NoticeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.December 31, 2019Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 4/7/2020 3:16 PM Reviewed By: R. Nguyen Case #19CV360995 Envelope: 4236329 19CV360995 Santa Clara - Civil R. Nguyen CM-200 ATI'ORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY {Name state bar number. and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY Brian N. Winn (SEN 86779) Laura M. Hoalst (SEN 101082) John E. Gordon (SBN 180053) Jason M. Burrows (SEN 309882) Amit Taneja (SEN 304559) Grace Gail Cara (SEN 315558) Cherrie Y. Tan (SBN 324871) Katrina Trinh (SEN 327357) Juan Villanueva (SEN 328049) WINN LAW GROUP, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 110 E WILSHIRE AVE STE 212 FULLERTON CA 92832 TELEPHONE NO.: 71 4446-6686 FAXNO. (Optional): 714446-6680 E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): File No. 19~13854-O-NCS-AXH (1910»00) ATrORNEY FOR (Name): Plaint i f f SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA STREET ADDRESS: 191 NORTH FIRST STREET MAILING ADDRESS: 191 NORTH FIRST STREET CITY AND ZIP CODE: SAN JOSE CA 95113~1001 BRANCH NAME: SAN JOSE DISTRICT, PLAINTIFF/PETH’IONER: CAVALRY SPV i, LLC DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT: MARISSA PERALEZ, et a1 . CASE NUMBfiR: 1 9CV360995NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT 0F ENTIRE CASE JUDGE: DEPT; NOTICE TO PLAINTIFF 0R OTHER PARTY SEEKING RELIEF You must file a request for dismissal of the entire w§thin 45 days after the date of the settlement if the settiement is unconditional. You must file a dismissal of the entire case within 45 days after the date specified in item 1b beiow if the settlement is conditional. Unless you file a dismissal within the required time or have shown good cause before the time for dismissal has expired why the case shouId not be dismissed, the court wil: dismiss the entire case. To the court, all parties, and any arbitrator or other court-connected ADR neutral involved in this case: 1 This entire case has been settled. The settiement is: a.D Unconditionai. A request for dismissal win be med within 45 days after the date of the settlement. Date of settlement: b.E Conditional. The settlement agreement conditions dismissal of this matter on the satisfactory completion of specified terms that are not to be performed within 45 days of the date of the settlement. A request for dismissal will be filed no laterthan (date): April 11, 2022 2. Date initial pleading flied: December 31, 2019 3 Next scheduled hearing or conference: a. Purpose: b. [3(1) Date: (2) Time: (3) Department: 4 Trialdate: a. Nomal date set. b. Empate: (2)Time: (3) Department: | declare under penany of periury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: April 6. 2020 [ 1 Brian N. Winn [ ] Laura M. Hoalst E 1 John E. Gordon I I Jason M. Burrows f Amit Taneja [ ] Grace Gail Cara Cherrie Y. Tan i ] Katrina Trinh D WJuan villanueva (TYPE 0R FRINT NAME 0F [xxx ATrORNEY [ 1 PARTY WtTHOUT ATTORNEY) (SIGNATURE) Form Ado sted for Mandatory Use Cal. Rules ofCoun. rule 3. l 385 Judicia council ofCaliromia NOTICE 0F SETTLEMENT Page 1 or2CM-ZOD {Raw lanumy l, 2007] CASE NUMBER:PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: CAVALRY SPV l, LLC 19CV360995 DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: MARISSA PERALEZ , et ai. PROOF OF SERVICE BY FlRSTuCLASS MAIL NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ENTIRE CASE (NOTE: You cannot serve the Notice of Settlement of Entire Case ifyou are a party in the action. The person who served the notice must complete this proof of service.) 1. I am at least 18 years old and not a party to this action. | am a resident of or employed in the county where the mailing took place. and my residence or business address is (specify): 110 E. Wi£shire Ave STE 212 Fulierton. CA 92832 2. I served a copy of the Notice of Settlement of Entire Case by enclosing it in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid and (check one): a. I ] deposited the seated envelope with the United States Postal Service. b. [X] placed the sealed envelope for collection and processing for maiiing, following this business's usual practices, with which I am readily familiar. On the same day correspondence is pieced for collection and mailing. it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service. 3. The Notice of Settlement of Entire Case was mailed: a. on (date): April 6, 2020 b. from (city and state): Fullerton, CA 4. The envelope was addressed and mailed as foilows: a. Name of person served: Robert S. Gitmeid & Assoc. c‘ Name of person sewed: Street address: 4897 S. Avocado Trail Street address: City: Ontario City: State and zip code: CA 91 762 State and zip code: b. Name of person served: d‘ Name of person served: Street address: Street address: City: City: State and zip code: State and zip code: [ ] Name and address of additional persons sewed are attached. (You may use form POSn030(P).) 5. Number of pages attached . l deciare under penaity of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. .jDate: April 6, 2020 b Alicia R. Harkins \H’ _ (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME 0F DECLARANT) (StGNATURE) Form Adopsted for Mandatory Use Cal Rules 0f Court. ruie 3,1385 Judiciai Council orCanromia NOTICE 0F SETTLEMENT Page 2 om CM-ZOO (Rev. Januan' l, 2007]