DeclarationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.November 12, 202010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20CV373300 Santa Clara - Civil Erin E. Patterson, SBN 262285 Jason W. Tang, SBN 3 14337 Bora Song, SBN 329308 Patrick J. Layman, SBN 59643 Thomas J. Sebourn, SBN 279272 Nicholas J. Babilis, SBN 291676 Carina M. Jordan, SBN 302099 Shane T. Wate, SBN 302738 Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 2/4/2021 1:56 PM Reviewed By: D Harris Case #20CV373300 Envelope: 5781029 Suttell & Hammer, APC P.O. Box C-90006 Bellevue, WA 98009 Tel: (425) 455-8220/(888) 788-8355 Facsimile: (425) 453-3239 Attorneys for Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA LIMITED CIVIL CASE DISCOVER BANK Case N0.: 20CV373300 Plaintiff, vs. DECLARATION PURSUANT TO CODE OF ALICE ESPINO CIVIL PROCEDURE § 1033 Defendant. s/h 715853.001 I declare as follows: 1. I am the attorney 0f record for Plaintiff. Ihave personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein, and if called as a Witness I would and could testify competently. 2. Attached as Exhibit “A” is a true and correct copy of the letter, which was generated from JST CollectMax, the computer system used by our office, and mailed to the Defendant advising of Plaintiff’ s intent t0 file suit pursuant t0 CCP § 1033. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct under the laws of the state 0f Los Ange1es, Cah‘form'a 0n February 2, 2021 SUTTELL &V HéMfMfi‘yfi’XPC @Q/Méfgg ( ) Erin MattersoESBN 262285 ()Q Jason W. Tang, SBN 314337 ( ) Bora Song, SBN 329308 ( ) Patrick J. Layman, SBN 59643 ( ) Thomas J. Sebourn, SBN 279272 ( )Nicholas J. Babilis, SBN 291676 ( ) Carina M. Jordan, SBN 302099 ( ) Shane T. Wate, SBN 302738 Attorneys for Plaintiff California. Executed at DECLARATION PURSUANT TO CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE § 1033 - 1 SUTTELL & HAMMER, APC PO BOX C-90006; BELLEVUE, WA 98009 888-788-8355/425-453-3239 FAX D Harris EXHIBIT A SU I I ELL& *SUTrELL & HAMMER, P.s. in AK, HI, 0R, UT, WA*SUTrELL & HAMMER, P.c. in co, ID, MA HAMM ER *SUTrELL & HAMMER, APC in CA P.o. Box c-90006 BELLEVUE, WA 98009 / www.SUTrELLANDHAMMERLOM AWORNEYS AT LAW 425-455-8220 TEL / 888-788-8355 TOLL FREE / 425-31 8-1 1 51 TrY / 425-453-3239 FAX March 18, 2020 ALICE ESPINO PO BOX 360378 MILPITAS CA 95036-0378 Re: DISCOVER BANK ALICE ESPINO Reference Account #XXXXXXXXXXXX3389 Charge OffAmount: $1 1899.70 Date of Last Payment: 7/19/2019 Balance Due: $1 1899.70 s/h 715853.001 NOTICE OF INTENT TO INCUR COURT COSTS BY FILING SUIT Our client has authorized our firm to proceed with a lawsuit 0n the above referenced account. You are hereby notified that, in filing suit, our client Will incur costs and necessary disbursements. We intend t0 ask the court, on behalf of our client, for an award of court costs and disbursements incurred. This notice is pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1033(b)(2) in those cases Where that section may be applicable. You are notified that the legal action, if filed, could result in judgment Which could include the costs and necessary disbursements as allowed under applicable law if our client is legally found t0 be entitled t0 the same. This communication is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained Will be used for that purpose. We ask you t0 voluntarily comply With your obligation and make payment or arrangements to fully comply with your obligation prior t0 the filing of the suit. Sincerely, Suttell & Hammer, APC THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.