Declaration In SupportCal. Super. - 6th Dist.August 11, 2015Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 4/2/2018 3:06 PM Reviewed By: J. Cao-Nguyen Case #2015-1-CV-284222 Envelope: 1370129 \OOOQQUI-th-A NNNNNNNNNHr-Ip-a’d-IHu-u-Hp-A OOQQUIJ>WNHOWWQQLh¥WNHO DIEMER & WEI, LLP KATHRYN S. DIEMER, #133977 JULIA M. WEI, #218005 HENRY CHUANG, #250628 100 West San Fernando Street, Suite 555 San Jose, California 951 13 Telephone: (408) 971-6270 / Facsimile: (408) 971-6271 Attorney for Defendant James A. Walker SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Unlimited Jurisdiction PATRICK J. DOUGHERTY Case N9: 1150V284222 Plaintiff, DECLARATION 0F HENRY CHUANG IN SUPPORT 0F DEFENDANT JAMES WALKER MOTION FOR ATTORNEY JAMES WALKER, PLM LENDER SERVICES, FEES INC., and DOES 1-100, inclusive, VS. Date: May 15, 2018 Defendants Time: 9:00 AM. Dept: 19 Judge: Hon Peter Kirwan DECLARATION OF HENRY CHUANG 1. 1 am an attorney licensed to practice in the State of California and employed by the Diemer & Wei, LLP, attorneys for Defendant James Walker. Previously, I was an employee of The Law Offices of Peter N. Brewer, the previous attorneys for Defendant James Walker. The following matters are ofmy own personal knowledge and if called upon to testify t0 the matters stated herein, I could and would competently testify to them. 2. Ihave reviewed billing statements fiom my previous firm, the Law Offices of Peter N. Brewer and my current firm, Diemer & Wei, LLP, relating to work on this matter. I am familiar with the accounting system and how the bills are created. The reason there are three separate billing entries is that the first one was for the Law Offices ofPeter N. Brewer, the second one was for the Declaration ofHenry Chuang OOOOQQUIhUJNH NNNNNNNNN-IHh-AH-Au-t-t-n-‘H WQQMLWNHowmflQM-bWNH accounting sofiware used by Diemer & Wei, LLP until the 2017, and the third one is for time management software used by Diemer & Wei, LLP from 2018 until the present. Attached as Exhibit A is the time sheets for the Law Offices of Peter N. Brewer. Attached as Exhibit B is the time sheets for Diemer & Wei, LLP until the end 0f 201 7. Attached as Exhibit C are the exported time sheets for Diemer & Wei, LLP from the beginning of 2018 until the filing ofthis motion. Although the spreadsheet for the Law Offices of Peter N. Brewer includes costs, the total amount of costs of $6,494.40 was removed from this request. 3. In total, 252.60 hours were spent 011 this matter With a vast majority of the work being performed by me. In addition to my work on this matter, Julia Wei, the partner 0f Diemer & Wei, LLP assisted. In addition, two junior associates, one at the Law Offices 0f Peter N. Brewer and one at Diemer & Wei, assisted. However, their total time 0n this matter was incredibly small, with one ofthem being a total 0f 0.5 hours. ln total, the amount billed in attorney foes billed $82,361 .50. 4. My hourly rate at both firms is $350 per hour. I believe that to be a reasonable market rate for an attorney with my level of experience. I declare under penalty of perjury by the laws ofthe State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this day, April 2, 2018, at San Jose, California. .VMW‘ . Henry Chuang VJ Declaration of Henry Chuang Exhibit A 12/1 3/2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 1 Selection Criteria MM“ Slip.Transaction Dat Ea ' st - 12/31/2017 Clie.Selection | _ lude: Walker, James (Civii) h Slip.Classification 0‘qu “Wwflfifl, " Rate Info - identifies rate source and level Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 144149 EXP JU 1 86.00 86.00 9/27/2017 Teleph Court Bitled G223130 10/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Telephonic Court Appearance Charges for hearing on 9/28/201 7. 144092 EXP JU 1 28.31 28.31 9/1 91201 7 FedEx . Billed 6223130 10/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) FedEx delivery to client. 144087 EXP JU 1 27.97 27.97 9/1 4/201 7 FedEx Billed 6223130 10/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) FedEx delivery to James Walker. 144086 EXP JU 1 24.26 24.26 9/1 4/201 7 FedEx Billed 6223130 10/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) FedEx delivery to Bradford Klein. 144085 EXP JU 1 16.36 16.36 9/1 4/201 7 FedEx ' Billed 6223130 10/27/2017 Walker. James (Civil) FedEx delivery to John Shepardson. 143466 EXP JU 1 151 .05 151 ,05 8/21/201 7 WestLaw Billed G223020 9/28/2017 Walker. James (Civil) Lexis Online Legal Research Chgs. 143461 EXP JU ‘I 20.00 20.00 8/31/201 7 Subcntr.Srvcs. Billed 6223020 9/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Fees for using Deadlines on Demand for trial preparation. 143458 EXP JU 1 20.00 20.00 8/31 /201 7 Subcntr.Srvcs. Billed Gz23020 9/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Fees for using Deadlines on Demand for trial preparation. 12/1 3/2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 2 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 143448 EXP JU 1 51.95 51.95 9120/2017 Filing Fee Ct. ' Billed G:23020 9/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Court filing fee for fiIing Substitution of Attorney. 143427 TIME MCC 0.90 150.00 135.00 8/23/2017 Drafting documents 0.00 T@1 Billed G:23020 9/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Create Table of Contents for Motion for Summary Judgment; Drafting documents 143424 EXP JU ' 1 51.95 51.95 9/1 9/2017 Filing Fee Ct. Billed G:23020 9/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Court filing fee for filing Certificate of Service Re Order and sewing Motion to be Relieved as Counsel on client. 143403 EXP JU 1 51.95 51.95 9/14/2017 Filing Fee Ct. Billed G:23020 9/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Court filing fee for filing Certificate of Service Re Order Continuing Motion to be Relieved as Counsel. 143338 TIME ADA 1.20 250.00 300.00 9/20/2017 2:45 PM - Client Work 1.20 T@1 Billed G:23020 9/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) No Charge Draft Declaration in Support of Motion to Be Relieved; discussion with atty Offord re; same. Multiple email correspondence re: same. (x3) 143089 TIME SO 0.10 375.00 37.50- 9/15/2017 12:55 PM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:23020 9/28/2017 Walker, James (CiviI) E-mail correSpondence with John A Shepardson re motion to compel. 142981 TIME SO 1.70 375.00 637.50 9/14/201 7 10:20 AM Client Work 1.70 T@1 Billed G:23020 9/28/201 7 Walker, James (Civil) No Charge Travel to/from and attend motion to be relieved, to be continued [no charge]. 142973 TIME SO 0.80 375.00 300.00 9/13/2017 2:44 PM Client Work 0.80 T@1 Billed G:23020 9/28/201 7 Walker, James (Civil) No Charge Review tentative. Email client. Phone Court. Prepare new Order re trial date. Further calls and emails with client. 12l1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 3 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time _ Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 142869 TIME ADA 3.60 250.00 900.00 8/31/2017 10:47 AM Client Work 3.60 T@1 Billed G:23020 9/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) No Charge Prepare for and appear for Ex Parte Applications to continue hearing on Motion to Compei hearing and Motion to Be Relieved as Counsel. Email correspondence to opposing counsel and client re: same. (no charge) 142868 TIME ADA 3.80 250.00 950.00 8/30/2017 10:56 AM Client Work 3.80 T@1 Bmed G:23020 9/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) - No Charge Draft Ex Parte Applications for continuation of ' Motion to Compel hearing and Order Shortening Time for Motion to Be Relieved as Counsel. Telephone and email correspondence with opposing counsel to give notice and discuss agreed upon dates. Discussions with atty Offord re: same and to revise applications. (n0 charge) 142791 TIME SO 0.50 375.00 187.50 8/31/201 7 10:48 AM Client Work 0.50 T@1 Billed G:23020 9128/2017 Walker, James (Civii) No Charge Calls with atty Adkins. Review MSJ and ' conference with attys Brewer and Bronitsky. 142770 TIME SO 0.80 375.00 300.00 8/30/2017 10:45 AM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:23020 9/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Emails with staff, Work 0n oppo to Motion to Compel. Review Motion to be Relieved and Stip re MTC hearing. 142759 TIME SO 1.10 375.00 412.50 8/29/2017 2:41 PM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:23020 9/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Prepare Opposition to Motion to Compel Further Production of Documents. 142683 EXP JU 1 153.63 153.63 7/28/201 7 WestLaw Bitted G:22897 8/25/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Lexis Online Legal Research Chgs. 142674 EXP JU 1 811.95 81 1.95 8123/2017 Filing Fee Ct. Billed G:23020 9/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Court filing fee for filing Motion for Summary Judgment. 12/13/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 4 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Stip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Biil Status Description Reference 142669 MCC 0.90 150.00 135.00 8/23/2017 Drafting documents 0.00 T@1 Billed Walker, James (Civil) Create Table of Contents for Motion for Summary Judgment; Drafting documents 142668 MCC 0.70 150.00 105.00 8/23/2017 Drafting documents 0.00 T@1 Biiled Walker, James (Civil) Assist attorney with the drafting of the Separate Statement in the Motion for Summary Judgment 142667 MCC 1.50 150.00 225.00 8/22/2017 Drafting documents 0.00 T@1 Billed Walker, James (Civil) Assist attorney in the preparation of Motion for Summary Judgment documents. Prepare Exhibits for Attorney Declaration and create Table 0f Authorities in Memorandum 0f Points and Authorities for Motion; Drafting documents 142631 HC 3.10 350.00 1085.00 8/23/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed Walker, James (Civil) Draft notice 0f motion for summary judgment. Revise motion for summaryjudgment. Finalize motion and exhibits for filing. 142564 HC 1.00 350.00 350,00 8/22/201 7 CEient Work 0.00 T@1 Billed Walker, James (Civil) Finish drafting separate statement of facts. Draft declaration of Henry Chuang and request for judicial notice. 142538 HC 2,80 350.00 980.00 8/21/2017 ClientWork 0.00’ T@1 Billed Walker, James (Civil) Finish drafting memorandum in support of motion for summaryjudgment. Begin drafting separate statement of facts. 142532 JU ‘I 20.00 20.00 7/31/2017 Subcntr.Srvcs. Billed 8/25/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Fees for using Deadlines on Demand for trial preparation. 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 5 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client ' " ' Bill Status Description Reference 142439 TIME HC 1.80 350.00 630.00 8/1 8/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22897 8/25/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 142334 TIME HC 1.60 350.00 560.00 8/1 7/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22897 8/25/2017 Waiker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 142299 TIME HC 0.50 350.00 175.00 8/16/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22897 8/25/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 142286 TIME HC 1.10 350.00 385.00 8/15/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22897 8/25/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (16x) Brad Klein and John Shepardson re: motion for summaryjudgment. Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 142237 TIME HC 0.40 350.00 140.00 8/14/2017 Cfient Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22897 8/25/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (6x) Brad Klein and John Shepardson re: motion for summaryjudgment. 