NoticeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.October 19, 20201 Hunt k Henriques, Attorneys at Law Donald Shcrrill, Esq. ¹266038 2 7017 Realm Dr. San .lose CA 95119 31 Telephone: (800) 680-2426 I'acsimile: (408) 362-2299 4 Attorneys for Plaintiff 5: 8 SIJPFRIOR COIJRT OF (.ALIFORNIA, COIJN "I'Y OF SANTA CRIJZ SAN'I'A CR(JZ DIVISION - I.IMITED CIVII,,I(JRISDICTION 12 vs. 13 SARAH NOHRDEN, 10 CITI BAN K, N.A., Plaintiff; Case No. 20C'V021')4 NOTICI', OF INTI',NTION TO REQIJEST ENTRY Ol',IIJD('MFNT (JNDFR STIP I JLATION 14, Defendant(s). 0 u CI z = t D c D 1 z~& Vi 16 You are hereby notit ted that you are $ 1.948.00 past due in I our obligation under terms ofour 17 stipulation. Please pay this money within ten (10) days I'rom this date: orb&anise. plaintiff'will apply 18 for entry of judgement. 19'hen making a payment. please indicate your 1llc number: 1431948. I'lease mal&c your 20 payment payablc to Citibanl&, and send to: Zl 22 Hunt 6'& Henriques 7017 Realm Dr., San .lose, CA 95119 23 Or, you may call toll flee (800) 680-2426. and a representative will assist in processing your 24 payment. 25 Dated: OCT I9Ãt".Ii 26 A pc 1 juiJ 2 '(&j I lant k I leal'lqucs Attonteys tor Plaintift I age I Notice of Intention to Request Fntry of Judgtncnt Lndcr Stipulation IIIII IIII I III III IIII II III IIII 1411948.001 ELECTRONICALLY FILED Superior Court of California County of Santa Cruz 10/27/2021 8:44 AM Alex Calvo, Clerk By: Sandra Gonzalez, Deputy PROOV OV SERVICE SUPERIOR COUR'I OI CALIFORNIA. COUNTY Ol'AN I'A ('RUI SAN')'A CRU/ DIVIS)ON RE; CITIBANK, N.A. vs. SARAH NOHRDEN Case Number: 20CV02)94 I am a resident of or employed in. tlic Count& ot'8 una('Ima. Slate of'California, I am over thea col'a vcarim&&l not a party to the within entitled action; my business address ii 7017 Realm Dr . San .Inic. t'A 98119. On I)~T ~ . I »en ed the foregoing document. described n» NOTICE OF INTENTION9Ã0 TO REQUEST ENTRY OF JUDGMENT UNDFR STIPULATION on the iniere»ted patiies to said action by ihe following means: X (By Mail) 13& placing a true cop& thcrcol.«&el&»(cd inn ic&lcd em elnpcni&h p& it & cthmm&nlulb prep&id. !in collcction i&lid i&u&Illus (11& th&it rlate fbi h&l&11&g or 0&1&ni'I bil)11&eii P& i&ctrees &I& the 1 fn&tcd St &&(» Irlml &t ihc oft ice( of' font k I lcnnnuc( California. ad(hvised as ihrmn hclou l,m& ruadili famili,&r iiitl& this hui&nr:ii'( muo&cc lnt r:oiler:to»i und p&occiim ol co&ron&unde»cafe&'lnailii&g&iith the 1& b post&l »el&ice.;indi» theo&'dn» r& cot&i'ilfhr& ~ « ici «inc p&m&lr n&c noiil&lhcdcpositc&l with thc ll ». I'uilal »cru&cr thc iumc dai &t nai plar irl liu cnllictirin mul pncci & ~ (By Mail) 0& pl»em a&rue cop& &hcrcuf cncloicd &naiiulcdcniclopr riith pr&im r thereon tiill& picp»d m&hcllnitcd »tutee Mail ut!3&ui!osa I'ulil'orni;&. ad&lreiscrl,ii shmin helm& (By )hand Deltvery) It& cuir(i&&g a t&'i&e cop& fhci'c'&ll. erich&il 0 n& ii (r llml co&oft&pc to 0& itch(i'&mt hr hund tr& thc addrcsscs shmin bclou. (By Personal Service) 13& tmiirmnlb dr liieim» trnc r up& &hmcof. cncli&scil &n iic ilcdcniclopc to&bc iildiciiciihunn t&c firn (By Overnight Delivery) chm gcs prepaid. lo he sent. b& 13& place& i tiuc cop& fhcicof'nclorcil in: & sr »lcd en& clnpc. nith dcliic&i .,&ddrciic&f » ihmrn I ilnn (By I aesiltlile 1 raltsltlissiolt) 0& ti;n&imittmg u &iuc cop& thcrcol hi lucimiilc ti,mim&((inn lr&nn i&in.imilr numhir tang) 3622299. lo thi.'»le&'& (ted pi&i't&c( to r&iid &I(t ron. &hc ti ii&in»i(&r&1& n &i in&m'teil;ii cr»nplr tc;iud n &&hei &t ii & o&,la&i,& cnpr ul the tranimi(s&on &q&orl. rch&ch nni p&&8&crl» (surd h& thc fr initn&tting lac(&m&1&.* mnch&nc»t&i&churl ho ct&&,md mcr&& po& »fed hmcin b& reference»m&l document( »me ti mimi&ter! In flic mtcrcslcd panic( ni (hoon helmi,&t &&In / p ln I declare under penalty of perjury that the I'oregoing i» true and correct, attd that I am empfoyed in the office of a member oi'the Bar of this Court at whose direction the»erviee 'wa» ttttl(ie. Ot:T I 9ÃP) Executed on , in San,)ose..ianta (.'I&If'll Cot&Ill&u ( tllifornia. lA Janiece4artinez Na Via AND r&DDRt s!I OP gr&CII I'I;lraiON!tat3& I:0: Sarah Nohrden 177 Buzzard Lagoon Rd Watsonville CA 95076-0) 34 STIP DUS«I'Dlil-POS I. I JMA 1431948,001