Plaintiff s Claim More than 12Cal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 20, 2019m! x 1L: Plaintiff‘s Claim and ORDER to Go-Ito‘Small Claims Court Notice to the person being su_ed: You are the defendant ifyour nam'e is li'sted In ® on page 2 oft_his form. The person suing you is the plaintiff, listed In (D on page 2 You and the plaintiffmust go to court on the' trial date. listed below. lfyou do not go to court you may lose the case. lfyou lose, the coun can order that your wages, money, or property be taken to pay this claim. Bring witnesses, receipts, and any evidehce you need to prove your case. Read this form and all pages attached to understand the claim against you and to protect your rights. \ - h, Aviso al Demandado. 'Usted es el Demandado si su nombreIfigura en ®de la pégina 2 _de este formulario. La persona que lo o'cmanda es el Demandante la que figum en @de la pégina2. 2: ‘ Usted y el Demandante tienez-I que presentarse en la corte en la fecha del juicio indicada a continuaciun Si no se presenta, puede perder el caso .I Si pierde el caso Ia corte podrIa Ordenar que le quiten de su sueldo, dinero u otros bienes para pagar este reclamo. Lleve testigos recibos y cualquier otra prueba que necesite para probar su Clerk stamps date here when form is filed. MAY 2 0 20.19 CIerK oI th ul’t :W‘Wifi ‘ 5:3“ Fill in court name arfdmeess: Superior Court f alifomia,County of Santa Clara Downtown Superior Court Small Claims Div. l9l N. First St. SanJose, CA 95] l3 Coun fills in case number when form I's filed. Case Number: 198 C0792 20 Case Name: A- L l inancial Corp‘ vs Martinez Ponce, Isaiah S. caso Lea este formulario y todas las péginas adjuntas para entendcr la demanda en su contra y para proteger sus derechos. "“ §9rdergtq Go to Court The people in G) and ® must go to court: (CIerkfiI/s am section below.) Departhen't Name-and address ofcourt, ifdifferent from above- 9 Date Time .Irm (I mg? 2. 3. .Ln . , f ‘ Date: JUN 12 r2919 Clerk,‘»by '. 7 .o , Deputy Instructions for the person suing: U' UJ‘ \ll VU You are the plaintiff The person you are suing is the defendant. Before yOUIfill out this form‘, rczId form SC- l00- INFO. Informa/I'onfor the Plaintiff to know your rights. Get SC- IOO- INFO at any courthouse or county law library. or go to www courts. ca gov/snmllclaims/forms Fill out pages 2 and 3 0fthis form. Then make_copies ofall pages ofthis form. (Make one copy for each pany named III this case and an e\tra copy ior yourseli. ) lake or mail the original and these copies to the court clerks office and pay the filing fee. The clerk will write the date ofyour trial III tIIe b0\' above. You must have someone at least |8-not you or anyone else listed III this case-give each defendant a court--stamped copy ofall five pages ofthis form and aIIy pages this form tells you to attach There are special rules for‘ serving,” delivering, this form to public entities associations, and some businesses. See forms SC- l04 SC- 104B and SC- 104C. Go to court on your trial date listed above. Bring witnesses, receipts, and any evidence you need to prove your case. Judicial Council al Calimmia. wwtoounseaqov Revised Jawary 1. 2017. Mandatoiy Fam Code oi Civil Procedure §§ 116.110 at seq. v, 115.22%). 