Motion OtherCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 22, 2020' z I i L E 1 thammad Khan ’ v ' ' " ' r ' 'MAY272020>7 Po Box 689 , Soledad, CA 93960 ‘ Clerk of the Court o , ‘ CA «Smmcmm ~ 9 4 Hmmm- 5 Superior Court of California . I ~_ 6 County of Santa Clara ' 8 Muhammad KHAN, V ‘ | ‘ 20 CV 363_686 9 plaintiff, ‘ I i 10 v. ’ » g - MOTION FOR UPDATE 0N CASE Kaiser et ‘al. ~ v.5- ‘. 11 ’ r i H O? (F l 9‘ 12 defendants. l TMAQV: qioo mm I Dew 2 6 w| Subaru \cvucqmi 13 ' 14 1 Plaintiff submitted this case as a MOTION fluwmrgmzntmzcv from the 1‘ flower arbitratiofi Of a-Kaiser Permanente‘medical malpractice‘lawsuit. KHAN D ‘ V 16 waS'issued the casg number and the pleadings were filed on or around Feb. 20, 17‘ 2020. Since then, Plaintiff haS'not; received any updates on the matter nor - 18 any request for telephonic appearance. At the court's earliest convenience, .19 Plaintiff requests an update as to the latest action, scheduling of a hearifig 20 and telephonic appearance, and any other relevant actions neéded by'this court 21 t0 hear the MOTION 7T0 VACATE JUDGEMENT. 22 - _ ‘ 73 Emted: MAY 18, 2020 Respectfully Submitted, 24 ”§- Muhémmad KHAN in pro per 26 27 us ro’ J‘- 12 ‘13‘ 141' 15? 16 17' 18 ‘19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 Muhammad KHAN PO Box 689 Soledad, CA 93960 Superidr Court of California County of Santa Clara o \D C0 \l ON Ul Muhammad KHAN,. plaintiff, v. Kaiser, et al.; defendants. _ 20 CV 363 686 proof of service’ PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL BY PERSON IN STATE CUSTODY (Fed. R. Civ. P. 5; 23 U.S.C.§ 1746) Muhammad KHAN ~ I’ ' , declare: lam over lSyears ofage and a party t0 this action. lam a resident 0f ' OFF SOLEDAD ' Prlson, in the county of . ‘ - MONTEREY ~ 3 P0 Box 689 State ofCaIiFornia. My prison address is: ‘ I 7 Soledad, CA 93960 5/18/20 On ‘ - , (DATE) Motion for update. . . .re: Kaiser I served the attached: , , f (DESCRIBE DOCUMENT) on the panies'herein by piacing true and correct copies thereof, enclosed in a sealed envelope, with postage thereon fullypaid, in the United States Mail in a deposit box so provided‘at the above-named correctional institution in which l am presently confined. The enve10pe was addressed as follows: SCC Superior Court 191 N First St San Jose, CA 95113 l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws 0fthe United States ofAmerica that the foregoing ,is true and correct. 5/18/20 Executed on ~ (DATE) (DECLARANT'S SIGNATURE} ngmgvflsn ' ‘ _ - :~.ODMA'PCDOCwaoRDPERFECM:SJ:\1