142221 TIME HC 0.60 350.00 210.00 8/1 1/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 BiIIed G:22897 8/25/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 142184 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 8/10/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 BiIled G:22897 8/25/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 142171 TIME HC 0.60 350.00 210.00 8/9/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Bilted G:22897 8125/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 142134 TIME HC 0.80 350.00 280.00 818/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22897 8/25/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 142093 TIME HC 1.40 350.00 490.00 8/7/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Biifed G:22897 8/25/2017 Waiker,-James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 12/13/2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 6 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Descrigtion Reference E-man to and from- 142020 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 8/1/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22897 8/25/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from counsels re: motion for summary judgment. 141992 TIME HC 1.10 350.00 385.00 7/31/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22897 8/25/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. E-mail to and from Brad Klein re: motion for summaryjudgment E-mail to and from (3x) Liz Knight re: settlement E-mail to and from John Shepardson re: motion for summary judgment. 141968 TIME HC 1.90 350.00 665.00 7/28/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22897 8/25/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summaryjudgment. 141940 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 7/27/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 ‘ Billed G:22897 8/25/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summaryjudgment. 141853 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 7/25/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22897 8/25/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-maii to and from (3x) Brad Klein re: motion for summaryjudgment. Continue drafting motion for summaryjudgment. 141804 TIME HC 0.60 350.00 210.00 7/21/201 7 Client Work 0‘00 T@1 Billed G:22897 8125/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from James Walker -Receive and review notice of trial and settlement conference. 141629 TIME HC 1.80 350.00 630.00 7/19/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22766 7/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. Research on settlement without releases and accord and satisfaction. Conference with atty Brewer 141541 TIME HC 0.50 350.00 175.00 7/1 812017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Biiled G:22766 7/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) 12/1 3/2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 7 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference E-mail to James Walke_Receive and review motion to compel. Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 141401 EXP JU 1 20.00 20.00 6/30/2017 SubcntrSrvcs. Billed G:22766 7/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Fees for using Deadlines on Demand for trial preparation. 141299 TIME HC 0.40 350.00 140.00 7/1 0/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6122766 7/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (5x) John Shepardson re: motion to compel. Receive and review authority re: motion to compel. 141232 TiME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 716/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6122766 7/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (3X) John Shepardson re: motion to compel. E-mail from Liz Knight re: attorney fees. 141214 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 7/5/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22766 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail t0 and from Jim Walker 141200 TIME HC 0.90 350.00 315.00 6/30/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6222766 7/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (12x) John Shepardson re: meet and confer. Research 0n motion to compel re: deposition notice. 141184 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 6/29/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22766 7/28/2017 Waiker, James (Civil) E-mail from John Shepardson re: meet and confer. 141 156 TIME HC 0.40 350.00 140.00 6/28/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Bilied 6222766 7/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from Brad Klein re: motion to compel. E-mail to and from (4x) John Shepardson re: documents. Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 12/13I2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 8 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 141 125 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 6/27/201 7 9:03 AM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22766 7/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Finish reviewing document production. 141078 TIME HC 0.70 350.00 245.00 6/26/201 7 ‘ Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6:22766 7/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Finalize document production. Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 141039 TlME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 6/23/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Bilied G:22766 7/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and form John Shepardson re: meet and confer: Teleihone call to Liz Kniiht - voice mail re: 140987 TIME MCC 0.80 150.00 120‘00 6/22/2017 3:03 PM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6222766 7/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Calendar court filing dates for attorney in trial preparation 140913 TIME HC 0.60 350.00 210.00 6/21/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22766 7/28/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (4x) John Shepardson re: meet and confer. E-mail to Brad Klein re: meet and confer. Review trial date deadlines. 140868 EXP JU 1 86.00 86.00 6/8/201 7 Teleph Court Billed ' (3122632 6/23/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Telephonic Court Appearance Charges for hearing on 6/1 3/1 7, 140584 TIME HC 0,10 350.00 35.00 6/1 5/201 7 Client Work 0,00 T@1 Billed G:22632 6/23/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from James Walker- 140548 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 6/14/2017 4:11 PM CIientWork 0.30 T@1 Billed G:22632 6/23/2017 Walker, James (Civil) No Charge E-mai! to and from (4x) James Walke Telephone call to (2x) James Walke 140541 TIME HC 0.40 350.00 140.00 6/14/201 7 9:10 AM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6222632 6/23/2017 Walker, James (Civil) 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 9 Siip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference Telephone call to James Walker_-mail to and from (5x) John Shepardson Ie: motion to compel. 140497 TIME HC 0‘50 350.00 175.00 6/13/2017 11:05 AM Client Work 0‘00 T@1 Billed G:22632 6/23/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Attend trial setting conference. E-mail to client re: case status. 140490 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 6/1 2/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6:226:32 6/23/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from John Shepardson re: discovery production. E-mail to and from (5x) John Shepardson and Brad Klein re: trial. 140337 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 6/1/2017 ClientWork 0.10 T@1 Billed G:22632 6/23/2017 Walker, James (Civii) No Charge E-mail to and from Jim Walker 140329 TlME HC 0.10 350,00 35.00 6/1/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G226 2 l2 l2 17 Walker, James (Civil) 140328 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 6/2/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22632 6/23/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from John Shepardson re: meet and confer. 139615 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 5/1 712017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22501 5/26/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from John Shepardson re: meet and confer. 139597 TIME HC 0.30 350‘00 105.00 5/1 6/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22501 5/26/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E»mai| to and from (3x) John Shepardson re: meet and confer. Begin drafting response to meet and confer letter. 139535 TlME HC 1.20 350.00 420.00 5/15/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22501 5/26/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from John Shepardson re: meet and confer. Continue textmapping deposition transcript of Patrick Dougherty. 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 10 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Siip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference _ 139521 TIME HC 2.30 350.00 805.00 5/1 2/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22501 5/26/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Begin textmapping Dougherty‘s deposition. Receive and review notice of trial setting conference. 139483 TiME HC . 0.20 350.00 70.00 5/1 1/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22501 5/26/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from counsels re: document production. 139391 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 5/8/2017 Ciient Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22501 5/26/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review deposition transcript for James Walker and letter re: transcript. E-mail to James Walker re: deposition transcript. 139377 EXP JU 1 1175.55 1175.55 4/30/201 7 Transcript Billed G:22501 5126/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Transcript Cost for transcript of Patrick Dougherty. 139307 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 5/2/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22501 5/26/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Receive deposition transcript for James Walker. 139289 EXP JU 1 428.07 428.07 5/2/2017 Transcript Billed G:22501 5/26/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Transcript Cost for transcript of Mr. Waiker. 138916 TIME HC 0.40 350.00 140.00 4/20/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22366 4/24/2017 Waiker, James (Civil) Review additional documents produced by Plaintiff. E-mail to and from Cyndy Smith re: deposition. 138900 TIME HC 8.70 350.00 3045.00 4/19/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22366 4/24/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Travel to and from Los Gates to take the deposition of Plaintiff Patrick Dougherty. 138894 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 4/14/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22366 4/24/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from Brad Klein re: deposition. 12I13/2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 11 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 138739 TIME HC 8.40 350.00 2940.00 4/1 8/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22366 4/24/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Conference with counsels re: depositions. Prepare for deposition 0f Patrick Dougherty. Attend deposition of James Walker. E-mail to James Walker 138689 TIME HC 1.80 350.00 630.00 4/1 7/2017 9:31 AM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22366 4/24/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Telephone call to James Walker-_repare for deposition of James Walker and Patrick Daugherty. Review transcripts from previous depositions of James Walker and Patrick Dougheny. Research on use of prior deposition transcript. E-mail to from (3x) counsels re: using prior deposition transcript. 