116.34%) A SC-100, Page 1 ot5 -> Plaintiff's Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court (Small Claims) ‘ . ‘ , Plaintiff (list names): a , . ‘ _ . . Case Number. A-LFinangialCorF. ' 4‘ L 19 S C®7932® ® The plaintiff (the person,,busiriess, orft‘public e'ntify that is suing) is: Name: A-L Financial Corp... Phone; 7|4.479-|3|1 Street address: 1551 N. Tustin Ave., #400 Santa Ana CA 92705 Street " ' " City State Zip Mailing address (ifdiffergm) P O. BO\ H907 Santa Ana CA 927ll- I907 z \ 1 I Stree! City Slate Zip If more than one plaintiff, list next plaintiff here: Name: , I . Phone: Street address: . v ‘ Street h I j I I City Stale Zip Mailing address (ifdifferent): ' Street 'A ‘ City State Zip D Check here ifmore than two plaintiffs and hllach'forr‘n‘SCv-I 00A. D Check here ifeilher plaintifflisled above i5 216ng business under a_ficlilioux name. Ifso, allachform SC~I 03. D Check here Ifany plainliflis a “licensee " 0r ”deferred deposit originator " (payday lender) under Financial Code sections 23000 e! seq. ' ‘ ® The defendant(the person, bysinesgh or public entity being sued) is: Name: lsaiah S. Martinez Ponce . Phone; Street address; 7027 Monter’é'y‘si, Unirz 5 ‘ ' 'GiIroy CA 95020-6613 Shae! 4 ' - A City State Zip Mailing address (ifdiffirem):'~‘ Stree! City Slate Zip If the defendant is a corporation, limited liability company, or public entity, list the person or agent authorizedlor service of process here: Name: m” :‘f ‘ G v Job title, ifknown: A dd ress: Street -‘ V : ' City ' Slate Zip D Check here ifyour case is agaim‘l more than onedefendam and attachform SC-l 00A. D Check here ifany defendant is on aclive military duly. and write his OI her name here. ® The plaintiff claims the defendant owes $ 2500.00 . (Explain below): a. Why does the defendant owe Ihe plaintiff money? Default in payments on Cond. Sales Cont. When did this happen? (Daiq- 04-26-2019 a b. lfno specific date give the time beriod: DaIe s_larIezI' Through: c. How did you calculate the money owed to you? (Do no! include court casIs orfeesfm seI vice.) Default In payments -. ~ D Check here ifyou ne‘ed I110Ie space. Attach one sheeI ofpapei orfomi MC-03/ and wriIe “-SC I00, Item 3” aI Ihe (0p. ‘--' .. ““‘°‘“""‘“""~2°‘7 Plaintiff’s Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court SC'WOI P3992“ ' (Small Claims) 9 ~ l. . Plaintiff (list namex): Case Number: A-L FinangialCorP. I. ' ' _ fl 19 S Cb 79220 ® You must ask the defendant (in person, in writing, or by phone) to pay you before you sue. lf your claim is fur possession of property, you must ask the defendant to give you the property. Have you done this? E Yes D No Ifno, explain why not: G) Why are you filing your claim at this courthouse? This courthouse covers thc area (check the one that applies): ' a. E (l) Where the defendant lives or does business. (4) Where a contract (written or spoken) was made, (2) Where the plaintiff‘s property was damaged. signed, performed, or broken by the defendant or (3) Where the plaintiff was injured. where the defendant lived or did business when the > defendant made the contract. b4 D Where the buyer or lessee signed the contract, lives now, 0r lived when the contract was made, ifthis claim, is about an offer or contract for personal, family, or household goods, services, or loans. (Code Civ. Proc., § 395W) c. D Where the buyer signed the contract, lives now, or lived when the contract was made, ifthis claim is about a retail installment contract (like a credit card). (Civ Code) § I812, 10.) d. D Where the buyer signed the contract, lives now, 0r lived when the contract was made, or where the vehicle is permanently garage}, ifthis claim is about a vehicle'finance sale. (Civ Code. § 2984.4.) D Other (speciflw):5'“ List the zip code offithe place checked in © above (ifyou know): 95020-6613 ls your claim about 'an attorney-client fee dispute? D Yes E No Ifyes, and (fyou have had m'bilration. fill