Authorization Appear on behalf of PartyCal. Super. - 6th Dist.July 31, 2019Authorization to Appear c'ems'ESdéfi’eheijheg’fi This form is used to tell the coun you are authorized to appear for a plaintiff n or defendant in a small claims case. You may also use this form to ask the SEP 23 2mg court for permission to help a plaintiffor defendant who cannot properly “ speak for himselfor herself. You cannot appear for a defendant 0r plaintiff ifyour onlyjob is to represent him or her in small claims court. lfyou are a lawyer, you can appear only as authorized by section l 16.530 of the Code ofCivil Procedure. Fill out®-@ on this page, then file it with the small claims clerk at 0r FiI/in court name and streeraddress: before the trial. Superior Court of California, County of B”? \I® List the name, address, and position of the person EL?“ k Cévpk C‘(‘‘bmstovx 2:26?“m cm R u mm Address: gm“ (\qu 09’ fig U3 Job title rLrelatlonshipmt0 the d fenda t r plai ti 0U want t0 appear ‘Fi/lin your case number and case name below: Case Number: Who are you appearing for? c N tD A defendant in this case (name): ase ame' Z’A plaintiffin this case (name): 'q S CO7Q$ 2,7 ® Tell us about the defendant or plaintiff you are appearing for. I am appearing for a (check one): BCorporation and I am an employee, officer, or director ofthat corporation. D Partnership and I am an employee, officer, director, or partner ofthat partnership. D Other business (not a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship) and l am an employee, oFficer, or director ofthat business. D Government agency 0r other public entity and l am an employee, officer, or director ofthat agency or entity. D Sole proprietorship and I am an employee ofthat business. I am qualified to testify about business records made in the regular course of business at or near the time ofthe event. The content ofthe business records is [he only issue in this case. (Evidence Code, § 127/). D Plaintiffwho was assigned to out-of-state active duty in the U.S. armed forces for more than 6 months after filing this claim. I am not being paid to appear. l have not appeared in small claims court for other people more than 4 times in this calendar year. D Defendant or plaintiffwho is in a jail, a prison, or another detention facility now. l am not being paid to appear. I have not appeared in small claims court for other people more than 4 times in this calendar year. D Owner of rental property in California who employs me as a property agent. This claim is about [he rental property I manage. D Association created to manage a common interest development and I am an agent, management company representative, or bookkeeper for that association. D Husband or wife and my spouse and I are both listed on this claim and agree that either spouse can appear for the other. D Other (explain): ® I declare under penalty of perjury under California state law that the information above is true and correct. Dt “fmaMA (1AM ’ QCz/(y/ Type 0r prim your name Sign your "\zme JudidalCouncilolcaliiunia. unaw‘mum'nlonagov ' ' sc_1 09' pa e 1 of1 Rummetm‘WWFW Authorlzatlon to Appear g CodaotCiviIProcedum,§ns,540 (Small Claims)