138567 TIME HC 0,60 350.00 210‘00 4/12/201 7 Client Work 0,00 T@1 Billed G:22366 4/24/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to James Walker-Draft objection to deposition notice, E-mail to and from counsels re: deposition. 138557 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35‘00 4/1 0/201 7 9:25 AM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22366 4/24/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from counsels re: trial. 138469 TIME SO 0.50 375.00 187.50 414/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22366 4/24/2017 Walker‘ James (Civil) Attend Case Management Conference telephonically. 138436 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 4/4/2017 2:05 PM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22366 4/24/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (5x) John Shepardson and Brad Klein re: trial. 138416 TIME HC 0.10 35000 35.00 4/3/201 7 Ciient Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6222366 4/24/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review case management statement. 12/13/2017 Law Office of Peter N, Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 12 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 138413 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 3/30/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22366 4/24/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Begin preparing objection to deposition notice. 138314 TIME HC 0.10 350400 35.00 3/27/201 7 _ Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22366 4/24/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review case management statement from PLM. 138234 EXP JU 1 86.00 86,00 3/1 6/201 7 Teleph Court Billed G:22234 3/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Telephonic Court Appearance Charges for hearing on 4/4/2017. 1381 70 EXP JU 1 49.95 49.95 3/1 6/201 7 Filing Fee Ct. Billed 6222234 3/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Court filing fee for filing CMC Statement for hearing on 4/4/2017. 137950 TIME ADA 0.60 200.00 120.00 3/1 6/2017 4:15 PM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6222234 3/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Review of document requests in amended notice of deposition. Compared requests to requests for production of documents. Email to atty Chuang-- 137782 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 3/1 6/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22234 3/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Draft CMC statement; Receive and review amended notice deposition of Patrick Dougherty. 137593 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35,00 3/1 3/2017 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22234 3/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to Jim Walker 137552 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 3/9/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22234 3/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review notice of deposition. 137484 TIME HC 0.20 35000 70.00 3/7/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22234 3/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from (3x) Brad Klein and John Shepardson re: deposition. 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 13 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 137477 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 3/6/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22234 3/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from John Shepardson re: deposition. 137450 TIME HC 0.50 350.00 175.00 3/3/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22234 3/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review notice of deposition of James Walker. E-mail to and from (5x) John Shepardson and Brad Klein re: deposition and mediation. E-mail to and from client- 137414 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 3/2/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22234 3/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail t0 and from Brad Klein re: deposition. Receive and review notice of deposition of Patrick Daugherty. 137377 TIME HC 0.50 350.00 175.00 2/28/201 7 Client Work 0‘00 T@1 Billed G:22234 3/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (6x) James Walker- eview deposition transcript. 137364 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 2/27/201 7 Client Work 0400 T@1 Billed 0:222:34 3/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from Brad Klein re: deposition notice. 137334 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 2/24/2017 CIientWork 0.00 T@1 Billed (3:222:34 3/27/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to Brad Klein re: deposition notice. 136600 TIME HC 0.40 350.00 140.00 2/8/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22107 2/24/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail t0 and from (6x) John Shepardson and Brad Klein re: deiosition. E-mail to James Walker- 136598 TEME HC 0.10 350‘00 35‘00 2/7/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22107 2/24/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from Brad Klein re: deposition of Daugherty. 136586 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 2/6/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:2210 4/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-maif from James Walke -mail 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 14 Slip 1D Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bili Status Description Reference to and from (4X) opposing counsels re: deposition. 136491 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 1/30/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22107 2124/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (5x) John Shepardson and Brad Klein re: deposition. 136385 TIME HC 0.10 350,00 35.00 1/26/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:2210 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from JamesWalkefl 136341 EXP JU 1 86.00 86.00 12/2/201 6 Teleph Court Billed G:21986 1/26/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Telephonic Court Appearance Charges for hearing on 12/8/16. 13631 8 TiME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 1/25/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:221 7 2/24/2017 Walker, James (Civil) Emu to James Walker_ Receive and review notice o case management conference. 136126 TIME HC 0,10 350,00 35‘00 1/23/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:22107 2/24/2017 Walker, James (Civi!) E-mail from John Shepardson re: de osition. Ema” to JamesWalker- 135912 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105‘00 1/1 3/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21986 1/26/2017 Walker, James (Civi!) E-mail to and from (3x) attorneys re: deposition. E-mail to client re: deposition. 135763 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 1/5/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21986 1/26/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from (3x) Brad Klein and John Shepardson re: deposition. 135737 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35‘00 1/4/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21986 1/26/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from John Shepardson re: deposition. 13571 O TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 1/3/201 7 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed (5:21 986 1/26/201 7 Walker, James (Civil) 12/13/2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 15 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference E-mail to and from (3x) John Shepardson re: deposition date. 135577 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 12/21/2016 Client Work 0,00 T@1 Billed G:21986 1/26/2017 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (3X) John Shepardson re: deposition. 135412 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 12/19/2016 8:17 AM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:218 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from James Walkem 135407 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 12/16/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21880 12I22l2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from Klein re: de osition. E-mail to and from im Walke_ 135301 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 12l14/2016 Client Work 0‘00 T@1 Billed G:2‘1880 12/22/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from John Shepardson re: deposition of James WalkerA 135274 EXP JU 1 449.75 449.75 10/31/2016 Transcript Billed G:21880 12/22/2016 Walker. James (CiviI) Transcript Cost for transcript of Elizabeth Godbey. 135250 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 12/1 3/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6121880 12l22/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from John Shepardson re: deposition. Revise motion for summaryjudgment. 135200 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105,00 12/1 2/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21880 12/22/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from James Walker-E-mail to Liz Knight re: release 0f promissory note. Receive and review answer from PLM. 135053 TIME HC 0.40 350.00 140.00 12/8/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:2188O 12/22l2016 Walker, James (Civil) Attend case management conference and order to show cause via courtcall‘ 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office 0f Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 16 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 135040 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 12/7/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed (3:21880 12/22/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from Brad Klein re: OSC. 135037 TIME HC 0‘10 350.00 35.00 12/6/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21880 12/22/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from John Shepardson re: ADR. 134990 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 12/5/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Bilied 6221880 12/22/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to James Walker- 134962 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 12/2/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21880 12/22/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mai| from Jim Walker- 134861 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 11/29/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6221880 12/22/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to Jim Walker 134829 TIME HC 0.50 350.00 175.00 11/28/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21880 12/22/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from Marti Castillo re: letter to Judge, E-mail from John Shepardson re: letter to Judge. Receive and review final order on demurrer.; E-mai! to and from (4x) John Shepardson re: deposition and ADR. 134473 TIME HC 0,10 350.00 35.00 11/1 5/2016 Client Work 0.10 T@1 Billed G:21773 11/23/2016 Walker, James (Civil) No Charge E-mail to and from Jim Walker 134422 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 11/1 4/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6221773 11/23/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review declaration from John Shepardson. Receive and review tentative ruling on demurrer, 134371 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 1118/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Bifled 6221773 11/23/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review letter from Joanne Torreano re: transcript; Receive and review lengthy repiy‘ 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 17 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 134261 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 1111/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Biiled G:21 773 11/23/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review extremely lengthy opposition to demurrer. 