U.S. Code) forbid the unauthorized reproduction of this form. or any portion thereof, by photocopy machine or any other means, including famimile or computerized formats. Landlord's lnmal$( __ _)(__.____)Copyfight © 1998-2009, CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. INCI Tenant’s 1nifials ( )( ) EM,WGALL RlGHTS RESERVED. I P _ A by Date } opponmmw CL REVISED 10/01 (PAGE 1 om) COMMERCML LEASE AGREEMENT (CL PAGE 1 0F 5) Agent: Lawrence Baidasano Phone: (408) 399~3418 Fax: Prepared using WINForms®softwareBroker. Village Sq uare Realty 515 N Santa Cruz Ave #C , Los Gatos CA 95030 3‘: 1‘ ~", ~ y".Premises: ’ «xix: :,;;ir S's: . , . ._ Date .5 :- ‘ 7: - 7. PAYMENTS: PAYMENT TOTAL D.UE. RggEIVED BALANCE DUE DUE DATE A. Rent: From 1‘, I'I‘SFS‘ To 3'5 7:5 29525:: s 3, 7:13 s F.) J53? $ ,3 51:" :‘ Date Date B, Security Deposit .......................... ‘5 5,500. UU 3 5,500.0u 5 08/28/04 C. Other: S S SCategory D. Other: S 8 S Category Total: .................................. s -~ 1‘s" s :1 , :35: s 45:9, 1;: 8. PARKING: Tenant is entitled to Sm unreserved and u reserved vehide parking spaces. The n’ghtto parking D is [3 is not included in the Base Rent charged pursuant to paragraph 3. If not included in the Base Rent, the parking rentat fee shat!be an additional $ per month. Parking space(s) are to be used for parking operable motor vehicles, except for traiIers, boats.campers. buses or trucks (other than pick~up trucks). Tenant shall park in assigned space(s) only. Parking space(s) are to be kept dean‘ Vehiclesleaking oil. gas or other motor vehicre fluids shall not be parked in parking spaces or on the Premises. Mechanical work or storage of inoperablevehicles is not allowed in parking space(s) or eisewhere on the Premises. No overnight parking is permitted. 9. ADDITIONAL STORAGE: Storage is permitted as follows: ,The n‘ghtto additional storage space E is E! is not induded in the Base Rent charged pursuant to paragraph 3. If not induded in Base Rent.s‘orage space shall be an additional S per month. Tenant shall store only personal property that Tenant owns, and shall notstore propedy that is claimed by anothen or in which another has any right. flue, or interest. Tenant shall not store any impropefiy packaged food orperishable goods. flammable materials, explosives. or other dangerous or hazardous material. Tenant shalt pay for, and be responsible for. theolean-up of any contamination caused by Tenant's use of the storage area. 10. LATE CHARGE; INTEREST; NSF CHECKS: Tenant acknowledges that either late payment of Rent or issuance of a NSF check may cause Landlord to incur costs and expenses, the exact amount of which are extremefy difficult and impractical to determine. These costs may include, but are notlimited to, processing. enforcement and accounting expenses. and late charges imposed on Landlord. If any installment of Rent due from Tenant isnot received by Landlord within 5 calendar days after date due, or if a check ls returned NSF, Tenant shall pay to Landtord, respectively.S 5:": '3': as late charge, plus 10% interest per annum on the delinquent amount and $25.00 as a NSF fee. any of which shall bedeemed additional Rent. Landlord and Tenant agree that these charges represent a fair and reasonable esfimate of the costs Landtord may incur byreason of Tenant's late or NSF payment Any late charge, delinquent interest, or NSF fee due shall be paid with the current installment of Rem.Landlord's acceptance of any late charge or NSF fee shall not constitute a waiver as to any default of Tenant. Landlord's n'ght to collect a Late Chargeor NSF fee shaii not be deemed an extension of the dale Rent is due under paragraph 4. or prevent Landlord from exercising any other rigms andremedies under this agreement, and as provided by law. 11. CONDITION OF PREMISES: Tenant has examined the Premises and acknowledges that Premise is clean and in operative condition. with the following exceptions: NU exceptions Items listed as exceptions shalt be dealt with in the following manner: 12. ZONING AND LAND USE: Tenant accepts the Premises subject to an local, state and federal laws. reguiations and ordinances ("Laws"), Landlordmakes no representation or warranty that Premises are now or in the future will be suitable for Tenant's use. Tenant has made its own investigation regarding au applicable Laws. ‘ 13. TENANT OPERATING EXPENSES: Tenant agrees to pay for all utilities and services directly billed to Tenant 14. PROPERTY OPERATING EXPENSES: A. Tenant agrees to pay its proportionate share of Landlord‘s estimated monthly property operating expenses, including but not limited to, common area maintenance, consolidated utility and service bills, Insurance, and real estate taxes, based on the ratio of the square footage of the Premises to the total square footage of the rentable space in the entire property. OR B. E} (If checked) Paragraph 14 does not apply. 15. USE: The Premises are for the sole use as grocery store and deli. and reiatea uses ~ No other use is permitted w'rlhou! Landlord’s prior written consent, 1f any use by Tenant causes an increase in the premium on Landlord‘s existing property insurance, Tenant shall pay for the increased cost Tenant will comply with all Laws affecting its use of the Premises. 16. RULES/REGULATIONS: Tenant agrees to comply with all rules and regulations of Landlord (and, if applicable. Owners Association) that are at any time posted on the Premises or delivered to Tenant. Tenant shall not, and shal! ensure that guests and licensees of Tenant do not, disturb, annoy, endanger. or interfere with other tenants of me building or neighbors. or use the Premises for any unlawfw purposes, including, but not Iimfled to, using, manufacturing, selling. storing, or transporting illicit drugs or other contraband, or violate any law or ordinance. or committing a waste or nuisance on or about the Premises. 17. MAINTENANCE: ‘ . . I H > . _A. TenantOR D (lf checked, Landxord) shall professionally maintain the Premises Including heating. air conditioning. electncal. plumbmg and water systems. if any, and keep glass. windows and doors in operable and safe condition. Unless Landlord is checked. if Tenant fails to maintain the Premises, Landlord may contract for or perform such maintenance. and charge Tenant for Landlord's cost. B. Landlord 0RD (if checked, Tenant) shall maintain the roof, foundation, exterior walls, common areas and Landlord's Initials ( )(_.____.._) Tenant’s Initials ( ) ( __...__.__) Copynght© 1995.2009, CALlFORN‘A ASSOCIATION 0F REALTORS®. INC. I Reviewed by ~______ DateWI gmtmmCL REVISED 10/01 (PAGE 2 Of 6) COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT (CL PAGE 2 OF 6) Rose Markctzf Premises: 115445 big Basin Wav, Saratoga, Ca 95070 Date August; 27‘; ZOUy' 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 254 26. 27. 23. 29. Copyrignt© 1998-2009. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION 0F REALTORSQ WC, I Remmd by nae lCL REVISED 10/01 (PAGE 3 of 6) ALTERATIONS: Tenant shall not make any alterau‘ons in or about me Premises. including installation of trade fixtures and signs, without Landlord‘s prior wn‘tten consent. which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any alterations to the Premises shall be done according to Law and with required permits. Tenant shall give Landlord advance nofioe of me commencement date of any planned alterafion, so that Landlord, at its option. may post a Notice of Non-Responsibility to prevent potential liens against Landlord's interest 'm the Premises Landlord may also require Tenant to provide Landlord with lien releases from any contractor performing work on the Premises, GOVERNMENT IMPOSED ALTERATIONS: Any alterations required by Law as a result of Tenant‘s use shail be Tenant's responsibility. Landlord shall be responsible for any o‘her alterations required by Law. ENTRY: Tenant shalt make Premises available lo Landlord or Landlord's agent forthe purpose of entering to make inspections, necessary or agreed repairs, alterations, or improvements, or to supply necessary or agreed services. or to show Premises to prospective or actua! purchasers. tenants,mongagees, lenders, appraisers. or contractors. Landiord and Tenant agree that 24 hours notice (oral or wn‘fien) shall be reasonable and sufficient notice In an emergency, Landrord or Landlord's representative may enter Premises at any time without prior notice. SIGNS: Tenant authorizes Landlord to place a FOR SALE sign on the Premises at any time, and a FOR LEASE sign on the Premises within the 90 (or D ) day period preceding the termination of the