outformSC-JOI, allach ir Io Ihisform, and check here: ,D Are you suing a publicentity? D Y3esg ' E No-i3 Ifyes, you muslfile a wrilleirc/éiim with (he enliiyfirsl. D '-A ciaim was filed on (dale): Iflhe public entity denies your clklilnior does nor answer wilhih the lime allowed by law, you canflle lhisform. Have you filed more than 12 other sm‘all'claims within the last 12 months in California? E Yes D N0 [/yes, Ihefi/ingfeefor this case will be higher. ls your claim for more than $2,500? - mi] Yes) i E No Ifyes I have notfiled, and undelstahd Ilia! I cannotfile,‘ more Ihan two small claims casesfor more than 52,500 in California during this calendar year. G636) 6G) ® | understand that by filing a claim in small- claims court, | have no ' ht to appeal this claim. I . .. . _ l declare, under penalty of perjury :in'de‘. Caiifomia State l'aw, that the information . , ny attachments to this form Is true and correct a ‘ -- ‘ Date:OS-l4-2019 J. Concha-Manager 1 ’ _ Plui‘riti/ftypes 0r prints name here a ' I Iaintiflsigns here Date: ' -= - . ‘ _ ’ i Sewmlplamnfftypes or pt ints name hele Secondplointiffsigns here Requests for Accommodations Assistive listeI‘in'g systems c0IanIter-assisted real-time captioning, or sign language interpreter services are availabie ifyou a_sk a't- least five day's before the trial. Contact the clerk s office for form MC-410, Reqzt‘est'foij Mtbohiinodatiofis‘ by Petsohs With Disabilities and Response (Civ. Code § 54 8t) “°“"°“"’“'Y‘-2°” Plaintiff’s Claim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court 5C-100. P8983 015 (Srnall Claims) a . Aw, ‘ SC-1 00 Informat'ivon fbr the d~éféhdant (the person being sued) "Small claims court" is a special cou.‘ where claims for $10,000 or less are decided. lndividuals,.i[1cluding "natural persons" and sole proprietors, may claim I’Ip i0 $110,000. Corporations. pannerships. public en‘iities, and other businesses are limited to claims of $5,000 (See below for exceptionsf) The process is quick and cheap. The run»: I'e'Simple an'd informai You are the defendant-the person beIIIg sued. The person who Is suing you is the plaintiff Do I need a lawyer? You ma; iaik to a lawyer before or a'fier the case But you may no! have a iawyer represent you in coun . (unless this'Is an appeal from a smah ma ms case) How do l get ready for court? YoII don I have to fiIe‘ _any papers before your trial, unless you:think _this Is the wrong court ' for your case. But bring to your trial any witnesses, receipts and‘ evidence that suppons your case And read “Be‘ Prepared for Your Trial" at www coufis ca. gov/smallc/aims/prepare What if I need an accommodation? Ifyou have a " ‘ i ' disability or are hearing impaired, fill out form MC-410, Request for Accommodations. Give the form to your court clerk or the ADA/ Access Coordinator What if l don’t speak English weii? Ask the‘ coun ciérk ‘ ‘ as soon as possible if your court has a courtgmoyided interpreter. available and how to request one A court-i‘rnvided interpreter may not be available Alternatively, you may bring an adult who Is not a witness or an attorney to interpret for ya‘u 0|. ask- the court for a list of interpreters for hire Where can l get the court foIms l.»need? Go to ariy I courthouse or your county law |ibrc:;. orAprint forms‘at wwwI ' courtscaIgov/sma/lclairns/formsI r ' . What happens at the trial?“ sides. The judge may make a de'c'.