Judgment SatisfactionCal. Super. - 6th Dist.August 12, 2019w’ EJ -1 00 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, address, and Slate Bar number): Afler recording. retum lo: MEZZETT'I FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. POST OFFlCE BOX 59595 SAN JOSE, CA 95159-0595 #15352 TEL No.: 408-280-6643 FAx No‘ (optional): E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): A‘I'I'ORNEY JUDGMENT ASSIGNEEE FOR D ECREDITOR 0F RECORD SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F Santa Clara STREET ADDRESS: 191 N. 1st Street MAIUNG ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP cooE: San Jose, Ca. 951 13 BRANCH NAME: Santa Clara Co‘ Superior Court Small Claims FOR Rsconosa's 0R sscnnARvopsmrE's use ouLv PLAINTIFF: M. Jean Starcevich CASE NUMBER: DEFENDANT: Daniel Elliott. Jr., Louise A. Elliott 1930079953 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT FOR couanSE ONLY FULL a PARTIAL E MATURED INSTALLMENT 1. Satisfaction ofthe judgment is acknowledged as follows: a. Full satisfaction (1) E Judgment is satisfied in full. (2) E The judgment creditor has accepted payment or performance other than that specified 1n the judgment in full satisfaction of the judgment. .. e CCU“ b‘ E Panialsatisfaction Sn arisr The amount received in partial BY P W g, gm“ mm satisfaction of the judgment is $ c. D Matured installment All matured installments under the installmentjudgment have been satisfied as of (date): 2. Full name and address ofjudgment creditor:' M. Jean Starcevich. 31 E. Julian Street, San Jose. Ca. 951 12 3. Ful1 name and address of assignee of record, ifany: Mezzetti Financial Services, lnc,, Post Office Box 59595, San Jose, CA 95159 4. Full name and address ofjudgment debtor being fully or partially released:' Daniel Elliott. Jr., Louise A, Elliott. 2669 Coit Drive. San Jose. Ca. 95124-1812 5. a. Judgmenlentered on (date): 10/08/2019 b. E Renewal entered on (date): 6‘ E An E abstract ofjudgment certified copy of thejudgment has been recorded as follows (complete all information for each county where recorded): COUNTY DATE OF RECORDING INSTRUMENT NUMBER Santa Clara 11/1 412019 24331629 7A D A notice ofjudgment lien has been filed in the office of the Secretary of Staie as file number (specify): NOTICE T0 JUDGMENT DEBTOR: lfthis is an acknowledgment of full satisfaction ofjudg e will have to be recorded in each county shown in item 6 above. if any, in order to release the judgment lien. and will have to e ed in the office ofthe Secretary of State to terminate any judgment lien on personal property. Date: 2 I }(j ' J (Zy (SIGMA Tune 0F JUDGMENI 04255301? 0R ASSIGNEE 0F CREDITOR on ATTORNEV“) 'Tha names of the judgment creditor and Judgment debtor must ba slated as shown in any Abstract of Judgment whlch was recorded and is baing released by this satisvanicn. '1 A separate notary acknowledgment must be aflachod for each signature. Fomwmedmrowonawm ACKNOWLEDGMENT 0F SATISFACTION 0F JUDGMENT Paw on Judidal Council o! Calllomia Code of Civil Procedure, §§ 724.060. EJ-100 [Rev Juiy 1. 2014] 724.120. 724,250 ACKNOWLEDGMENT A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy. 0r validity of that document. State of California county 0f Santa Clara ) On 5/11/21 before me_ Michael Mezzetti, notary public (insert name and title ofthe officer) personany appeared Jose Mezzetti who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence t0 be the person(s) whose name(s) islare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshelthey executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the. person(s), orthe entity upon behalf ofwhich the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. | certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature l