Request Judicial NoticeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.November 10, 2020DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-28004003-91CC-8BE428E5A5A7 200V373336 #9019 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Santa Clara - Civil S. Vera IAN R. GREENSIDES (231507) Electronically Filed GREENSIDES LAW, a Professional Corporation by superior COUl‘t Of CA, 19925 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 100 County Of Santa Clara, Cupertino, California 95014 0n 8/24/2021 4:51 PM Telephone (408) 660-8050 Reviewed By: S. Vera Case #20CV373336 Envelope: 7129669 Attorney for Plaintiffs IAN R. GREENSIDES & MEGAN GREENSIDES SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA IAN R. GREENSIDES, MEGAN CASE NO: 20CV373336 GREENSIDES; PLAINTIFFS’ REQUESTS FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE 1 THROUGH 9 IN OPPOSITION T0 MOTION T0 QUASH SERVICE 0F SUMMONS AND/OR SET ASIDE ENTRY 0F and DEFAULT THE HIGHLANDER, PENINSULA WEST, LLC; and DOES 1 through 100; Date, September 7 2021' 3 Plaintiffs, Defendants. Time: 9:00AM Dept: 19 IAN R. GREENSIDES 8c MEGAN GREENSIDES hereby request that the court take judicial notice 0f the following documents (which were filed With this court) pursuant to Evidence Code section 452: 1. Declaration 0f Non-Service at 200 South Santa Cruz Avenue #103, Los Gatos, California 95030, filed with this court 0n or aboutjanuary 15, 2021. 2. Declaration 0f Non-Service at 2055 Summerside Drive, #250, San José, California 95122, filed with this court on 0r about January 15, 2021. Requests for Judicial Notice No. 1 - 9 Greensides vs. Peninsula West, LLC dba the Highlander, et a1. Page 1 0f 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-4003-91CC-BBE428E5A5A7 OU‘l-PUJN \OOON 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3. Declaration ofNon-Service at 2 Pasatiernpo Drive, Santa Cruz, California 95060, filed With this court on or about February 9, 2021. 4. Proof of Service ofSummons (POS-01 0), With attached Declaration ofDue Diligence, filed with this court on or about February 9, 2021. 5. Substitution of Attorney - Civil (MC-OSO), for Ian R. Greensides, filed with this court on or about March 1, 2021. 6. Substitution of Attorney - Civil (MC-OSO), for Megan Greensides, filed with this court on or about March 1, 2021. 7. Demand for Jury Trial, With attached Proof of Service, filed with this court on or about March 1, 2021. 8. Proof 0f Service of Case Management Statement, with attached proof of service, filed with this court on or about March 1, 2021. 9. Request for Entry of Default (CIV-IOO), filed with this court on or about March 17, 2011 at 11:1 8 am. 10. Statement of Information, for Peninsula West, LLC, filed with the California Secretary 0f State’s Office on 0r about December 1, 2016. Respectfully submitted, DocuSigneu by; Date: 8/24/2021 {ML K WSiJA/S TW§?QE§%EENSIDES GREENSIDES LAW, a Professional Corporation Attorney for Plaintiffs IAN R. GREENSIDES MEGAN GREENSIDES Requests for Judicial Notice N0. 1 - 9 Greensides vs. Peninsula West, LLC dba the Highlander, et a1. Page 2 of 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-28004oc3-91CC-83542855A5A7 sa:?aC(\:/|:::3:3giv“ REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE NO. 1 System System ATro'R {?OR PARTY WITHOUT ATrORNEY: FOR COURT USE ONLY iggzgftnsidesc k B1 d S .t 100 Electronically Filed evens fee V , ul e . Cupertino, CA 95014 by SUPerlor court 0f CA, TELEPHONE NO, (408) 660_8050 County of Santa Clara, ‘I on 1/15/2021 8:24 PM ATTORNEY FOR. . \eVIewed By: System System SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA Case #Zocv373336 STREETADDRESS: 191 North First Street MAILING ADDREss; 191 North First Street EnvelOpe: 5657134 CITY AND ZIP CODE: San JOSE, 95113 BRANCH NAME: Civil PLAINTIFF: Greensides, Ian R. et al. CASE NUMBER: DEFENDANT; The Highlander, et a1. 20 CV 373336 Ref. No. or File No.2 DECLARATION OF NON-SERVICE 1. | am over 18 years of age and not a party to this action. 2. Received by We Serve NJ LLC on 11/20/2020 at 3:40 pm to be served on Peninsula West, Llc; Agent: Richard S. Gregersen, 200 S. Santa Cruz Ave, #1 03, Los Gatos, CA 95030. 3. NON-SERVED the Summons; Complaint. After due search, careful inquiry and diligent attempts was unable to serve on Peninsula West, Llc; Agent: Richard S. Gregersen for the reasons detailed in the comments below. 4. Additional Information pertaining to this non-service: 11/23/2020 2:32 PM Attempted Service. Closed / locked. 11/25/2020 ll:ll AM Attempted Service. Closed / locked. 12/02/2020 1:11 PM Attempted Service. Closed / locked. / locked.12/04/2020 10:30 AM Attempted Service. Closed 12/07/2020 11:45 AM Attempted Service. Closed / locked. Server spoke t0 neighboring suite who said that "no one has been in that office for months." Returning unserved. 5. l am an independent contractor of a registered California process server. 6. My name, address, telephone number, and, if applicable, county of registration and number are: Name: Scott M. Soto Firm: We Serve NJ LLC Address: 500 King St, Staten Island, NY 10312 Telephone number: (800) 637-1805 Registration Number: 979 County: Santa Clara County The fee for the service was: 7. | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: ’2. ’/ é ’ 26) M Scott M. Soto ’ (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF PERSON WHO SERVED THE PAPERS) (SIGNATU OF PERSON WHO SER D THE Page 1 of 1 DECLARATION OF NON-SERVICE Job Number COP-202001‘1611 - - _ _ _ ?OCV373336DocuSIgn Envelope ID. 76420366 280D-4003 91CC BBE428E5A5A7 santa Clara _ Civ“ REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE NO. 2 System System ATrORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATrORNEY: FOR COURT USE ONLY iggzgrgfinmesc k Bl d S ,t 100 Electronically Filed evens ree V , ul e . Cupertino, CA 95014 by SUPer'Or court 0f CA, County of Santa Clara, TELEPHONE No_; (408) 660-8050 . on 1/15/2021 8:24 PMATrORNEYFOR. _ dB _S tms tm SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA [Eev'egzeocvg'nggse ys e STREETADDRESS: 191 North First Street ase MA|L|NG ADDREss; 191 North First Street Envelope: 5657134 CITYAND ZIP CODE: San Jose, 95113 BRANCH NAME: Civil PLAINTIFF: Greensides, Ian R. et al. CASE NUMBER: DEFENDANT: The Highlander, et a1. 