Notice of Appeal of Small Claims Case FiledCal. Super. - 6th Dist.June 4, 2019Name and Address o! Court: 191 North First Street San Josq, CA 951 13 -1PLAINTlFF/DEMANDANTE (Name, address, and Ielephone number OI each): GWENDOLYN D GRACE 2532 BATON ROUGE DRIVE SAN JOSE, CA 95 I33 Telephone No.: l Telaphma No: E See attached sheet for additional plaintiffs and defendants SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 1&9me (bee #= 19800791 16 SMALL CLAIMS CASE No.: 19SC077641 SC-140 DEFENDANTDEMANDADO (Name, delsss, and lelep'lone numbel 0/ each): T & N PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL INC. 946 MCHENRY AVE MODESTO, CA 95350 Telephone No.2 -1 Telepmna No; NOTICE 0F FILING NOTICE OF APPEAL To: Plaintiffmame): GWENDOLYN D GRACEE Defendant (name)-' T & N PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL INC. 4- Your small claims case has been APPEALED to the su- perior court. Do not contact the small claims court about this appeal. The superior court will notify you of the date you should appear in court. The notice of appeal ls set forth below. La decisién hecha por la cone para reclamos judiciales me- nores en su caso ha sido APELADA antela cone superior. No se ponga en contacto con Ia carts para reclamos judicia/es menores acerca de esta - lacién. La corte su- perior le notificara/a fecha en u -d debe presentarse ante eI/a. El aviso d9 pelaci . . .rece a continuacién, Date: JUN 0 4 20w (Mm Pinheiro ,DeputyL \ t yOTICE OF APPEAL | appeal to the superior court, as provided by law, ?om thesmallclaimsjudgmentor E DATE APPEAL FILED (derklolnsendale): I-m o 4 20m l ‘ ”m.ggzg ngf (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) the denial of the motion to vacate the small claims judgment. rVQ/ma’ wfib (SIGNATURE OF APPELLANT OR APPELLANTS ATTORNEY) E | am an insurer of defendant (name) in this case The judgment against dejgjgant_exce.e.d_s‘$2,5,0,0..and_ttleppji‘cyxofginsurance_with_the.defendant coversthe matteLto.which.the.iudgment.applie_s.W (NAME 0F INSURER) (schAwRE 0F oscmmm) CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that 1. lam not a party to this action, 2‘ This Notice of Filing Notice of Appeal and Notice of Appeal were mailed first class, postage prepaid. in a sealed envelope toM plaintiffE defendant at the address shown above 3. The maifing and this certification occurred at (place): San 36¢ on (date).- m o 5 2mg Form Approved to( O ‘onai Use Judicial Coundl 01 dilomia 56-140 [Ram Januavy 1. 2007] NOTICE OF APPEAL (Small Claims) . California, Clerk. by David Pinheiro . Deputy Page 1 or 1 Code ol Civil Procedure § 116,710 www.couninlocagov 'W‘ waané‘.u- . my av 9m Clara 'f