agreement. SUBLETTING/ASSIGNMENT: Tenant shall not sublet or encumber all or any part of Premises, or assign ortransfer this agreement or any interest in it, without the pn'or written consent of Landlord. which shall not be unreasonabiy withheld. Unless such consent is obtained. any subtettlng.assignment. transfer, or encumbrance of the Premises. agreement. or tenancy, by voluntary act of Tenant, operation of law, or otherwise. shall be nulland void, and, at the option of Landlord, terminate this agreement Any proposed sublessee. assignee. or transferee shall submit to Landlord anapplication and credit information for Landlord‘s approval. and. if approved. sign a separate written agreement with Landlord and Tenant. Landlord's consent to any one sublease, assignment, or transfer, shall not be constmed as consent to any subsequent sublease. assignment. or transfer, anddoes not release Tenant of Tenant's obligation under this agreement POSSESSION: If Landlord is unable to deliver possession of Premises on Commencement Date‘ such date shall be extended to the date on which possession is made available to Tenant. However, the expiration date shall remain the same as specified in paragraph 2. If Landlord is unable to deliver possession within 60 (orD ) calendar days afler the agreed Commencement Date, Tenant may terminate this agreement bygiving written notice to Landlord. and shaIl be refunded all Rent and security deposit paid. TENANT‘S OBLIGATIONS UPON VACATING PREMISES: Upon termination of agreement. Tenant shall: (i) give Landlord aH copies of all keys oropening devices to Premises, including any common areas; (ii) vacate Premises and surrender it to Landlord empty of ali persons and personal property; (iii) vacate all parking and storage spaces; (Iv) deliver Premises to Landlord in the same condition as referenced in paragraph 11; (v)clean Premises; (vi) give written notice to Landlord ofTenant’s forwarding address; and (vii) AN improvements installed by TenanL whh or without Landford‘s consent, become the property of Landlord upon iermination. Landlord may nevertheless require Tenant to remove any such improvement that did not exlsi at the time possession was made avaiiable to Tenant.BREACH OF CONTRACTIEARLY TERMINATION: In event Tenant, prior to expiration of this agreement, breaches any obligation in this agreement,abandons the premises, or gives nou‘ce of tenant‘s Enfient to terminate this tenancy pn‘or to its expiration, in addition to any obligations established byparagraph 24, Tenant shall also be responsible for lost rent, rental commissions. advertising e'xpenses, and painting costs necessary to ready Premises for re-rental. Landlord may also recover from Tenant: (i) the wonh, at the time of award, of the unpaid Rent mat had been eamed at the time of terminaflon; (H) the worth, at the time of award, of the amount by which the unpaid Rent that woutd have been eamed after expiration unm the time of award exceeds the amount of such rental loss the Tenant proves could have been reasonably avoided; and (iii) the worth, at the time of award. of the amount by which the unpaid Rent for the balance of the term after the time of award exceeds the amount of such rental loss that Tenant proves could be reasonably avoided. Landlord may elect to continue the (enancy in effect for so long as Landlord does not terminate Tenant's right to possession, by either written notice of termination of possession or by relenting the Premises to another who takes possession, and Landlord may enforce all Landlord's rights and remedies underthis agreement. including the right to recover the Rent as it becomes due.DAMAGE TO PREMISES: If. by no fault of Tenant, Premises are totally or partially damaged or des‘royed by fire, earthquake, accident or other casualty. Landlord shall have the right to restore the Premises by repair or rebuilding. If Landlord elects to repair or rebuild. and is able to complete such restoration within 90 days from the date of damage. subject to the terms of this paragraph‘ {his agreement shan remain in full force and effect. lf Landlord is unable to restore the Premises within this lime‘ or if Landford eiects not to restore, then either Landlord or Tenant may terminate this agreement by giving the other written notice. Rent shall be abated as of the date of damage. The abated amount shall be the current mommy Base Rent prorated on a 30-day basis. If this agreement is not terminated, and the damage is not repaired, then Rent shall be reduced based on the extent to which the damage interferes with Tenant‘s reasonable use of Premises. If damage occurs as a resun of an act of Tenant or Tenant's guests, only Landlord shall have the right of temIInation. and no reduction in Rent shall be made. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Tenant shall not use, store. generate. release or dispose of any hazardous maten’al on the Premises or the property of which the Premises are part However. Tenant is permitted to make use of such materials that are required to be used in the normai course of Tenant's business provided that Tenam complies with all applicable Laws related to the hazardous materials. Tenant is responsible for the cost of removal and remediation, or any clean-up of any contamination caused by Tenant. CONDEMNATION: If all or part of the Premises is condemned for public use, either party may terminate this agreement as of the date possession is given to the condemner. All condemnation proceeds, exclusive of those allocated by the condemner to Tenant's relocation costs and trade fixtures, belong to Landlord. INSURANCE: Tenant's personal property, fixtures, equipment, inventory and vehicles are not insured by Landlord against loss or damage due to fire, theft. vandalism, rain, water, criminal or negfigent acts of omers. or any other cause. Tenant is to cany Tenant's own property finsurance to protect Tenant from any such loss‘ In addition, Tenant shall carry liability insurance in an amount of not less than s l, WU, UUU- DU A Tenant‘s ”ability insurance shat! name Landlord and Landlord's agent as additional insured. Tenant. upon Landlord's request, shafl provide Landlord with a certificate of insurance establishing Tenant's compliance. Landlord shall maintain liability insurance insun‘ng Landlord. but not Tenant, in an amount 0f at least $ .' . plus property insurance in an amount sufficient to cover the replacement cost of the property. Tenant is advised to cany business interruption insurance in an amount at least sufficient to cover Tenant‘s complete rental obligation to Landlord Landlord is advised to obtaln a policy of rental loss insurance. Both Landlord and Tenant reiease each other. and waive their respective rights to subrogation against each other, for loss or damage covered by insurance. Landlord‘s Initials ( ) ( ) Tenant’s Initials (__._._) (_.______.) ENAUKUSNG OPPORYUNHY COMMERClAL LEASE AGREEMENT (CL PAGE 3 OF 6) Rose Marketzf Premises: lééaé Blg Basin 'w'ay, Saratoga Ca 95070 Date A’uQu-SL '47; 4%de 80. TENANCY STATEMENT (ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE): Tenant shau execute and return a tenancy statement (estoppel certifiwte). delivered to Tenant by Landlord or Landlord's agent, within 3 days after its receipt. The tenancy statement shat! acknowledge that mis agreement §s unmodified and in full force. or in full force as modified, and state the modifications. Failure to comply wim this requirement: (l) shall be deemed Tenant's acknowledgment that the tenancy statement is true and correct. and may be reIied upon by a prospective §ender or purchaser; and (ii) may be treated by Landlord as a materiaI breach of this agreement. Tenant shall also prepare. execute, and deliver to Landlord any financial statement (which will be held in confidence) reasonably mquested by a prospemive lender or buyer. 31. LANDLORD‘S TRANSFER: Tenant agrees that the transferee of Landlord‘s infierest shall be substituted as Landlord under this agreement Landlord will be released of any further obligation to Tenant regarding the security deposit. only ifthe security deposit is returned to Tenant upon such transfer‘ or if the security deposit is actually transferred to the transferee. For all other obligations under this agreement. Landlord is released of any further liability to Tenant. upon Landlord‘s tansfer. 