DeclarationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.October 13, 2020B Y FA X ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State, Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO.: FAX NO. (Optional): E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: CASE NUMBER: Ref. No. or File No.: Erin Patterson (SBN# 262285), Kevin Hoang (SBN# 277132), Patrick Layman (SBN#59643), Esther Hyun (SBN# 292770), Jason W. Tang (SBN #314337), Nicholas Babillis (SBN# 291676), Thomas Sebourn (SBN 279272), Carina Jordan (SBN 302099), Bora Song (SBN 329308) Suttell and Hammer PO Box C-90006 Bellevue, WA 98009 425-455-8220 DISCOVER BANK SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ 701 Ocean Street, Room 110 701 Ocean Street, Room 110 Santa Cruz 95060 Santa Cruz Main Courthouse DISCOVER BANK SHAWN R YANEZ 20CV02137 DECLARATION OF NON SERVICE 722170 I declare that I am and was on the dates herein mentioned, over the age of 18 years, not a party to nor interested in the above entitled action, and competent to be a witness therein. I received the following documents for service: Summons; Complaint; Civil Case Cover Sheet I attempted to serve SHAWN R YANEZ at the address of 1325 RIVER ST, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060-1714 and was unable to effect service for the following reasons: 10/19/2020 11:01 AM: Property is building and appears Vacant Fee for service: $ 69.50 Aileen Garay 1628 N. Main Street #213, Salinas, CA 93906 786-400-6486 Monterey, #PS0217 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California the foregoing is true and correct. Date: ______________ Aileen Garay (PRINTED NAME OF DECLARANT) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) For: ABC Legal Services, Inc. Registration #: 6779 County: Los Angeles I am a registered California process server; my name, address, phone number, and county of registration and number are: DECLARATION OF NON SERVICE Page 1 of 1 Tracking #: 0059219944 REF: 722170 10/19/2020 ELECTRONICALLY FILED Superior Court of California County of Santa Cruz 10/19/2020 12:26 PM Alex Calvo, Clerk By: Helena Hanson, Deputy