134240 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 10/31/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21773 11/23/2016 Waiker, James (Civi!) E-mail from Peter Torreano re: transcript. 134206 TIME HC' 0.20 350.00' 70.00 10/27/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21773 11/23/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from Brad Klein re: deposition. E-mail from John Shepardson re: mediatiOn. 134204 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 10/28/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21773 11/23/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from Brad Klein re: deposition and motion to compel. 134151 TIME HC 8.10 350.00 2835.00 10/26/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21773 11/23/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Travel to and from Los Gatos to attend deposition of Elizabeth Godbey. 134146 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 10/25/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 BiIIed G:21773 11/23/2016 Walker, James (Civit) E-maii to and from (3x) John Shepardson re: deposition. Prepare for deposition. 133814 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 10/1 712016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21678 10/27/2016 Walker. James (Civil) Receive and review letter from Joanne Torreano re: deposition. 133774 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 10/14/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21678 10/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review notice of objection to deposition. 133763 EXP ' JU 1 298.15 298.15 10/6/2016 Transcript Billed G:21678 10/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Transcript Cost for the deposition of Elizabeth Knight. 12/1 3/2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 18 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description _ Reference 133734 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 10/1 3/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21678 10/27/20'16 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review amended notice of deposition. 133727 TIME HC 0.60 350.00 210.00 10/12/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21678 10/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from (3x) Brad Klein and John Shepardson re: production of documents, objections to evidence, deposition. Receive and review second production of documents from PLM. 133645 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 10/1 1/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21678 10/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from John Shepardson re: deposition; 133632 TIME HC 0.70 350.00 245.00 1011 0/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21678 10/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (12x) John Shepardson and Brad Klein re: deposition. Receive and review notice of deposition. 133595 TIME HC 0.90 350.00 315.00 10/7/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21678 10/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from Brad Klein re: document production. Review additional documents produced by PLM. Receive and review depositiOn transcript for Elizabeth Knight. E-mail from John Shepardson re: deposition of Beth Godbey. 133520 TIME HC 0.70 350,00 245.00 10/6/2016 . Client Work 0,00 T@1 Biiled G:21678 10/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Lengthy e-mails to and from' (12X) John Shepardson and Brad Klein re: deposition. E~mai| from Peter Torreano re: transcript for Elizabeth Knight. 133482 TIME HC 0.80 350.00 280.00 10/4/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21678 10/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (4x) John Shepardson and Brad Klein re: deposition and file production. Review trial transcript re: produced documents. Conference with atty Wei re: case strategy. 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 19 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 133429 TIME HC 0.40 350.00 140.00 9/30/2016 Ciient Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21678 10/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from (5X) John Shepardson and Brad Klein re: deposition of Beth Godbeyv 133328 TlME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 9/26/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21678 10/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (3x) John Shepardson re: deposition of Beth Godbey. 133178 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 9/22/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21678 10/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from James Walker 133160 TIME HC 5.40 350.00 1890.00 9/21/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Biiled G:21678 10/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Travet to and from Los Gatos to attend deposition of Liz Knight. E-mail from (3X) Brad Klein and John Shepardson re: deposition and document production. 1331 57 TlME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 9/20/2016 Client WOIk 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21579 9/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from Brad Klein re: demurrer. Receive and review demurrer to second amended complaint. 133016 TIME HC 0.10 350,00 35.00 9/16/20‘16 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21579 9127/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mai! from (2x) Marti Castillo and Brad Klein re: deposition. 132955 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 9/1 5/2016 Client Work 0‘00 T@1 Billed G:21579 9/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (3x) Brad Klein re: deposition. 132917 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 9/1 3/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21579 9/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review notice of order to show cause. Receive and review notice of demurrer. Receive and review notice of entry of order. E-mail from Marti Castillo re: deposition. E-mail to Brad Klein re: deposition. 12/13/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 20 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bil! Status Description Reference 132735 TIME HC 0.80 350.00 280.00 8/30/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21579 9/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Attend case management conference via courtcall. E-maiI to client re: status. 132689 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 8/26/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21579 9/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Revise request for admissions. 132603 EXP JU 1 49.95 49.95 8/15/2016 Filing Fee Ct. Billed G:21484 8/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Court filing fee for filing CMC Statement for hearing on 8/30/2016. 132352 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 8/22/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21579 9/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from John Shepardson re: deposition. 132340 TIME HC 0.40 350.00 140.00 8/1 9/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@‘I Billed G:21484 8/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) - Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. E-mail from Brad Klein re: deposition. 132247 TIME HC 0.50 350.00 175.00 8/16/2016 Cfient Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21484 8/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and frOm (12x) John Shepardson and Brad Klein re: deposition. 132226 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 8/1 2/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21484 8/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from Brad Klein re: deposition. Receive and review case management statement from PLM. 132196 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 8/1 1/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21484 8/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from (2x) John Shepardson and Brad Klein re: deposition. 132183 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 8/1 0/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21484 8/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Draft case management statement. 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office 0f Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 21 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 132142 TIME HC 0‘10 35000 35.00 8/9/2016 Client Work 0‘00 T@1 Billed G:21484 8/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from (2x) Brad Klein and John Shepardson re: deposition. 132124 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70,00 8/8/201 8 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21484 8/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review notice of objection t0 deposition. Receive and review second amended complaint. 1321 12 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 8/5/2016 ClientWork 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21484 8/26/2016 Waiker, James (Civil) E-mail from Brad Klein re: deposition. 132092 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 8/4/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21484 8/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from Brad Klein re: deposition dates. Receive and review notice of deposition. 132077 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 7/29/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21484 8/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from John Shepardson re: deposition. 132067 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 8/2/2016 Cfient Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21484 8/26/2016 Walker. James (Civil) E-maii from John Shepardson re: deposition of Elizabeth Knight. 131735 TIME HC 0‘30 350.00 105.00 7/21/2016 CIient Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21484 8/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review notice of entry of order. Continue drafting discovery responses, 131727 TIME HC 1.30 350,00 45500 7/20/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6221382 7/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Review docket re: entry 0f order. Begin drafting discovery request to Patrick Dougherty. 131709 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 7/19/2016 ClientWork 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21382 7/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from Marti Castilio re: objection to tentative. 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Siip Listing Page 22 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 131667 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 7/18/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21382 7/26/2016 Waiker, James (Civil) Review tentative ruling. 