Request Postponement Small Claims No FeeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.July 3, 2019Clerk stamps here when form is‘fifed.I. RequeSt to Pdstpone Trial See instructions on other side. ® My name i5: h bak- M‘M“Y Mailing address: hone. I am a (check one): Rolaimiff D defendant ‘ in this case.” Fill m the court name and stréet address\:\__/ ® My trial is now scheduled for (date): MQV‘k ls: 9.3 2° Superior Court 0f Cafifornia, County of superior Court Civil Divislon 191 N. First St San Jose, CA 951 13 ® I ask the court to peggfie my t-rial until (approximaté date): ‘ I am asking for this postponement because (arplain): D IfyOur answer will notfit in the space below, check this box and attach your Fill in your case number and case nam e: answer 0n a separate sheer ofpaper. Write "SC-150, Item 4 " at the top. CaSe Number: {33c b?3Hv%o Case Name: ® If your trial is scheduled within the next 10 days, explain why you did not ask for a postponement sooner. D Ifyour answer will notfir m the space below, check this b0: and attach your answer 0n a separate sheet ofpaper. Write "SC-150 Item 5" at the top © Has your claim been served by a method allowed by law? (Seeform SC-104B, Wham "ProofofServz’ce"?, for information abou! how the claim can be served Check and compiere all that apply): D Ifyozzr answer will notfit in the space below, check this box and attach your anmer 0n a separate sheet ofpaper. Wrzte "SC- I50, Item 6” arthe t0 V1791 p o. lam a défendant and have not filed a claim 1n this case ’ b- D Yes. The parties listed below have been served: (1) , who lives in: , was served on: name cozmry « date (2) . who lives in: , was served on: name county date c. a No. The parties listed below have not been served (list names}: (1) 9W CRNLD Q _ (2) d- D. I do not know. The court clerk mailed my claim, and I d0 not know if the court received the signed receipt for these parties (list names): (1) (2) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws OfIhe State of California that the information above ls true and correct. Type 0r print your name t 3 Sign here Judicial CounciIofCaHfoma. wwwcourrinforagov Request to Postpone Trial 50-150 New July 1. 2010. Optional Form . Code otcwn Procedures, § 116.570. Cal. Rules otCoun, m1e 12107 (Small Clalms) ln‘stfiifitiané for.FoV|;n‘i $07150,- Recjuestito’POfibohe Trial (This page is notpart ofForm SCLIISO and does hot neéd to be cépiea served orfiled.) ‘Who can use this form? ‘ - - Anyone who filed a small claims casé and wants to postpone or reschedule the trial for any good rpason, g _ including because he o'r she has not served all ofthe " h defendants _ \ . - - Anyone who was 'sued m a small claims case and wants t_o postpone 6r resch'dule the trial for any A-s -- 'y ix ' ."-‘~goodreas'on . 4 > t Do l ha've to use this form? No. YQu may write _a letter Instead O_f using this fem. Your létter should éxplain why you want to change your court daté ‘and include the other information that 15 requested 0n this fonn, ‘. How do I as’k for _a postponement? , ' Fill o'ut Form SC- 150, R'eqz'zest to Postpone Trial, (on the other side of these instructions), 0r write a lette'r that includes ihé mformatioh requested 0n this ‘fvforml't . n V . _- Hav'e all other parties 111 served with a copy ofyour t_equest. You may serve by mail 0r in person. ,ste Fdnn SC-104, ProofofServz'ce, or Form SC-112A, ProofofSe'rvice by Mail. - File your request and the completed ProofofService With the small claims court 'clerk. You may have to pay ' a $10 fee, depending 0n when (or it) the claim was . serv_ed. Ifyou cannot éfi'ord f0 pay arequired fee, see Form FW-OOIMO, Infim‘zation Sheet 0n Waiver of Supermr Court Fees and Costs ‘ ‘dé‘cisiafi?’ " “ If the court postpones the trial, the court will mail a ‘ hotice' with thé new heanng date' t0 all plaintiffs and 9-. p .1 wt -~--'-'-L- defendants m thls case. Ifthe court does not postpone the trial, the trial will be on the date when it is currently spheduled. The court will notify the persOn who filed the Request. Ifyou d0 not hear from the court, you should go t0 'Eourt on the scheduled trial date. A- 7__ Au. u u- .V __v._¢__,.._ t _. ._. AA “L“ x ‘ _ - ,5“ wits J-«ri. t For frée help,c0ntactyour countyssmallclauns adwsor "z ‘ "WT“; ' " "115nm”ClanmsAdwsorwm- H1 ”'43.“??? " _(408)882 2100 (OptmnsZ 8) -% :nz-‘r‘éfi‘k' y’s‘l-fii-‘fl‘ V Or g0 t0 “Gounty-Spec1fic court Informatlon” at WWW courtmfo ca gov/seljheZp/smallclazms -» ‘- x Ngw J‘uIy’L 2010 ‘ ril‘f-A _ v. 59-59150