MemorandumCal. Super. - 6th Dist.October 19, 2020ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY INsnse, slate oaf nu noae, and addkessj Donald Sherrill, Esq ¹266038 Hunt & Hennques, Attorneys at Law 7017 Realm Dr San Jose CA 95119 File No 1431948 TELEPHONE NO (800) 680-2426 FAx No (408) 362-2299 ATTORNEY FOR jNamej Plaintiff INSFRT NAME OF COURT, JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AND BRANCH COURT IF ANY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ SANTA CRUZ DIVISION - LIMITED CIVIL CASE FOR COURT USE ONLY MC-010 I LA)MT)FF CITIBANK, N.A DEFENDANT SARAH NOHRDEN MEMORANDUM OF COSTS (SUMMARY) The following costs are requested: CASE NUMBER 20CV02194 TOTALS 1. Filing and motion fees 2. Jury fees 3. Jury food and lodging 4. Deposition costs 5 Service of process 6 Attachment expenses 7. Surety bond premiums 8. Witness fees 9. Court-ordered transcripts 10 Attorney fees (enter hereif contractual or statutory fees are fixed without necessity of a court determination, otherwise a noticed motion is required) 11 Court reporter fees as established by statute 12. Models, blowups, and photocopies of exhibits 1$ P 2$ L 3.$ L 5 $ 6$ Q 7$ t 5$ I 9$ ( 10$ I 12 $ ( 470 00J 6500 J J J 13. Interpreter fees 14 Fees for electronic filing or seance 15 Fees for hosting electronic documents 16 Other 13 $ [ 1 14.$ J 15$ [ 16. $ [ TOTAL COSTS 535 00 I am the attorney, agent, or party who claims these costs. To the best of my knowledge and belief this memorandum of costs is correctand these costs were necessarily incurred in this case. D.t, I (f''( ~-I Alexander Balzer Carr SBN 338024 (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) Form App oved for Opbo al Use Jud»al Counal of Cabforn a MC-010 IR Seotemb I 2017) SICNATURF Of DECLARANI (Proof of service on reverse) IIIIEMORANDUM OF COSTS (SUMMARY) Pane 1 of 2 Code of C I Probed re H 1032 1033 5 ELECTRONICALLY FILED Superior Court of California County of Santa Cruz 11/18/2021 9:37 AM Alex Calvo, Clerk By: Sandra Gonzalez, Deputy SHORT TITLE CITIBANK, N.A. v SARAH NOHRDEN PROOF OF~ MAILING ~ PERSONAL DELIEVERY CASE NUMBER 1 MC-010 1. At the time of mailing or personal delivery, I was at least 18 years of age and nota party to this legal action 2. My residence or business address is (specify) 7017 Realm Dr San Jose, CA 95119 I mailed or personally delivered a copy of the Memorandum of Costs (Summary) as follows (complete either a or b) a. ~ Mail. I am a resident of or employed in the county where the mailing occurred. (1) I enclosed a copy in an envelope AND (a) ~ deposited the sealed envelope with the United States Postal Service with postage fully prepaid. (b) M placed the envelope for collection and mailing on the date and at the place shown in items below following our ordinary business practices. I am readily famihar with this business'ractice for collecting and processing correspondence for maihng. On the same day that correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid. (2) The envelope was addressed and mailed as follows Name of person served. SARAH NOHRDEN (a) Address of envelope: (b) 177 Buzzard Lagoon Rd Watsonville CA 95076-0134 Date of mailino. NOV )I () 207) (c) Place of mailino (city and state). San Jose. CA b ~ Personal delivery. I personally delivered a copy as follows (1) Name of person Served (2) Address where delivered (3) Date delivered (4) Time dehvered: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: j()OY ) () 707) Janiece Martinez (TYOE OR PRINT NAME) i.3II; xwA ISICNATORC OF DECLARANT) MC-010 I September I 2017] MEMORANDUM OF COSTS (SUMMARY) Page 2 of 2