Civil Case Cover SheetCal. Super. - 6th Dist.August 22, 2019r o 4 CM-010 _ATTORNEY 0R PARTYwrmourATTORNEY (Name, Stare Barnumber. and address): _ FOR coum’usE ONLY Hsiao Wen‘Liu . I ' w 5031 Doyle Road San Jose,CA95129 v3: f F iTELEPHONE N0; (408) 472-3529 FAX N0.: f I Lu. _.. .J ATTORNEY FOR (Nam): SUPERIOR coum 0F CALIFORNIA. COUNTY 0F Santa Clara 2019 AUG 22 PH 3': 3.4 STREETAUDRESSI 191 North First Street MAILING ADDRESS: 191 North First Street cm! AND ZIP CODE: San Jose, CA 951 l3 BRANCH NAME: PFObate . r e. 1 - nf- IA Cl, .° A" L‘IV: .. tr; CASE NAME: Name Change Of: Hsiao Wen Liu CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET complexlcase Designation WEN”? c v 3-5. 3 3 1 2Unlimited D Limited E E 1(Amount (Amount. Counter Joinder ' demanded ~ demanded is Filed with first appearance by defendant JUDGE exceeds $25,000) $25,000 or less) (Cal. iRulesof Court. rule 3.402) DEPT: Items 1-6 belowmus! be completed (see instructions on page 2). 1. Check one box below for the nseiype that best describes this wse: Auto Tort comract valslonally Complex Civil Litigation Auto (22) D 3mm of mnmmananmm) (cal. Ruin of Court, rules 3.400-3.4oa) Uninsured motorist (46) D Rule 3.740 oolladions (09) E Antiuusm'rade regulation (03) Other PUPDIWD (Personal InjurylProperty C: Other milections (09) E Construdion defed (10) Damage‘wmngfu' Death) 7°“ E. Insurance coverage (18) D Mass tort (40) “Shes“ (°4) E Other contract (37) D Securities litigation (28) Pmd”d "ability (24) Real Property D Environmenmlfl'oxictqrt (30) Madiw' ma'pmd'be (45) Emmem domain/I'Wefse D lnsuranoe-covetage claims arising from th'eD Other PIIPD/wo (23) condemnation (14) above usted provisionally complex case Non.p"pDMD (Other) Ton E Wrongful evidion (33) types (41)-D Business tortlunfair business practice (07) D Other real pmpe'ty (26) Enforcement ofJUdgmemD Civil rights (oe) Unlawful Detainer D Enforcement ofjudgment (20)D Defamation (1 3) D Commema' (31) Miscellaneous CJVII ComplaintD Fraud (16)] D Residential (32) D tho (27)D Intelledual property (19) E DI'UQS (38) E Other oomptaint (notspecified above) (42)E Professional negfigenoe (25) Jud‘C'a' “WW Miscellaneous Civil PetitionD Othe! "°"'P"PD’WD b“ (35) D Asset forfeiture (05) Padhership and corporate govemanoe (21) Employment E Petition re: arbitration awatd (11) Other petition (no! specified above) (43)D Wrongfui termination (36) [j Writ of mandate (02)E Other employment (1 5) D Otherjudicial review (39) 2. This case E is is not complex under rule 3.400 ofthe California Rules of Court. If the use is complex. mark the factors requiring exceptional judicial management: a.D Large number of separately'represenled parties d.D Large number of witnesses b.D Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel e.D Coordination with reIated actions‘pending in one or more courts issues that will be time-consuming to resolve in other counties, states, or Countries, or in a‘ federal court c.D Substantial amount of documentary evidence f. D Substantial postjudgmentjudicial supervision 3. Remedies sought (check all that apply): am monetary b. nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief c. Dpunitive 4. Number of causes of actiOn (special): 5. This wse D is is not a class action suit. 6 ’If there are any known related muses, file and‘senlre a notice of related mse. (You may use fa M:015.) Date: August 21‘, 2019 Hsiao Wen Liu (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF PARTY ORATTORNEY FOR PARTY) , NOTICE o Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first paper filed in the action or proceeding (except small claims cases or'cases filed under the Probate Code. Family Code, or Welfare and Institutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.220.) Failure to file may result in sanctions. ' File this cover sheet in addition 10 any cover sheet required by loml court rule. 0 If this wse is odmplex under ml_e 3.400 et seq. of the California Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover _sheet on all A other parties to theaction or proceeding. 0 Unless this is a collections case under mle 3.740 or a complex case, this cover sheelt will be used for statistical purposes only; 1mge Form Adopt may use Cat Rubs 0‘! Court. rues 2.30. a22 3,4004%. 3.740.MW 673g;mm CML CASE COVER SHEET °’Cal smmrds ofJudidarM'nirfisu'albn. std 3.10 CM«O10 [Rem July 1. 2007] www.ooum‘