Judgment DefaultCal. Super. - 6th Dist.November 17, 2020on 3/17/2021 4:02 PM Reviewed By: D Harris Envelope: 6055248 dunnoo v AT s ORNEY QR PARTY WiTHOUT AWORNEY {fiama samba! number, and addnass): FORCOURF USEONLY Maria Bradish (288384) Adam Brumage (283 180) Don Phan-Huy (309853) Ryota Isozaki ---(321040) Derrick Uhri (321 161) Jeremy Kimmelman (322958) Eric Marquez (331023) Karlie D Schafer (331884) The Moore Law Group, APC, PO Box 25145, Santa Ana, CA 92799, 3710 S. Signgggggb-Suite 210, Santa Ana, CAgggfiQ' m _. - , .. . . 800-506-2652 - 47““ "9” ETMFJLMDREsswpmna»: firwzmaFoxgwamez Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT 955CALIFORNIA‘,COUNTY-OF Santa Clara SWEET *mRESSi 191 North First Street MFGLING-‘ADQRESSI San Jose CA 951 13 CITYRNDZIP €083 Santa Clara County - San Jose Courthouse SQANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF: JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. DEFENDAM: KRISTOFFER Q NGUYEN JUDGMENT C&E IMMBER; E By'c'em E By Défault E' After CourtLTrial 20CV373600 ByComt. E on-supugation E Defendantnga Not _ Appear at'.TrIa| JUDGMENT 1. E BY. DEFAULT a. Defendant was property served with a-copy of the summons and: complaint b; Defendantfailed’to answer the compiain‘t’or appear anddefend theactionwithih the time allowed by law" c. Defendant’s default was entered by the clerk upon plaintist application d E Clerk‘s Judgment (Code Civ Pros §_ 585(a)). Defendant was sued only on a contract or judgment of a court of this state for the. recovery of money e. m Court Judgment (Code Civ Prom. §f585(1)» The oourtconsidered (1) E plaintrff‘s testimony and other evidence. {2) - plaintiff‘s written declaration (Cede Civ Procfi § 58565)) 2. E] 0N SIIPULATION _ a. Piaintiff and defendant agreed (stipuiafed) that ajudgment be»‘entered in this case: Ther'gourt approved thefl‘pulated judgment and b. D the signed written stipulation was flied In the case. c. E the stipulation mastated 1n Open court. E thestipmaiicnxnia'sstated ehthe. rebord'. 3'. E AFTER‘COURT TRIAL. Thesjury-was‘waived. The courtvconsideredAthez‘evjdence. a; Thencasé‘wasptriedion (date‘randrfime): ’ before'mameofjadici’al ofi’lcer); b‘ Aphearances by: D' Plaintiff (namaeach): ‘ D Plaintiff'sattome'y (name each): (3,) , (1)- (2) ’ (2)4 m Continued'on Attachment'ab. 1:: Defendant (name eacfi): Def'endaht’sétt'orhey (name each): (1S)- ’ <4) (2) (.2).E C‘entiauedLnn Attachment 3b; c_.. m Defendantdid notilappe‘arat'tri'as. Defendénma's propértysemedwith~ngti‘cezortriazu d. E A:-statem,ehtoide_cisiion (_CodeCim Prqc.,.§~632} Ewas not E was requested; Pagwofz chAanrwnd fcrflpu’anat USS: V ‘ I V _ _ _udicial Cami: orcéliiamia JUDGMENT Code a! Gm: Procedure.§§.585. 664.6 - ) . ' ' "UD 1% [NW ”WWW 1 “$021 l 1Merican'LegalNeLJnm l Filed February 18, 2022 County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of the Court 20CV373600 By: phernandez _ PLAINTEFFS JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. DEFENDANT; KRISTOFFER Q NGUYEN CASENUMBER: 20CV373600 JUDGMENTIST-ENTEREDAS FOLLOWS BY: -‘ IHECOURT E THE GLERK 4; D stipulateduudgment., Judgmentisaemaredraccording-to.the.stipuiationsof‘thjjeparties. 5. Pa‘rtiés: Judgment _is a; fof pl‘aihtifi (name. each): JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. andsagainst-dgefendant (names): KRISTOFFER Q NGUYEN E Continued on Attachment 53. b‘. E. fer defendant (h'ame‘each): c. E fo'r cross-complaiha’nt'(name‘eech): and .agai'nst Vcrossdefendant {name each); 4 m Continued on Attachment'S'c‘ d. E foreroa-defendantgmame each)? 6. Amount. a. m Defendantvnamed mitemsaabove must c. E Crowdef‘emantnamed ihitemchabove must pay pay piainfifi onfthezcomplaint ‘ cross-comptainant on the.cross-compiaint (1)1 Damages $.18641.87 (1‘) D Damages S (:2) E Prejudgment $ (2): D Prejudgmenti‘ S interest‘at‘the . interest atthe annual rate-of % annual rate of %v (3) E Attorney fees (3) a Attorney fees ‘S (:4) E7 Costs 5- (4) E Costs \ S g (5,) E Other (Specifw: 5- (5): D Other (specifik): S ' (6). TOTAL S 18641.87 (6), TOTAL $ b; a Plaintiff fo receive nothing frorg'd'efendant named in‘item-Sb.E Defendantnamed‘in itemz5b-to recover costs $3E and'attomeyfees $ 7:; [:3 Other (§pecify): d. E 'Gro’ss-oompiainanttoreceivenothihgfrom cross:defendantnamed in itemfid.E Crossfiéfenda‘nt-narfiedin itemr5d to cecox‘ger' costs $E and attorney fe‘es S’ late: E mam]. omega Daté: [j Clerk, by :«DepUtY? §§ng CLERKSOERTIFIGATE (Optionafl' I certify that this. is,~a,true.copyrof the original judgment- or: fiie in the court Date: Clerk, by. .. Deppty Page:?"ufz :JJD463;{NW.MU3I§M {2802} JUEGMENT Signed: 12/17/2021 04:56 PM Signed: 12/17/2021 04:56 PM X Roberta S. Hayashi