131584 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 7/1 3/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21382 7/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review reply. 131505 TIME HC 0.20 35000 70.00 7/1 1/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 BilEed (3121382 7/26/2016 Walker, James (Civii) E-mail to and from (3X) John Shepardson re: ADR. 131442 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 7/8/201 6 Ciient Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21382 7/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review Dougherty‘s opposition to demurrer. 131343 EXP JU 1 440.00 440.00 5/19/2016 Consultnt/Expt Billed (3121382 7/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Bayport Network charges for helping Mr. Waiker convert his e-maiis to PDF format and then re-submitted PDF forms to Mr. Walker without page numbers. 131 171 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 6/29/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21382 7/26/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summaw judgment. 131066 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35,00 6/23/2016 3:57 PM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21382 7126/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Telephone call to Liz Knight - voice mail re: foreclosure. 130757 TlME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 6/20/2016 ClientWork 0.00 T@1 BilIed G:21289 6/29/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review demurrer. 130663 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 6/16/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed (321289 6/29/2016 Waiker, James (Civil) Receive and review order on demurrer. 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 23 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 130376 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 6/8/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6221289 6/29/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review tentative ruling. Continue drafting motion for summaryjudgment. 130305 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 6/3/201 6 CEient Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21289 6/29/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review reply. 130242 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 6/1/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21289 6/29/2016 Walker, James (Civil) _. Receive and review opposition to demurrer. 130212 TIME HC 0.40 350.00 140.00 5/27/2016 3:15 PM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6221289 6/29/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Telephone call from Richard Burt - spoke re: case status. 130163 TIME HC 0.70 350.00 245.00 5/26/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21289 6/29/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 130068 TIME HC 1.20 350.00 420.00 5/23/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21289 6/29/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Finalize discovery responses and redacting documents for production. 129956 TIME HC 2.10 350.00 735.00 5/20/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Review e-mails produced by client and prepare for production of documents. E-mail to and from (5x) David Chaid re: document production. 129922 TIME ADA 1.1 0 200.00 220.00 5/20/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6121167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Processed and redacted confidential information in emails in preparation for client‘s document production pursuant to Plaintiff's Request for Production of Documents. 129908 EXP .JU 1 86.00 86.00 4/28/2016 Teleph Court Bilied G221 167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Telephonic Court Appearance Charges for hearing 12/13/2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 24 Slip 1D Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference on 5/3/16. 129894 TIME HC 1.00 350.00 350.00 5/19/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G221 167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) 129862 TIME HC 0.60 350.00 210.00 5/1 7/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Finish first draft 0f discove res onses. 129852 TIME HC 1.50 350.00 525.00 5/1 8/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Revise discovery responses. Draft responses to request for production of documents. E-mail to and from 129803 TIME HC 2,30 350.00 805.00 5116/2016 CIientWork 0.00 T@1 Billed G121 167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from .Jim Walker- -Receive and review notice of further case management conference. Continue drafting discovery responses. 129762 TIME HC 0‘10 350.00 35.00 5/12/2016 Client Work 0‘00 T@1 Billed (3:21167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review PLM‘s demurrer to first amended complaint. 129714 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 5/9/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21 167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. Begin drafting responses to discovery requests. 129688 TIME ADA 1.10 200700 220.00 5/10/2016 12:50 PM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) 12/13I2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 25 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference Review of Complaint and drafting 0f chart outlining causes of action against client and reasoning used by Plaintiff for review by atty Chuang; email correspondence wl atty Chuang re: same. 129609 TIME HC 1.50 350.00 525.00 5/5/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21 167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. Begin preparing discovery responses. Review transcript of deposition of James Walker. 129515 TIME HC 0.60 350.00 21000 5/3/2016 10:07 AM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21 167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Attend case management conference via courtcall. 129477 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 5/2/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Compare discovery requests with previous request in bankruptcy and prepare answer. 129468 TIME ADA 0.10 200.00 20.00 5/2/2016 1:06 PM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Bilied G:21 167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Email correspondence with client Responses and client's attempt to answer independently prior to our assistance. 129462 TIME ADA 0.20 200.00 40.00 4/28/2016 12:59 PM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21 167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Contacted Department 8 by telephone to determine Judge's policy on filing multiple Summary Judgment motions; followed up with atty Chuang re: same. 129434 TIME HC 0‘20 350.00 70.00 4/29/2016 Client Work 0‘00 T@1 Billed G:21 167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summaryjudgment‘ 129398 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 4/27/201 6 Client Work 0‘00 T@1 Billed G:21 167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Research on multiple motions for summary judgment. 129380 TIME ADA 0.10 200.00 20.00 4/26/201 6 4:45 PM Ciient Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21 167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) 12/13/2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 26 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Descri tion Reference 129245 EXP JU 1 62.40 62.40 4/1 3/2016 Filing Fee Ct. Billed 6121051 4/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Court filing fee for filing Case Management Statement for hearing on 5/3/2016. 129221 EXP JU 1 83,87 83‘87 3/28/2016 Research Billed 6221051 4/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) LexisNexis Online Legal Research Chgs. 129155 TIME HC 0‘10 350,00 35.00 4/22/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21 167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review case management statement from Plaintiff. 129139 TIME ADA 0.50 200.00 100.00 4/21/2016 5:01 PM ClientWork 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21 167 lker, James (Civil) Drafted correspondence to clientm Requests received from opposing counse including Interrogatories, Requests for Admission, and Requests for Production of Documents; drafted email to atty Chuang for review re: same. Organized Discovery documents for delivery t0 client. 129109 TIME HC 0.60 350.00 210.00 4/21/201 6 Client Work 0‘00 T@1 Billed G:21167 5/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Conference with atty Wei re: case strategy. Research on motion for summary adjudication. Receive and review discovery requests. 128973 TIME HC 0.10 350‘00 35.00 4114/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21051 4/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from John Shepardson re: ADR‘ 128968 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 4/1 5/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21051 4/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review case management conference statementfrom PLM. 12/1 3/2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 27 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 128902 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35,00 4/1 3/2016 Client Work 0,00 T@1 Billed G:21051 4127/2016 Waiker, James (Civil) Draft case management statement. 128884 TIME ADA 0.20 200.00 40.00 4/1 3/2016 2:10 PM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21051 4/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Drafted Proof of Service in preparation for filing of Case Management Statement for hearing scheduled for May 3, 2016; filed statement with the coun and sewed opposing attorneys. 128865 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 4/1 2/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6221051 4/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review objection to declaration of non-monetary status. E-mail to and from Brad Klein re: adr. 128855 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 4/1 1/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6221051 4/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review order on motion for relief. Continue drafting motion for summaryjudgment 128805 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 418/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21051 4/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from John Shepardson re: ADR. Continue drafting motion for summaryjudgment. 128762 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 4/6/201 6 r Client Work O. 1 O T@1 Billed G:21051 4/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) No Charge E-mail to and from James WaIker- 128761 TIME HC 0.80 350.00 280.00 4/6/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21051 4/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review tentative ruling on motion for relief. E-mail to and from (8x) Brad Klein and Richard Lee re: hearing and indemnity. Prepare for hearing. Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 128673 TIME HC 1.90 350.00 665.00 4/4/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21051 4/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summaryjudgment. Research on payoff and estoppel. Receive and 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 28 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time - Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference review reply to motion for relief. 