Request Postponement Small Claims No FeeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.June 27, 2019Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 8/26/2019 3:29 PM Reviewed By: D. Pinheiro Case #19SC079438 Envelope: 3311487 _ Clerk stamps here when form is filed. $0-1 50 Request to Postpone Trlal See instructions on other side. ® 69 @® @ My name is; Constante P Firme Mailing address; 1856 Craighton Ave Hacienda Heights, CA 91 745 phone; 626-51 2-4055 Y /~ 1 x |_fi10nnnl-I1n 1 . -‘1- l am a (Check 0116/." [ZJ plalnIlII L_J 06161103111 11'] HHS case. Fill in the court name and street address: My trial is now scheduled for (date): AUQUSt 30 201 9 Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara I ask the court t0 postpone my trial until (approximate date): 191 N_ First Street, San Jose, November 15, 2019 CA 951 13 T 2m nekin nr H’n‘c nncfnnnpmm‘lf kpr‘mmp {avnlnz‘nl-w . Av. u v . . vvvwmu- ‘w.r.w..y/.(YA Mu; u xLAAD ”A. r .- rVALVAumu. Ifyour answer will notfit in the space below, check this box and attach your Fill in your case number and case name: answer 0n a separate sheet ofpaper. Write “SC-I50 Item 4 ” at the top. Case Number: I have not yet received proof of service to t’he other party, #193CO79438 3”“ .l a”: 3"."“t'ymg to do dluef dmge'mel I '.'a. “9.3150 ”0t Case Name: Ifyour trial i._ scheduled within the next 10 days exnlain Why you did. not ask for a pnsmonement mnnet-7 -__1_ . -_,.l_ 7-- E Ifyour answer will notfit in the space below, check this box and attach your answer 0n a separate sheet ofpaper. Write “SC-150, Item 5 ” at the tap. I was hoping all documents wou have not arrived, | need more time. l urvy -H'-' II- u >-lo-ool.o.’ol‘ . Id be here but they Has your claim been served by a method allowed by law? (Seeform SC-104B, Whatls “ProofofService”?, for information about how the claim can be served. Check and complete all that apply): D L’yaur answer will notfit in the space Write “SC-150, Item 6 ” at the top. O‘v‘y‘, Cué’C/C Lino uu“ u]?“N r N ., r- I r ) k. SL l .,* :r a. D No. I am a defendant and have not filed a claim in this case. b- E] Yes. The parties listed below have been served: (1) , who lives in: , was served 0n: name ’ county date (2) . who lives in: 2 was serve on: name county ‘ date c. D N0. The parties listed below have not been served (list names).- (1) (2) d. I do not know. The court clerk mailed my claim, andl do not know if the court received the signed receipt for these parties (list names): _ (1)Kevin Park (2) National General Insurance I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correct. Date: 08/26/201 9 f w Constante P Firme } //_V/% Type 0r printyour name Sign here («4’ Judicial Council of California, www.oouninfacagov Req“est to Postpone T rial sc_1 5O New July 1, 201 o, Optional Form Code of Civn Procedures, § 1 16.570, Cal. Rules or Conn, rule 3.2107 (Small Claims) Instructions for Form SC-1 50, Request to Postpone Trial (7721's page is not part ofForm SC-l 50 and does not need t0 be copied, served, orfz‘led.) Who can use this form? ° Anyone who filed a small claims case and wants t0 postpone or reschedule the trial for any good reason, including because he or she has not served all ofthe defendants ~ Anyone Who was sued in a small claims case and wants to postpone or reschedule the trial for any good reason Do I have to use this form? N0. You may write a letter instead of using this form. Your letter should explain why you want to change your court date and include the other information that is requested on this form. How do l ask for a postponement? - Fill out Form SC-lSO, Request t0 Postpone Trial, (on the other side ofthese instructions), or write a letter that includes the information requested on this form. - Have all other parties in your case served with a copy ofyour request. You may serve by mail or in person. Use Form SC-104, ProofofServz’ce, or Form SC-l 12A, ProofofServz‘ce by Mail. ° File your request and the completed ProofofService with the small claims court clerk. You may have to pay a $10 fee, depending on When (0r if) the claim was served. Ifyou cannot afford to pay a required fee, see Form FW-OOl-INFO, L'afirmation Sheer 0n Waiver 9f Superior Court Fees and Costs. How will | know the court’s decision? If the court postpones the trial, the court Will mail a notice with the new hearing date to all plaintiffs and defendants in this case. If the court does not postpone the triai, the trial will be on the date when it is currently scheduled. The court will notify the person who filed the Request. If you do not hear from the court, you should go to court on the scheduled trial date. Need help? . For free help, contact your county’s small claims adv1sor: Or go to “County-Specific court Information” at NewJuIv 1.2010 Request to Postpone Trial SC-1 50 (Small Claims)