20 CV 373336 Ref. No. or File No.: DECLARATION OF NON-SERVICE 1. l am over 18 years of age and not a party to this action. 2. Received by We Serve NJ LLC on 11/20/2020 at 3:40 pm to be served on The Highlander; Agent: Jeffrey Gregersen, 2055 Summerside Dr., #250, San Jose, CA 951 22. 3. NON-SERVED the Summons; Complaint. After due search. careful inquiry and diligent attempts was unable to serve on The Highiander; Agent: Jeffrey Gregersen forthe reasons detailed in the comments below. 4. Additional Information pertaining to this non-service: 11/23/2020 11:23 AM Attempted Service. Per leasing office, they do not have a unit 250. Client updated and requested drop service on the leasing office. 11/24/2020 1:44 PM Attempted Service. Leasing office closed / locked. 11/25/2020 4:22 PM Attempted Service. Leasing office closed / locked. 12/02/2020 5:18 PM Attempted Service. Leasing office closed / locked. 12/04/2020 10:34 AM Attempted Service. Leasing office Closed / locked. 12/08/2020 2:30 PM Attempted Service. Leasing office closed / locked. Returning unserved. 5. l am an independent contractor of a registered Caiifornia process server. 6. My name, address, telephone number, and, if applicable, county of registration and number are: Name: Stefan Fahrner Firm: We Serve NJ LLC Address: 500 King St, Staten Island, NY 10312 Telephone number: (800) 637-1805 Registration Number: P51676 County: Santa Clara County The fee for the service was: 7. i declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. lz/[zew Stefan Fahrner } 1 (TYPE OR PRINT NAME 0F PERSON WHO SERVED THE PAPERS) '1 (SFGNATURE OF PERSON WHO SERVED THE PAPERS) Page 1 of1 DECLARATION OF NON-SERVICE Job Number COP-202001 1610 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-28004oc3-91CC-83542855A5A7 ‘ ‘ 3V373335 Santa Clara-CiviIREQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE NO. 3 System SystemMY IAN R. GREENSIDES . _ MEGAN GREENSIDES Electronically Flled 19925 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 100 by Superior Court Of CA, Cupertino, California 95014 county of Santa Clara, _ Self-Re resented Pla'nt'ffsTelephone (408) 660 8050 IAN R. EREENSIDES' 8: on 2/9/2021 7:47 PM "'°"""’°“‘ MEGAN GREENSIDES Reviewed By: System System SANTA CLARA SUPERIOR COURT 0F THE STATE 0F CALIFORNIA case #Zocv373335 Envelope: 5812890 IAN R. GREENSIDES, MEGAN GREENSIDES; THE HIGHLANDER, PENINSULA WEST, LLC, and DOES 1 throuqh 100: DECLARATION RE DILIGENCE “SE"UMBER: 200V373336 WI“. I. Christopher Kulvicki , dedal’ei ' | am a Registered Process Server and was retained to serve process In the above-referenced matter on the following person or entity: Kggmsflélfsvgfvsiiélg$grggg§:H'gh'ander R'chard S. Gre rsen , _ l was on the dates herein me'ntioned overgt e age of elghteen years and not a party to the above entitled action. | am authorized to serve legal process in the State of California. The following facts are within my personal knowledge and if sworn as a witness | can and will truthfully and compe_tently testify thereto. l attempted personal service on the following dates and times with the foilowmg results: Residence Address: Dates and Times Result D Unknown 2 Pasatiempo Drive . . . _ Santa Cruz, CA 95060-1807 1/28/2021 at 2:38 PM N0 answer at the door, "ghts were 0n mSIde- Colleen Rochelle Blanton, #191, Monterey County 1/29/2021 at 7:13 pM Gate is closed, unable to gain entery. . , - No answer at the door, Ii hts on inside. There was commercial BUSlness Addres_s- 1/31 /2021 at 1 1 '43 AM Ford Van that said 'Climagte Pros' in the driveway License # U Unknown 96706w 2/2/2021 at 7:00 PM Tried residence - no answer at dOOL Service atteupfls) made i- amniuce will COVID-19 Sale Serving Policy, which includes social distann'ng. This declaration is made based upon business records maintained in th_e no_rma| course of pusipess.X I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Cailfornla that the forgomg Is true and correctandthis declaration is executed on 02/03/202 at Mon re ,Califomia. mar, Christopher Kulvicki Reg. 128 ; Sahta Cruz 2511 Garden Road, Suite B-1OO ‘ Monterey, CA 93940 RPS: “Loom DECLARATION RE DILIGENCE DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-28004003-91CC-8BE428E5A5A7 ‘OCV373336 Santa Clara - Civil REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE No. 4 pégxmwstem ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: FOR COURT USE ONLY iggzgrzensidesc k l d 00 Electronically Filed tevens ree B v , Suite l - Cupertino, CA 95014 by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, TELEPHONE N04 (408) 660-8050 on 2/9/2021 7-47 PM A'ITORNEY FOR: . ' eVIewed By: System System SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA Case #Zocv373336 STREET ADDRESS: 191 North First Street E I . 5812890 MA|L|NG ADDRESS; 191 North First Street "V9 Ope' CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Jose. 95113 BRANCH NAME: Civil PLAINTIFF: Greensides, Ian R. et al . CASE NUMBER: DEFENDANT: The Highlander, et al . 20 CV 373336 Ref. No. or File No.: PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS 1. At the time of service | was at least 18 years of age and not a party to this action. 