Civil Case Cover SheetCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 28, 2019Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 5/28/2019 4:17 PM Reviewed By: L Del Mundo Case #19CV348920 Envelope: 2938801 19CV348920 CM-010 AT" )RNF." ()R PARTY WlTHUl'T AT" )RNI‘X IMnm'. Muir Hur nmulhm uml mldn'n; JACK H W K}()SIAN. Sm: Bur Nu ‘Il57-H HONATHAN KUM. SI‘ ‘ Bur Nu GL'/..\l.~\.\ 5(ch H." Nu. “40X” l HYU JIN Jl'l.l.«\ Jl'NU, Slulc Bur Nu: Shun: Hal Nu. Ul l U MIDLAND I‘l'NIHNG lAL(' I(WII ~(i TIERRASANI'A Hl.\'l). #454“ SAN DIHK ). (',-\ 9313-1 TELEPHONE N0 ' IK77) “(35 DU AHORNEY FOR/Mumu MIDLAND H‘NIHNG LLC FAX N0 (858) 309-1 568 .IZURhO/ NK'HUI. ALAN DI‘ H609“ / MHJNI' (EKIGURYAN FOR COURT USE ONL V SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS I91 N FIRST ST CITY AND ZIP CODE: SAN 1081-. (1.x 0M II BRANCH NAME' lxm N'mwx Sl‘I'I-klnk ('0l'RT CASE NAME: MIDLAND H‘NIHME l.l.(‘ VS‘ K.~\H\ LNA I' AKBARYAR Complex Case Designation D Counter D Joinder Filed wiih firs! appearance by defendant (Cal. Rules 01 Coun, rule 3,402) CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET D Unlimited Case E Limited Case (Amount demanded (Amount demanded exceeds $25000) Is $25,000 or less) CASE NUMBER: JUDGE: DEPT: Items 1-6 below rnusl be completed (see Instructions on page 2), 1. Check one box below lor Ihe case type that Des! describes this case: Amo Tort Contract Auto 122) Breach oi conlractwarranly (06) D Umnsured momnsl (46) E Rule 3 140 collections (09) Other PIIPD/WD (Personal lnlury/Propeny D Other collections (09) Damage’wmngfm Death) T0" D Insurance coverage (18D “Des“ (04’ D Other connect 137pD Product IIaDIIrty (24} Real P'op‘nyD Mefllca' "‘a‘prawce I451 Eminent oomaxn/Inverse condemnauon 414) D Other Pl/PD'WD (23) Wvongful eVIcnon (33] Non-Pvpo/wo (omen? .m D 0mm real pmpeny ‘26) Busmess Ion‘untau busnness practice (07) Un'amul Denma- D Cwu ngms (08) Commercual (31p D [)e'amaluon (13) D Resndennal (32! D Fraud(16) D Dvugsme) D lnlellecmal Dvooefly H9) Judicial Review D onlessmnal negngence (25) A553"°"9““'e (05) D ome, m"_pl,pD,w0 ‘0" (35, D Pemlon re amllrahon award (11) Employment D Wnl o! mandate (021 Wrongiul lermmauon (36) D Other ludlmal revuew (39) D Olhel employment (15) Provisionally Complex Clvll Litigation Em. Rules o! Court. rules 3.400-3.403) Anulvusu’Ter regulallon (OBj D Conslruchon delecl (IO) D Mass Ion (40) D Secunhes Imganon (28] D EnvuonmemaL’Toxuc Ion (30) D Insurance coverage clanms ansmg lrom me above listed prowsnonally complex case Woes (4 1) Eniorcomom o? Judgment Enlorcamenl cl ludgmenl 120) Miscellaneous Civil Complaint D Rico (27) D Olner complain! moi soeclued above) (42) Miscellaneous Civil Petition Pannelshlp and covporale govevnance 121) D Omel peuuon (not specrlred above) (43) 2- Thus caseD Judicial management a. D Large numbet 01 sepavately represenled pames b. D Extensuve motion practice ralsmg difficult or novel am en LU Issues thal will be nme-consummg lo vesolve c. D Subs1anlial amount ol documemary evvdence Number of causes of actuon (specify): ONE Thus case Dis E Is not a class action suit. I1 there are an kno ate: JA( K H. Pt i(/)SIAN IDION \THAN K()M Nl( H()l. .\l. .\.\ |)l-. (ll l..\l. \\/DHY()JI\ Jl l M Jl .