Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.August 15, 2019Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 5/3/2021 12:11 PM Reviewed By: System System Case #19CV353535 Envelope: 6326907 19CV353535 Santa Clara - Civil System System Amarflwmtnommmame, stane Barnumber, andaddmss): ' l " ‘ " ' #Cburt UseomyPate» Vanda: & Feiix, AFC Michael R Boutanfel. Esq #226924! Michael D Kahn #236898 4545 Murphy Canyon Road 3" F! San Diegq. CA 92123 37600 Fax No. (Optfanei). (858)836-0318WWflpfiQfifi. _ Anomayforwame): Plaintiff V mmem mum" Or: CAUFORNIA COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA ' 'gm:1st“msa San Jose CA 95113 = CLARA CIVIL DIVISiON pwnnppzpenmnen. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE STUDENT LOAN TRUST 2006 a 4, a Delaware Statutory Trust(s) {Case Number:DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT. ROBERTW VANWEST a/k/a ROBERTW VANWEST, lll ‘ ; {lgcvg53535 , .. = 19-21624 moo: 0F SERVICE ossummows ' ' ' fiaW-WFWEN: V Atm9 :at‘service I was at least 18 years of age and not a parzy to this action. I sawmm; of: SUMMONS; COMPLAiNT. COVERSHEET; DECLARAT10N REGARDING- VENUE; CML LAWSUiT NOTlCE a, Party sewed: ROBERTw VANWEST V b. Person (other than ‘tfm party in item 3a) served gm ,_ ,i aif Qfem entity or as; an authmflmj agjé'nt (tam! not a perm: mderfiem 5b on whom subsfitummm was made} (spew);mm am: reiationship to the party nama'dift Ham 35.3: Address where the pany was;mm 484 HICKORY PL SANTA CLARA CA 950516123 I served the party (check proper box) a. by pamnai serice. I pfa‘rsanafly demented, she docnmems listed m item 2 to the party or personWorked ta reams serviea air:pme'ss {prme party on (daze)hm by Wfimiad Mice. cm 10123219 fix}? PM: I Iefl the documents listed in Item 2 with or in ma: presence of{um and title or relationship to person indicated in item 3); Dem Mccarthy $1913 fiaflwer‘ Caucasian I Male l 55 l Hair:Blonde I 5 11 I 180 (1) {business}a parser! at least 18 yearsflage apparently In chargé at the office or usualyam of hmmess' affixe person tabaasemen: i Wmed him or fiat of the genera! nature of the papers (2) m (home) a competent member of the househoid (a1 least 18 years of ags}atthe dwellinghome or usuai place of abode of the party. I informed him or her of the genera? nature of the " £3) {WSWWWW3 aW at least. 9:8 years of age. gfly In charge axfimusaaiMmmama? itse-Wu m fié served other. main a United3W PostalW past:-afimm E infirm him wm-vim general nature of the papers {43w i them:Med {by mmtmy gammge prepaid) copies of the documents to the i £0 beWIS 31. 212,6 33Wmm m”;-wwe$ were left {Cede Civ. Pros” § 415 20) 1 mafia the! Mmemsm(m: {mm{W3 a: aammon or maifing ss attached (55W? 5 attach aWat: a! Wiganw stating actions taken first to attempt personal Pagelctz ' 'PR'oo'zi OF Sééiitce 0F SUMMONS PLAiNTIFFxPErmongz NATEONAL Case Number: 19cva53535 COLLEGIATE STUEENT LOAN TRUST 2006-«4, a De!aware Simmer}! Trams) DEFENDANTRESPONQENT; ROBERTW VANWEST a/k/a ROBERTW VANWEST, HI c. by mail and acknowledgment of receipt of service. I mailed the documents listed in item 2 to {he party, to the afidréfis shown in item 4, by first~ctass maii, postage prepaid. {1) rm {daze}: (2) from (city): (8} with two copies of the Notice and Acknowledgment of Receipt and a postagempaid return enveiope addressed to me. (Attach completed Notice and Acknowledgement of Receipt) (CodeCiv. Pros” §415.30.) - (4) m an address outside California with return receipt requested. (Code Civ. Proc.. § 415.40.) d. by other means (spewfy means of sawicea and authorizing code seaficm): Additional page describing; service is attached. 