Clerk Rejection LetterCal. Super. - 6th Dist.June 19, 2019SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY Downtown Courthouse - Small Claims Division 191 North First Street San Jose, CA 951 13 (408) 882-2100 options 2, then 7 o Publlc Caso lnformaflon Website: hmsM/cmgomhscscoun.orggPonaI/ Providing access to local cases through nnllne search 8. retrieval. 9 Main Website:mewvlding access to rules. forms. fees. locations 8. phone numbers. Document Return Form [ Ken Masuda ] Case Number: 198C079312 [ 653 Skyline Ct. [ Placerville, CA 95667 ] Case Title: Dear SIrIMadam: Your letter dated 11/24/20 Is being returned for the following reason (s): D The document requlres a $ fee or a waIVer granted by this court. D A “ReqUest for Dlsmlssai" must be filed if a Judgment has not been rendered. D The “Acknowledgement of Satisfaction of Judgment” which is on the back of your originai Notice of Entry of Judgment is required afler a Judgment has been entered D The EJ-100 form (Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment) Is required when an Abstract of Judgment has been recorded. The defendant's statement of assets must be sent to the plalnl'rff. The coun does not forward mail between parties. There ls an automatic 30 day Stay of Enforcement from the date ofjudgment. The Facsimile Transmission Cover Sheet is required and must Include the following information D ‘three digit verification code located In the signature area on the back of the credit card D the zip code of the billing address for the credit card The document requires a $ fax flllng usage fee orwaiver of fees granted by this court. When the party filing did not appear in court at the time the judgment was entered the Notice of Motion to Vacate is required. When a judgment Is reached at a contested heafing where both parties appeared the Notice of Appeal is required. The Request to Pay Judg ment in installments requlres that the flnanclal statement be completed. A Notice of Appeal has been flled. Enforcement ofjudgmem cannot be processed untll the Appeal has been decided. The Order of Examination D must Indicate the name of an individual or the representative of a business D must list the defendant's name exactly as it's llsted on the Notice of Entry of Judgment D may not be processed if an Order of Examination was conducted withln the last 120 days. The costs claimed on line 12 of your Writ are not allowed at this time. D A Memorandum of Costs has been filed but the time has not elapsed for the judgment debtor to file a Motion to Tax Costs. The does not match the original Information on file. The document requires D an original signature D a notarized signature D the signature of Z a copy to be sent to the opposing party before It can be considered by the court. Letter did not state a copy was sent to the opposing The above form is D incomplete D Incorrect. Please review the information where the “Red” check marks are placed. pam- The case has been dismlssed. D In the future please submit a self addressed stamped envelope. OtherJf you do not recgived mail at [he address as listed on the Amended Plaintiff‘s Claim (a San Jose address), you may update your address for thls case by completing and subrmttlng form MC-040 (Notice of Change of Address”) [bTank form enc1osed] to ensure all future court mailings make it t0 yOU- V Clerk of the Court DUB DUDE DD EDD ED D DEC ® i 2020 Clerk, by Dad'd P'nhe'tcbeputy DEC M 2:020? " V 7‘ 777a Cour! stqfl‘Is no: authorized Io give you legal advice 0r instruct you on whlch (egalforms lo use, é: this commute: an naulhorizcdpracrice aflaw. 77:3 Cour! recommend! thatyauseek appropriate legal assistance. 30.8013 REV 091232020 “r Superior court/ Small claims ct Case 195C079312 11/24/2020 To whom it may concern, l am writing you after seeing a decision being made on this case without me being present. | have tried numerous times to contact you by mail and Email after you have rescheduled this case three times this year. Many responses are not given after inquiries or requests on this case. My last mail to you Nov 9th was to reschedule the case as | would be addressing family issues on Nov19. l also filled out your appropriate form to reschedule the date. 1n that form it asks if the court date is within ten days of the request what is the reason far the short notice. l informed you on the form that l responded to your prior response letter the same day | received it therefore making it impossible to inform you earlier. There was no response or rejection letter or even acknowledgement of receipt of my letter and form. Another issue that arose announced on the 16th was that SCC went back into purple Iockdown COVID status. Under similar conditions the prior court dates were understandably rescheduled. l wrote and called to find the then current status of the courts having continued hearings under the new COVID mandate, no communication from you. As I informed you in previous communication, l need to drive 3 1-2 hrs to get to San Jose and need information from you on a timely basis to know what l should do to comply. This is completely unfair and critical information slipping through the cracks and not communicated to me is unacceptable. I expect a timely response to this | It will be followed up by a hard copy. Regards, Ken Masuda My