Proof of Service MailCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 30, 2020Phillip G. Vermont, SBN 132035 RANDICI& O'DKA TOOLIATOS VERMONT & SARGENT, LLP 5000 Hopyard Road, Suite 225 Pleasanton, California 94588 Telephone: (925) 460-3700 Facsimile: (925) 460-0969 Email: overmont&randicklaw.corn Attorneys for Plaintiff, First Point Oakmead LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, 10 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 First Point Oakmead LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, Plaintiff, vs. MiaSole, a California corporation, MiaSole Hi-Tech Corp., a California corporation, and DOES 1 to 25, Defendants. Case No.: 20CV362450 PROOF OF SERVICE OF PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER RESPONSES TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, ASSETS, AND FURTHER RESPONSES TO ASSET INTERROGATORIES, AND A REQUEST FOR MONETARY SANCTIONS AGAINST DEFENDANT, MIASOLK HI-TECH CORP. UNLAWFUL DETAINER Date: 10(27/21 Time: 9:15 a.m. Dept: 4 Action Filed: January 30, 2020 Entry of Judgment: August 19, 2020 PROOF OF SERVICE; CASE NO.: 20CV362460 531458 d Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 10/19/2021 1:43 PM Reviewed By: A. Rodriguez Case #20CV362450 Envelope: 7493664 20CV362450 Santa Clara - Civil A. Rodriguez PROOF OF SERVICE 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I, Sue Betti, declare: I am employed in Alameda County, State of California, am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to the within action. My business address is 5000 Hopyard Road, Suite 225, Pleasanton, California 94588, I am readily familiar with the business practice for collection and processing of correspondence for mailing with the United States Postal Service and/or other overnight delivery. Under overnight delivery practice, all mailings are deposited in an authorized area for pick-up by an authorized express service courier the same day it is collected and processed in the ordinary course of business. On the date set forth below, I served the within: NOTICE OF MOTION AND PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER RESPONSES TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, ASSETS, AND FURTHER RESPONSES TO ASSET INTERROGATORIES, AND A REQUEST FOR MONETARY SANCTIONS AGAINST DEFENDANT, MIASOLE HI-TECH CORP.; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER RESPONSES TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, ASSETS, AND FURTHER RESPONSES TO ASSET INTERROGATORIES AND A REQUEST FOR MONETARY SANCTIONS AGAINST DEFENDANT, MIASOLE HI-TECH CORP.; DECLARATION OF PHILLIP G. VERMONT IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER RESPONSES TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, ASSETS, AND FURTHER RESPONSES TO ASSET INTERROGATORIES AND A REQUEST FOR MONETARY SANCTIONS AGAINST DEFENDANT, MIASOLE HI-TECH CORP.; SEPARATE STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO COMPEL FURTHER RESPONSES TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, ASSETS, AND FURTHER RESPONSES TO ASSET INTERROGATOMES AND A REQUEST FOR MONETARY SANCTIONS AGAINST DEFENDANT, MIASOLE Hl-TECH CORP. on the parties in this action by placing a true copy thereof in a sealed envelope, and each envelope addressed as follows: Gary Sullivan, Esq. 1565 The Alameda, Suite 100 San Jose, CA 95126 uwsul livanlaw(@smail. corn [x] (By U.S. Mail) I caused each such envelope to be served by depositing same, with postage thereon fully prepaid, to be placed in the United States Postal Service in the ordinary course of business at Pleasanton, California. [x ] (By Electronic Service) The above-referenced document was served by electronically mailing a true and correct copy through Randick O'Dea Tooliatos Vermont & Sargent LLP's electronic mail system, to the email addresses set forth as listed above, and in accordance with Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 5(b). I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on October 19, 2021, at Pleasanton, California. 27 28 Sue Betti PROOF OF SERVICE 88 8488 docx