\(; U¢$F5W Is Ens nol complex undel rule 3.400 of me Calllorma Rules of Coun If lhe case is complex, mark the tactovs requiring exceptional Large number ol wutnesses Coordination wnh related actions pending In one or move couns m omer counties. slales‘ or coumnes. or In a tedera! court Substantial post judgment iuducual supervision Remedies sought (check allrharapply):a E monetary b. D non monetary. declaratory or injunctlve rellel c. D punitive 6?;th cases, file and serve a nolice o! related case. (You may use form CM-015.) $33 Mlauxr: (iklcum AN P (YVPE OR PRINT NAME. [SIGNAIURE OF PARYV OR ATTORNEY FOR PARIV) NOTICE - Plainlifl must hle Ihis cover sheet wnh the first paper filed in the acluon or proceeding (except small c|alms cases or cases filed under the Probale Coda. Family Code. or Welfare and Instiluiions Code). (Cal, Rules o! Coun. rule 3.220 ) Fai|ure to me may resun in sanchons. a Fnle this cover sheel In addmon to any cover sheet requiled by local court rule, - If this case is complex under rule 3.400 e! seq o! 1he California Rules of Coun. you must serve a copy of lhls cover sheet on all othev parties to the adion or pfoceedung - Unless this Is a collections case under ruIe 3. 740 or a complex case. this cover sheet will be used tor statistical purposes only pyemn Foim Adoaloa lot Mandalory Use Juaoal Council m Calflomm CMmo [Rev Jury! 2007) (‘A ()lllKi his: Nu I‘HUJNJ Cal Rules 0| Courl rules 2 30 3 220. 3 400d ‘03 3 740 Cal Slandaros ol Juanmal Aamm‘snahon std 3 10CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET CM-010 INSTRUCTIONS 0N HOW TO COMPLETE THE COVER SHEET To Plaintiffs and Others Filing First Papers. If you are filing a first paper (for example. a complaint) in a civil case. you must complete and file. along with your first paper. the Civil Case Cover Sheet contained on page 1. This information will be used to compile statistics about the types and numbers of cases filed. You must complete items 1 through 6 on the sheet‘ In item 1. you must check one box for the case type that best describes the case. If the case fits both a general and a more specmc type of case listed in item 1‘ check the more specific one. If the case has multiple causes of action. check the box that best indicates the primary cause of action. To assist you completing the sheet. examples of the cases that belong under each case type in item 1 are provided below. A cover sheet must be filed only with your Initial paper‘ Failure to file a cover sheet with the first paper filed in a civil case may subject a party. its counsel. or both to sanctions under rules 2.30 and 3.220 of the California Rules of Court. To Parties in Rule 3.740 Collections Cases. A "collections case" under rule 3.740 is defined as an action for recovery of money owed in a sum stated to be certain that Is not more than $25,000. excluswe of interest and attorney‘s fees. arising from a transaction in which property. servvces. or money was acquired on credit. A collections case does not include an action seeking me following: (1 ) ion damages. (2) punitive damages. (3) recovery oi real property. (4) recovery of personal property. or (5) a prejudgment wnt of attachment. The identification of a case as a rule 3.740 collections case on 1his form means that it will be exempt from the general time-for-service reqwrements and case management rules, unless a defendant files a responsive pleading. A rule 3.740 collections case will be subject to the requirements for service and obtaining a judgment in rule 3.740. To Parties in Complex Cases. In complex cases only. parties must also use the Civil Case Cover Sheer to designate whether the case is complex. If a plaintiff believes the case is complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court, this must be indicated by completing the appropriate boxes in Items 1 and 2. If a plaintiff desngnates a case as complex. the cover sheet must be served with the complaint on all panies to the action. A defendant may file and serve no later than the time of its first appearance a goinder m the plaintiff's designation, a counter-designatuon that the case is not complex. or. if the plaintiff has made no designation. a