32. SUBORDINATION: This agreement shall be subordinate to ail existing liens and. at Landlord‘s option, the lien of any first deed of trust or first mortgage subsequently placed upon the real property of which the Premises are a pan. and to any advances made on the security of the Premises, and to all renewafs, modifications, consolidations, replawments, and extensions. However, as to the lien of any deed of trust or mortgage entered into after execution of this agreement, Tenant's n‘ght to quiet possession of the Premises shall not be disturbed if Tenant is not in default and so long as Tenant pays the Rent and observes and performs all of the provisions of this agreement, unless this agreemeni is otherwise terminated pursuant to its terms. If any mortgagee. trustee, or ground lessor elects to have this agreement placed in a security position prior to the lien of a mortgage. deed of trust, or ground lease. and gives written notice to Tenant. this agreement shall be deemed prior to that mortgage, deed of trust, or ground lease, or the date of recording. 33. TENANT REPRESENTATIONS; CREDIT: Tenant warrants that all statements in Tenant's financial documents and rental application are accurate. Tenant authorizes Landlord and Broker(s) to obtain Tenant's credit repon a! time of application and periodically during tenancy in connection with approval. modification. or enforcement of this agreement. Landlord may cancel this agreement: (i) before occupancy begins, upon disapproval of the credit report(s); or (ii) at any time, upon discovering that informatlon in Tenant's application is false. A negative credit report reflecting on Tenant's record may be submitted to a credit reporting agency‘ ifTenant fails to pay Rent or comply with any other obligation under this agreement. 34. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: A. MEDIATION: Tenant and Landtord agree to mediate any dispute or claim an‘sing between them out of this agreement, or any resulting transaction before resorting to arbitration or court action, subject to paragraph 348(2) below; Paragraphs 348(2) and (3) apply whether or not the arbitration provision is initialed. Mediation fees, if any. shah be divided equaHy among the parties involved. If for any dispute or ciaim to which this paragraph applies. any party commences an action without first attempting to resolve the matter through mediation. or refuses to mediate after a request has been made‘ then that party snail not be entitled to recover afiomey fees‘ even if they would otherwise be availabte to that party in any such adion, THIS MEDIATION PROVISION APPUES WHETHER OR NOT THE ARBITRATION PROVISION IS lNlTIALED. B. ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES: (1) Tenant and Landlord agree that any dispute or claim in Law or equity arising between them out of this agreement or any resulting transaction, which is not settled through mediation, shall he decided by neutral, binding arbitration, Including and subject to paragraphs 348(2) and (3) below. The arbitrator shall be a retired judge or justice, or an attorney with at least 5 years of real esmte transactional law experience, unlesss the parties mutually agree to a different arbitrator, who shan render an award in accordance with substantive Califomla Law. ln all other respects, the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with Part m. Title 9 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. Judgment upon the award of the arbitratods) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. The parties shall have the right to discovery in accordance with Code of Civil Procedure §1283.05. (2) EXCLUSIONS FROM MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION: The following matters are excluded from Mediation and Arbitration hereunder: (i) a judicial or non-judicial foreclosure or other action or proceeding to enforce a deed of tmst, mortgage, or installment land sale centred as defined in Civil Code §2985; (ii) an unlawful detainer action; (iii) the filing or enforcement of a mechanic's Hen; (iv) any maflerthat is within thejurisdiction of a probate, sman claims, or bankruptcy court; and (v) an action for bodily injury or wrongful death, or for latent or patent defects to which Code of Civil Procedure §337.1 or §337.15 applies, The fifing of a court action to enable the recording of a notice of pending action, for order of attachment, receivership. injunction. or other provisionat remedies, shaIl not constitute a violation of the mediation and arbitralion provisions. (3) BROKERS: Tenant and Landlord agree to mediate and arbitrate disputes or daims involving either or both Brokers. provided either or both Brokers shall have agreed to such mediation or arbitration. prior to. or within a reasonable time afierthe dispute or claim is presented to Brokers. Any election by either or both Brokers to pam'dpate in mediation or arbitration shall not result in Brokers being deemed parties to the agreement "NOTICE: BY INITIALING IN THE SPACE BELOW YOU ARE AGREEING TO HAVE ANY D!SPUTE ARISING OUT 0F THE MATTERS INCLUDED IN THE 'ARBlTRATION OF DISPUTES' PROVISION DECIDED BY NEUTRAL ARBITRATION AS PROVIDED BY CALIFORNIA LAW AND YOU ARE GIVING UP ANY RIGHTS YOU MIGHT POSSESS TO HAVE THE DISPUTE LITIGATED IN A COURT 0R JURY TRIAL BY INITIALING IN THE SPACE BELOW YOU ARE GIVING UP YOUR JUDICIAL RIGHTS TO DISCOVERY AND APPEAL, UNLESS THOSE RIGHTS ARE SPEC!FICALLY INCLUDED IN THE ‘ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES‘ PROVISION. IF YOU REFUSE TO SUBMIT TO ARBITRATION AFTER AGREEING TO THIS PROVISION, YOU MAY BE COMPELLED TO ARIITRATE UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE CALIFORNIA CODE OF CML PROCEDURE. YOUR AGREEMENT TO THIS ARBITRATION PROVISION IS VOLUNTAR ." "WE HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOREGOING AND AGREE TO SUBMIT DlSPUTES ARISING OUT OF THE MATTERS INCLUDED IN THE 'ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES' PROVIS!CN TO NEUTRAL ARBITRATION." ' Landlord's Initials _______ /________ Tenant's Initials ____.______ / Landlord's Initials ( ) (______) Tenants Initials ( ) (_______,) Copyright© 1998-2009. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. INC. § Reviewed by ____________ Date _____l mam CL REVISED 10/01 (PAGE 4 Of 6) COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT (CL PAGE 4 OF 6) Rose Marketzf Premises: 14445 Big Basin way, Saratoqa Ca 95070 Date hugusc 27, 2009 35. JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL OBLIGATIONS: If mere is more than one Tenant, each one shall be individually and completely responsible for the performance of all obligations of Tenant under (his agreement. jointly with every other Tenant. and individually, whether or not in possession. :36. NOTICE: Notices may be served by mail, facsimile. or courier at the following address or location. or at any other location subsequently designated: Landlordzxober: Cancilllierz Trustee Tenantzsaied Mehranr‘ar ”/0 t7.i17..=q.4 $91.14!? Pealfv Inc 14445 Bic Basin ”av 515 NA Santa Cruz Ave, Suite C Saratoqa, Ca 95070 La; Gshos, C's 95030 Notice is deemed effective upon the eamest of the fonowing: (i) personal receipt by either party or their agent; (il) written acknowledgement of notice; or (iii) 5 days afier mailing notice to such lowfion by first class mail, postage pre-paid, 37. WAIVER: The waiver of any breach shall not be construed as a continuing waiver of the same breach or a waiver of any subsequent breach 38. INDEMNIFICATION: Tenant shall indemnify. defend and hold Landlord hamless from all claims. disputes. litigation. judgments and attorney fees arising out ofTenant's use ofthe Premises. 39. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONSISUPFLEMENTS: Tenant co be billed any increase in property taxes from .oase year or '3 if-‘iJjJLZELH Lif‘dil'l $15.5 3:1 J:\m... pl liability. The following ATTACHED supp!ements/exhibits are incorporated in this agreementztj Option Aoreement (CAR Form OA) 4D. ATTORNEY FEES: 1n any action or proceeding arising out of this agreement. the prevailing party between Landlord and Tenant shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and costs from the nonvprevailing Landlord or Tenant. except as provided in paragraph 34A. 41. ENTIRE CONTRACT: Time is of the essence. AH prior agreements between Landlord and Tenant are incorporated in this agreement, which constitutes the entire contract. It is intended as a finat expression of the parties‘ agreement. and may not be contradicted by evidence of any prior agreement or contemporaneous ora! agreement. The parties further intend that this agreement constitutes me complete and exclusive statement of its terms. and mat no exmnsic evidence whatsoever may be introduced in any judicial or other proceeding. if any, involving this agreement. Any provision of this agreement that is held to be invalid shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision in this agreement. This agreement shall be binding upon, and Inure to the benefit of. the heirs, assignees and successors to the parties. BROKERAGE: Landlord and Tenant shall each pay to Broker(s) the fee agreed to. if any. in a separate written agreement Neither Tenant nor Landlord has utilized the services of, or for any other reason owes compensation to. a licensed real estate broker (individual or corporate). agent, finder. or other entity. other than as named in this agreement. in connection with any act relating to the Premises, Inciudlng, but not limited to. inquiries, introductions, consultations, and negotiations leading to this agreement. Tenant and Landlord each agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other, and the Brokers specified herein, and their agents. from and against any costs, expenses. or liability for compensation claimed inconsistent with the warranty and representation in this paragraph 42. 