Claim Opposing Forfeiture Seized PropertyCal. Super. - 6th Dist.November 24, 2020MC-ZOO cm AND ZIP coma 3 4n Jo ft, q 6‘: I 3 BRANCHNAME: ‘ ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT m-rORNEY STATE BAR NUMBER FOR couRr use ONLV NAME g ri CK NOW a FrRM NA E: d3 “aSTREEr ADDRESS: 3H 00 crrv: 56f V1 J53aw 7 STATE: 61" lecooe Q ’5/‘7'6 _ TELEPHONE No; Hag) 90 8' a €487 FAX N0; EMAILADDRESS: ENC” ,Ng w: SdQQQIJMIflM/J ATTORNEY FORmamey 5 elf, SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F d :6 C q g] [3 SWEETADDRESS: UH A} Firs f“ S frw f1 Sah- d fl. MAILING ADDRESS: H I Al. Fag? Jrrdé f, ' By THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CLAIMED PROPERW: j 1’], 9 0Q. Ufl CLAIMANTWAME): Erch- Nauél ln response to notice of administrative proceedings ' CLAIM OPPOSING FORFEITURE (Health & Saf. Code, § 11488.5)D In response to ajudicial petition forforfeiture (use existing case No.) CASE NUMBER: 200v373651 1. Claimant (name).-N a v a , 5 n'ck is an E/mdividualE corporationE other (specify): 2. Claimed property (describe): 3 H, 610 7. 00 3. Value of claim isg $5.000 or lessE $5.001 or more (Health & Saf. Code. § 11488.5(a)(3).) NOTICE ‘ AVISO 1, You must file your daim within 30 days after you receive 1. Usled debe presenter su demands denrro de Ios 30 dfas sig- personal or mailed notice that your property may be uienles a Ia fecha en que recibe, personalmente o por forfeited. If you do not receive personal or mailed notice. correo, e! aw‘so de que sus bienes pueden ser confiscados. you must file your claim within 30 days after the last time Si no recibe dicho aw'so, deberé presenter su reclamo dentro notice is published in a newspaper. de 10.3 30 dias siguientes a la fecha en que el aviso 5e ' . publica por Ultima vez en un periédico. 2' _ 52:23:;Trigebe Slag“? weesogcfinszgggrzlgh eoirrogzfi m Su demanda debs presentarse en e! condado donde fueron the countyMme 3:6 p m arty is Iowted l} ouyhave confiscados los bienes. Si Ios bienes no han sido received a notice oupmg fnd th addre'sszf the com confiscados, presente su demanda en e.’ condado donde 1h t ti ' y I e 0n esrén ubicados Ios bienes. Si ha recibido el aviso, busque laa n0 ce' direccién d9 la code en e! avr'so. 3. Within 30 days after filing your daim, serve a copy on the 3. Dentro de los 30 dies siguientes a Ia fecha en que presenté District Attorney or Attomey General. The copy must have su demands, enw’e una copia de la notificaciénjudfcial a Ie the court clerk's filing stamp on It. oficina del Fiscal (Dism'ctArtomey) o del Procurador General _ I (Attorney General). La copia debe llevar el sello deI actuario This notice is urgent. Ifyou do not d9 Ia code encargado de recibir (as demandas. “nde’Stand “I you mu“ seek help- Esra notificacio’n es urgente. Si usted no Ia entiende, debe pedir ayuda. Fon-n Approved for Optional Use Judicial Council of California MC-ZOU [Rem Jammy 1. 2018] CLAIM OPPOSING FORFEITU RE Page 1 of2 Health and Safety Code.§ 11488.5 r" s» MC-200 CLAIMANT (Name): CASE NUMBER- CLAIMED PROPERTY: 4. Claimant as an interest in the claimed property. Claimant a. is me owner. For vehicies (cars, boats, planes, etc.) only:D registered owner [j legal ownerb [j has a security interest or is a lien horder [j has a right to possess. C- C] is the personal representative of the estate of the owner. lessee, or secured party.d D other (specify): 5. Claimant's interest in the right to or value of the claimed property is a. all C3 part (specifi/nature, amount, or percentage): b. E unknown. 6. Claimantrequests ' a. mat me claimed property not be ordered forfeited. b mat claimant's interest in the claimed property not be ordered forfeited. c. costs of suit. d D other (specify): 7_ E: Numberof pages attached: Date: N(ZQ [2M5 (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) 7 > @ka NWQ ‘S’GWURE‘MMM’ VERIFICATION I am the claimant in this proceeding and have read this cTaIm. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State ofCalifornia mat the foregoing is true and correct. Date: ”(ZOKZOZO > (S|GNATURE OF CLAIMANT) MUMIRW-me WEI CLAIM OPPOSING FORFEITURE ”992°"