Minute OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.November 5, 2020SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA MINUTE ORDER Jerry Ajlouny vs Director 0f Department 0f Motor Hearing Start Time; 1:30 pM Vehicles 200873133 Hearing Type: Hearing: Petition Writ 0f Mandate Date 0f Hearing: 04/01/2021 Comments: Line 3 Heard By: Lie, Cynthia C Location: Department 12 Courtroom Reporter: - N0 Court Reporter Courtroom Clerk: Dong Huynh Parties Present: Abbasciano, Stefano Attorney General Samara, Majeed Saeid Attorney - Hearing 0n Writ 0f Mandate *continued from 01/06/21 & 02/17/21* Attorneys, Majeed Samara and Stefano Abbasciano, appeared via court call. Matter is continued t0 4/21/2021 at 93m in Dept. 12. Printed: 4/2/2021 04/01/2021 Hearing: Petition Writ 0f Mandate r 20CV373133 Page 1 0f 1