43. AGENCY CDNFlRMATION: The following agency relationships are hereby confirmed for this transaction: Listing Agent: Village Square Real cy, Inc (Print Firm Name) isthe agentof (check one): E the Landlord exclusively; or D both the Tenant and Landiord. Selling Agent: "r: Sr 4: 5= :52.- (Pn‘nt Firm Name) (if not same as Listing went) is the agent of (check one): D the Tenant exciusively; or E the Landlord exclusively; or D both the Tenant and Landlord. Real Estate Brokers are not parties to the agreement between Tenant and Landlord. 42 Landlord's Initials ( )(m) Tenant‘s lnitials( )(____) Copyrigm© 1998-2009, CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, INCV [ Reviewed by __________________ Date ______] gmtnim CL REVISED 10’01 (PAGE 5 0f 6) COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT (CL PAGE 5 OF S) Rose Market‘zf Premises: 14445 Biq Basin Way, Saratoga, Ca 95070 Date August 27, .2009 Landlord and Tenant acknowledge and agree that Brokers: (i) do not guarantee ihe condition of the Premises; (ii) cannot verify representations made by others; (iii) will not ven‘fy zoning and land use restrictions; (iv) cannot provide legal or tax advice; (v) will not provide other advice or information that exceeds the knowledge, education or experience required to obtain a veal estate license. Furthermore, if Brokers are not also acting as Landlord in this agreement, Brokers: (vi) do not decide what rental rate a Tenant should pay or Landlord should accept; and (vii) do not decide upon the length or other terms of tenancy. Landlord and Tenant agree tfiat they will seek legal, tax, insurance, and other desired assistance from appropriate professionals. Tenant Date 34:19:! L. - (Print Name) Address 14445 Bic Basin Wav City Saratoaa State Ca Zip 950 7U Tenant Date (-PEntName) Address 14445 Big Basin Wav City Saratoaa State Ca Zip 950 7U Landlord DateAucmst 27. 2039 (owner or agent with authority to enter into this agreement) Robert Cancilllieri Trus tee Address 515 North Santa Cruz Ave Ste C City Los Gates State Ca Zip 95030 Landlord Date (owner or agent with authority to enter Into this agreement) Address City State Zip Agency relationships are confirmed as above. Rea! estate brokers who are not also Landlord in this agreement are not a party to the agreement between Landlord and Tenant. Rea! Estate Broker (Leasing Firm)village gflare Rgaltv Inc DRE Licl # 01132409 By(Agent) DRE Lic,# 00521712 Date Aumxs: 27-: 30;; Lawrence J. Baldasano Address 515 North Santa Cruz Ave, Suite C City Los Gatos State Ca Zip 95030 Telephone (408)399~3418 Fax (408)399~3422 E-maillbaldasanméaoLCOHz RealEstate Broker(Listing Firm)Villacre Square Realtv Inc DRE Lic.# 01132409 By(Agent) DRE Liam 00521712 Date August 27, 29:9 Lawrence J. Baldasano Address 515 North Santa Cruz Avenue, Ste C City Los Gatos State Ca le 95030 Telephone {408) 399-3418 Fax (408) 399‘3422 E-mail lbaldasanoléaol. com THis FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE CALIFORNlA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (C.A.R.). NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE AS TO THE LEGAL VALIDITY OR ADEQUACY OF ANY PROVISION IN ANY SPECIFIC TRANSACTION. A REAL ESTATE BROKER IS THE PERSON QUALiFlED T0 ADVISE ON REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. 1F YOU DESIRE LEGAL OR TAX ADVICE, CONSULT AN APPROPRIATE PROFESS‘ONAL. O _ This form is available for use by the entire real estaie indus‘ry. n ls not iNended to idenfify the user as a REALTOR®. REALTOR® is a regisxered ooflecuve membership mark which may be used onty by members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIAHON 0F REALTORS® who subscribe to its Code of Ethics. Published and Distributed by: REAL ESTATE BUSINESS SERVICES, INC. a subsidiary of the California Association oi REALTORS® EMa 525 South \mgnAvenue, LosAngela, Califomiagoozo 1Revaewed by _____._____ Date ______._._ appea’wwumm CL REVISED 10/01 (PAGE 6 OF 6) COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT (CL PAGE 6 OF 6) Rose Marketzf LEASE ADDENDUM ADDENDUM TO THE LEASE DATED AUGUST 1, 2009 BY AND BETWEEN ROBERT CANCELLIERI and SHIRLEY CANCELLIERI. Landlord and JAVAD MEHRANFAR, SAIED MEHRANFAR and ALI ASGHAR MEHRANFAR Tenant(s) This addendum t0 the lease, written 0n August 26, 201 3 will amend the initial lease dated 8/1/09, as follows: 1. Lease renewal will be granted a ten year lease, with an option of an additional two to five years extension 2. Tenant will be 1esponsible for any inmease in ptopelty taxes Ielating t0 the xenovation of the property 3. There will be a 3% annual increase t0 the rent, until termination 0f the lease on August 3 1, 2024. In addition, this 3% increase will also apply to any options taken (two to five years) after the initial lease term ending August 31, 2024. 4-. A11 other terms & conditions of the lease will remain the same. The above provisions Will be effective as 0f the date 0f this Amendment, August 26, 201 3. f/flf/ @fléfié flfy/ flfié/[?WVW @Kfi ‘13 J (Eotéert Cancellieri Date/ Shirley Cmfellieri Date fl/// / I é/"J/ A/ 3 7 ../ / .9 dixf/f V ‘ / ”H7 ‘L WJ 1/ \ ".2 . ‘ /é,/ ){J’éyf/ 676/ f K») LDV’Vr/i/ >3 If) V) Jfiafi Mehranfar / Date Saied Mehranfar Date Ali Asghar Mehranfar Date LEASE ADDENDUM ADDENDUM TO THE LEASE DATED SEPTEMBER 15, 2008 BY AND BETWEEN ROBERT CANCELLIERI and SHIRLEY CANCELLIERL Landlord and JAVAD MEHRANFAR AND SAIED MEHRANFAR Tenant(s) This addendum to the lease, written on August 1, 2013 will amend the initial lease dated 9/ 15/08, as follows: 1, It is hereby agreed by both Landlord and Tenant(S) that Ali Ashgar Mehranfar will be added as an additional Tenant in the subject lease. 2. A11 other terms & conditions 0f the lease will remain the same. The above provisions Will be effectiVe as of the date of this Amendment August 1, 201 3. // -/ 4/00/er WM? M7 p Mia}; @dff'lévb Rfibert Cancellieli Date/ Shilley Célficellieri Date xv N6 hVfl/“fl’ ()8, aéwigt'iéx'V/jw ?MQ '-\3 Tavég Mehranfar / Date Saied Mehranfar ,v /fi ' 4M/AM’V/ 0/ p g r fl/ k Ali Asghar Mehranfar Date Date THREE DAY NOTICE T0 PAY RENT QR QUET (C.c P Section 1161 Subsection 2) TO: C2089 Twit? nCi-lrmflqmM&Y k6: andantenantsmpossession: Toyild» SCMEd 5L M ‘ Meh WETEE PBEMISE§ harem referred to are situatedhm the ity of I” ‘ CL County 0f Santa Clara State ofC ifomihand are designaied as f lows: Address- I444 flown man J .QrmLma CA Q5237 O PLEASE TAKE NQTECE the rent hag not been paid for tbs abave described prémises and xs due and unpaid 1n the reasonably sstimated sum 0f 3 5 2C1 é)?119, 3.0W WEE BASIS 0f the. date 0f service of this Notioa upan yam emluding waekcnds and judicial hofiidays, you are requimd to pay said rent or, in the altamative, to quit and deliver up passession ofsaid premises. > Payment shouldba made to: Mme: (Mm Cid l rev t Pv mn-EVJ: u mumtjem e.n Jr Addwss: 47F)? PfiHv-l‘me YJE g‘bP L535 Ame! 9% ,1 CA QO€O4Z Tclephonai: 9) 2 .7) w Q”! g t $4 4 C15 (Chack should b6 made payable t0: Can 0 El fi f Fri Pr 0 pe r Juj- mah CH3 e. ma. RJC PAYMENTMAY BE MADE IN ANY 0F 1H3 CHECKED METHODS BELOW: By personal delivery; By mail .or courier delivary ~ By deposit into Account The usual days and t6, the abova addness (must # , at hours when available to ha mmarkeé within the BankName: V V ancept payments are the thrae‘ day notice period) Address: days of V between the hours of’ and D By clactmnic funds transferpursuant to previously esm’bhghed procedure SHOULD YOU FAIL to pay saxd rent in full or to delimr up possession cfthe grammes wfithin said thrw day period your lamikml will instituw legal promedhxgs to mower possassion of said premises from you, t0 daclare a