Decree FiledCal. Super. - 6th Dist.December 23, 2020NC-1 3O ATTC RNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTOREEY_ 7 STATE BAR NUMBER: -w7=zt,k~xowtqcx. 268 1 max, Monk: FIRM NAME: WEWESS: 103 944.04 MIA QA-W Ea«rat 4-93 $31313:TWDE: 4%)?(0 ?WEEEEHeNéNofi <53 \vga-Ca%3% _FAx N0.: ‘ E-MA L ApDRESS:$LLDV\V{oaI\/L$%imm 1 - C éfi/L ATTORNEY FOR (name): SLIJP RIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF STR ET ADDRESS: . l z Santa;sz Supenor Court V ch74: 1:33:32: 701 Ocean Street, Room 11o.m PE me' N‘b'i’(n‘“am“em’ofm7weaVféfifiéfler): RANCH NAME; 8mm CWZ, CA 95060 ‘VJ LS-Q. lzfiQJM v WNBS FOR CHANGE 0F NAME L .U CASE N BER: DEGREE CHANGING NAME £9 C V Q 2 6 V 0 1. 1 he petition was duly considered: a. D at the hearing on (date): in Courtroom: of the above-entitled court. b. E without hearing". THE COURT FINDS Th a.‘ All notices required by law have been given. b. Each person whose name is to be changed identified in item 3 belowE is not E is required to register as a sex offender under section 290 of the Penal Code. This determination was made (check one): E by using CLETS/CJIS E based on information provided to the clerk of the court by a local law enforcement agency. c D No objections to the proposed change of name were made. d. E Objections to the proposed change of name were made by (name): e. It appears to the satisfaction of the court that all the allegations in the petition are true and sufficient and that the petition should be granted.E Other findings (ifany): THE COURT ORDERS 3. The name of IEreéééft’s’h’a'm‘ ' ' [Newenamejgn E\\‘l\uu Q00“ A\ua_u‘uc\o is changed to (ELI\Nu‘ puotnkaS- A\Uo\(\0\0k0a bm M‘ke-uv‘o'k AAWLO is changedtoW AM¢UACQL~ Nwws-Atmfi( C is changed to d is changed to E] Additional name changes are listed on Attachment 3. Date JUDGE 0F THE SUPERIOR COURTE SIGNATURE 0F JUDGE FOLLOWS LAST ATTACHMENT Fag“ o“ Forrn A..opted for Mandatory Use DECREE cHANGING NAME Code of Civil Procedm§c§ozfilaéa1 :13Judicial Council of California NC-130 [Rev. September 1. 2018] For y >ur protection and privacy, please press the Clear U I W W _ _ __ ‘ This Form button after vou have nrinted the form. Iinih"thi§iffi?fiififl l Shim fhié‘fnf'm l ":4 Ivvzan1fiW§V~Vzfiwng :ClearJhIs-ifnrm;