128661 TIME HC 0.60 350.00 210.00 4/1/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21051 4/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. Research on estoppel after payment of debt. 128553 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 3/29/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21051 4/27/2016 Walker, James (Civii) Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. Conference with atty Wei re: PLM indemnity. 128521 TIME HC 2.10 350.00 735.00 3/28/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21051 4127/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summaryjudgment. Research on condition precedent contracts. 128312 TIME HC 0.60 350.00 210.00 3/21/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:21051 4/27/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review tentative ruling on motion for . relief. E-mail from Marti Castillo re: declaration. Continue drafting motion for summary judgment. 128299 EXP JU 1 86.00 86.00 3/20/2016 Teleph Court Billed G:20932 3/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Telephonic Court Appearance Charges for hearing on 3/22/2016 that has been moved 4/7/2016. 128246 EXP JU 1 22.07 22.07 3/9/201 5 Fed Ex Billed 6220932 3/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) FedEx delivery to Bradford E. Klein. 128245 EXP JU 1 15.11 15.11 3/9/201 5 FedEx Bilied G:20932 3/25/2016 Wafker, James (Civii) FedEx delivery to John A. Shepardson. 128216 EXP JU 1 61.65 61.65 3/9/2016 Filing Fee Ct. Bilied G:20932 3/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Court filing fee for filing Opposition to Motion for Relief. 128198 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 3/16/2016 Ciient Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6220932 3/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 29 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference Review transcript of deposition of Patrick Daugherty. 128090 TIME HC 2‘40 350.00 840.00 3/1 5/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20932 3/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting motion for summaryjudgment. Review audio transcript from bankruptcy trial. 128073 TlME HC 1.90 350.00 665.00 3/1 1/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6220932 3/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Outline motion for summary judgment. Conference with atty Wei- Begin drafting motion for summary judgment. 128043 TIME HC 2.00 350.00 700.00 3/14/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20932 3/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from James Walker- Continue drafting motion for summaryjudgment. E-mail to and from (3x) Richard Lee re: stipulation to continue. Receive and review reply to opposition. Research on collateral estoppel. 127960 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 3/1 0/2016 Ciient Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6:209:52 3/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review opposition from Brad Klein. 127811 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 3/8/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20932 3/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (3x) Richard Lee re: motion for relief opposition. Finalize opposition. 127792 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 3/7/2016 Client Work 0400 T@1 Billed G:20932 3/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from John Shepardson re: ADR. 127677 TIME HC 0.40 350.00 140.00 311/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20932 3/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to John Shepardson re: proposed ENE evaluators. Finish drafting opposition; Telephone call to Brad E. Klein - voice mail re: declaration of non-monetary status. 12/1 3/2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM I Slip Listing Page 30 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status CEient Bill Status Description Reference 127658 TIME HC 0.10 350,00 35.00 2129/2016 Client Work 0,00 T@1 Billed 6220932 3/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from John Shepardson re: ADR. 127646 TIME HC 2.50 350.00 875‘00 2/26/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20932 3/25/2016 Waiker, James (Civil) Continue review of file produced by PLM including discovery responses. Finish reviewing document production. Begin drafting opposition to motion for relieft 127567 TlME HC 0.40 350.00 140.00 2/24/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20932 3/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review motion for relief. E-mail to and from James Waiker-Receive and review notice of further case management conference. 127383 TIME HC 0.20 350.00 70.00 2/22/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6220932 3/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from James Walker- 127292 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 2/1 9/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20821 2/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to client 127128 TIME HC 0.40 350.00 140.00 2/1 7/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20821 2/25/2016 Waiker, James (Civil) E-mail from John Shepardson re: ADR. E-mail from Alec Hunter re: Wright Finlay & Zak's case file. Begin review of case file from Wright Finlay & Zak‘ 127088 TlME HC 1.20 350.00 420‘00 2/1 6/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20821 2/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (9x) Brad Klein and John Shepardson re; objection to non-monetary status. Conference with atty Brewer re: indemnity issues; Telephone call to Brad E. Klein - spoke re: non-monetary status and indemnity. Receive and review objection to non-monetary status. 127071 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 2/12/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6120821 2/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 31 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference E-mail from John Shepardson re: declaration of non-monetary status. 127048 TIME HC 0.30 350.00 105.00 _ 2/1 1/20‘16 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20821 2/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from (2x) John Shepardson re: declaration of non-monetary status.; Telephone call to Brad E. Klein - voice mail re: non-monetary status. 126842 TIME HC 1.30 350.00 455.00 2/4/2016 10:20 AM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20821 2/25/2016 Waiker, James (Civil) Attend case management conference via courtcall. E-mail to and from (4x) John Shepardson re: ADR and deposition. E-mail to client re: ADR and case management conference. 126835 EXP - JU 1 45.95 45.95 1/27/2016 Filing Fee Ct. Billed G:20821 2/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Court fiiing fee for filing the Case Management Statement for hearing on 2/4/2016. 126744 TIME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 ' 211/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20821 2/25/2016 Walker, James (Civii) Receive and review substitution of attorney. E-mail to client re: substitution of attorney. 126692 TIME HC 0.50 350.00 175.00 1/29/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20821 2/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review case management statement from debtor. Receive and review declaration of Brad Klein re: case management COnference. Draft case management conference statement. E-mail to and from (3x) John Shepardson re: mediation. 126599 TiME HC 0.10 350.00 35.00 1/26/2016 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20821 2/25/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review declaration 0f John ' Shepardson. 126262 EXP JU 1 86.00 86.00 116/2016 Teleph Court Billed G:20713 1/22/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Telephonic Court Appearance Charges for hearing on 2/4/16. 12/1 3/2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 32 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 1261 58 TIME HC 0.20 275.00 55.00 ‘l/1 3/2016 11:11 AM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20713 1/22/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Tele hone call from James Walker-h E-mail to Brad Klein re: demurrer, 126145 TIME HC 0.10 275.00 27.50 1/1 2/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20713 1/22/2016 Walker. James (Civil) E-mail to James Walker 126052 EXP JU 1 492.26 492.26 12/21/2015 Filing Fee Ct. Billed G:20713 1/22/2016 Walker. James (Civil) Coun filing fee for filing Answer to Complaint; first time appearance fee. 126026 TIME HC 0.30 275.00 82.50 1/8/2016 2:33 PM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20713 1/22/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Telephone call from Michael Biomquest - spoke re: case status and West Valley Sanitation. E-mail from Michael Blomquest re: West Valley Sanitation District. 125934 TIME HC 0.20 275.00 55.00 1/5/201 6 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20713 1/22/2016 Walker, James (Civil) ‘ Receive and review notice of hearing on order t0 show cause. Receive and review notice of substitution of attorney. 125684 TIME HC 0.20 275.00 55.00 12/21/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20713 1/22/2016 Walker, James (Civil) Finish drafting answer‘ 125653 TIME ADA 0.10 150.00 15.00 12/21/2015 12:53 PM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20713 1/22/2016 Waiker, James (Civil) Drafted Proof of Service and filed Answer to Unverified Complaint. 125652 EXP JU 1 86.00 86.00 12I4/201 5 Teieph Court Billed G:20603 12/22/2015 Walker. James (Civil) Telephonic Court Appearance Charges for hearing on 12l8/2015. 125611 TIME HC 1.20 275.00 330.00 12/1 8/2015 Client Work 0‘00 T@1 Billed 6120603 12/22/2015 Walker, James (Civil) 12/13/201 7 Law Office 0f Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 33 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference Receive and review amended complaint E-mail to and from Brad Klein re: amended com laint E-mail to and from client‘ Draft answer to compIaint. 125520 TIME HC 0.20 275.00 55.00 12/1 5/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20603 12l22/2015 Waiker, James (Civil) Check online docket re: amended com |aint. Ema” to James Walker- 125247 TIME HC 0.70 275.00 192.50 12/8/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20603 12/22/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Review online docket. Attend case management conference via courtcall. 125217 TIME HC 0,20 275.00 55.00 12/7/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Biiled 8220603 12/22/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Prepare for hearing. Review online docket. 125180 TIME HC 0.10 275.00 27.50 12/4/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20603 12/22/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review order for withdrawal or disposal of exhibits. 125043 EXP JU 1 45,95 45.95 11/23/2015 Filing Fee Ct. Billed G:20603 12/22/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Court filing fee for filing Case Management Statement. 125027 TIME HC 0.80 275,00 220.00 11/30/201 5 2:25 PM Client Work 0,00 T@1 Billed G:20603 12/22/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Telephone call to Brad E. Klein - voice maii re: tentative ruling; Receive and review tentative ruling. Receive and review case management 124960 TIME ADA 0.10 150,00 15.00 11/23/201 5 10:31 AM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20603 12/22/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Drafted Proof of Service and filed Case Management Statement for hearing on December 8, 2015. 