Order_proposed_order_re_defendants_motion_to_compel_initial_responsesMotionCal. Super. - 2nd Dist.January 27, 2020Oo 0 NN nt A W N NN N N N N N N N N e m m e em pm p m em em R N NT RA W D N D = E S Y N N N T R W DN = O SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES — CHATSWORTH COURTHOUSE LIMITED PORTFOLIO RECOVERY Case No.: 20CHLCO03911 ASSOCIATES, LLC, [PROPOSED] ORDER RE: oo DEFENDANT’S MOTION TO Plaintiff, COMPEL v. DATE: TBD IMAN NAZEMZADEH TIME: TBD AND DOES I THROUGH X, COURTROOM: F43 INCLUSIVE, HON. GRACIELA FREIXES Defendants. This matter came on for hearing on ,on Nazemzadeh’s Motion to Compel Initial Responses to Nazemzadeh’s Request for Production of Documents, Set One. Having read the papers submitted in support of and in opposition to the motion and having considered the arguments of counsel, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. Nazemzadeh’s Motion is GRANTED; 2. Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC shall produce verified responses, without objections, to Nazemzadeh’s Request for Production of Documents, Set One, within days of this Order. 3. Sanctions are awarded in the amount of $ Said sanction shall be paid within 10 business days of this order. Dated: HONORABLE GRACIELA FREIXES Case #20CHLC03911 Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC v. Nazemzadeh [PROPOSED] ORDER - aN en TT wn N N = N n TT O n N N = A N N TT O N S N R ow w m e w w w w w A N ANN N A N N A N A N A N