forfeifiu‘e of the- lease or ream} agreemanfé by Which you hold posgession of said premises, and to recover all unpaid remit, unlawful detainer damages, attamey’ S- fees (if applicable), and Courts costs SHGULB YQU MAKE a partial payment, either within the three day notice pariod or, if unlawful detains: pmcecdm'gs are oommenmd, afier. the; commencement of such proceedings, your landlord will accept such partial payment; howsver unless spacificafly agread to omerwise in writing signsd by all parties, your landlord wifl continue with the prosacution of an unlawful detains: action notwithstanding such partial payment pursuant to the provisions of California Code ofCivil Procedure section 1161 1. COVID-w DEFENSE: On March 16,: 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom Issuad Exacutive N-ZS-20 (the “Order”), that authonzed local gove’mx‘nen’ts‘ to limit a Landlord’s ability to evict a {want between the date ofthe Order and July 28, 2020 On March 24, 2020, The County of Santa Clara enacted an Ordinance N0 NS~9,287 (the “Ordinance’fi mstimting a Defense to evictions for qualifiad Tenants $0 take efiect finmcdiatcly, and continuing until August 31, 2020, or as continued by tha County. In order to qualify you must submit a stazament noaifymg your Landfifiend (a: the address above) that you" have: exparimced a wbstantial decrease m humanoid 0r busmass income, and that that dacmasa was causad by COVID- 19, ami/ or the state, local, or fedeml government’s neSponse to COVID 191 You may notify your Landlord of your infiention‘ to request this assistance by fiiling out and retunfiflg the: aftaahed form Dazadi".§g‘]/q /2~Cjzo By: -§LPAU} CDHCEI [Iarlt ‘ Name: J Agent/Lancflord Ariachmem' i: Notifiéation t0 Landlord amd Dacumentation of Financial Impacts ofCQVIDd 9 Attachment 2: Emergency Rama} Assistance NetWQrk Afiamhmem 3: Notice of your rights undar. Ordinance No NS~9.287 \ ?HIS HG'HCE $UPER§EQE$ ALL PREVIGIJSLY SERVEQ PéflTfCES TO ?AY QR QuLfiT Attachment 1 NOTEFICATION TD LANDLQRD AND DOCUMENTATION OF FINANCIAL IMPACTS OF COViD-lQ On March 16, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom Issued Executive N-28-20, that authorized local governments to timit a Landlord’s ability to evict a tenant between the date of the Order and Juiv 28, 2020. On March 24, 2020, The County of Santa Ciara enacted an Ordinance No. NS-9.287 (the ”Ordinance”) instituting a Defense to evictions for qualified Tenants to take effect immediatew, and continuing unti! August 31, 2020, or as continued by the County. The defense applies to where a tenant who is not able to pay their rent demonstrates by documentation or other objectively verifiable means that they have suffered a Substantial Decrease in Income caused by COV1D~19, or the governmental response, inciuding Shelter in Ptace Orders or substantial out of pocket mediCal expenses caused by COVID-lQ. The Substantial Decrease of income or substantiat out of pocket medical expenses are required to be Documented or supported by other objectively verifiable means, and the following documents are deemed to satisfy the Documentation Requirement: 1. Ietters from employers citing the 2020 COVlD-IQ pandemic or reiated government action as the basis for termination of employment or reduced work, 2. employer paycheck stubs, bank statements, , 4. letters or notifications from schools in which the Tenant has a dependent enrolled regarding COV!D~19-related closures that substantiauy affected the Tenant’s income. S“ in order to be protected by the Ordinance, a Tenant must notify the Landlord that their Inability to pay qualifies as a Covered Reason for Deiayed Payment and provide documentation. You may provide the required Notice and Documentation by using the below form. You may use this form to notify your £andlord that you intend to seek the protection of the Ordinance by providing the required Notice and Documentation. Name: Address: I intend to seek protection against eviction for nonpayment of rent under Ordinance No. NS~9.287 (the ”Ordinance"). I owe rent for __ (month), 2020, in the amount due ofS lam able to pay$ in rent, but am not currently able to pay$ Notice.~ l have experienced the following Substantial Loss in Income caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘ (ybu must check ‘at least one) thfice. l have experienced the following Substantial Loss in Income or Substantial Out of Pocket Medical Expenses caused by the COVID-lQ pandemic: (you must check at least one) 1ij loss layoff a reduction in the number of compensable hours of work [ [1 [1 ['1 a store, restaurant, office, or business ciosure [] a substantial decrease in business income caused by a reduction in opening hours or consumer demand [ ] the need to miss work to care for a home~bound school-age child or a famity member infected with coronavirus 1 [] other similarly-caused loss of income: Documentation. In addition to notifying your Landlord of your inability to pay, you are required to provide supporting documents or other objectively verifiable proof to verify the above claims‘ i have attached the following substantial evidence of my financial impact of COVID-lg: [] Gross Receipts Registers H letters from employers citing the 2020 COVtD-ig pandemic or reiated government action as the basis for termination of employment or reduced work, employer paycheck stubs [1 bank statements [] letters or notifications from schools in which the Tenant has a dependent eaned regarding COVlD-19- related closures that substantially affected the Tenant's income [] Gross Receipts Registers [1 Bank Statements [1 Other: Tenant Signature: Date: REQUIRED STATEMENT 0F REASGN FGR TERMINATION OF TENANCY 0R EVICTEON AND NOTECE 0F TENANTS’ RIGHTS (Per County 0f Santa Clara Ordinance No. NS~9.287, as extended by Ordinance No; NS~9.288 and amended by Ordinance No. NS-9.289) The County 0f Santa Clara has enacted a moratorium on evictions for non~payment of rent and no'fault evictions where tenants have incurred substantial income lass and/or substantial out- ofwnocket medical expenses as a result ofthe COVID- I 9 pandemic. This moratorium protects both residential tenants and smai} businesses. Under the County Ordinance, a landlord is required to add to any notice to terminate: tenancy (such as a 3-day notice t0 pay or quit, 0r a 30- or 60-day notice) the f0 flowing: 1. The mason for the termination 0f the tenancy 0r eviction; 2. A notice 0f thc tenants’ rights under the Ordinance; and 3‘ A notice 0f emcrgsncy rental assistance programs. The abave infurmatmn mugt be suppfied 0n this farm. Reasan for Tarminafien 0f Tenancv 0r Eviciimz Please state the reason(s) for termination of tenancy or eviction (t0 befilled out by Landlord/property owner): Nonpayment of rent Page 1 of 3 7.7.2020 Version REQUIRED STATEMENT OF REASON FOR TERMINATION OF TENANCY 0R EVICTION AND NOTICE OF TENANTS’ REGHTS (Per County 0f Santa Clara Ordinance N0. NS-9.287, as extended by Ordinance N0. NS-9.288 and amended by Ordinance N0. NS-9.289) Natice 0f Tenants’ Eights On March 24, 2020, the County enacted Ordinance No. NS-9.287, which temporarily bans evictions for non-payment of rent and no~fau1t evictions, if you, the tenant, demonstrate that you have suffered a substantial loss of income 0r substantial out~of~pocket medical expense due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This eviction moratorium applies t0 residential tenants and small business tenants and has been extended until August 31, 2020. The County may extend 0r repeal the moraton’um. If you qualify for promotion under the Ordinance, your landlord canmt evict you for now payment 0f rent if: 1. You are unable to pay your rent because ofsubstantial loss 0f incoms resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic; or 2. You are unable to pay your rent because of substantial out-of-pooket medical expensas for yourself or an immediate family member rcsulting from the COVID- 19 pandemic. In addition, if you have suffered substantial loss ofinoome or out-of-pocket medical expenses resulting from the COVID~19 pandemic, you are protected fiom a “no fault” eviction as listed in California Civil Code section 1946.2(b)(2). If you qualify for protection under the Ordinanca, you have rights that relate to your repayment of past~due rent. These are: 1. You have HQ $0 6 months fiom the date the Ordinance expires 0r is terminated t0 repay at least 50% 0fyour past-due rent; 2. You have ug t0 12 months fiom the date the Ordinance expires 01‘ is terminated to repay all of your past-due rent; and 3. A landlord cannot charge a late foe and/or penalties for rent that was deferred as a result