2. | served copies of: f. other (specifiy documents): Amended Summons; Summons; Complaint; Notice of Errata - Correction of Name of Defendant; Notice of Case Management Conference 3. a. Party served: Peninsula West Llc Dba The Highlander b. Person (other than the party in item 3a) served on behalf of an entity or as an authorized agent (and not a person under item 5b on whom substituted service was made): Agent: Richard S. Gregersen / Authorized To Accept 4. Address where the party was sewed: 620 Iris Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086 5. | served the party b. by substituted service. On 2/5/2021 at 11 : 00 am l left the documents listed in item 2 with or in the presence of: Jay Doe (Refused Last Name) / Apparently in Charge Description: Age: 50, Sex: M, Race/Skin Color: M.E., Height: 5 ' 9", Weight: 190. Hair: black, Glasses: n (1) (business) a person at least 18 years of age apparently in charge at the office or usual place of business of the person to be served. | informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. (4) lthereafter mailed (by first-class. postage prepaid) copies of the documents to the person to be served at the place where copies were left (Code Civ. Proc., 415.20). I mailed the documents on 2/5/2021fl0n18an Jose CA (5) | attached a declaration of diligence stating actions taken first to attempt personal service. 6. The "Notice to the Person Served" (on the summons) was completed as follows: b. as the person sued under the fictitious name of: dba The Highlander d. OnbehdfofiPeninsula West Llc Dba The Highlander under the following Code of Civil Procedure section: other: LLC Page 1 of 2 Judicial Cauncil of California Pos01orRev.Januaw1.2oo71 PROOF 0F SERVICE 0F SUMMONS Job Number COP-2021001310 Form adopted by rule 982.9 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-40C3-91CC-8BE428E5A5A7 PLAINTIFF: Greensides, Ian R. et al. CASE NUMBER: DEFENDANT: The Highlander, et al. 20 CV 373336 7. Person who served papers a. Name: Joe Bly Firm: We Serve NJ LLC Address: 500 King St, Staten Island, NY 10312 Telephone number: (800) 637-1805 The fee for the service was: $1 40 lam: (3) a registered California process server: (i) independentcontractor (ii) Registration No.2 979 (iii) County: Santa Clara County 9.0-9.5 8. l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: Z/S /ZO Z, Joe Bly } I (NAME 0F PERSON WHo SERVED PAPERS) fly (SIGNAW Judicial Cauncil of California Page 2 of 2 Poso10IRev.January1.20071 PROOF 0F SERV|CE 0F SUMMONS Job Number COP-2021001310 Form adopted by rule 932.9 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-40C3-91CC-8BE428E5A5A7 REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE NO. 4 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: FOR COURT USE ONLY Ian Greensides 19925 Stevens Creek Blvd, Suite 100 Cupertino, CA 95014 TELEPHONE NO.: (408) 660-8050 ATTORNEY FOR: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA STREET ADDRESS: 191 North First Street MAILING ADDRESS: 191 North First Street CIW AND ZIP CODE: San Jose, 95113 BRANCH NAME: Civil PLAINTIFF: Greensides, Ian R. et al. CASE NUMBERS DEFENDANT: The Highlander, et al. 20 CV 373336 Ref. No. or File No.: DECLARATION OF DUE DILIGENCE 1. |Joe Bly, am at least 18 years of age and not a party to this action. 2. Documents to be served: Amended Summons; Summons; Complaint; Notice of Errata - Correction of Name of Defendant; Notice of Case Management Conference 3. Party to be served: Agent: Richard S. Gregersen / Authorized To Accept, Peninsula West Llc Dba The Highlander, 620 Iris Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086 4. Details of diligence: 02/02/2021 12:25 PM Attempted Service. No one present in leasing office. 02/04/2021 1:05 PM Attempted Service. No one present in leasing office. 02/05/2021 11:00 AM Attempted Service - I was informed the defendant was not in. I subserved a coworker and person apparently in charge Jay Doe (refused last name) 5. Person attesting to diligence: Name: Joe Bly Firm2We Serve NJ LLC Address:500 King St, Staten Island, NY 10312 Telephone Number: (800) 637-1805 l am a registered California process server: independent contractor Registration No.: 979 CountyZSanta Clara County The fee for service was: $ 1 40 6. | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: Z/S/ZOZ/ (PRINTED NAME) %SIGNATURU Page 1 of 1 DECLARATION OF DUE DILIGENCE Job Number COP-2021001310 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280040c3-91CC-BBE4stsA5A7 ‘ ‘ 3V373336 REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE No 5 Santa Clara - Civil ' MC-050 ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WI'THOUT ATTORNEY (Name, state Bar number, and address): R. Burciaga- Ian R. Greensmes (23 1 507) F°R°°URTUSE °N” 19925 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 100 _ _ Cupertino, California 95014 _ EleCtronlcally Flled _ by Superior Court of CA, TELEPHONE No..- (408) 660-8050 FAX No. (Optional).- County of Santa C|ara’ E-MAIL ADDREssmptionaI): 0n 3/1 [2021 3'18 PM ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Plamtlffs, Ian R. GreenSIdes & Megan Green51des Reviewed By: R_ Burciaga SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F Santa Clara case #Zocv373336 STREET ADDRESS: 191 North First Street E I . MAILING ADDRESS: nve ope' 5937556 CITY AND ZIP CODE: San JOSé, California 951 13 BRANCH NAME: Civil CASE NAME: Greensides vs. Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander SUBSTITUTION 0F ATTORNEY-CIVIL v CASE NUMBER: (Without Court Order) 20CV373336 THE COURT AND ALL PARTIES ARE NOTIFIED THAT (name); Ian R. Greensides makes the following substitution: 1. Formerlegalrepresentative Party represented self D Attorney (name): 2- NereQalfePTesentative E Partyis representing seif‘ Attorney a. Name: Ian R. Greensides I b. State Bar No. (ifapplicable); 231507 c. Address (number, street, city, ZIP, and law firm» name, if applicable): 19925 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 100, Cupertino, California 95014 d. Telephone No. (include area code): (408) 660~8050 3. The party making this substitution is a plaintiff E defendant E petitioner E respondent E other (specify): *NOTICE TO PARTIES APPLYING TO REPRESENT THEMSELVES - Guardian ° Personal Repres'entative I- Guardian ad litem . Conservator - Probate fiduciary - Unincorporated 0 Trustee . Corporation association lf you are applying as one of the parties on this list, you may NOT act as your own attorney in most cases. Use this form . ‘ to substitute one attorney for another attorney. SEEK LEGAL ADVICE BEFORE APPLYING TO REPRESENT YOURSELF. NOTICE TO PARTIES WITHOUT ATTORNEYS A party representing himself or herself may wish to seek legal assistance. Failure to take timely and appropriate action in this case may result in serious legal consequences. 4. I consirfigfififlbstitution. DocuSigned by: Date: _ ’ {Ms R.CW Ian R. Green51des mnmcmnm (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE 0F PARTY) 5. | consent to this substitution. Date; 2 /2 8/202 1 DocuSigned by: Ian R. Greensides l“. gGm (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) ‘ LMFBEAFFEZQMDPsiGNATuRE 0F FORMER ATTORNEY) 6. | consent to this substitution. Date 2/28/2021 DocuSigned by: Ian R. Greensides 'M‘ 2-CW (rYPE 0R PRINT NAME) ¥74FBEAFFE29D4D8"(SIGNATURE 0F NEw ATrORNEY) (See reverse for proof of service by mail) Page 1 of 2 Form Adopted For Mandatory Use SUBSTITUT'ON OF ATTORNEY_CIVIL Code of gig}! :Lolgzdonérafiglzrefié13):1238é')2: Judicial Council of California "10-050 [RBV- January 1. 2009] (Without Court Order) www.courtinfom’gov DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-4003-91CC-BBE428E5A5A7 MC-OSO CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: - Greensides vs. Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander 20CV373336 PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL Substitution of Attorney-Civil Instructions: After having all parties served by mail with the Substitution ofAttomey-Civil, have the person who mailed the document complete this Proof of Service by Mail. An unsig' ned copy of the Proof of Service by Mail should be compfeted and sen/ed with the document. Give the Substitution of Attorney-Civil and the completed Proof of Service by Mail to the clerk for filing. If you are representing yourself, someone else must mail these papers and sign the Proof of Service by MaiI. 1. | am over the age of 18 and not a party to this cause. | am a resident of or employed m the county where the mailing occurred. My residence or business address Is (specify): 19925 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 100, Cupertino, California 95014 2. | served the Substitution of Attorney-Civil by enclosing a true copy in a sealed envelope addressed to each person whose name and address Is shown below and depositing the envelope In the United States mail with the postage fully prepaid. 3/1/2021 san Leandro (1 ) Date of mailing: (2) Place of mailing (city and state): , California 3. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Datel, 3/1/2021 . DocuSigned by: . Victoria Cummins I L D8489ACSBE3F4CJ ' (SIGNATURE)(TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON TOIWHOM NOTICE WAS MAILED 4. a. Name of person served: Peninsflla West LLC dbé the Highlander b. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): 620 Iris Avenue Sunnyvale California 94086 c. Name of person served. Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander d. Address (number, s'treet, city, and ZIP): 200 South Santa Cruz Avenue #103 Los Gatos, California 95030 e Name of person served: Richard S Gregersen, Agent for Process of Service f. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander . 2 Pasatiempo Drive, Santa Cruz, California 95060-1807 g. Name Of person served: ‘ h. Address (number; stfeet, city, and ZIP): 'i. Name of person served: j. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): IE List of names and addresses continued in attachment. M0050 [Remanuamr 20°91 SUBSTITUTION Oi: ATTORNEY-CIVIL _ P3992“ (Without Court Order) ' Santa Clara - Civil DocuSign Envelope ID:75420366-280040C3-91CC-83542855A5A7 ”3V373336 REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL‘NOTICE NO. 6 . MC-050 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WETHOUT ATTORNEY (Name. Slate Bar number, and address): ' R. B . - - Ian R. GreenSIdes (231507) r FOR COURTUSE ONLY u C'aga 19925 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 100 _ _ Cupertino, California 95014 ' EIGCtronlcally Flled ' I _by Superior Court of CA, TELEPHONE NO.: (408) 660-8050 FAX NO.(Op!iona/): County of Santa Clara, E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): home@greenside‘ on 3/1 [2021 3'1 8 PM R- R L , an a ara STREETADDREss: 191 North First Street case #ZOCV373336 MAILING ADDRESS: Envelope: 5937556 CITY AND ZIP CODE: San JOSé, California 95 1 13 BRANCH NAME: Civil 7 CASE NAME: Greensides vs. Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY-CIVIL CASE NUMBER‘ (Without Court Order) 1 20CV373336 THE COURT AND ALL PARTIES ARE NOTIFlED THAT (name): Megan Greensides makes the following substitution: 1. Formerlegal representative Party represented self E Attorney (name): 7 2. Newlegal representative E Partyis representing self" Attorney I a. Name: Ian R. Greensides I b. State Bar No. (ifapplicable): 23150 c. Address (number, street, city, ZIP, and law firm name, if applicable): ‘ ' 19925 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 100, Cupertino, California 95014 d. Telephone No. (include area code): (408) 660-8050 ~ 3. The party making this substitution is a plaintiff E defendant E petitioner E respondent E other (specify): *NOTICE TO PARTIES APPLYING TO REPRESENT THEMSELVES - Guardian - Personal Representative - Guardian ad litem o Conservator ° Probate fidUCiaTy _ - Unincorporated - Trustee 0 Corporation , - association If you are applying as one of the parties on this list, you may NOT act as your own attorney in most cases. Use this form to substitute one attorney for another attorney. ,SEEK LEGAL ADVICE BEFORE APPLYING TO REPRESENTYOURSELF. _ NOTICE TO PARTIES WITHOUT ATTORNEYS ‘ A party representing himself or herself may wish to seek legal assistance. Failure to take timely and appropriate action in this case may result in serious legal consequences. 4. | consazmygtymstitution. DocuSigne-d by: Date: - . Megan Greensides W éVLU/bSlJX/S (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) FCS°F91A4F5584DCM (SIGNATURE 0F PARTY) 5. -D/ate- | cons/ezljgfiolthls substitution. Docuéignw by: 2 /2 ' Megan Gneensides NW1!» W511“ V (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) LC50F91A4F5584DQSIGNATURE 0F Fo'RMER ATTORNEY) 6. | consent to thi‘s substitution. DateZ/Z 8/2 02 l ' DocuSigned by: . 'flw R.CWIan R. Greensides (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) -74FBEAFFE29'34R§ieNATURE 0F NEw ATrORNEY) i (See reverse for proof of service by mail) page 1 of z Form Adapted For Mandatory Use r SUBSTITUTION 0F ATTORNEY__CIVIL Code of €31 Eagzdogrgbfiifieufi‘lgfaaefiz; Judicial Council of California _ MC-050 [Rev. January 1, 2009] V (Wlthout Court Order) DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-4003-91CC-BBE428E5A5A7 MC-OSO CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: - Greensides vs._ Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander 20CV373336 PROOF 0F SERVICE BYMAIL Substitution of Attorney-Civil instructions: After having all parties served by mail with the Substitution ofAttomey-Civil, have the person who mailed the document complete this Proof of Service by Mail. An unsigned copy of the Proof of Service by Mail should be completed and served with the document. Give the Substitution of Attomey-Civil and the completed Proof of Service by Mail to the clerk for filing. If you are representing yOurself, someone else must mail these papers and sign the Proof of Service by Mail, 1. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to this cause. 1 am a resident of or employed in the county where the mailing occurred. My residence or business address is (specify): 19925 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 100, Cupertino, California 95014 > 2. l sewed the Substitution of Attomey-Civil by enclosing a true copy in a sealed envelope addressed to each person whose name and address is shown below and depositing the envelope in the United'States mail with the postage fully prepaid. ' 3 1 2021 ' . . (1 ) Date of mailing: / / (2) Place of mailing (city and state): 5a” Leandro , Callfornla 3. l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. r Date: 3/1/2021 (SIGNATURE) Victoria Cummins I (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) . Loa4a9Ac33E3F4c1 NAME AND ADDRESS 0F EACH PERSON TO WHOM NOTICE WAS MAILED 4. a. Name of person served: Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander b. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): 620 Iris Avenue Sunnyvale, California 94086 c. Name of person served: Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander d. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): 200 South Santa Cruz Avenue #103 Los Gatos, California 95030 e. Name of person served: Richard S. Gregersen, Agent for Process of Service f. Address' (number, street, city, and ZIP): Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander 2 Pasatiernpo Drive, Santa Cruz, California 95060-1807 g. Name of person served: h. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): i. Name of person served: j. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): E List of names and addresses continued in attachment. Page 2 of 2M0050 [Rem January 1- 20°91 SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY-CIVIL (Without Court Order) DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-28004oc3-91CC-83542855A5A7 ?OCV373336 fiOU‘l-PUJN 1o 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Santa Clara - Civil REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE NO. 7 R. Burciaga Electronically Filed IAN R. GREENSIDES (231507) - 19925 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 100 by SUpenor court Of CA’ . . . County of Santa Clara, Cupertmo, Cahfornla 95014 .on 3/1/2021 3.18 PM Telephone (408) 660'8050 Reviewed By: R. Burciaga Envelope. 5937556 Attorney for Plaintiff IAN R. GREENSIDES & MEGAN GREENSIDES SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA IAN R. GREENSIDES, MEGAN CASE NO: 20CV373336 GREENSIDES; DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL Plaintiffs, and THE HIGHLANDER, PENINSULA WEST, LLC, and DOES 1 through 100; Defendants. TO ALL PARTIES and THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: Please take Notice that Plaintiffs, IAN R. GREENSIDES & MEGAN GREENSIDES, hereby demand a jury trial. Respectfully submitted, Date: DocuSigned by: 2/28/2021 EM R. a .1 ’é‘ffTfiePégnsides Attorney for Plaintiffs IAN R. GREENSIDES & MEGAN GREENSIDES Demand for Jury Trial Greensides vs. Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander Santa Clara County Case No. 20CV373336 Page 1 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-4003-91CC-BBE428E5A5A7 fiOU‘l-PUJN 1o 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PROOF OF SERVICE I, declare that: I am employed in the county of Santa Clara, California. I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to the within entitled cause; my business address is 19925 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD, SUITE 100, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 On the following date, I served the attached document(s): DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL On the parties to this action at the following address(es): SEE ATTACHED SERVICE LIST [X] BY MAIL: placed for deposit in the United State Postal Service in a sealed envelope With postage thereon fully prepaid, for collection and mailing at SAN LEANDRO, California, following ordinary business practices. [ ] BY PERSONAL SERVICE: I caused each such envelope t0 b6 delivered by hand t0 the addressee(s): N/A [ ] BY FACSIMILE: I caused said document t0 be transmitted by facsimile t0 the number indicated after the address(es) noted: N/A [ ] BY EMAIL: I caused said document to be transmitted by email to: N/A I declare under penalty 0f perjury under the laws of the State of California that foregoing is true and correct, and that this declaration was executed in SAN LEANDRO, California. DocuSigned by: 3/1/2021 WW- h ALJBtJI‘4L/I... VIC%RIA CUMMINs Dated: Demand for Jury Trial Greensides vs. Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander Santa Clara County Case No. 20CV373336 Page 2 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-40C3-91CC-8BE428E5A5A7 DJ flO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander 620 Iris Avenue Sunnyvale, California 94086 Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander c/o Richard S. Gregersen, Agent for Process 0f Service 2 Pasadempo Drive Santa Cruz, CA 95060-1807 Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander 200 South Santa Cruz Avenue #103 Los Gatos, California 95030 Demand for Jury Trial Greensides vs. Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander Santa Clara County Case N0. 20CV373336 Page 3 0f 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-40C3-91CC-8BE428E5A5A7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20CV373336 Santa C'ara-Civ” REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE NO. 8 IAN R. GREENSIDES (231507) 19925 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 100 Cupertino, California 95014 Telephone (408) 660-8050 Facsimile (888) 381-8643 Attorney for Plaintiff IAN R. GREENSIDES & MEGAN GREENSIDES R. Burciaga Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 3/1/2021 3:18 PM Reviewed By: R. Burciaga Case #20CV373336 Envelope: 5937556 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA IAN R. GREENSIDES, MEGAN GREENSIDES; Plaintiffs, and THE HIGHLANDER, PENINSULA WEST, LLc, and DOES 1 through 100; Defendants. CASE NO: 20CV373336 Proof 0f Service 0f Case Management Statement for Case Management Conference Date: March 23, 2021 Time: 3:45 PM Dept: 19 Greensides VS. Peninsula West, LLC dba the Highlander Proof of Service Page 1 0f 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-4003-91CC-BBE428E5A5A7 OU‘I-PUJN q 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PROOF OF SERVICE I, declare that: I arn employed in the county of Santa Clara, California. I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to the within entitled cause; my business address is 19925 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD, SUITE 100, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 On the following date, I served the attached document(s): CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT (March 23, 2021 at 3:45 PM in Department 19) On the parties to this action at the following address(es): SEE ATTACHED SERVICE LIST [X] BY MAIL: placed for deposit in the United State Postal Service in a sealed envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid, for collection and mailing at SAN LEANDRO, California, following ordinary business practices. [ ] BY PERSONAL SERVICE: I caused each such envelope to be delivered by hand t0 the addressce(s): N/A [ ] BY FACSIMILE: I caused said document t0 be transmitted by facsimile to the number indicated after the address(es) noted: N/A [ ] BY EMAIL: I caused said document to be transmitted by email to: N/A I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that foregoing is true and correct, and that this declaration was executed in SAN LEANDRO, California. 3/1/2021 Docusigned by: Dated: l ‘l 24mm. (i “mMN-' ngggfigggtuMMINS Greensides vs. Peninsula West, LLC dba the Highlander Proof of Service Page 2 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-40C3-91CC-8BE428E5A5A7 #DJN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander 620 Iris Avenue Sunnyvale, California 94086 Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander c/o Richard S. Gregersen, Agent for Process 0f Service 2 Pasatiempo Drive Santa Cruz, CA 95060-1807 Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander 200 South Santa Cruz Avenue #103 Los Gatos, California 95030 Greensides VS. Peninsula West, LLC dba the Highlander Proof of Service Page 3 0f 3 on 5/17/2021 11:18 AM DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-4003-91CC-BBE428E5A5A7 Reviewed By: D Harris Envelope. 6455765 CW4 00 ATTORNEY 0R PARW WITHOUT ATTORNEV; STATE BAR No: 231 507 FOR coum USE ONLY NAME; Ian R. Greensides FIRM NAME; Greensides Law REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE NO STREET ADDRESS; 19925 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite 100 CITY: Cupertino STATE: CA ZIP conEz9501 4 TELEPHONE N0; (408) 660-8050 FAX NO.: (888) 381 -8643 E-MAIL ADDRESS; ATTORNEY FOR(name):|AN R. GREENSIDES, MEGAN GREENSIDES SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0|: Santa Clara STREET ADDRESS 191 North First St. MAILING ADDRESS CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Jose 951 1 3 BRANCH NAME: Downtown Superior Court (DTS) PlaintifflPetitionerzlAN R. GREENSIDES, MEGAN GREENSIDES Defendant/RespondentzPENlNSULA WEST, LLC dba THE HIGHLANDER, ET AL. CASE NUMBER-REQUEST FOR E Entry of Default E Clerk's Judgment ' (Application) E Court Judgment 20CV373336 Not for use in actions under the Fair Debt Buying Practices Act (Civ. Code, § 1788.50 et seq.) (see CIV-105) 1. TO THE CLERK: On the complaint or cross-complaint filed a. on (date):1 1/1 0/2020 b. by (name):|AN R. GREENSIDES & MEGAN GREENSIDES.m Enter default 0f defendant (names PENINSULA WEST, LLC dba T E HIGHLANDER d. E l request a court judgment under Code of Civil Procedure sections 585(k)), 585(0). 