Civil Case Cover SheetCal. Super. - 6th Dist.August 13, 2019Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 8/13/2019 3:24 PM Reviewed By: Yuet Lai Case #19CV353268 Envelope: 3256915 19CV353268 CM-010 ATTORNEY 0R PARTY wrrHOUT ATrORNEY (Name. Sum Bur number, and mums).- FOR COURTUSE ONLY JACK H. POGOSIAN. Slate Bar No.: 30574l / JONATHAN KOM. Slate Bar No.: 3203691 CHRISTINA ARNOLD. State Bar No.: 297590/ HYO JIN JULIA JUNO. Stale Bar No.: 316090! MELINE GRIGORYAN. Stale Bar No.: 32l I33 MIDLAND HJNDING LLC I060! -G TIERRASANTA BLVD. M540 SAN DIEGO. CA 92I 24 TELEPHONE N0; (877) 3865383 FAX N0.: (858) 309-1588 ATTORNEY FOR (MWI: MIDLAND FUNDING LLC SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: l9! N. FIRST ST CITY AND ZIP CODE: SAN 105E. CA 951 l3 BRANCH NAME: DOWNTOWN SUPERIOR COURT CASE NAME: MIDLAND FUNDING LLC vs. KENNETH LEISTEN CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Complex Cue Designation CASE NUMBER: Unlimited cu. UmmCm D Counter U Join“! (Amount demanded (Amount demanded Ffled with first appeamnce by defendant JUDGE: exceeds 525.000) is $25,000 or less) (Cal. Rules oi Coun. rule 3.402) DEPT: Items 1-6 below must b9 corrpletod (see lnsnucfl‘ons onpage 2). 1. Check 0M box bebwfmme casetypethatbest describes this case: Auto Ton Contract D Aum (22) D Breach oi oontmcuwanamy (oe) D Uninsured melons: (4a) E Rule 3,740 collections (09) cum Pwolwo (Pmoml Inlurymopony D omer museums (ca;WmnmlM) 7°" D WINmew (18)D mm“ ‘0‘) D Otherwmmct (37)D Product Isabelty (24) R.” PromD Meme“ malmm (45) Emnenl domaIn/lnvevse condemnation (14) D Other PVPD/wo (23) Wrongtul evtcuon (33) Non-Pwn/wo (0am) Ton D om ma: propenym) Business ton/unlalr business practice (07) unhmu. Min“ D cm: ngms (oe) Commie: (31) U Dolamauon (13) D Reamnuat (32) D Fraud (1e) D Drugs (33‘, D Imam“: progeny (19) Judicial Rom D Assettodenum (05) U Petition re: arbitration award (11) D wm o! mandate (02; D omer judicial review (39) D Processor»: negligence (25‘ D omor mpVPD/wo non (35) Employment Wrongful termination (x) D omer empooymmx (15) Proviaionally Complex Clvll Litigation Cal. Rum 01 Court. rulu S.OOO-SAOS) Anthmst/Trade regulation (03) D Constmaion detect (10) D Mass ton (40) D Securities wgauon (28) D Environrnemmrroxtc Ion (30) U Insurance coverage claims arising hum ma above llsled pmvisionally complex case W908 (41) Enforcomom oi Judgment Eniorcemenl of judgnenl (20) Mlncollanoous Clvll Complaint D nnco (27) D omer complain: (nor specified above) (42) Mbuflanooul CMI Petition Pannetshlp and corporate gavemance (21) D omer pomson (no: specified above) (‘3) 2. This caseU Is Em not complex undo: ru|e 3.400 of the California Rules o! Court. If tho case is complex. mark the lactom requiring exceptional iudtcial management: a. D Large number ot separately represemed parties b. D Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel issues mat will be time-consuming to resolve c. D Substantial amount of documentary evidence . Number of causes o! aciion (specify): ONE . This case D is Eis not a class action suit. . If there are any known ranted Date: JUN 2 8 20 JACK H. POGOSIAN/ CHRISTINA ARNO )/ MELINEGRIGOR AN GUIAU JONATHAN KOM HYO JIN JULIA JUNO file and serve a notice of related case. (You may use form CM-015.) d. D Large number ol witnesses e. D Coordinationwimreiatedacfionspendnginoneormreooum in other oounfios. states. 0t countries. 