‘ decision to you later _ , What if I lose the case? lfyoij'io ,‘you may appeal. You'll have to pay a fee. (Plaintiffs cannot appé‘aitheir own claimsI-)v_' - . If you were at the trial, file form SCi'i40; i‘idtiée oprpea/E You_ must file within 3O days after the clerk hahds or mails you the ‘ y judge s decision (judgment) on form SC-200 or form SC- 130, Notice of Entry of Judgment e- iudge will listen to both ri at-your trial or mail the' " . If you were not at the trial, fill out and file form SG-i 35, Notice of I Motion to Vacate Judgment and Declaration,'Ito ask" the judge to cancel the judgment (decision) If the judge does not give_imu a new trial you have 1O days to appeal the .decision. File form SC- 140. g'-~';"g.. ; .I Tia} For more information on appeals see wwwI couns. ca. gov/ , --_ _, sma/Iclaims/appeals Do | have options? __ Yes If you are being sued, you cam" - Settle your case before the ti“ al; Ifyou and the plaintiff agree on how to settle the casre- the plaintiff must file ‘ form CIV- 110 Requestfor Disnii sal with the clerk. Ask the Small Claims Advisor for help. . ' ‘ Exceptions: Different limits apply Ion against a defendant . 7.:- -Prove this is the wrong court Send a letter to the court before your trial explaining why you think this Is the wrong court. Ask the court to dismiss the claim You must serve (give) a copy of your letter (by mail or in person) to all parties (Your letter to the court must say you have done so.) '- G'o'to the trial and try to win your case. Bring witnesses, receipts. and any evidence you need to prove your case. To have the court order a witness to go to the trial, fill out form SC-107 (Small Claims Subpoena) and have it served on the witness - Sue the person who is suing you. Ifyou have a cIaim against the plaintiff. and the claim is appropriate for small claims 'court' as described on this form, you may file Defendant's Claim I(form SC-120) and bring the claim in this action, lfyour claim is ~.for'more than allowed in small claims court, you may still file it in small claims court if you give up the amount over the small ‘ “(claims value amount, or you may file a claim for the full value of : the claim in the appropriate court. If your claim is for more than allowed in small claims coun and relates to the same contract, transaction, matter, or event that is the subject of the plaintiffs claim, you may file your claim in the appropriate court and file a I2? motion to transfer the plaintiffs 's claim to that court to resolve -_.bo_th_ matters together. You can see a description of the amounts 'allo_w'ed In the paragraph above titled “Small Claims Court. " - Agree with the plaintiff‘s claim and pay the money. Or, if you can ’t pay the money now, go to your trial and say you want to make paymentsI o Liet the case "default." If you don't settle and do not go to the trial (default), the judge may give the plaintiff what he or she is asking .for plus court costs. If this happens, the plaintiff can - legally take your money. wages, and property to pay the judgment What‘if I need more time? You 'C'anvchange the trial date if: . Yot‘Izca‘nnot go to court on the scheduled date (you will have to p'a'y‘a fee to postpone the trial) or You“ did not get served (receive this order to go to court) at least ' 15 days before the trial (or 20 days if you live outside the - county) or 'You heed more time to get an interpreter. One postponement is allowed and you will not have to pay a fee to delay the trial. Ask the Small Claims Clerk about the rules and fees for postponing a trial, Or fill out form SC-150 (or write a letter) and g mailIit to.the court andto all other people listed on your court papers before the deadline. Enclose a check for your court fees. 