Minute OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 23, 2019SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA MINUTE ORDER Keystone Auto Service LLC vs Alfonso Reyes Hearing Start Time: 1:00 PM lgsco78985 Hearing Type: Claim: Plamtn‘fand Defendant Date 0f Hearing: 11/25/2019 Comments: Heard By: Dietz, Larry Location: Department 14 Courtroom Reporter: Recording Electronic Courtroom Clerk: Maggie Castellon Court Interpreter: Court Investigator: Parties Present: Future Hearings: Exhibits: - Electronic Recording: 2:24 p.m. N0 appearance. CASE DISMISSED without prejudice for plaintiff s failure t0 appear. The court t0 prepare an order and serve all parties. Primfid: 11/26/2019 11/25/2019 Claim: Plaintiff and Dfifc‘ndant - 195C078985 Page l 0f l