Proof of ServiceCal. Super. - 6th Dist.October 19, 2020I Hunt 4, Henriques, Attorneys at Law Donald Sherrill, Esq. ¹266038 2 7017 Realm Dr. San Jose CA 95119 3 Telephone: (800) 680-2426 Facsimile: (408) 362-2299 4'ttorneys for Plaintiff 6''0 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ DIVISION - LIMITLrD CIVII, CASE 11 CITIBANK, N.A., Case No. 20CV02194 12 Plaintiff, PROOF OF SERVICE la W 8 t I t G ~ ~~ o 0 & oco O W O 0 6 =c Vl & ~~ u. 14 SARAH N(JHRDEN, Defendant(s). 16 17 18 20 '1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I STIP MFJ - Itos JMA P~ae 1 Proof of Service l43I948.001 ELECTRONICALLY FILED Superior Court of California County of Santa Cruz 11/18/2021 9:37 AM Alex Calvo, Clerk By: Sandra Gonzalez, Deputy PROOF OF SERVICE SUPERIOR COURT OI CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OI'AN'I'A CRUZ SANTA CRUZ DIVISION RE: CITIBANK, N,A. vs. SARAH NOHRDIvN Case Number: 20CV02194 I am a resident of, or employed in. the County of Santa ('tart, State of ('at ifoi nia: I am over the age nl' 8 years mid not a party to thc withm entitled action: my business address is 70I7 Realm Dr. )an .Iosi( ('alifornia 951I') On , I served the foregoing documents, described as DECLARATION OF PLAINTIFF'S COUNSKI. IN SUPPORT OF REQUEST TO VACATE DISMISSAL; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SIJPPORT Ol REQUEST TO VACATE DISMISSAL; [PROPOSED[ ORDER; DECLARATION OF PLAINTIFF'S COUNSEL RE: DEFAULT UNDER STIPULATION; MEMORANDUM OF COSTS (SUMMARY); [PROPOSIsD[ JUDCvMENT; PROOF OF SERVICE on the interested parties to said action by the fol lowing means: X (By Mail) By placing a true copy thereof'. enclosed in a scaled envelope w ith postage thereon t'ully pivpaid. Iiir collection anil mailing on that date I'ollowing ordinary business pt acticev. in the Ilnitcd .'iiatcs Mail at thc ofticcv ol'Ilunt & I ienriqucs, Calit'ornis, addressed as shovvn below I am readily farnilmr with tins busmcvgs practice lbi collection anti processing oi'orrespondence for mailing with the 0 S Postal Sci vice. anti in thc ortlmarv course ol business i:orrespondcnce would be deposited ivith the II.S. I'ostal Sci vice the same day it wav placed for collection and pioccsving. (By Mail) 13y placmg atrue copy therco( enclosed tn a scaled envelope with postage thcrcon tully picixiid. m the llnitcd Staics Mail at San .lose. Califoinia. addressed as shown below. (By Hand Delivery) l3y causing a true copy thmeof. enclosed in a scaled cnvclopc. to bcdclivctv&l hv hand to the addrcsscs shown below. (By Personal Setvice) I31 lpetsonaliydelivenng a true copy thereol'. cncioseif in a vmiicii cnvelnpc. tosh@ adtlresses shown bcloiv (By Overnight Delivery) ny placing a irue copy thcieof. encloscii in a scalcii cnvciopc. voth ilclivcrv charges prepaid. to bc sent by . addressctl as shown bcloiv. (By Facsimile Transmission) I)y transmiumg a true copy thcieof hv facsmiilc transmission I'rom facsimile number (4081362-2299, to the intcrcstctl parties to said action. the transmission vs as icportixl as complctc und without error. and scopy of the iransmission reporu vvhich vvas properly issued by the transmitting facsimile machine. iv auached fiereto and incorttoratcd hcrcin hy relermicc Said documents vvcre tranvmittetl to thc interested parties as st)own bcloiv at a.lit I'I. I declare untlcr penalty of perjury that the I'oregoing is true and correct. and that I am cmployctl in thc el'lice of a membci of thc I)ar of this ('ourt at whose diicction the sco ice v'as made. Executed on ~j[~3N, in San Jose, Santa Clara County, California. ~AMR ANO AOI)RI SS Op RA('n PRRSON SERvi;I): Sarah Nohrden 177 Buzzatrd Lagoon Rd Watsonville CA 95076-0134 STIP MEJ - POS i JMA 1431948.001