Substitution AttorneyCal. Super. - 6th Dist.August 2, 2019abounblank ATicRNEY OR PARYY nifnour AT,ORNEY IA m sifea MN C«mul - Bradley Ksss. Esq. [CBN 127658] KASS dc KASS LAW OFFLCES 1900 S. Norfolk Street, Suite 265 Ssn Ivlateo, CA 94403 IFLEPNomfic'650} 579 0612 Fr«NO Iomval (630) 379-0760 sumAoonsss cswwr kassofftce(RsbcglobaLnct AMLMAA.roRIN . I Defendant I'lorean Saqellsri sUPERIUR coURT oF cALIFQRNIA, coUTLTY oF SANTA CLARA siREETAOCREEE 191 )North First Street MLLILINC ACCRETE cm ioll coos San Jose,95113 SRANCNILNLIEf CASE NAME: DEIDRE RYAN V. FLOREAN STELLAR) SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY-CIVIL (Without Court Order) FIIR colo r I cs CYL CitEE I I "mEQ 19CV352835 I THE coURT AND ALL PARTIEs ARE NQTIFIED THAT(name): Florean Saqellari makes the fosowing subsbtution 1. Former legal representative ~v party represented self ~ Auorney (name)' New legal representative ~ Party is mpresenling selt ~V Attorney s. Name. Blmllev Kuss, Esq. b. State Ber No. Iir sppiicsl/e)i 127658 c. Address (number, slreei, nly, zip, anil Iaw nnn name, if sppricsbrs): KASS Lq. KASS LAW OFFICES, 1900 S. Nort'olk Street, Suite 265 San Nlateo, CA 94403 d. Telephone No. (Include area Lode): (650) 579-0612 3 The party makmg this substitution is a ~ plaintiff ~V defendant M petitioner Cj respondent W other fspeofy): 'NOTICE TO PARTIES APPLYING TO REPRESENT THEMSELVES ~ Guardian Persanal Representative ~ Guardian ad litem . Conservatar Probate fiduciary . Unincorporated Trustee ~ Corporation association If you are applying as one of lhe parties on this list, you may NOT act as your own atlorney in mast cases. Use this form ~ to substitute one aitomey for another attorney. SEEK LEGAL ADVICE BEFORE APPLYING TO REPRESENT YOURSELF. NOTICE TO PARTIES WITHOUT ATTORNEYS A party representing himself or herssff may wish to seek legal assistance. Failure to take timely and appropriate action m this case may result in serious legal consequenaes. 4 I consent lo this substitution. Oats i/ I lorean Saoellsri OYPECfiPR NTILwcl 5 ~c- I consent ta this subsblubon. Dale. ls:CYATCACO. PARTY/ (Tvfe Cn PRIN NAVE) 5.~« I consent lo ihis substitution. Dahml ii I I '(') Bradley Kass, L'sq. TYPE CR PRINT NAME'soNA TORE 0F FCIIMER ATTIIRN Yf IIacn4ffsls OF NEW AT.ON IEY, Av FA«F«M~NNC M«!C M«CMW M olcls .I TI Em&I (See revose for proof o! service by msn SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY-CIVIL IWlthout Court Onler} PNF i«T c «cmfmm N "MIILNC: C«R N «C m M T lwf Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 11/15/2019 11:51 AM Reviewed By: L. Quach-Marcellana Case #19CV352835 Envelope: 3656268 19CV352835 Santa Clara - Civil PROOF OF SERVICE 2 I declare that: 3 I am employed in the City of San Mateo, County of San Mateo, State of California. My business address is 1900 S. 5 Norfolk Street, Suite 265, San Mateo, CA 94403. I am over the 6 age of eighteen (18) years and am not a party to the within 7 cause. On November 15, 2019, I served the within: 9 SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY - CIVIL (WITHOUT COURT ORDER) 10 on counsel of record in said cause by email through eFiling System 11 as follows: 12 13 M. Jonathan Robb, Jr., Esq. SWEENEY MASON WILSON & BOSOMWORTH email: jrobb8smwb.corn 15 16 17 18 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct, and that this declaration was executed on November 15, 2019, at San Mateo, California. 20 21 Sheana Chandar 22 23 25 27 28