designation that the case is complex. Auto Tort Auto (22)-Personal lnlury/Ptoperty DamageM’rongtul Death Uninsured Motorist (46) (II (he case Involves an uninsured moron's! claim subjec! !o arbitration. check rhls Item instead of Auto) Other PIIPD/WD (Personal Injury/ Ptoperty DamagelWrongful Death) Tort Asbestos (04) Asbestos Property Damage Asbestos Personal Injury/ Wrongtul Death Product Lsability (not asbestos or toxic/env/ronmenral) (24) Medvcal Malpractice (45) Medical Malpractice- Physncuans a Surgeons O1her Protessional Health Care Malplactice Other PI/PD/WD (23) Premises Liability (e.g.. slip and tall) Intenlional Bodily Injury/PD/WD (e.g.. assault. vandalism) Intentional Infllction of Emotional Distress Negligent lnlllction of Emotional Dnslress Other PI/PD/WD Non-PI/PDIWD (Other) Tort Busmess Ton/Untair Busmess Practice (07) Civul Rights (e.g‘. discriminaluon, false arrest) (nor civil harassment) (08) Defamation (e.g.. slander. libel) (13) Fraud (16) Intellectual Property (19) Prolessmnal Negligence (25) Legal Malpractice Other Profassmnal Malpractice (non medical or legal) Other Non-PI/PD/WD Tort (35) Employment Wrongful Termination (36) Other Employment (1 5) CASE TYPES AND EXAMPLES Contract Breach of Contracl/Wananty (06) Breach o! Rental/Lease Contract (nor unlawful dera/ner or wrongful eviclion) Contract/Warranty Bleach-Selle! P|aintlfl (no! fraud or negligence) Negligent Breach oi Contract! Warranty Olher Breach oi Contract/Wananty Collections 3‘g.. money owed. open bovk accounts) (09) Collection Case-Seller Planntifl Other Promissory Note/Collecuons Case Insurance Coverage (nor prowsionally complex) ( 1 8) Auto Subrogalion Other Coverage Other Cortrac! (37) Contractual Fraud Other Contract Dispute Real Property Eminent Domam/Inverse Condemnation (14) Wrongful Evncllon (33) Other Real Property (9.9., qune title) (26) Writ of Possessnon o! Real Property Mortgage Foreclosme Quite Title Other Real Propeny (nor eminent domain, landlord’tenanr, or foreclosure) Unlawful Detalner Commercial (31) Residential (32) Drugs (38) (If (he case Involves Illegal drugs. check (ms Ilem; othermse. report as Commercial or HeSIdennal) Judicial Review Asset Forielture (05) Petition Re; Arbitration Award (1 1) Writ oi Mandate (02) Wnt-Administrative Mandamus Wnt-Mandamus on Limited Coun Case Matter wm-Other Limited Coun Case Revnew Other Judmual Revuew (39) Review o! Health Oflicer Order Notice of AppeaI-Labor Commussioner Appeals Provisionally Complex Civil Litigation (Cal. Rules of Court Rules 3400-3403) Antitrust/Trade Regulation (03) Construction Defect (10) Claims Involving Mass Ton (40) Secunties Litigation (28) Environmental/Toxic Ton (30) Insurance Coverage Claims (arising from prowswnally complex case type listed above) (41) Entorcement of Judgment Entorcement ol Judgment (20) Abstract o! Judgment t Out ol County) Confession ol Judgment (non- domesnc relations) Sister State Judgment Administrative AgenCy Award (no! unpaid taxes) Petvtion/Cemficanon o! Entry o! Judgment on Unpaid Taxes Other EnIorcemem ol Judgment Case Miscellaneous Civil Complaint RICO (27) Other Complaint (no! specified above) (42) Declaraiory Relief Only lnlunctive Reliet Only (non- harassmen!) Mechanics Lien Other Commercual Complaint Case (non-rorv'non-complex) Othe! Civil Complaint (non-tort/non-complex) Miscellaneous Civil Petition Pannership and Corporate Governance (21) Other Petmon (no! specified above) (43) Clvul Harassment Workplace Violence Elder/Dependenl Adult Abuse Election Contest Pemion for Name Change Petition for Relie' from Late Claim Other Civil Petition CMOYOIRev July! 20071 ('.~\ UIIXK} ch No; 19-57-160 CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Page20t2