of the Ordinance so long as you rapay your rent according to this timeline. You should notify your landlord in writing that you are unable to pay your rent due to COVID- 19 as soon as possible. The County has a form you may use to notify your Landlord, which you can find on the County website at: bit‘ly/scctenant. You can show your inability t0 pay through documentation such as letters from your employer citing the COVID~19 pandemic as the reason 'for your termination/reduced work, paycheck stubs or bank statcments. (The Ordinance lists other examples.) Page 2 0f 3 7.7.2020 Version REQUERED STATEMENT OF REASON FOR TERMINATION OF TENANCY GR EVECTION AND NOTECE 0F TENANTS’ REGHTS (Per Caunty 0f Santa Clara Ordinance N0. NS-9.287, as extended by Ordinance N0. NS-9.288 and amended by Ordinance N0. NS-9.289) If you are served with a notice of eviction during the moratorium, you have the right to: 1. Receive this Notice as well as all other legally required noticas; 2. Receive the reason for the termination of tenancy or eviction in writing; and 3. Receiva information on emergency rental assistance programs. For more information, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions on. the County website at: bitJy/sccemfags. You should also seek legal help to understand your rights and responsibilities undar the Ordinance. A list of emergency rantal assistance programs is available on the County website at: biMy/sccemresources. Page 3 of 3 7.7.2020 Version BECLARACIGN OBLIGATGRIA DE MOTEVO BEL DESALOJO 0 LA TERMINACEGN DEL ALQUELER Y AVISO DE DERECEOS DE LOS ENQUILINOS (De acuerdo con la Oréenanza del Condado de Santa Clara Némem NS-9.287, extendida per la Ordenanza Nfimem NS-9.288 y medificada par la Ordenanza Némem NS-9.289) E1 Condado dc Santa Ciara ha aprobado una moratoria de desalojos por falta de pago dc] alquiler y desalojos sin culpa para los inquilinos qua hayan sufi’ido una pérdida sustancial de ingresos y/o gastos médiws sustanciales de su bolsiflo come rcsultado d6 1a pandemia dc COVID~19. Esta. moratoria protege tanto a 10$ inquflinos residenciales coma a 10$ geguefios negocios. Para cumplir 1a Ordenanza del Condadofl el propietario csté obligado a agregar a cualquier aviso dc tcrminacic’m dc alqufler (p.612, un aviso para pagar 0 madame en 3 dias, o un aviso de 30 o 6O dias) 10 siguiente: L E1 motive del dssalojo 0 tcrminacién dsl alquiler; 2. Un aviso dc los derechos d6 Ios inquilinos segfin la Ordenanza; y 3‘ Un aviso de programas de asistencia de alquiler dc emergencia. La infarmaaidn precgdame debe incfiuirse en este formulafio. Mofivn fie! Desamio a Terminacién del Amufler Indique el {103) motivo(s) dcl desalojo o terminacién del alquiler (debe ser rellenado par el propiefario): Nonpayment 0f rent Pégina 1 de 3 Versién de 7.7,2020 DECLARACIGN OBLEGATORIA DE MGTEVO DEL DESALOJO O LA TERNHNACIGN DEL ALQUILER Y AVISO DE DERECHOS DE L08 INQUILINGS (De acuerdo con 1a Ordenanza del Candadu de Santa Clara Nlimem NS-9.287, extendida per la Ordenanza Nt’xmero NS-QJSS y modificada par 1a Ordenanza Nfimem NS-9.289) Avisn (fie Berechas d6 Eas Inquifima E1 24 dc marzo dc 2020, el Condado aprobé 1a Ordananza Nfimero NS-9.287, qua probibe temporalmente Ios desaloj os pot falta de page del alquiler y 10$ desalojos sin culpa si usted, e] inquilino, demuestra qua suffié una pérdida sustancial de ingresos o gastos médicos de su bolsillo debido a 1a pandamia dc COVID- 19. Esta moratofia dc desalojo se aplica a inquilinos tame, rcsidcncialcs come pequcfios negocios, y se ha extendido hasta cl 31 dc agosto dc 2020. E1 Condado puede extender o revocar Ia moratoria. Si usted tienc derecho a 1a proteccién dc la Ordenanza, 61 propietario no guede desalojarlo p0: impago del alquiler Si usted: 1. No puede pagar cl alquflar debido a 1111a pérdida sustancial de ingresos como resultado dc 1a pandemia dc COVID-19; o 2. No puede pagar eI alqufier debido a gastos médicos de bolsillo sustancialcs para ustcd 0 un familiar immediate como resultado d6 1a pandemia de COVID-19. Asimismo, si usted sufrié una pérdida sustancial dc: ingresos 0 gastos médicos dc su bolsillo debido a 1a pandemia de COVID~19, usted esté protegido contra los desalojos “sin culpa" descritos en 61 Cédigo Civil dc California, seccién 1946.2 (b) (2). Si cumplc las condiciones para gozar de 1a proteccién dc 1a Ordenanza, tiene derechos relacionados con su pago del alquiler atrasado a1 propietatio: 1. Tienc pasta 6 meses desde 1a fecha dc vencimiento o cancelacién de 1a Ordenanza para pagar a1 memos 61 SO % del alquiler atrasado; 2. Tiene hasta 12 meses desdc la fecha de vencimiento o cancelacién d6 1a Ordenanza para pagar todo 61 alquiler atrasado; y 3‘ E1 propietario no Quads aplicar recargos ni multas pot page atrasado del alquiler si estc se aplazé dc acuerdo con 1a Ordenanza, siempre y cuando usted paguc el alquiler dentro de estos plazas. Usted debs notificar 10 antes posible y por escrito a1 propietario qua n0 puede pagar el alquiler debido a COVID-19. E1 Condado tienc un formulario que usted pucde usar para notificar a1 Pégina 2 de 3 Vcrsién dc 7.7.2020 DECLARACIGN OBLIGATORIA DE MOTIVO DEL BESALOJQ O LA TERMINACIGN DEL ALQUELER Y AVISO DE DERECHOS DE LOS INQUELENOS (De acuerdo con la Ordenanza del Condado de Santa Clara Nflmero NS-9.287, extendida por 1a Ordenanza Némem NS-9.288 y medificada por la Ordenanza Nfimero NS-9.289) Propietario; puede encontrarlo en 31 Sitio web del Condado: bitJV/scctenaut. Puede demostrar su : imposibflidad dc pagar con documentos tales come cartas de su cmpleador qua citen 1a pandemia de COVID-19 como la razén de su despido/rcduccién d6 horas de trabajo, reoibos dc: sueldo o extractos bancarios. (La Ordenanza incluye otros ej emplos). Si reoibe una notificacién de desalojo durante 1a moratoria, tiene derecho a: 1. Recibir este Aviso5 asi como 103 demés avisos legalmente requeridos; 2. Racibir el motive del dcsalojo o terminacién dc anufler pox escrito; y 3. Recibir informaoién sobre programas de asistenoia de alquiler de emergenoia. Para obtener més informacién, consults las Preguntas Frecuentes en el sitio web del Condado: bitJy/sccemfags. Tamb'ién 16 aconsejamos buscar ayuda legal para comprender sus derechos y responsabilidades bajo 1a Ordenanza. Encontraré una lista de programas de asistencia de alquiler de emergencia en e1 sitio web del Condado: hitJy/sccemresources. Pégina 3 dc 3 Vcrsién dc 7.7.2020 fi@%¢&%% %%%E$W§% ufifigfiflfifl s 1.&¢m@&%@mflm: 2.%maié$mmfi@flfiw:m& 3.%%%m%%fiamfiwo {65%; w ,- __ Efié’fié’zgitffié’flzmflfi’flfiéfi ( $Efi/%%fiflfifllfi§fi%v v' Nonpayment 0f rent 7.7.2020 V&Z‘i ??figaéaflfifi aL/xfia’flafinfifi ufiffl%#%$Ufi%n CM%%%EHE%%N%MM%%%’$%N%m%%iéfifiam$% Ns-9289 %%5£%fi%%r7 > fiafilfifl 2020 $3 H 24 B ’ jififihfiifif‘i NS-9.287 fiflé ’ fififiifléfiflflffififlfiflfigéfigfi ’ fiD $455 (Efifijx) §§§§W§1€EE§ COVID-l9 kifififi'fifikfim’éifiiwfi%fiifiéfigfigNigfifi FE ° fltgggkfiflfiififififiéfi’fiéfifi?D/Nflffiifiéffifii ’ 5363153? 20205:? 8 E 31 El ° $531131 H?fl£1fl%3fil§§fi$§f$fl$fl§fifi ° §U%fé§fiffi§§§§3£%§E?%%E%E§’%$§ ’ EMT‘ffiifififiéfiEfifififikffifififié’flfififig 1 1. Emwwwnwxmfigfikafimw:flfiwiwgm:fl 2. Emumwumfifi?%@aaflgafififim73@§m%fififi»@fi wiwfimo fifl’w%fificmmm9fifififiWAfifim&fi%E%E%§%%%%W’%@m% fifibm‘l‘IEES-Emahfomia Civil Codefi 19462®>QHE$FE§UB§ rfifiifififiJ [SE12 ° fifiéfififififififi5£%§%T%f%‘<%fifi‘éf$§ ’ Eflififiéfififiififififfififififié’fififl ° Efiflfla fii 1. ffififlé-fiéfiéfifiémifiifl ’ ffififimmfiffiffiififiw 50% E‘Jifififl/frfi jag ; '2. ?&?fiifiééEWE/iégit B i5 ’ ffifiwgflfl§fiafiffififfifififiifififiB’fifi fi ? $11 3. Rgflfififltfififia‘j‘fl’éfififi ’ Eflfi’éfifiymfififiiiéflfiflfifiéfifim éflféizféé’J/f ° mggimgmzatfiwgfi’ mm covmw ’ imgiflfim o Efimfiiazmmau Efiafim : hwzfimmmwzéuafiw = bm/sccienamo iatsawfiagmfigwqga fima i ngsmgaamg (firinfira covmxg kififiaumwéézmawmfiwaw ~ ¥fi7fi$§ifififi¥mhfifio (aagémméimmaao > $11]¥i1§¥£§f$fi$fl5fifii£é$§figrfiQififlggififiifi ’ Eflffififi 1 1- Hififlfiifiatflflfififififimifiigfié’flffifl ¥ 7.7.2020 W75: ?fléfléatfiigéfi JZ\§%E’€J§2$$U§BE ufiffigfgflfififl (mgfififlm NS~9.287 afi‘fié’ ’ E% NS~9.288 ??‘Eifié‘fif‘? * EEE% NS-9.289 fifiéfi‘a‘?) 2. Wififléfifiéififi’flégiméfiflififiB’Jififia i Llfi 3. HSZEUEEQ: gkifiififififiim’jéfifl Egfififi m /fiefizfiTfifi’éfifléiB’J %Efiufix bit ly/sccemfgs E3132 Xfiffifiififl Li? fiifix‘iElfibfiA FEWEJUKI"$135 figififiéfifléiiéfifiifi ?%Effifififififiéwffi? 