0! in a lederal coun t. D Substanual pom judgment judicial supervision . Remedies sought (check all!ha!apply):a. E monetary b. D non monetary; dedaratory 0t injunctive relief c. D punitive (TYPE on PRINT NAME) NOT! o File this cover sheet In addition lo any cover sheet required by local coun rule. awon or proceeding. MATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY FOR PARTY) ~ Plalnflfl must file this cover sheet with the first paper filed in the action or roceeding (except small claims cases or cases filed under the Probate Code. Family Code, or Welfare and Institutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court. rule 3.220.) Failure lo file may result In sanctions. fl this case ls complex under rule 3.400 at seq. of the California Rules 0t Court. you must serve a copy oi this cover sheet on all other parties to the - UnIess this is a collections case under rule 3.740 or a oompIex ease. this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes only. mehwmWWNWmm [Rov‘mLzoon CA_0lmG File No.: l9-134487 CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Cd.m d Coufl. MHZ”. 1&0.31mm. 3.740:CJVWuWW. m. 3.10 CM-O‘IO INSTRUCflONS ON HOW TO COMPLETE THE COVER SHEET To Plaintiffs and Others Flllng Fltst Papers. It you are filing a first paper (for example, a complaint) in a civil case. you must complete and file. along with your first paper, the Civil Case Cover Sheetcontained on page 1. This information will be used to compile statistics about the types and numbers of cases filed. You must complete items 1 through 6 on the sheet. In item 1. you must check one box for the case type that best describes the case. If the case fits both a general and a more specific type of case listed in item 1. check the more specific one. H the case has multiple causes of action. check the box that best indicates me primary cause of action. To assist you completing the sheet, examples of the cases that belong under each case type in item 1 are provided below. A cover sheet must be filed only with your initial paper. Failure to file a cover sheet with the first paper fiIed in a civil case may subject a party. its counsel. or both to sanctions under rules 2.30 and 3‘220 01 the California Rules o! Court. T0 Parties In Rule 3.740 Colloctlons Cases. A “collections case' under rule 34740 is defined as an action for recovery of money owed in a sum stated to be certain that is not more than $25,000. exclusive of interest and anomey's tees. arising from a transaction in which property. services. or money was acquired on credit. A wilecnons case does not include an action seeking the following: (1) ton damages. (2) punitive damages. (3) recovery 01 real property. (4) recovery oi personal property. or (5) a prejudgment writ 01 attachment. The identification of a case as a rule 3‘740 collections case on this form means that it will be exempt from the general time-for-service requirements and case management rules, unless u defendant files a responsive pleading. A rule 3.740 collections case wil| be subject to the requirements for service and obtaining a judgment in rule 3.740. To Parties In Complex Cases. In complex cases only, parties must also use the Civil Case Cover Sheena designate whether the case is complex. If a plaintiff believes the case is complex under rule 3.400 of the CaIitomia Rules of Coun. this must be indicated by completing the appropriate boxes in items 1 and 2. H a plaintiff designates a case as complex. the cover sheet must be served with the complaint on all parties to the action. A defendant may file and serve no later than the time 01 its first appearance a joinder in the plaintiff‘s designation. a oounler-designation that the case is not complex. or. it the plaintifl has made no designation. a