Proof of ServiceCal. Super. - 6th Dist.July 15, 2019SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: BY ,. ‘DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT; v avid Pinheiro RETURN RECEIPT CASE NUMBER: CERTIFIED MAIL [Q 5&07 0:628 This recéipt has not been reviewed by the Clerk’s Office. The issue ofproper service will be addressed at the time of the hearing. I I Complete items 1. 2, and 3. . I Print your name and address on the reverse A Sinat‘ D Agent v so that we can return the card to you. U Addresses ' I Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B R ewe“ b ’7’ d Name) C- Dam 0f WWW or on the front if space permits. 7 //7 / [q 2 1. AnicIaAddressedto: NO;KW 1W‘HK zvmm {0E €265 “Tm?!”llfllllflllllllllllllllfllll 9590 9402 5033 9092 2716 27 D Is delivery[address different from item 17 D Yes If YES. enter delivery address below: DNo _2._AnjcIa.Number_(TzafisteLtzomsewice.label) ?Ul‘i l]?fl[] [IUD]. 56].” DEE]? 3. Service Type D Adult Slgnature D Registered Mail” D Adult Signature Restricted Dellvery D Registered Mall RammedD Certified M3110 Delivery Cemfled Mull Restricted Delivery D Remm Racelpt for D Collect on Delivery u Couect on Denvery Restricted Delivery U Slgnature Conflnnauon'" ‘ D Priority Mall Express® Merchandlse D Signature Confirmation Restricted Delivery 'aJM .szin Restricted Dellvery I2~ \ . 'i A, . ;ms Fprm 389%qu 299.5‘PlSN17599-0e-q09-995?x H u ,. Domestic Return Receipt Z: