Proof of ServiceCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 13, 2020I&athryn C. Iolaus, Esq. - SBN 205923 Rebecca D, Martino, Esq. - SBN 236094 CODDINGTON, HICKS R DANFORTH A Professional Corporation, Lawyers 555 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 300 Redwood City, CA 94065-2133 Tel.: 650.592,5400 Fax: 650.592.5027 ATTORNEYS FOR Defendant Jonathan Huynh IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 SAMUEL YI, an Individual; and JONGEUN YI, an Individual; Plaintiffs, vs. JONATHON HUYNH, an Individual; JINHO I&1M, an Individual; EXCELLENCE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, entity unknown; V. RAY HUDSON, an Individual and Trustee in the Hudson Living Trust; and DOES 1 through 25, inclusive, Defendants. AND RELATED CROSS-ACTIONS. Case No. 20CV366032 PROOF OF SERVICE Date: T1fIle: Dept.: The Honorable Action Filed: April 13, 2020 Proof of Service Case No: 20CV366032 Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 1/10/2022 6:52 PM Reviewed By: R. Tien Case #20CV366032 Envelope: 8027218 PROOF OF SERVICE California Code of Civil Procedure sections 1011, 1013, 1013a, 2015.5 California Rule of Court rule 2.251 Federal Rule of Civil Procedure Rule 5(b) I, the undersigned, declare that I am employed in the County of San Mateo, State of 5 California. I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and not a party to the within action. My business address is 555 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 300, Redwood City, California 94065. My 7 electronic mail address is a rasad chdla I am readily familiar with my employer's business practice for collection and processing 9 of correspondence and documents for mailing with the United States Postal Service, mailing via 10 overnight delivery, transmission by facsimile machine, and delivery by hand. On January 10, 2022, I served a copy of each of the documents listed below by placing them for processing as indicated herein. 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~ DEFENDANT JONATHAN HUYNH'S NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION ~ SEPARATE STATEMENT OF UNDISPUTED MATERIAL FACTS IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION ~ REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION ~ DEFENDANT JONATHAN HUYNH'S MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION ~ APPENDIX OF EVIDENCE IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION ~ DECLARATION OF I~THRYN C. IOLAUS IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION ~ DECLARATION OF JONATHAN HUYNH IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY ADJUDICATION ~ PROOF OF SERVICE United States Mail:The correspondence or documents were placed in sealed, labeled envelopes with postage thereon fully prepaid on the above date placed for collection and mailing at my place of business to be deposited with the U.S. Postal Service at Redwood City, California on this same date in the ordinary course of business. Overnight Delivery: The correspondence or documents were placed in sealed, labeled packaging for overnight delivery, with Federal Express, with all charges to be paid by my employer on the above date for collection at my place of business to be deposited in a facility regularly maintained by the overnight delivery carrier, or delivered to a courier or driver authorized by the overnight delivery carrier to receive such packages, on this date in the ordinary course of business. Hand Delivery: The correspondence or documents were placed in sealed, labeled envelopes and served by personal delivery to the party or attorney indicated herein, or if upon attorney, by leaving the labeled envelopes with a receptionist or other person having charge of the attorney's office. 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 Facsimile Transmission: The correspondence or documents were placed for transmission from (650) 592-5027 at Redwood City, California, and were transmitted to a facsimile machine maintained by the party or attorney to be served at the facsimile machine telephone number provided by said party or attorney, on this same date in the ordinary course of business. The transmission was reported as complete and without error, and a record of the transmission was properly issued by the transmitting facsimile machine. Electronic Transmission: The correspondence or documents were transmitted electronically to the electronic address set forth below. State. The recipient has filed and served notice that he or she accepts electronic service; the recipient has electronically filed a document with the court; and/or the Court has mandated that the parties serve documents through its Court approved vendor. The printed form of this document bearing the original signature is on file and available for inspection at the request of the court or any party to the action or proceeding in which it is filed, in the manner provided in California Rule of Court RuIe 2.257(a). 19 20 21 Federal. The recipient of this electronic service has consented to this method of service in writing, a copy of which is on file and available for inspection in my employer's office. I have received no indication the electronic transmission did not reach the recipient. PERSONS OR PARTIES SERVED: 22 23 24 Attorneys for Plaintiffs Ryan Herrera, Esq. Tenant Law Group, PC 100 Pine Street, Suite 1250 San Francisco, CA 94111-5235 Attorneys for Defendant/'Cross- complainantJinho Kim David S. Hoffman, Esq. 1500 East Hamilton Avenue, Suite 118 Campbell, CA 95008 25 26 Telephone: (415) 915-7445 Facsimile: (888) 376-1662 an tenantlaw rou Telephone: (408) 412-8427 Facsimile: 408) 412-8425 dshoffmane 27 28 Assistant: Nichelle R. Perez nich 11 nantlaw rou Case Mana er: Ste hanie Rivas ste h tenantlaw rou I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on Jan ry 10, 2022. Arista Prasad Court: Superior Court ofCalifornia, Santa Clara County Action No: 20CV366032 Case Name: Yi v. Huynh 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28