1 bitJy/scccmresourccs o 7.7.2020 KW: KINAKAILANGANG PAYAHAG NG DAHILAN PARA SA PAGWAWAKAS NG PAG-UPA O EBEKSYON AT PAUNAWA NGMGA KARAPATAN NG MGA NANGUNGUPAHAN (Mala sa Ordinansa 11g County mg Santa Clara Num.NS~9.287, bilang pinalawak ng Ordimansa Num.NS-9.288 at dinagdag mg Ordinansa Num.NS- 9.289) Nagsagawa ang County 11g Santa Clara ng isang moratoryo ng mga ebiksyon para sa hindi nagbabayad ng pag~upa at mga walang~kasalanan na ebiksyon kung saan ang Inga nangungupahan ay nakaranas ng malaking pagkawala mg kita at/o maiaking gastos na binagaran nila bilang resulta mg pandemya ng COVID-19. Pinoprotesktahan nitong moratoryo ang m_ga namgungupahan pareho sa Inga tirahan at mafiiiit ma negagvo. Sa ilalim ng Ordinansa ng County, ang isang landlord ay kinakailangan upang magdagdag ng anumang paunawa upang wakasan 2mg pag-upa (tulad ng isang 3-araw na paunawa upang magbayad o umaiis, 0 isang 30» o 60-araw na paunawa) ang sumusunod: 1. Ang dahilan para ea, pagwawakas ng pag~upa 0 sa ebiksyon; 2. Iszmg paunawa sa mga karapatan 11g nangungupahan 8a flalim 11g Ordinansa; at 3. Isang paunawa ng mga programa ng pang-emerhensiya na tulong para 3a mga nangungupahan. Dapat iiagay sa form na im ang impormasyon sa itaas. Ana Bahflan guara sa Pawawakas ng Pagans: 0 sa Ebikgvon Mangyafing isulat ang (mga) dahilan para sa pagwawakas ng pag-upa o ng ebiksyon (upang mapunan ng Landlord/may-ari ngpropyedad): Nonpayment of rent Pahina .1 mg 3 6.12.2020 Bersyon ENAMELANGANG PAYAHAG NG DAHELAN FARA SA PAGWAWAKAS NG ?AG-UPA O EBKKSYON AT PAUNAWA NG MGA KARAPATAN NG MGA NANGUNGUPAHAN (Mala sa flrziinansa mg Caunty fig Santa Clara Num.NS-9.287, bflang pinalawak 11g Ordinansa Num.NS~9.288 at dinagdag 11g 0rdinansa NumNS- 9.289) Paunawa ng Mga Karapatan mg Nangungafiahan Noong Margo 24, 2020, ipinatupad ng County 2mg Ordinansa Num.NS~9.287, na pansamantalang ipinagbabawal 2mg mga ebiksyon para sa hindi. nagbabayad ng pag-upa at mga walan g’kasalanan na ebiksyon, kung kayo, ang nangungupahan, ay maaaring magpakita na nakaranas kayo ng malaking pagkawaia ng kita 0 malaking gastos 11a medikal na binayaran ninyo bilang resulta ng pandemya ng COVID- 19. Kong moratoryo ng mga ebiksyon ay naaangkop sa mga n'angungupahan ng tirahan at maliliit na negosyo at may bisa hanggang sa Agosto 3 1, 20201 Maaaring pahabain 0 tanggalin ng County ang moratoryo. Kung kwalipikado kayo sa proteksyon Sa ilalim mg Ordinansa, hind}? kayo maaaring palayain ng inyong landlord dahil sa di-pagbabayad ng upa kung: 1. Hindi ninyo mababayaran ang upa dahil sa malak'mg pagkawala ng kite, r13 nagreresulta sa pandemya ng COVID-lQ; 0 2. Hindi ninyo mababayaran ang inyong upa dahfl sa malaking gastos na medikal na binayaran ninyo para. sa inyong sarili 0' sa isang matalik na miyembro ng pamilya na nagreresulta sa pandemya ng COVID-19. Bilang karagdagan, kung nakaranas kayo ng malaking pagkawala ng kita o mga gastos na medikal na binayaran ninyo na nagreresulta mula sa pandemya ng COVID-lQ, protektado kayo mula sa isang "walang-kasalanan" na ebiksyon na nakalista sa Kodigong Sibil ng California sa seksyon 1946.2(b)(2). Kung kwalipikado kayo para sa proteksyon 3a ilalim ng Ordinansm mayroon kayong mga karapatan na nauugnay sa inyong pagbabayad ng nakaraan na upalto ay: 1. Mayroon kayong hanggang sa 6 na buwan mula sa petsa na matapos ang Ordinansa upang mabayaran 311g hindi bababa sa 50% ng inyong nakaraang renta; 2. Mayroon kayong hanggang sa 12 buwan mula sa petsa na matapos 2mg Ordinansa upang mabayaran ang lahat ng inyong nakaraang renta; at 3. Ang isang landlord ay hindi maaaring sumingil ng isang late fee/o mga pamsa para sa upa na ipinagpaliban bilang isang resulta ng Ordinansa kung nababayaran ang inyong renta ayon sa timeline 11a ito. Dapat kayong magpaalam sa paguslat sa inyong landlord na hindi ninyo kayang bayaran ang upa dahil sa COVID-19 sa pinakamabilis na paraan. May form 2mg County 11a maaari ninyong Pahina 2 ng 3 7.7.2020 Bcrsyon KENAKAELANGANG PAYAHAG NG DAHILAN PARA SA PAGWAWAKAS NG PAG-UFA O EBIKSYON AT PAUNAWA NG MGA KARAPATAN NG MGA NANGUNGUPAHAN (Mala sa Ordinansa ng County ng Santa Clara NumNS-QZWB biiang pinalawak 11g Ordinansa NumfiNS-9.288 at dinagdag ng Ordinansa NumNS- 9.289) gamitin upang magpaalam sa inyong Landlord, 11a maaax‘ing mahahanap sa website ng County sa: bitJX/scetenant. Maaari ninyong ipakita ang kawalan 11g kakayahan 11a magbayad sa pamamagitan ng dokumantasyon tulad ng mga sulat mula sa inyong employer na binabanggit ang pandemya 11g COVID-19 bilang dahilan ng inyong pagwawakas/nabawasan na trabaho, mga paycheck stub o mga ulat ng bangko. (Naglflista 2mg Ordinansa mg iba pang mga halimbawa.) Kung nabigyan kayo 11g isang paunawa ng ebiksyon habang may bisa pa ang moratoryo, may , karapatan kayong: 1. Tumanggap m'tong Paunawa pati ma rin ang lahat ng iba pang mga kinakailangang ligal na paunawa; 2. Tumanggap ng pagsulat ng dahflan ng pagwawakas 11g pag~upa o ng ebiksyon; at 3. Tumanggap ng impormasyon tungkol sa Inga programa ng pang-emerhcnsiya na tulong para sa mga nangungupahan. Para sa karagdagang impormasyon, mangyaring sumangguni sa Mga Madalas ma Katanungan sa website ng County sa: bitJX/sccemfags. Dapat din kayong humingi 11g tulong sa batas upang maunawaan ang inyong mga karapatan at responsibflidad sa ilalim ng Ordinansa. Ang isang listahan ng mga programa ng pang-emcrhensiya na tulong para sa mga nangungupahan ay magagamit sa website ng County sa: EsitJy/sccemresources. Pahina 3 ng 3 7.72020 Bersyon BAN BAT BUOC TUYEN BO LY DO CHAM BUT H0? BONG THUE NHA HOAC TRUC XUAT VA THéNG BAG V133 QUYENCm NGUGI TRUE NBA (Theo Sac lénh cua Quart Hat Santa Clara so NS-9.287 duqc gia ham then Sac lénh so NS-9 288 va duo’c Sim déi ba’i Sac Eénh so NS-9.289) Quan Hat Santa Clara da ban hanh lénh cam cac vu two xuat vi ngucri thué khong tra tién thué nha va khong co loi trong twang hqp hQ mat thu nhag va/hoac phait2r tra chi th’ v te déng ké do dai dich COVID- 19. Lénh cam nay bao Vé ca ngucri thué nha é‘ V3 nguoi thué cor so thmmg mai dé van hanh doauh nghiép 11ho Theo Sac lénh cua Quan Hat chu nha bat bugs phai cung cép thém vao bat ky thong bao nao .dé cham dut hqp dong thué nha (Chang han nhu thong béo cho 3 ngay dé thanh toan hoac cham dI'It hqp déng, hoao thong bao cho 3O hoac 60 ngay) nhfmg diéu sau: 1. Ly do cham dt’rt hqp dong thué nhz‘i hoéc true xuét; 2‘ Théng béo vé quyén 013a ngub'i thué nhé theo S50 lénh; V51 3. Mét théng béo Vé céc chuong trinh h?) trq khan cap cho ngm‘fi thué nhé. Cite thfmg tin frén phéi eimyc sung cép {rang mgu néy. L? d9 chém dirt E101) 5511a thué nh’a heéc true xuét; Vui 16mg cho biét 19 d0 chém dirt hqp déng thué nhét 11050 true xuét (dwac (Zién vc‘zo bc’n‘ CM nhd/Ngwo‘i Sd’ hfiu bét (l‘éng sdn): Nonpayment of rent Trang 1 trong 3 trang Phién bz‘m Ngéy 7.7.2020 BAN BAT EUGC TU‘I’EN BE) LYBO €HAM BUT HOP fiONG THUE NRA HOAC TRUC XUAT VA THGNG 3A0 WE QUYEN CUA NGUGI THUR NBA (Theo Sac Iénh cua Quan Hat Santa Clara so NS 9.287, dune gia ban thee Sac lénh so NS 9.288 V3 dime sum fiéi bm Sic lénh so NS=~9 289) Théug big V5 quén cfia Ngu‘é’i thué nhé V30 ngay 24 théng 3 mam 2020 Quan Hat da ban hanh Sac lénh so NS 9 287 tam thcri cam cac vu true xuat ngmji thué nha Vi ho khong tra tién thué nha va khi ho khong cé léi, néu quy vi nguiri thus nha Chung minh rang quy vi da bi mat mét khoan thu nhap hoac: phai m ma mot chi p111 y te dang ké do dai dish COVID- 19 Lénh cém true xuat nay ap dung cho nguoi thué nha 6 va nguoi thué cc so thumg mai dé van hanh doanh nghiép nho Lénh nay da duqc gia han (3611 ngay 31 théng 8 11am 2020. Quan Hat co thé gia ham hoac bai b0 lénh cam Néu qujl vi dfi dieu kién dé duqc béo Vé thee Sic Iénh, ohfi nhé 011a quy Vi khéng thé true xuét qujl Vi do khéng tré tién thué nhé néu: 1. Quy vi khang thé ma tién thue ma vi mat thu map dang ké do ciai dish COVID-IQ; £10230 2. Quy vi khong thé tra tién thué nha vi phai ‘LLI txa chi phi yte‘déng ké cho bén than hoac than nhan do (”1111 dish COVID- 19 Ngoai ra, néu qusr vi, d5 b; mét thu nhap hogs phéu u; tré chi phi y té dang ké do dai dioh COVID-19, quy Vi duqc bite V6 dé khéng bi true xuét khi khéng cc') 15i nhu duqc liét k6 trong BC) luét Hinh su California phfin 1946.2(b)(2). Néu quy Vi dfi diéu kién dé duqo béo V6 theo Séc lénh, quiz Vi cé céc quyén lién quan dén viéc tré tién thué nhé qué hem. D6 15: 1. Quy v1 ca dén 6 thing ké tr: ngéy sac lenh hét ban 1105c sham dart aé bean m1 it nhét 50% tién thué nha qué hang 2. Quy Vi cé fién 12 théng ké th ngz‘xy Sic lénh hét ham hoéc chéln dirt dé tré 1'41 tét 02’1 tién thué qué hang Vé 3. c1111 nha khang thé tinh pm m”: \za/hoac :ién phat khi tién time nha b; hoan mi do sac Iénh mién 1a qujr Vi hoém tré tién thué nhé theo théji gian n‘ay. Quy Vi nén gu‘i giay bao cho chu nha rang quy Vi khong thé tra tién thué nha do COVID- 19 cang sém cang tot Quan Hat co mét mau don ma quy vi cé the su dung dé