'uhless'a fee waiver was grantedI Need help? . Your county‘s Small Claims Advisor can help for free jSmall-Claims Advisor l'- (408) 882-2100, (Options 2, 6) " I ..Or ‘go 'to www. courts catgov/smal/claims/advisor. whois'a g‘u‘arantor: (See Code Civ ProcI § 116.220(c).) Revised January 1. 2017 Plaintiff (Small Iaim and ORDER to Go to Small Claims Court SC-1 00, Page 4 oi 5aClaims).. u SC-1 00 Informac'igp péra l’er[':d'l_em.a"r‘.lvdla'do (la persona demandada) La “Corte de reclambs menores" es una ccirie especial donde Se . 2' Probar que es la corte equivocada. Envie una carta a la corte deciden casos por $10 000 o menos. Los indiViau‘ds. o sea las ’ antes del juicio explicando por qué cree que es Ia cone "personas fisicas" y los propietarios por cuenta propia, pueden ' requivocadaI Pidale a la cone que despida el reclamo.Tiene que reclamar haSIa $10 000 Las corporaciones asgciaciones entidades " ‘:entregar (dar) una copia de su carta (por correo o en persona) a publicas y otras empresas solo pueden recl r hasla $5.000 (Vea, ,tqdas las panesI (Su carta a la cone tiene que decir que hizo Ia abajo para las excepciones. *) El proceso e: rapido y- barato. Las ' J‘ff‘ergtrega.) reglas son sencillas e informales Ustec‘ _es ei Demandado-la . . i'ir al juicio y tratar de ganar el caso. Lleve testigos, recibos y persona que se esté demandando. La persona que Io esta ~ cualquier prueba que necesite para probar su caso. Si desea que demandando es e1 Demandante 4 ' - 'Ia' gqrte emita una orden de comparecencia para que los tesiigos éNecesno un abogado? puede hab} n un abogado antes o I’Iayan al juicio, Ilene eI formulario SC-1 07. Citaiorio de reclamos después del case pero no puede ‘ensr- a" un abogado que lo meIIores (Small Claims Subpoena) y entrégueseio legalmente al represents ante Ia corte (a menos que‘ se t_rate de una apelaciOn de un - ‘95“90- .1 Qemandar a la persona que io demandé. Si tiene un reclamo 'é'ontra el Demandante, y el reclamo se puede preseniar en la ' cone de reclamos menores, tal como se describe en esie r férmulario, puéde presenter el formulario SC-120, Reclamo del '- *dem‘andado (Defendant's Claim) y presentarlo en este mismo IEaso‘. Si su reclamo excede eI iimite permitido en la cone de I ‘. reciamos menores puede igualmente presentarlo en la cone de reclamos menores si esté dispuesto a limitar su reclamo aI =méximo perrnitido o puede presentar un reclamo por el monlo 'total en la cone apropiada Si su reclamo excede el limite 3 ’ pemiiiido en Ia cone de reclamos menores y esté relacionado con caso de reclamos menores) . ¢Cémo me prepare para ir a la c(._ (No tiene que presenter ningunos papeies antes dei Juicio, a rr tine pien'se que ésta es la corte equivocada para su caso Pero "eye ai'juicio cualquier fesiigos recibos y pruebas que apoyan su casé Y ‘Ié’a' “Esté prep'arad'o para su "' juicio" en wwwI couns caI gov/reclamosmenCIaiz. lpreparese ¢Qué hago si necesito una adaptacién? Si tiene una discapacidad. o iiene impedimenios de audicién iiene el formula io MC-410 Request for AccomodationsI Entregue el formulario al secretario de la cone o al Coordinador de Acceso/ADA de su cone :II dQUé 9353 5| "0 hablo b'e" |n9'é57 P'eQUme'e 3' SEGielaHO <19 '6; nu -: :el mismo contrato, transaccién. asunto o acontecimiento que ei cone Io més pronto posible si en el juzgado habréiun intérpreie I 7 f reclamo del Demandante, puede presentar su reclamo en la come disponib'e Y Cémo SOIICI‘BIIO N0 SIemPI'e 95‘?" dISDOIIIbIES IOS ' ' ' ' ' "apropiada y presenter una mocién para iransferir el reclamo del IIIIéFPreIeS de Ia cone- Otra OPCIOII 95 "ever a UII adUIIO que puede .