designation that the case is complex. Auto Ton Auto (22)-Personal lnjurylProperty DamageIWrongiul Death Uninsured Motorist (46) (II the case involves an uninsured motorist claim subject ro arbitration. chad this item instead of Auto) Other PIIPDIWD (Formal Injury] Property DamagolWronglul Death) Ton Asbestos (04) Asbestos Property Damage Asbestos Personal Inlury/ WrongfuI Death Produd Liability (not asbestos or toxic/onvironmental) (24) Medical Malpractice (45) Medical Malpramice- Physicians a Surgeons Other Protessional Heanh Care Malpractice Other Pl/PD/WD (23) Premises Liabilny (8.9.. slip and fall) Intentional Bodin Inlury/PD/WD (9.9.. assault. vandalism) IMentiona| Inmction 01 Emotional Distress Negligent Intliction of CASE TYPES AND EXAMPLES Contract Breach ol Conlracl/Warranly (06) Bmach of Rental/Lease Conlrac1 (not unlawful detainer or wrongful evicfion) Contmm/Warranty Breach-Seller Plaintiff (no! fraud or negligence) Negligem Breach of Contract! Warranty Olher Breach of Contract/Wananty Collections (9,9,. .noney owed. open book amounts) (09) Collection Case-Seller Plaintm Other Promissory Note/Collections Case Insurance Coverage (notpmvlsionally complex) (18) Auto Subrogation Other Coverage Other Contract ‘37) Contractual Fraud Other Contract Dispute Ru! Property Eminent Domain/Invetsa Condemnation (14) Wrongful Evicfion (33) Omev Real Propeny (99., mks Mia) (26) Writ of Possession of Heal Property Mortgage Foreclosure Oulte Title Other Real Property (no! eminent valalomlly Complex Clvll Litigation (Col. Rum of Cour! Rum 3400-3103) Antitrust/Trade Regulation (03) Construction Defect (10) Claims Involving Mass Tort (40) Securities Litigation (28) Enviwnmental/Toxic Ton (80) Insurance Coverage Claims (arising from provisionally wnplex case type Iisred above) (41) Enforoomcm of Judgment Enforcement o! Judgment (20) Abstract of Judgment ( Out of County) Contession ol Judgment (non~ domestic relations) Sister Slate Judgmem Administraflve Agency AwarJ (no! unpaid taxes) PatitionlCertification o! Entry of Judgment on Unpaid Taxes Omar Enforcement ol Judgment Case Mlledlanoou: Civil Complalm RICO (27] Other Complaint (not specified above) (42) Declaratory Reliet Only Inluncfive Reliel Onry (non- Emofional Distress domain. IandlorMenam, or foredosum) “$597190" Olher PI/PD/WD UnlaMul Doulnor Mechanics Lien. ' Non-PuPo/wo (omor) Ton Commercial (31) Omar Commemal Complam! Business Tort/Unfair Business Residential (32) 03?? ("M'de/"On-OOWX) Practice (07) Drugs (38) (it me case involves mega! Other CW" Complalm CW" Rights (8.9.. discrimination. dmgs. check Ihls Item; otherwise. repon (W‘IWNMW’GX) false arrest) (no! a‘w‘l as Commera'al or Residential) WWIIMO“! CW" PUWOH harassment) (OB) Judge“: agm Partnership and Corporate Defamalion (e‘g‘. slandev. libel) Asse! Forfeiture (05) Govgrlnanoe (21) (1 3) Petition He; Arbitration Award (1 1) Other Petmon (notspecifiod wove) Fraud (16) Writ of Mandate (02) (43) Intellectual Propeny (19) wm-Admlnlstmnve Mandamus CMI Harassment Professional Negligence (25) Writ-Mandamus on Limited Coun WM‘DIECS “0'9"“ Legal Malpractice Case Maner Etder/Dependem Mun Other Prolessional Malpractice Writ-Other Limited Court Case Abuse (non medical or legal) Review Elegion Comast Other Non‘PI/PD/wo Ton (35) Other Judicial Review (39) Petition '0' Name Chance Employmom Review of Haahh Officer Order Pmo“ '0' 99"“ "0m L319 Wrongful Termination (36) Nolioe 01 AppeaI-Labor 0'3"“ Olher Employment (15) Commhsionay Appeals Other Clvll Petition mmm“ “’ " “7‘ cwu. CASE covan SHEET Pun- 2d 2 CA_0IWG File No; 19434487