Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.July 15, 2020POS‐010 AIORNEY OR PARTY WrrHOuT ATTORNEY(Neme Slale earnuは 冷ra“ adur6s〉 PARVIZ DARABI,209021 Law Ofrce Of Parviz Darabi 500A:「 port Blvd,Suite 1 50 Bu‖ inqame,CA 94010 TELEPHONE NO● (650ヽ 3435357 A百ORNEY FOR INam}Plaintiff FOR COuRT uSE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Superior Court of California, Santa Clara County 191 N. First Street San Jose, CA 951'13-1090 PLAINTIFF′ PETIT10NER:Miguel Rodriguez,an lndividual et al DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT:」 uan Romero an lndividual,et al CASE NUMDER: 20CV368359 PR00F OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS Rd N● o「 Fi烙 No: was a citizen of the United States, at least 18 years of aqe and not a party to this action.'l At the time of service I , 2. lserved copies of: Summons, Alternative E l g Civil Case Cover Sheet, Civil Lawsuit Notice, Dispute Resolution lnformation Sheet arやノ Endorsed Filed Complaint, 3 a Parヤ ノserved 」uAN ROMERO,an:nd市 idual b Person Served:」 UAN ROMERO,an lnd市idual 4 Address where the pal,waSServedi 348 PHELAN AVE SAN JOSE,CA 95112 5 1served the par/ b by subsltuted serv ce on(date〉 03/03/2020 at(ume)12:45PM llen the dOcuments lsted in item 2 vvth or in the presence of: Russel Rosales - Person ln Charge Of Office (1) (business) a person at least 18 years of age apparenlly in charge at the office or usual place of business of the person to be served. I informed him or her of the general nature of the papers. (4) A declaration of mailing is attached. (5) I attach a declaration of diligence stating actions taken first to attempt personal service. 6. The'Notice to the Person Served' (on the summons) was completed as follows: a. as an individual defendanl. 7. Person who served papers Garv Genest One Legal- P-000618‐ Sonoma 1400 North McDowe‖ Blvd,Ste 300 Petaluma,CA 94954 c. Telephone number: 415-491-0606 d. The fee for service was: $'123.00 e. lam: (3) registered Califomia process server. (i) Employee or independent contractor. (ii) Reoistratioo No.: 1560 (iii) County: Santa Clara 8. I declare under Denalty of periury under the laws of the United States ofAmerica and the State of Califomia that the foreqoinq is true and correct Date: 08/05/2020 ●●●3● a. Name: b. Address: (SlGNATURE) Fom● dopta ror Mandatory use Judtt COun歯 ごCaromb Pos010 1ReV」 an 1 201 η Code oi Ci輌 I Procedure§ 41710 0畔 14922474 PR00F OF SERViCE OF SuMMONS Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 10/27/2020 1:52 PM Reviewed By: System System Case #20CV368359 Envelope: 5186755 20CV368359 Santa Clara - Civil ystem System ATTORNEY OR PARTYW THOtr A● ●RNEY(ヽ搬 and“ “ S' PARVIZ DARABI,209021 Law Ofrce Of Parviz Darabi 500 Ai「 port Blvd Burunqame,CA 94010 ATTORNEY FOR(Namel Plainlff TELEPHONE NO: (650)3435357 「 悪 N● ●7nい No FC R COuRT usE ONし Y - ・ 8η。げCar"綺d- orい COu ranr Santa Clara- First Street 191 N First Street San Jose,CA 95113-1090 uNrFFi Miguel Rodriguez,an lndividual et al DEFENOANT: 」uan Romero an lndividual,et al DECLARAnON OF D:日GENCE CASE NUMBEni 20CV368359 l received the within process on 7/16/2020 and that after due and d‖ igent effortl have been unable to persona‖ y serve sald party The fo‖ owing nemiza‖ On ofthe dates and lmes of attempts deta‖ s the efForts required to efFect persona:service Addilona: costs fOr d‖ igence are recoverable under CCP§ 10335(a)(4)(B) PARTY SERVEⅨ 」UAN ROMERO,an lndividual (1)BuSiness:PREMIER RECYCLE COMPANY 348 PHELAN AVE,,SAN」 OSE,CA 95112 BY FAX As enumerated belowI On 7/27ノ 20204:43:00 PM at address(1)aboVe closed ciosedノ locked On 7/28/20204:41:00 PM at address(1)abOVe ciosed c!osed/locked On7/30/20201:26:00 PM at address(1)aboVe closed closed/locked l dedare under pena ty Or perlllry underthe hws oFthe tlnled Slales of Amenca and the Stale of Ca‖fomia thatthe fore9oing is true and co「「ect and thatthis declarat on was executed on 08/05′ 2020 at Petaluma Califomia Registered Califomia process server. County: Santa Clara Reg istration No.: 1560 Gary Genesl One Leqal - P-000618-Sonoma '1400 North McDowell Blvd, Ste 300 Peialuma, CA 949 Gぅ●|. OL# 14922474 FOR COURT uSE ONLYATTORNEY OR PARTY Ⅶ■ arA神 詢 EY- 細 A“ぃ ) PARVIZ DARABI,209021 Law Ottce of Parviz Darabi 500 AirpOrt Blvd Bur‖ nqame,CA 94010 A●ORNEY FOR(N-,P:ainlff M¨ ばα■●- - Of ttm● … 1・r Santa Clara‐ First Street 191 N First Street San」ose,CA 95113‐ 1090 nコ NTFF: M19uel Rodriguez,an lndividual et al Juan Romero an lndividual, et al. PROOF OF SERViCE BY MAIL I am a citizen ol the United States, over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action. My business address is 1400 N. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94954. On O8/M/2020, alter substituted service under section CCP 415.20(a) or 415.20(b) or FRCP a(eX2XB) or FRCP 4(hXlXB) was made (if applicable), I mailed copies of the: Summons, Civil Case Cover Sheet, Civil Lawsuit Notice, Endorsed Filed Complainl, Alternative Dispute Resolution lnformation Sheet tO the person to be served atthe place where the copies were lefl by placing a true copy thereof enc!osed in a sealed envelope,with First Class postage thereon fu‖ y prepald,in the united states Ma‖ at Petaluma,Ca‖ fomia,addressed as fo:lows: 」UAN ROMERO,an:ndividual 348 PHELAN AVE SAN JOSE,CA 95112 1 am readiし fam‖iar wnh the nnn's pracuce fOr c。 ‖ection and processing Of documents for ma‖ ng underthat practlce,■ would be deposited within the united States Postal Service,on that same day,with postage thereon fu‖ y prepaid,in the ordinary∞ urse of business :am aware that on m。 lon ofthe paw served,serv ce is presumed inva‖ d r pOstal cance‖ a“on date o「 postage meter date is more than one(1)day after date of depositfor ma‖ing in amdavit Eloi Garcia oL# 14922474 08′05′2020 at Petaluma,Califomia One Legal- P-000618-Sonoma 1400 North McDowe‖ B!vd,Ste 300 Petaluma,CA 94954 [″″ ‐