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office 0f Peter N. Brewer 3:1 7 PM Slip Listing Page 34 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference 124941 TlME HC 0.20 275.00 55.00 11/23/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20603 12/22/2015 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from i3xi James Walker_ Finalize status conference statement. 124934 EXP JU 1 129.25 129.25 1 1/2/201 5 Research Billed G:20510 11/24/2015 Walker, James (Civil) LexisNeXis Online Legal Research Chgs. 124590 TIME HC 0.40 275.00 110.00 11/20/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20510 11/24/2015 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from (2X) John Shepardson re: leave to file late opposition. Receive and review motion for leave to file late opposition. E-mail to and from Brad Klein re: reply to demurrer. 124524 EXP JU 1 21.41 21 .41 11/3/2015 FedEx Billed G:20510 11/24/2015 Walker, James (Civil) FedEx charges for delivery to Brad Klein. 124523 EXP JU 1 14.51 14.51 11/3/2015 FedEx Billed G:20510 11/24/2015 Walker, James (Civil) FedEx charges for delivery to John Shepardson. 124497 TIME HC 0.40 275.00 110.00 11/1 9/2015 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:2051O 11/24/2015 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to client re: case management conference status. E~mai| from John Shepardson re: opposition to PLM's demurrer. Receive and review opposition to demurrer. 124432 TIME JW 0.30 365.00 109.50 11I3/201 5 Review a revise 0.00 T@1 Billed G:2051O 11/24/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Review and revise opposition to demurrer. 124417 TlME HC 0.50 275.00 137.50 11/17/2015 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20510 11/24/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Draft case management conference statement. 124322 TIME HC 0.20 275.00 55.00 11/12/2015 Client Work 0.20 T@1 Billed 6220510 11/24/201 5 Walker, James (Civil) No Charge Telephone call to and from (3x) James Walker- 12/1 3/2017 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 35 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference- 124142 EXP JU 1 57.95 57.95 1113/2015 Filing Fee Ct. Billed G:20510 11/24/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Court filing fee for filing Reply and Table. 124093 TIME HC 0.40 275.00 110.00 11/9/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20510 11/24/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Receive and review stipulation to continue PLM‘s demurrer. Telephone call to court re: demurrer. Receive and review tentative ruling re: demurrer. 123999 TIME HC 3.60 275.00 99000 11/3/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20510 11/24/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Finish drafting reply to opposition to demurrer. Draft federal table of authorities. E-mail to Brad Klein re: stipulation. 123991 TIME HC 3.90 275.00 1072.50 11/2/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20510 11/24/2015 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and fron-John Walker-Receive and review opposition to demurrer. Begin drafting reply. Additional research on effects of failing to schedule an asset and vesting of asset after dismissal of bankruptcy. 123906 TIME HC 0.20 275.00 55.00 10/29/2015 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20510 11/24/2015 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (4x) John Shepardson and Brad Klein re: opposition to demurrer. 123878 TIME HC 0.40 275.00 110.00 10/28/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20510 11/24l2015 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (5x) Brad Klein re: demurrer. Review onIine docket re: opposition. 123746 EXP JU 1 74.48 74.48 9/25/201 5 Research Billed G:20411 10/26/2015 Watker, James (Civil) LexisNexis Online Legal Research Chgs. 123552 TIME ADA 0.10 150.00 15.00 10l8/2015 9:17 AM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20411 10/26/2015 Waiker, James (Civil) Filed and Served Demurrer to Plaintiff's Complaint and Memorandum 0f Points and Authorities. 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 36 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate info Posting Status Client BiII Status Description Reference 123536 TIME HC 0.30 275.00 82.50 10/19/2015 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20411 10/26/2015 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail to and from (5x) John Shepardson re: demurrer; Telephone call to and from John A ShepardSOn - spoke re: demurrer. 123201 TIME HC 0.10 275.00 27.50 10/12/2015 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6220411 10/26/2015 Walker, James (Civil) E-mail from Brad Klein re: demurrer hearing. 123169 TIME HC 0.30 275.00 82.50 10/9/2015 ClientWork 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20411 10/26/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Calendar deadlines and hearing date. E-mail to and from (3x) Brad Klein re: motion to strike. 123158 EXP ADA 1 338.74 338.74 10/8/2015 Filing Fee Ct. Billed G:20411 10/26/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Court filing fee for filing of Demurrer. 123142 TIME HC 0.10 275.00 27.50 10/8/2015 11:31 AM ClientWork 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20411 10/26/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Telephone call from John A Shepardson - spoke re: demurrer. 123068 TIME HC 1.90 275.00 522.50 10/6/2015 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed (3120411 10/26/2015 Walker‘ James (Civil) Conference with atty Wei re: case strategy. Revise demurrer. Draft federal table of authorities. E-mail from Brad Klein re: PLM's demurrer. Receive and review PLM‘s demurrer. 123040 TIME JW 0.80 365.00 292.00 10/6/2015 3:16 PM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20411 10/26/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Review and revise demurrer memo of points and authorities. 123009 TIME HC 1.50 275.00 412.50 10/5/2015 10:57 AM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Bilied G:20411 10/26/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Telephone call t0 Brad E. Klein - spoke re: demurrer.; Revise demurrer. Draft request for judicial notice. 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 37 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Slip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate Info Posting Status Client Bill Status Description Reference ‘ 122979 TIME HC 1.60 275.00 440,00 10/1/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20411 10/26/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Finish first draft of demurrer. 122921 TiME HC 0.20 275,00 55.00 9/30/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20411 10/26/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting demurrer. 122909 TlME HC 0.20 275,00 55.00 9/29/201 5 Ciient Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20411 10/26/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting demurrer. 122879 TIME HC 2.90 275.00 797,50 9/28/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20411 10/26/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting demurrer. Research on failure to disclose claim in bankruptcy petition. 122853 TIME HC 1.40 275.00 385.00 9/25/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20411 10/26/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting demurrer. Continued research on estoppel after payment of loan. 122801 TIME HC 1.40 275.00 385.00 9/24/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20411 10/26/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Continue drafting demurrer. Research on res judicata. 122767 TIME HC 1.40 275.00 385.00 9/23/201 5 Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed G:20411 10/26/201 5 Walker, James (Civil) Outline complaint. Begin drafting demurrer. 122467 TIME HC 0.90 275.00 247.50 9l1 7/201 5 9:33 AM Client Work 0.00 T@1 BiHed G:20311 9/24/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Telephone call to Brad Klein ~ voice mail re: case strategy. E-mail to and from (4x) Brad Klein re: case strategy and complaint. Receive and review complaint; Telephone cat! from Brad Klein - spoke re: case strategy; Telephone call from JamesWalker- 122295 TIME HC 0.30 275.00 82.50 9/10/2015 10:58 AM Client Work 0.00 T@1 Billed 6220311 9/24/2015 Walker, James (Civil) Telephone call from James Walker- 12/1 3/201 7 Law Office of Peter N. Brewer 3:17 PM Slip Listing Page 38 Slip ID Timekeeper Units Rate Stip Value Dates and Time Activity DNB Time Rate info Posting Status Client Bill Status Descri tion Reference ielephone call from Liz Knight - spoke re: civil action. E-mail to and from (3x) Michael Blomquest re: complaint. Grand Total Billable 164.60 60425.90 Unbillable 12.40 3540.00 Total 177.00 63985.90 Exhibit B James Walker Our File: DIEMER & WEI LLP 100 W. San Fernando Street, Suite 555 San Jose, California 95113 EIN# 82-2592986 Telephone: (408) 971-6270 Facsimile: (408) 971-6271 February 28, 2018 RE: Dougherty v. Walker, et al Case Number 115CV284222 Walker Professional Services EmE Description Hours Tuesday, September l9, 2017 H C Conference with atty Wei re: case 0.20 strategy. Thursday, September 21, 2017 H C Review motion to compel. Begin preparing 0.40 opposition. Friday, September 22, 2017 H C Continue drafting opposition to motion to 2.00 compel. Telephone call to Brad Klein re: motion for summary judgment. Telephone call to John Shepardson re: motion to compel. Review trial deadlines. Email to and from Brad Klein. Receive and review motion for summary judgment from PLM. Monday, September 25, 2017 H C Telephone call to Brad Klein. Email to 2.20 and from Brad Klein. Continue drafting opposition to motion to compel. Research on motion t0 compel. Tuesday, September 26, 2017 H C Draft amended opposition to deposition 3.30 notice. Continue drafting opposition to motion to compel. Telephone call to John Shepardson. Draft demand for exchange of witness. 2746.01 Amount 65.00 130.00 650.00 715.00 1,072.50 Page two February 28, 2018 James Walker Dougherty v. Walker, et al Our File: 2746.01 Emp DescriEtion Wednesday, September 27, 2017 H C Finish drafting opposition to motion to compel. Review trial deadlines. Thursday, September 28, 2017 H C Finish drafting opposition to motion to compel. Draft declaration of Henry Chuang. Telephone call to Brad Klein. Tuesday, October 3, 2017 H C Receive and review demand for exchange. Wednesday, October 4, 2017 H C Draft discovery requests. Thursday, October 5, 2017 H C Email from Marti Castillo re: Motion for Summary Judgment. Receive and review reply to motion to compel. Telephone call from John Shepardson. Friday, October 6, 2017 H C Email from John Shepardson. Review case file and begin preparing trial outline. Research on statute of frauds. Monday, October 9, 2017 H C Emails to and from John Shepardson. Tuesday, October 10, 2017 H C Telephone call from John Shepardson. Receive and review tentative ruling. Email to James Walker. Wednesday, October ll, 2017 H C Email from James Walker. Email to and from John Shepardson. Telephone call from John Shepardson. Prepare for hearing. Thursday, October 12, 2017 H C Prepare for oral arguments on motion to compel. Numerous emails from John Shepardson, Peter Torreano, and Brad Klein. Attend motion to compel in Hours Amount 747. 975. 32 845. 97. 195. 65. 162. 195. 552. 