Affidavit Proof of PublicationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.June 18, 2019SAN JOSE POST-RECORD 95 s. Market 5L. sue. 535, SAN JOSE. CA 951 13 Telephone (408) 237-4856 [Fax (408) 287-2544 JORDAN W VALENZUELA 4587 THORNHAVEN WAY SAN JOSE, CA - 951 11 PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 C.C.P.) State of California County of SANTA CLARA ) SS Notice Terez osc - ORDER To SHow CAUSE Ad Descriptlon: 1QCV349065; VALENZUELA | am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State ol California: l am over lhe age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter. l am the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of the SAN JOSE POST-RECOHD, a newspaper published‘in the English language in the city of SAN JOSE, county of SANTA CLARA, and adjudged a newspaper of general circulafion as defined by the laws of the Slale of Califomia by the Superior Court of the County of SANTA CLARA. Stale ol California, under date 02/03/1 922. Case No. 27844. That the notice. of which the annexed is a printed copy. has been publishedjn each regular and entire issue ol said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates. to-wit: 07/1 2/201 9. 07/1 9/201 9. 07/26/201 9, 08/02/201 9 Executed on: 08/02/201 9 At Los Angeles, Catifornia l cenify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. mulmiuolluuluuluululomyuljulluliiifllflii;mm"! Email This space [or filing stamp only E iL*EiL: 2M AUG -8 m1m=03 CT? .1: COL {T1 ‘A SJ #: 3271 574 ORDER To SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case No 190V349065 Superior Court of Cajiiomla County of Santa Clara EfitilionN01: Jordan Wafey Valenzueia [or TO A L INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Jordan Wesley VaIenzuela filed a petition with this mun for a decree changing names as follows: Jordan Wesle Valenzuela ‘to Jordan Wesley Bunnsl . Th3 Coun orders that all per50ns Interested In lhls mane: appear before this coun m the hearing indicated below 10 show cause. If any, wh the speliuon for change of name shoul not be granted. Any person objeming lo ‘the name changes described above mus! file a written oblecflon mai Includes me reasons for ihe objection at least Iwo coun days beicra ma mane: Is scheduled to be heard and must appear a1 the hearing to show cause why [he pemion should no: A begranled. I1 no wdrlen objection Is flmeiy file the court may grant the pafiuon without a heanng. Notice of Heafln. Date: Ocmber 2, 2019, Time: 8:45 AM, Room: Probate The address of me court ls 191 Noah Flrs1 Streel. San Jose. CA 95113 A cupg-o! this Order lo Show Cause shall ha pu Ilshed at least once each week for 10w successive weeks uric! lo the dale set for hearing on the pelilion in me 1ol|owlng newspaper of general circulation. primed In lhls county: San Jose Post Record Date: June 18. 2019 JULIE A EMEDE Judge o1 {he Superior Cour1 7/12. 7/19. 7/26. 8/2/19 SJ-32715749