6. The "Notice to me Perscn Semd“ (on the summons) was completed as foams: 3am as an indivédua] demnfiam. b. as the person sued under the fictitious name of (specify): c. a5 occupant” d. On behalf of (specify); under the foltowing Code of Civii Procedure section: 416.10 (corporation) 415.95 (busineSS organization, form unknown) 4&630 (defunct corporation) 416.60 (minor) 416.30 (faint stock companyiassociation) 416.70 (ward or conservatee) 416.40 (assocéation or partnership) 43.6.90 (authorized person) 416.50 (public entity) 415.46 (occupant) other: other: 7, Person who served papers a, Name; MARIANA MORENO b, Address: 1055 \Mlshife Bivd St 1550. L03 Angeies. CA 90017 c. Teiephone number: 323443-0032 d. The fee far service was: $85.00 e. I am: (1) not a registered California process server. (2) exempt from registration under Business and Professions Code section 2235003). (3)E a registered Caéifomia process server: {i} owner employee independent contractor. (ii) Regéstration No.1 P81654 (HQ County: SANTA CLARA 8J3 I declare under penalty of perfury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 9. I am a California sheriff or marshal and l certify that the foregoing Es true and correct. Date: 10f23/‘19 5:87 PM 5 .9 3 ,,,,,,,, ” g g w A, < g V “aw a ' v MARSANA MORENO {giCEfiéAfi’Ufiéj P&ge 20f2 PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS Adamey or Party MthaurAUomey (Name, State Bar number. and address): Patenaude & Felix, APC Mmmm R. Boulanfer, Em #2526934} Méchael D. Kahn #236898 dfids‘Mmphy-wmym Road, 3." Fl Sm miaga. GA $25123 V ?glepmma N0: .(asajzwéfioo Fax No. (Optional): (858)836-0318 Ewwaitmir‘ess {magma}: Attorney for (Name): P’almifi SUPERIOR COURT OF CALlFORNIA, COUNTY QF SANTA CLARA 191 N. First St. San Jose CA 95113 pLAINnFF/PETiTmNER: NATIONAL COLLEGIATE STUDENT LOAN TRUST 2006* .4, a Delaware Statutory Trust(s) DEFENQAMT/RESPONDENTE ROBERTw VANWEST a/k/a ROBERTw VANWEST, m For Court Use Oniy awe Numimr: 19W353535 DECLARATION 0F MAlLiNG Raf. Na, expire Na: 33-21824 ”me undersfgneci hereby dmlares: I am war 18 years of age and not a party to this action. i am a resident of or employm 5:1 {ha county where the mailing tack mama. My business address is 1055 Wilshire vad, Suite 1550, Los Angeles, CA 90017. Uh 10/31119. after substituted service was made. l mailed the foliowing documents: LAWSUlT NOTICE SUMMONS; COMPLNNT; COVERSHEET; DECLARATION REGARDING VENUE; CIVIL lame defendant in said autism by plasma a true copy théreofiefiemad in a sealed‘ wéth First Class postage thereon fully .‘pmpaid, in the United 8mm, .Ma‘if at L133 Amefcas. Cafi'foméa, adfirmszsed as follows: ROBERTWVANWEST 484 HICKORY PL SANTA CLARA. CA 950516123 Specialized Attorney Services 1005 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1550 L03 Angeles, CA 90617 (323) 443-0032 Signefiura: I declare under penalty of perjmy under the laws of the Sxate of California the foregoing Es true and correct. That I executed thia decimation on 102'31/19 in Los Angeles. 4/ gMaVIFergusa DECLARATEON OF MAiLING Attorney 0r Party without Attorney; For Court Use Onfy ?atenaude & Feirx k APC Michael [34 Kahn #236898 4545 Murphy Canyon Road, 3rd Fl San Diego. CA 92123 Telephone No: 8584444600 Attorney for: Piai ntiff Ref. No. or File Na: 1 9-2 1824 insert name of Court, andjudlcia! District and Branch Court: SANTA CLARA CIViL DIVESION PIaintiff: NATIONAL COLLEGIATE STUDENT LOAN TRUST 20064, a Delaware Statutory Trust(s) Defendant; ROBERT w VANWEST a/k/a ROBERT w VANWEST, III Due Diligence Hearing Date: fime: D&mwiw Case Numbm: 19CV353535 1. l. MARIANA MQRENO, and any employee Car independent contractors retained by Specfaiized Attomey Servicgas are and were on the dates mentioned helrain over the age of eighteen years and n01: a party to this action. Persona? service was attempted on Defendant ROBERT W VANWEST, an individual as follows; T2. Documents: SUMMONS; COMPLAINT; COVERSHEET; DECLARATION REGARDING VENUE; ClVlL LAWSUIT NOTICE 1? Date/Time Comments 1. 10/20/19 8:22 PM No Answer 2. 10/21/19 1:20 PM No Answer 3. 10/22/19 6:30 PM No Answer 4. 10/23/19 5:07 PM Subserved Dan McCarthy, Step Father Atmmpm made by MARIANA MORENO at defemiams 3:16:35 484 HICKORY I’L- SANTA CLARA CA 950516123 3, Person Executing: d. The fee for service was $85.00 a. MARIANA MORENO e. I am: (3)Registered California Process Serverb( Speciafized Attorney Sawices (i) Owner 1055 Wilshire Blvd St 1550 (ii) Registration Number: P516534 1:05 Angeles, CA 90017 (iii) County: SANTA CLARA c, 323443-0032 (iv) Exp Date: 2020-01‘05 4. I declare under penafty ofperjwy under the Jaws of the State ofCa/ifornia that the foregoing is trueand correct. , 1/; m’g’ywmz 9‘ x" u 3} “f ’V “m3 MAREANA MQ‘REmfi) Date,- 10/31fl9 Signature: x‘w 163.2684 Due Diiigence