thong béo cho Chu nha cua quy Vi, va man 6cm nay co trén trang mang cua Quan Hat tai: bit.lx/scctenant Quy vi co thé cho thay quy Vi khong co kha nang tra tien thué thong qua céc tai 1iéu nhu thu cua chu so cho biet da1 dich COVID-19 la 1y do khien quy vi bi cho nghi viéc/giam Gong Viéc, cui phieu lucmg hoac giay sao ké ngan hang (Sac lénh 00 liét ké cac v1 du khéc ) Trang 2 trong 3 tmng Phién bin) Ngz‘ay 7,7.2020 BAN BAT BUOC TUYEN Bf) LY D0 CHAM Dm‘ HQ? EONG TRUE NHA HOAC TRUC KUAT VA THGNG 3A0 VF: QUYEN CUA NGUEH TRUE NHA (Theo Sac Iénh cua Quan Hat Santa Clara so NS-9 287, 6mm gia b&n thee Sac lénh 56 NS-9 288 va du‘q’c sua dui bO’i Sac lénh so NS-9 289) Néu quy Vi nhefm giéy béo true xuét trong khi cé lénh cém nily, quy vi cé quyén: 1. Nhén giéy béo nay cfing nhu tét cé céc théng béo 05m thiét khéc Vé mat phép 13?; 2. Nhém giéy béo vé 13? do chém dirt hqp 65mg thué nhé hoéc true xuét; Vla 3. Nhén théng tin Vé céc chuong trinh E15 trq khan cép cho nguéri thué nhé. De“: biét thém thong tin vui long tham khao céc Cau hoi thub’ng gap trén trang mang cua Quan Hat tai: bit.lilsccemfags. Quy Vi cung nén Um idem su tro gimp phép 1y dé hiéu céc quyén va tréch nhiém cua quy vi thee Sac lénh nay Danh séch céc Chuang trinh ha trq khén cfip cho nguc‘yi thué nhé 06 trén trang mang cfia Quém Hat tgi: bitnly/sceemresources. Trang 3 tmng 3 trang Phién bém Ngéy 7.7.2020 Qafimmmty Earvéceg giggcefiajy _ _ $acrad figz‘m wummumty 0f Mauntam View & Lag Aims 204 Sterhn Rd. 1381 s. First St ASSESEEWC? Mountain View, CA 94043 San Jose, CA 95110 (650) 968-0836 (408) 278-2160 NétWQTk o F SANTA CLARA COUNTY , 94024 Los Altos 94035 Mountain View 94040 Mountain View 94041 Mountain View 94043 Mountain View St. Jasegih's Family Center 7950 Church St, Suite A Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 842-6662 Assismnce in: 95020 Gih‘oy 95046 San Martin 95116 San Jose 95117 San Jose 95118 San Jose 951.20 San Jose 95123 San Jose LéfeMoues Georgia Travis Hausa 260 Commercial Street San Jose,CA 95112 (408) 271-1630 Assistance in: 95035 Milpitas 95131 San Jose 95133 San Jose 95134 San Jose LifeMoves Opportunity Center 33 Encina Avenue Palo Aito, CA 94301 (650) 853-8672 Assistance En: 94301 Palo Alto 94303 Palo Aito 94304 Palo Aito 94305 Stanford 94306 Paio Alto Sunnyvale Community Services 725 Kifer Rd. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 738-4321 Assistance in: 94085 Sunnyvale 94086 Sunnyvale 94087 Sunnyvale 94089 Sunnyvaie 95002 Alviso 95124 San Jose 95125 San Jose 95126 San Jose 95128 San Jose 95136 San Jose SaaNatmn Army 359 North 4th Street San Jose, CA 95109 (408) 282-1165 Assistance in: 95013 Coyote 95037 Morgan HiH 95112 San Jose (N. of Santa Clara St.) 95119 San Jose 95121 San Jose 95122 San Jose 95127 San Jose 95132 San Jose 95135 San Jose 95137 San Jose 95138 San Jose 95139 San Jose 95141 San Jose 95148 San Jose Safivatian Army 3090 Homestead Road Santa Clara, CA 95051 (408) 2474588 Assistance in: 95050 Santa Clara 95051 Santa Clara 95054 Santa Ciara West Vailey Community Services ; 10104 Vista Drive Cupertino, CA 95014 . 408) 2538033 f Assistance in: '; 95014 Cupertino 4 95030 Monte Sereno/Los Gates i 95032 Los Gates V: 95033 L05 Gates L 95044 Redwood Estates 95070 Saratoga 95129 San Jose 95130 San Jose A Abaut the Netwmk‘ Everyone experiences emergencies from time to time. For some Afigistafifig Silicon Vailey residents, however. each day is a struggle for financial stability and independence. When an emergency hits, they need Netwgfk O F somewhere to turn for help. The goal is to stabilize individuals and s A N T A C L A R A C O U N T Y families during times of trouble and heip them return to self- sufficiency. . . , Member Agencies The Emergency ASSistance Network (EAN) agencnes m Santa Clara County provide a variety of services t0 prevent homelessness, utility disconnections, and hunger. Services include: C - One-Time Rent and Mortgage Payment Assistance mmmmjf-g F a - M0ve-In Costs for Rama! Deposiis ~ One-Time Utility Assistance {b ~ On-Site lnformation and Referrals, eg MediCai, CaiFresh (Food. Lgffi @‘f/eg Stamps), Food Pantries mmmmcwe‘omomlmss - Other Servéces may include: Food Distributions, Case Management, ' Job Training, Employment Assistance, Low-lncome Utiiity Programs, After-Schooi Care, Backpacks and School Suppiies, Veterans SAQ Assistance, Housing Search Assistance, Temporary Sheiter Services 7 COMMUNITY SERVICE Levals 8; Guidefiifias 0f Assistance - Assistance leveis are Iimited by funding available - this does not include in-kind support to these families of food, clothing, etc. $3??? St Joseph’s ~ Assistance from agencies is based 0n zip code residence hm Famfly Genie)" - Income eligibility guidelines related to low and very low income ~ Strict criteria for rental assistance is followed - Le. payments are made to landlords not to the client - Direct financial assistance for transportation, utilities, medical, etc. - Limits on the amount 0f funding and the time span in which funding is received~most agencies give one time only assistance. 5*: - LifeMoves PURPLE - Community Services Agency BLUE - West Valley Community Services GRANGE ~ Sunnyvaie Community Servxces {M‘L - Salvation Army HKAXJ‘H ' HOME 0» HEAKT REED __ Sacred Heart {Vast Valley Commmflty Sgrvtces Community Service PENK ~ St. Joseph’s Family Center DECLARATKGN 0F SERVECE 0F NGTECE TO TENANHS) I the undersigned, declare that at the time of service of the papers herein referred to, [was at least eighteen (18) years of age, and that I served the following notice: K4 Notice to Pay Rent or Quit D Thirty Day (30) Notice of Termination of Tenancy D Other On the following resident(s): ROSE INTERNATIONAL MARKET JAVAD SAIED AND ALI MEHRANFAR 144-45 BIG BASIN WAY, SARATOGA, CA 95070 0““‘9flim Day 0f NOVEMBER 20 20 BY DELIVERING a copy for each of the above-named tenant(s) PERSONALLY OR BY LEAVING a copy for each of the above-named tenanfls) with a person of suitable aqe and discretion at the tenanfls) usual place of business, said tenant(s) beinq absent thereof; AND MAILING bv first class mail on said date a copy to each tenant bv depositing said copies in the United States Mail; in a sealed envelope, with postage fully prepaid addressed to the above-named tenanfls) at their place of business. OR BY POSTING a copy for each of the above-named tenanfls) in a conspicuous place on the property therein described there being no person of suitable aqe or discretion to be found at anv known place of business of said tenant(s); AND MAILING bv first class mail on said date a copy to each tenant(s) bv depositinq said copies in the United States Mail, in a sealed envelope, with postage fully prepaid addressed to the above-named tenant(s) at their place of business. l declare, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct and if called as a witness to testify thereto, l could do so competently. Executed thislg. Day Of NOVEMBER 20 20 at SANTA CLARA California. /7 / M KEyny/WHITE/fllsw Decférant BECLARATEGN GF SERVECE 0F NOTéCE TO TENANWS) I the undersigned, declare that at the time of service of the papers herein referred to, I was at least eighteen (18) years of age, and that l served the following notice: Notice to Pay Rent or Quit B Thirty Day (30) Notice of Termination of Tenancy D Other On the following resident(s): ROSE INTERNATIONAL MARKET JAVAD SAIED AND AL‘I'IMEHRANFAR 1449 HERVEY LANE, SAN'JOSE, CA 95125 Onthe 17TH Day of NOVEMBER 20 2o BY DELIVERING a copy for each of the above-named tenanfis) PERSONALLY OR BY LEAVING a copy for each of the above-named tenant(s) with a person of suitable age and discretion at the tenant(s) usual place of business, said tenant(s) being absent thereof; AND MAILING by first class mail on said date a copy to each tenant by depositing said copies in the United States Mail, in a sealed envelope, with postaqe fullv prepaid addressed to the above-named tenant(s) at their place of business. OR >< BY POSTING a copy for each of the above-named tenant(s) in a conspicuous place on the property therein described there being no person of suitable aqe or discretion to be found at any known place of business of said tenanfis); AND MAILING’by first class mail on said date a copy to each tenanfis) bv depositing said copies in the United States Mail, in a sealed envelope, with postage fullv prepaid addressed to the above-named tenant(s) at their place of business. | declare, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct and if called as a witness to testify thereto, I could do so competently. Executed thisfl_ Day 0f NOVEMBER 20 20 at SANTA CLARA California. fl // W ”MM/M Kg Fxfimm #1559 fiant