Proof of Service MailCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 9, 2020FAX No (Opiionas ATTDRNE Y OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, Slate Bar number, and address). Craig C. van Keulen, Esq. 98278 van Keulen & van Keulen, a.p.c. 17600 Monterey Road, Suite D Morgan Hill, CA 95037 TELEPHONENO'408) 779 - 7991 E.MAIL ADDRESS (Oplronas ATTORNEY FOR (Namer Gar Y Ul fcrt s SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Santa Clara STREETADDRESS. 191 N ~ First Street MAILING ADDRESS' arne cITYAND zip coDE San Jose, CA 95 1 1 3 BRANcH NAME: C z v r 1 PETITIQNER/PLAINTIFF: Ga ry U 1 fcrt s FOR COURT USE ONLY POS-030 REsPQNDENT/DEFENDANT: Jesse Pugh, and DOES 1 through 20, inclusive PROOF OF SERVICE BY FIRST-CLASS MAIL - CIVIL CASE NUMBER20CV364948 (Do not use this Proof of Service to show service of a Summons and Complaint) 1 I am over 18 years of age and not a party to this action. I am a resident of or employed in the county where the mailing took place. 2. My residence or business address is: 17600 Monterey Road, Suite D Morgan Hill, CA 95037 3. On (date): 4/2((k-C I mailed from (city and state): Morgan Hill, CA the following documents (specify): Case Management Statement ~ The documents are listed in the Attachment to Proof of Service by First-Class Mail- Civil (Documen(s Served) (form POS-030(D)). 4. I served the documents by enclosing them in an envelope and(check one): a. ~ depositing the sealed envelope with the United States Postal Service with the postage fully prepaid. b. ~ placing the envelope for collection and mailing following our ordinary bustness practices. I am readily familiar with this business's practice for collecting and processing correspondence for mailing. On the same day that correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid. 5. The envelope was addressed and mailed as follows: a Name of person served; Pritesh S. Kothary, Esq. b. Address of person served: P.O. Box 85462 San Diego, CA 92186 ~ The name and address of each person to whom I mailed the documents is listed in the Attachment to Proof of Service by First-Class Mail-Civil (Persons Served) (POS-030(P)). I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct alzv(~~ Tnannm Rnnenm Code of Civil Procedure, 8 1013 i013e www counwfo ca eov (TYPE ORT RINT NAME OP PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORM) (SIGNATURE FF PE|TSON COMPLETING THIS FORM) Form Approved for Optional Use PROOF OF SERVICE BY FIRST-CLASS MAIL - CIVILJudicial Counol of California Pos-oso lnew dancery I, zoosl IL'&LQ'aaential (Proof of Service) rp3Forms Gary Ulferts Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 6/24/2020 11:32 AM Reviewed By: P. Hernandez Case #20CV364948 Envelope: 4499214 20CV364948 Santa Clara - Civil P. Hernandez INFORMATION SHEET FOR PROOF OF SERVICE BY FIRST-CLASS MAIL - CIVIL (This information sheetis not part of the Proof of Service and does not need to be copied, served, or filed) NOTE: This form should not be used for proof of service of a summons and complaint For that purpose, use Proof ofService of Summons (form POS-010). Use these instructions to complete the Proof of Service by First-Class Mail - Civil (form POS-030). A person over 18 years of age must serve the documents. There are two main ways to serve documents: (1) by personal delivery and (2) by mail. Certain documents must be personally served. You must determine whetherpersonal service is required for a document. Use the Proof of Personal Service - Civil (form POS-020) if the documentswere personally served. The person who served the documents by mail must complete a proof of service form for the documents served. Youcannot serve documents if you are a party to the action. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PERSON WHO SERVED THE DOCUMENTS The proof of service should be printed or typed. If you have Internet access, a fillable version of the Proof of Serviceform is available at www. cour(info, ca. govtforms. Complete the top section of the proof of service form as fogows: First box. left side: In this box print the name, address, and telephone number of the person for whom you served thedocuments. Second box. left side: Print the name of the county in which the legal action is filed and the court's address in this box.The address for the court should be the same as on the documents that you served. Third box. left side: Pdint the names of the Petitioner/Plaintiff and Respondent/Defendant in this box. Use the same namesas are on the documents that you served. First box. too of form. riaht side: Leave this box blank for the court's use. Second box. riaht side: Print the case number in this box. The case number should be the same as the case number onthe documents that you served. Complete items 1-5 as follows: 1. You are stating that you are over the age of 18 and that you are not a party to this action. You are also stating thatyou either live in or are employed in the county where the mailing took place. 2. Print your home or business address. 3. Provide the date and place of the mailing and list the name of each document that you mailed. If you need morespace to list the documents, check the box in item 3, complete the Attachment to Proof of Service by First-ClassMail - Civil (Documents Served) (form POS-030(D)), and attach it to form POS-030. 4. For item 4: Check box a if you personally put the documents in the regular U.S. mail. Check box b if you put the documents in the mail at your place of business. 5. Provide the name and address of each person to whom you mailed the documents. If you mailed the documents tomore than one person, check the box in item 5, complete the Attachment to Proof of Service by First-ClassMail - Civil (Persons Served)(form POS-030(P)), and attach it to form POS-030. At the bottom, fill in the date on which you signed the form, print your name, and sign the form. By signing,you are stating under penalty of perjury that all the information you have provided on form POS-030 is trueand correct. POSJJ00 [Naw January 1, 2005] Essential rp) Fonns- PROOF OF SERVICE BY FIRST CLASS MAIL - CIVIL (Proof of Service) Gary Ulferts