‘ -' Demandante a dicha cone, para poder resolver Ios dos reclamos InterPFEIar Para USIed SIemPre que esa Persona n sea Un Iesfigo ni N juntos Puede ver una descripcién de Ios montos permiiidos en el un abogado O puede pedir a Ia cone una Iista del iérpretefi ‘ - ~ r ‘ f 'parr_afo anterior titulado‘‘Corie de reclamos menores". pafliculares dISDOIIIbIeS Para contratar d N Aeptar el reclamo del Demandante y pagar el dinero. O si no ¢Dénde puedo obtener Ios formularios e Ia O_I'te que_ necesito? H nu de pager en ese momemo vaya a| juicio y diga que quiere Vaya a cualquier edificio de ia cone la bIblioieca iegal de su condado hacer Ios pages o imprima Ios foimularios en wwwI coun; caI gov/ smallciaims/forms No n, aI-Juicio y aceptar el fano por falta de comparecencia' Si (pég'na eSté en 'nglés)‘ . ,-'_no_ llega a un acuerdo con el Demandante y no va al juicio (fallo (.QUé P353 e" 9' iUICIO? E' iueZ 55 ' Ia ambas: Danes- El iueZ b0} faiia de comparecencia), eI juez le puede otorgar al puede [Omar SU dBCiSién durante Ia ieiitia O enviarselé pOI' CONGO Delmandante lo que e513 reclamando mas Ios costos de la cone‘ deSPI-Iés . . _ . ' Er] ese caso. el Demandanie legalmente puede tomar su dinero, LQué pasa si pierdo el caso? Si p'ie bpéde abeiarI TendréIqIIe 5,0 sueldo o sus bienes para cobrar eI falloI pagar una cuota (El Demandante nd de apelar 5y propig reclamo) ¢Q'ué hago si necesito mas tiempo? Puede cambiar la fecha del . Si estuvo presenie en eI juicio, Iié Ia_ri_o 30-140, Aviso de jui'c-io sii. apelacién (Notice oprpeai)I Tie . , eniario'déntro de 30 I , ' No guede ir a ia cone en Ia fecha programada (tendré que pagar dias después de que el secretario Ie er‘ u_e o envie' la décisién ' UIIa'Cuota para aplazar e| jLIiCIO). O (fallo) del juez en el formulario SC-209 6 130 Aviso de L. " - Npieentregaron Io‘s documenios legalmenie (no recibio Ia orden publicacién del Ia/Io (Notice of Entry of Ju ' pg'ra ir a Ia corte) por lo menos 15 dias antes del juicio (6 20 dias ‘ si ,yive fuera del condado), o 21..“ Aviso de pelicién para anular e/ fallo y Declaraclén p__ara pedirle al ' 'Necfisna mésrtiemw Para 00n599UIr InIérPIEIe- (56 Permne UII juez que anule el fallo (decisiOnI Si Ia corte no‘ ié otorga un n'uevo ??'9 aplazamIenIO 5'" Iener que Pager CUOIB Para aplalar e' juicio tiene 10 dias para apelar la decisibn Présenie ei formuiario JUIFIOII ‘ SC. 140 .I Preguntele al secretarIo de reclamos menores sobre las reglas y las :c’uota‘s‘para aplazar un juicio, O ilene el formulario SC-1 50 (o escriba I _unaycarta) y envieio antes del plazo a la cone y a todas las oiras Para obiener mas informaci6n sobre las apelac - , _: iv" _ -‘-I ' pérsonas que figuran en sus papeles de la corteI Adjunte un cheque ¢Tengo otras opciones? Si. Si Io estén demandando, puede: ' Para pagar '05 COSIOS d6 Ia CONE. a menOS que I6 haYaII dado UIIa . Resolver su caso antes del juicio. Si ustéd Demandante se - .exenc‘on' (,Necesita ayuda? El Asesor de Reclamos Menores de su ‘ ¢ondado Ie puede ayudar sin cargo, Smail-Claims Advisor -| (408) 882- 2100, (Options 2, 6) J O Iisiie_ www courts. ca. gov/reclamosmenores/asesores. un réclama conIra un garaniBI (Vea el deigo de Pmcedimienlo Civil. secoiOn 116 220 (c) ) Reclamo del Demandante y ORDEN 50100, Page 5 0'5 Iara Ir a la Co'rte de Reéiamos Menores (Reciamos Meri6re's) ‘ ponen de acuerdo en cémo resolver el case el De'mandanie tiene que presentar el formulario CIV- 110 SoIi lud de deseinmanié‘n (Request for Dismissal) ante el secretarib de' la cone. Pidale al- Asesor de Reciamos Menores que .:III ayudeI ‘ Excepclones: Exisien dfierenies Ilm Revised January 1I 2017