50 00 .50 00 50 00 50 00 5O Page three February 28, 2018 James Walker Dougherty v. Walker, et al Our File: 2746.01 Emp Descrigtion person. Friday, October l3, 2017 H C Email from John Shepardson. Continue preparing for trial. Monday, October l6, 2017 H C Emails from John Shepardson. Telephone call from John Shepardson. Tuesday, October l7, 2017 H C Receive and review ruling. Email to James Walker. Wednesday, October l8, 2017 H C Continue preparing for trial. Conference with Atty Diemer re: trial. Research on sanctions. Thursday, October 19, 2017 H C Continue preparation for trial. Research on sanctions. Tuesday, October 24, 2017 H C Receive and review objection to expert disclosure. Receive and review opposition to both motions for summary judgment. Begin drafting reply. Email to John Shepardson. Wednesday, October 25, 2017 H C Emails from John Shepardson and Marti Castillo. Continue drafting reply. Research on judicial estoppel. MondayJ October 30, 2017 H C Continue drafting reply to motion for summary judgment. Tuesday, October 31, 2017 H C Finish drafting reply. Draft opposition to separate statement. Email to Brad Klein. Telephone call from Brad Klein. Hours 0.20 0.10 0.30 Amount 32 65. 32. 260. 97 487 1,202. 1,495. 1,365. .50 00 50 00 .50 .50 50 OO Page four February 28, 2018 James Walker Dougherty v. Walker, et al Our File: 2746.01 Emp Description Wednesday, November 1, 2017 H C Revise and finalize reply and opposition to separate statement. Monday, November 6, 2017 H C Receive and review tentative ruling. Telephone call from Brad Klein. Email to client. Prepare for hearing. Receive and review reply to motion for summary judgment from PLM. Email from John Shepardson re: objection to tentative. Tuesday, November 7, 2017 H C Prepare for hearing on motion for summary judgment. Attend hearing on motion for summary judgment in person. Receive and review objection to evidence. Thursday, November 9, 2017 H C Email from John Shepardson. Receive and review discovery responses. Review online docket re: order on MSJ. Friday, November 10, 2017 JMW Review court order, asses appeal timeframe. Revise notice of entry of order. H C Receive and review ruling on motion for summary judgment. Email from Brad Klein. HDA Notice of entry of order. Monday, November l3, 2017 H C Email from John Shepardson. Email to client. Email to Brad Klein. Research on motion for new trial. Tuesday, November 14, 2017 H C Email from James Shepardson. Receive and review admissions & objections re: defendants' motion for summary judgment. Conference with Attys Wei and Diemer. Thursday, November l6, 2017 JMW Review post MSJ analysis. H C Begin preparing memo of costs. Research Hours 2.40 1.90 0.50 0.30 0.30 Am-unt 780.00 520.00 617.50 162.50 112.50 97.50 137.50 130.00 130.00 75.00 32.50 Page five February 28, 2018 James Walker Dougherty V. Walker, et al Our File: 2746.01 EmE Descrigtion on judgment remedies. Friday, November l7, 2017 H C Telephone call to Jim Walker. Email to and from Brad Klein. Research on judgment. Draft judgment. REsearch on objections at summary judgment. Monday, November 27, 2017 H C Several emails to and from Brad Klein and John Shepardson. Email to and from James Walker. Review docket re: judgment. Research on motion to strike. Tuesday, November 28, 2017 H C Continued research on post judgment and MSJ issues. Wednesday, November 29, 2017 H C Telephone call from James Walker. Email to John Shepardson. Prepare rough calculations of payoff amount. Receive and review objection to Plaintiff's filing post-motion for summary judgment order. Receive and review notice of judgment. Thursday, November 30, 2017 H C Email to and from Jphn Shepardson. Email to and from Brad Klein. Research on motion to strike. Monday, December 4, 2017 H C Telephone call to and from Santa Clara Superior Court. Continue research on motion to strike. Numerious emails to and from John Shepardson. Tuesday, December 5, 2017 H C Email to and from Brad Klein. Prepare judgment. Wednesday, December 6, 2017 H C Receive and review notice of entry of judgment. Hours Amount 487. 357. 97. 227. 162. 520. 65. 32. 50 50 50 00 50 Page six February 28, 2018 James Walker Dougherty V. Walker, et al Our File: 2746.01 EmE DescriEtion Monday, December 11, 2017 H C Email to and from John Shepardson. Tuesday, December 12, 2017 H C Receive and review sanctions check. Email to and from client. email to and from Brad Klein. H C Email to and from client. NO CHARGE Wednesday, December 13, 2017 H C Begin reviewing and preparing for motion for attorney fees. Receivenand review notice of motion for new trial. Email to and from John Shepardson. Draft stipulation for judgment. Thursday, December l4, 2017 H C Email to and from John Shepardson. Revise judgment. Email to and from Brad Klein. Receive and review memorandum of costs. Friday, December 15, 2017 H C Email to counsels re: judgment. Monday, December 18, 2017 H C Email to and from counsels. Wednesday, December 20, 2017 H C Email to and from counsels. Thursday, December 21, 2017 H C Email to counsels. Friday, December 22, 2017 H C Email to and from Richard Burt. Telephone call to Rick Burt. Thursday, December 28, 2017 H C Email to and from John Shepardson. Hours 0.20 0.10 0.30 Amount 65.00 162.50 N/C 422.50 162.50 32.50 65.00 65.00 32.50 97.50 32.50 Page seven February 28, 2018 James Walker Dougherty v. Walker, et al Our File: 2746.01 Summary of Services H C HENRY CHUANG 52.60 hr @ 325.00$17095.00 H C HENRY CHUANG 0.10 hr @ 0.00 N/C HDA HANA D. ANDERSON 0.50 hr @ 275.00$ 137.50 JMW JULIA M. WEI 0.50 hr @ 375.00$ 187.50 Total Professional Services $ 17,420.00 Costs and Disbursements Date Description Amount 09/20/17 One Legal - Court filing at Santa Clara Superior - 101.95 Invoice 0.001150376 09/27/17 Federal Express Delivery to: John Shepardson 25.25 09/27/17 Federal Express Delivery to: Bradford Klein 36.19 09/28/17 Federal Express Delivery to: Bradford Klein 31.99 09/28/17 Federal Express Delivery to: John Shepardson 21.05 10/04/17 Federal Express delivery to John Shepardson 21.00 lO/O4/l7 Federal Express delivery to Bradford Klein 31.92 10/31/17 LEXIS Research Charges for October 59.19 10/31/17 Postage for September/October 1.34 10/31/17 monthly fee 25.00 11/01/17 Federal Express Delivery to: John Shepardson 20.90 11/01/17 Federal Express Delivery to: Bradford Klein 30.53 11/01/17 One Legal - Court filing at Santa Clara Superior 101.95 Court - Invoice No. 1185112 11/30/17 Monthly Charge 20.00 Total Costs and Disbursements $ 528.26 TOTAL NEW CHARGES $ 17,948.26 Previous Balance Due $ 0.00 PAYMENTS AND CREDITS Exhibit C Date Hours Rate Amount User Description 2/1/2018 2.7 350 $945.00 Henry Chuang E-mail to and from Brad Klein. Continue drafting opposition to motion for new trial. Research on success requirement for judicial estoppel. Receive and review declaration from John Shepardson. 2/2/2018 1 350 $350.00 Henry Chuang Continue drafting opposition. Additional research on waiver of arguments. 2/5/2018 1.5 350 $525.00 Henry Chuang Finish drafting opposition. Draft request for judicial notice and objection to declaration. 2/6/2018 0.1 350 $35.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review notice of appeal. 2/7/2018 0.1 350 $35.00 Henry Chuang Review docket re: motion for new trial. 1/2/2018 2.1 350 $735.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review judgment. E-mail to and from John Shepardson. Receive and review motion for new trial. Begin drafting memorandum of costs. Draft notice of entry of judgment. 1/3/2018 3.5 350 $1,225.00 Henry Chuang Finalize memo of costs. Review motion for new trial. Begin drafting opposition. Research on motion for new trial. Telephone call to Brad Klein. E- mail from Brad Klein and John Shepardson. E-mail to client. 1/4/2018 3.4 350 $1,190.00 Henry Chuang E-mail to and from Brad Klein and John Shepardson. Finish drafting opposition to motion for new trial. 1/5/2018 0.4 350 $140.00 Henry Chuang Finalize opposition to motion for new trial. 1/8/2018 0.1 350 $35.00 Henry Chuang E-mail from John Shepardson. 1/9/2018 1.3 350 $455.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review PLM’s opposition. Begin drafting motion for attorney fees. Receive and review notice of intent to file opposition. 1/12/2018 0.1 350 $35.00 Henry Chuang Review docket re: intent to file motion for new trial. 1/16/2018 0.4 350 $140.00 Henry Chuang E-mail to and from John Shepardson. Receive and review Declaration of Stan Zlotoff. 1/17/2018 0.3 350 $105.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review reply to motion for new trial. Review docket re: motion for new trial. 1/22/2018 1.2 350 $420.00 Henry Chuang Telephone calls from Superior Court. E-mail to and from Brad Klein. Prepare for hearing on motion for new trial. 1/23/2018 1.2 350 $420.00 Henry Chuang Prepare for hearing. Attend hearing on motion for new trial in person. 1/24/2018 0.2 350 $70.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review objection to declaration. E-mail from John Shepardson. 1/25/2018 0.3 350 $105.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review order on motion for new trial. E-mail to and from Brad Klein. 1/26/2018 0.3 350 $105.00 Henry Chuang E-mail from Brad Klein. E-mail to client. E-mail to John Shepardson. Review docket re: motion for new trial. 1/29/2018 0.1 350 $35.00 Henry Chuang E-mail from John Shepardson. 1/31/2018 1.4 350 $490.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review motion for attorney fees. Receive and review motion for new trial. Begin drafting opposition. E-mail to and from Brad Klein. Research on waiver of arguments. 2/9/2018 0.1 350 $35.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review notice of appeal. Receive and review notice of deficiency in notice of appeal. 2/12/2018 0.1 350 $35.00 Henry Chuang Review online docket re: motion for new trial. 2/13/2018 0.2 350 $70.00 Henry Chuang E-mail to and from John Shepardson. E-mail to and from client. 2/14/2018 0.1 350 $35.00 Henry Chuang Telephone call from Superior Court. 2/15/2018 0.1 350 $35.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review amended notice of appeal. 2/16/2018 0.4 350 $140.00 Henry Chuang E-mail from Marti Castillo. Receive and review reply. 2/20/2018 0.1 350 $35.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review notice of rejection of amended notice of appeal. 2/21/2018 0.4 350 $140.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review letter from appellate court. E-mail to and from client. Review mediation requirement. 2/26/2018 0.2 350 $70.00 Henry Chuang Review docket. Prepare for hearing. 2/27/2018 0.6 350 $210.00 Henry Chuang Prepare for hearing. 2/28/2018 1.5 350 $525.00 Henry Chuang Attend motion for new trial. 3/1/2018 0.3 350 $105.00 Henry Chuang E-mail to and from Brad Klein. E-mail to and from John Shepardson. Review online docket. 3/5/2018 0.1 350 $35.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review order on motion for new trial. 2/21/2018 0.2 450 $90.00 Kathryn Diemer Email with HC re: Dougherty appeal. 3/9/2018 0.6 350 $210.00 Henry Chuang E-mail to and from Mery Chang, appellate court. Draft mediation statement. Telephone call to court. 3/12/2018 0.4 350 $140.00 Henry Chuang E-mail to and from John Shepardson. Draft notice of order. Receive and review statement of case and appellant's mediation statement. Finish drafting respondent's mediation statement. 3/14/2018 0.1 350 $35.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review opposition to motion for attorney fees. 3/23/2018 0.3 350 $105.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review mediation statement from PLM. Finalize mediation statement for filing. 3/29/2018 0.3 350 $105.00 Henry Chuang Receive and review reply. Receive and review notice of appeal. 4/2/2018 3.6 350 $1,015.00 Henry Chuang Finish drafting motion for attorney fees, request for judicial notice, and declaration of Henry Chuang. Telephone call to court. E-mail to and from John Shephardson. Telephone call to Marti Castillo. E-mail from Marti Castillo. Telephone call to court. Total 30.7 $10,765.00