989. etc., against defendant (names): PENINSULA WEST, LLC dba THE HIGHLANDER (Testimony required. Apply to the- clerk for a hearing date, unless the court will enter a judgment on an affidavit under Code Civ. Proa, § 585(d).) e. E Enter clerk’s judgment (1) E for restitution of the premises only and issue a writ of execution on the judgment. Code of Civil Procedure section 1174(0) does not apply. (Code Civ. Proc., § 1169.)E Include in the judgment all tenants, subtenants, named claimants, and other occupants of the premises. The Prejudgment Claim of Right to Possession was served in compliance with Code of Civil Procedure section 415.46. (2) E under Code 0f Civil Procedure section 585(a). (Complete the declaration under Code Civ. Pros, § 585.5 on the reverse (item 5).) (3) E for default previously entered on (date): 2. Judgment to be entered. Amount Credits acknowledged Balance a. Demand of complaint ............. $ _ . $ b_ Statement Of damage? N/.A requestln.g entry o? default o-nly. (1) Special .................... $ WI” be requesnng a prow'uP hearmg' $ (2) General .................... $ $ $ c. Interest ........................ $ $ $ d. Costs {see reverse) .............. $ $ $ e. Attorney fees ................... $ $ $ f. TOTALS ...................... $ $ $ g. Daily damages were demanded in complaint at the rate of. $ per day beginning (date): (* Personal injury or wrongful death actions; Code Civ Proc, § 425 11 ) 3. |:| (Check if filed m an unlawful detainer case.) Legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistant information is on the reverse (complete item 4). Date: 5/14/2021 FDOCUSigned by: Ian R. Greensides K. QwMin/S (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) LMFBEAFfimfléfiE OF PLAINTIFF OR ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF) FOR COURT (1) E Default entered as requested on (date): USE ONLY (2) E Default NOT entered as requested (state reason): Clerk, by . Deputy Page1 on Form Adopted for Mandatory Use REQUEST FOR ENTRY 0F DEFAULT Code of Civil Procedure. §§ 585-587. 1169 Judicial Council of California ClV-‘I DO [Rem January 1, 2020] (Application to Enter Default) DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-40C3-91CC-BBE428E5A5A7 CIV-1 00 PlaintifflPetitionerzlAN R. GREENSIDES, MEGAN GREENSIDES §3~§7§g§§se Defendanthespondent:PENlNSULA WEST, LLC dba THE HIGHLANDER 4. Legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistant (Bus. & Prof. Code, § 6400 et seq.). A legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistant E did m did not for compensation give advice or assistance with this form. If declarant has received any help or advice for pay from a legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistant, state: a. Assistant's name: b. Street address, city, and zip code: Telephone no.: County of registration: Registration no.:TMDP-p Expires on (date): 5. m Declaration under Code Civ. Proc., § 585.5 {for entry ofdefauh‘ under Code Civ. Proa, § 585(a)). This action a. E is E is not on a contract or installment sale for goods or services subject to Civ. Code, § 1801 et seq. (Unruh Act). b. E is m is not on a conditional sales contract subject to Civ. Code, § 2981 et seq. (Rees-Levering Motor Vehicle Sales and Finance Act). c. E is m is not on an obligation for goods. services, loans, or extensions of credit subject to Code Civ. Proc.. § 395(b). 6. Declaration of mailing (Code Civ. Proc., § 587). A copy of this Request for Entry ofDefault was a. E not mailed to the following defendants, whose addresses are unknown to plaintiff 0r plaintiff‘s attorney (names): b. E mailed first-class, postage prepaid, in a sealed envelope addressed to each defendant's attorney of record or. if none, to each defendant's last known address as follows: (1) Mailed on (date): ***See aflaChed PTOOf 0f SerVice (2) To {Efecify names and addresses shown on the envelopes): regarding Item 6b(1)‘*** PEN SULA WEST, LLC dba THE HIGHLANDER 620 IRIS AVENUE SUNNYVALE, CALIFORNIA 94086 | declsaifluyggfi Eenalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing items 4, 5, and 6 are true and correct. e: DocuSigned by: Ian R. Greensides ’flm K. QLu/Mi/Lt SL(TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) 74FBEAFFEng4D§sJGNATURE 0F DECLARANT) 7. Memorandum of costs (required if moneyjudgmenr requested). Costs and disbursements are as follows (Code Civ. Proc., § 1033.5): a. Clerk's filing fees .................... $ N/A - requesting entry of defaun on|y. b. Process server's fees ................. $ Wi” be requesting a prove_up hearing c. Other (speciffl: d. $ e. TOTAL ............................. $ f. E Costs and disbursements are waived. g. | am the attorney, agent, or party who claims these costs. To the best of my knowledge and belief this memorandum of costs is correct and these costs were necessarily incurred in this case. | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: N/A } (TVPE 0R PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE 0F DECLARANT) B. Declaration of nonmilitary status (required fora judgment). No defendant named in item 1c of the application is in the military service as that term is defined by either the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. 