Affidavit VenueCal. Super. - 6th Dist.August 15, 2019Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 8/15/2019 10:59 AM Reviewed By: Yuet Lai Case #19CV353434 Envelope: 3266257 19CV353434 U1 L- b.) h.) COC'h-JC‘ JACK H. POGOSIAN. Slulc Bur N0: 3057M JONATHAN KDM. Stills Bar No.2 320369 CHRISTINA ARNOLD. 5|;th Bur No.1 297590 HYU JIN JULIA JL'NG. Stine Bur No.2 316090 MELINE GRIUURYAN. Slate Bur Nu: 32! 133 IUbUI-G TIERRASANTA BLVD. #4540 SAN DIEGO. ('A ‘92 I 24 Tuluphunc: (Shh) 300-8750 Facsimile: [858) 3094588 Allnrncyx fur Plaintiff Filc .\'0.: [942663] SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA. DOWNTOWN SUPERIOR COURT LIMITED CIVIL JURISDICTION MIDLAND FUNDING LLC, (‘uac Nu: Pluinlil'l‘. l)E(7l..-\RATION PURSUANT T0 v. CCP SECTION 395 (bl: VENUE FUR PERSONAL. FAMILY ()R MARIA SLABIAK: HOUSEHOLD OBLIGATIONS and DOES I through lU. inclusive Defendant“). I. lhc undersigned. dcclurc us follows: I. I um un attorney authorized ln mukc this declaration for und 0n behalf nf Plaintiff MIDLAND FUNDING LLC‘ ("PiuinlifF'I and is huscd 0n information contained in Plaintiff's. business records. 3. This court i5 [hc proper L‘nun pursuant t0 California Cod: ul‘ Civil Prm‘cdurc § 395 because defendant resided within lhe jurisdiction 0f the uhmc-cntilled mun m Ihc commencement 0f this action. l declare under penalty 0f perjury under thc laws. ot' lhc Stun: 0f California that lhc foregoing is Iruc and correct. Dulcd: MIDLAND FUNDING LLC‘ JUL 0 l 2019 By: f DJACK H. 1366051st DJONATHAN KOM Bum JIN JULIA .IUNG D 1EL1NE GRIGURYANgfxummm ARNOLD Iurncys for Plaintiff DECLARATION 0F VENUE