50 U.S.C. App. § 391 1 (2), or California Military and Veterans Code sections 400 and 402(f). | decl r n enalt of er'u underthe laws of the State of California thatthe fore oin is true and correct. D t .Ele/fifizol y p J ry DocuSignged by:g IAN R. GREENSIDES {m K. Wales (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) ¥74FBEAFFE2QD4DS(SIGNATURE 0F DECLARANT) C'V'molReV-Janua'y ””201 REQUEST FOR ENTRY 0F DEFAULT “992°” (Application to Enter Default) DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-4003-91CC-BBE428E5A5A7 \DOOflQU‘l#UJNv-‘ NNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHp-I OO\J&U1#WNHO\DOO\JQU1#UJNHO PROOF OF SERVICE I, declare that: I am employed in the county of Santa Clara, California. I am over the age 0f eighteen years and not a party t0 the within entitled cause; my business address is 19925 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD, SUITE 100, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 On the following date, I served the attached document(s): REQUEST FOR ENTRY 0F DEFAULT OF PENINSULA WEST, LLC dba THE HIGHLANDER (Civ -100) On the parties t0 this action at the following address(es): SEE ATTACHED SERVICE LIST [X] BY MAIL: placed for deposit in the United State Postal Service in a sealed envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid, for collection and mailing at SAN LEANDRO, California, following ordinary business practices. [ ] BY PERSONAL SERVICE: I caused each such envelope t0 be delivered by hand t0 the addressee(s): N/A [ ] BY FACSIMILE: I caused said document t0 be transmitted by facsimile to the number indicated after the address(es) noted: N/A [ ] BY EMAIL: I caused said document t0 be transmitted by email t0: N/A I declare under penalty 0f perjury under the laws of the State 0f California that foregoing is true and correct, and that this declaration was exeCuted in SAN LEANDRO, California. DocuSigned by: Dated: 5/14/2021 Mdol’m Ommiws 7WWI'A CUMMINS Gteensides vs. Peninsula West, LLC dba the Highlander Proof of Service Page 1 of 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-40C3-91CC-8BE428E5A5A7 Qm-P-LJJN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander 620 Iris Avenue Sunnyvale, California 94086 Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander c/O Richard S. Gregersen, Agent for Process 0f Service 2 Pasafiempo Drive Santa Cruz, CA 95060-1807 Peninsula West LLC dba the Highlander 200 South Santa Cruz Avenue #103 L05 Gatos, California 95030 Greensides vs. Peninsula West, LLC dba the Highlander Proof 0f Service Page 2 0f 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 76420366-280D-40C3-91CC-8BE428E5A5A7 REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE NO 10 |6~3h9039' Secretary of State i ' . . Statementof Information «Ag LLc-12 )(Limited Liability Company FILED Secretary of State State of California IMPORTANT - Read instructions before completing this form. Filing Fee-szo.oo ’ - ' - ' - ' v DEC 01 2016 Copy Fees - Face Page $1 .00 & .50 for each attachment pager Certification Fee ~ $5.00 This Space For Office Use Only 1. Limi iability Company Name 6M1fl§o\a W€sfil LLC/ 2. 12-Digit Secretary of State File Number 3. State or Place of Organization (only if formed outside 0f California) Zootpwme} ésdr 4. Business Add resses a. Street Address of Principal Office - Do not list a P.O. Box City (no abbreviations) Stale Zip Code 9-00 e. $01M Cm: Pwfiloa Log 6 cams ' CA @23on b. Mailing Address 0f LLC, if different than item 4a Cily (no abbreviations} State Zip dee c. Streel Address of California Office, if Elem 4a is not in Catifomia - Do not lisl a P.O. Box City {no abbreviations) Slate Zip Code CA 5' Manager‘s) 0r Mem beds) If n0 managers have been appointed or elected, provide the name and address of each member. At least one name and address must be listed. Attach additional pages. if neCessary. a irst Name Middle Name Last ame Suffix b. Address City (no abbreviations 5/ State Zi Code “ZOO S. Sam Cro'z. <9? \03 [/05 m Gbr 59330 _ Item Ga and 6b: If the agent is an individual‘ the agent must reside [n California and item 6a and 6b must be completed with the 6- Agent for sew'ce 0f Process agent‘s name and California address. Item 6c: If the agent is a California Registered Corporate Agent‘ a current agent registration certificate must be on file with Ihe California Secretary of State and Item 6c must be completed (leave Item Sa-Sb blank). a. Cahfornia Agent's First Name [if agent is not a corporation) Middle Name Last Name Suffix R\Chard 5 émflersem b. Street Address (if agent is not a corporation) - Do not list a P.0. Box Ci (no abbreviations} “J State Zi Code zoo s. 5mm cm, Mme; Log am CA 45030 c. California Registered Corporate Agent's Name [if agent is a corporation) - Do not comptete item 6a or 6b 7. Type of Business a. Des lhe type of business or services ofthe Limited Liability Company€60 8. Chief Executive Officer, if elected or appointed a,FirstName chhwd MiddleNamg Lasthlé‘elr Sén {J_Address ‘Cit rm abbreviations u State Zr' Code9 . 3mm Cm. AK Argo; (L05 5mg cm £19036 9. The Information contained herein, including any attachments, i5 true and correct. Nagging 17mm @Utwa‘n Efifiéw a; Dage Type or Pn'nt Name of Person Completing the Form Title Signaturé Suffix Return Address (Optional) (For communication from the Secretary of State related lo this document, or if purchasing a copy of the filed document enter lhe name of a person or company and the mailing address. This iniormation will become public when iiled. SEE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING} Name: |- "I Company: I Address: CityIStateiZip: L J LLC-12 (REV 05.9016} 2016 Cafifcrnia Secretary of Stale!business!be