Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.June 10, 2019u .4- .. POS-O1 0 4n'qRRCNOR‘ymW \Avifno'w Afionusvmms. Sula enmumom. and worm).- " ‘ ‘an cg‘unr use ONLY ' " ' Jpshua Neal D.B.A. imperial Resolutions 202.5 .N, Rivgrsidc Ave. Ste C-251 Rialto,QA.923'/7 a a E' TEQEEHGNSNQ:(951)722-1658 FAXNOJOMMIH): , , . E.Mm aubnsss ,IQw'anau:Imperialresoiuuonz@gmaiLcom AflOKMEf FOR (Name) AUG 2 5-0 2019 ”r sufiééaok COURT 0F. CALIFORNIA COUNTY 0F Sa nta Clara mca‘rwomss. Cléfk 0f "‘19 09W?”Mmmammaaw 191 North First Street clrv ANn gmmue: San Jose, CA 95113 urwacn NAME: Downtown Superhar Court ry- - »... V . fi AV- PLAINTIEfi/P Em HER. Joshua Neal D B. A. Imperial Resoiutions CASENUMBEN 19CV348905 ?EFENDANTIRESPONDENTI Binda Bret “A . . .V . . V . . _ .. ». .. » _ ,4” . , , V Rd. No. m m2: Nu; PROOF OF SERVICE 0F SUMMONS (Separate proof of service 1:: required for each pan‘y served.) 1. At mo time of service I was al least 18 years 01 age and no: a party lo lnis action. 2, I served copies. of: fi- m summons , complain: Nternutive Dispute Resolution (ADR) package Clvll Case Cover Sheet (served in complex cases only} cross-cornplaint f] 0mm (specify document u)- Notice 0f Order (o Show Cause Hearing E1 EBB 7"??? 0' 3. Q, Party served (- peqifi’nama u! pemy as shcwn on documqniy sc:Nod). Blncla Bret b.m Person((other than l‘ne party in Item 3:1) served on behalf of an enuty or as em authorized agent (and not a person under Rem 5b on whom substltuled service was made) (specify mama and relationship (o tho party named In liem 3a): 4. Address where tho pany was served: 1618 Idylwood Ct. Modesto, CA. 95350 served lhe party (check props; box) x _ I a 1m by personal Serving. l personalh dellverLd the documents listed in Item 2 (q the party or pérsén amhorlz'ed (o receive newim of process {or the party (1) on (dam) 7/8/2019 (2) at (rims); 5:05pm ' b. [:3 :by substituted service Qn (dare): u! (time). I left the documents listed in item 2 with or In {ho presence of (name and (Ale or re/ailanship to person Indicated'm item 3): (1) I . (business) a person a! least 1B years of age apparently in charge a! (he office or usual place of business of the person to be served. t Informed him or her of tho general nature of (he papers. ’(2) D (home) a competent member of me household (a1 least ‘IB years of age) at the dwelling house or usual place o! abode or me party | Informed him or ner of the general nature of (hepapers. (3) [:3 (physzcal addres s unknown) a person a1 least 18 years a! age ap'p'ere'ntly In charge at the usual mailing I ~ addresu of tho person to [m aarvad other them s Unued Slmes Posml Service post office box. I Informed « ‘ him or her e! me gonura! nature of (he papers. (4) ”.5 | thctealter mailed (by firsn-dass. postage prepaid) copies of the documenta to the person la b9 served at the ,Iae whale (he copies wem lafl (Code Civ. Proc., § 415.20. I mailed the documenis on (data). (tom (city): or a declaration of mailing Is afieched . '5) a l attach a decimation of diligence stmmg actions taken first to attempt personal service. h V . r r Pam: 1 oil q qufidtflépléw Mnndaeiarv Um pROOF OF SERVHCE OF SUMMONS I Coda a! civfl Rmuaura. g Luna Jujficxu! Gonna! u! Cngilslylln . 291-010 (Rev. Junuxyy 1. mun I , "Mmfiwmannowea Joshua Neal 0.3.1:. Im erial R swl r ' 6‘35“““35‘9 " T p e 0 U '°"5 19cv348905; QngNoM'r/RESPONDENT: Binda Bret » t 5 by ma“ and acknowledgment of receipt of service. I mailed tho documents listed In Item 2 lo the party. [Q (he. address shown'm item 4 by first-class mail. postage urepald (1) on (date): i2) from (city): (3) [:1 whh two copies of the Notice and Acknowledgmem uf Receipt and a pos‘age-paid return enveIopa addressed lo ma. (Ahach oomph -ted Notice and Acknowledgement of Receipt. ) (Code Civ. Proc. § 415 (4) [:3 to an address outside California with return receipt requested. (Coda Clv. Proc” § 415 4 . ‘ s d_ E: by Omar means (specify means of service and mzthorizlng code section): [:3 Additional page describing service is attached. a, Thg ”Notica to the Parson Served“ (0n lhe summons) was compleQed as follows: _, ' as an Inuwniual defendant I b- ' I as thy: person sued undearthe fictitious name of (specify): 9-: [.3 as, occupant. d- [:3 Qn behalf c2! (Specific,- under the fouowing Code of Civil Procadure section: C] 416,1!) (corpgrmlou) L_x 415,95 (business organizedon, form unknqwn) [:3 416.20 (defunctcorporqflon) ’ D 416.60 (minor) C3 416.3(1 (joint stock company/associatlon) [:3 416.70 (ward or conservatee) C3 416.40 (association or pannership) C3 416.90 (authorized person) {:1 416.50 (an:ch entity) D 415.46 (occupant) l: Omar: 7, Pcrgon who served papers a, Name: Sheldon Roberts b. Address: 1224 W 82"“ St. Los Angeles, CA. 90044 c. Telaphone number. 323~459-5740 d. The fee foraervice was: $95.00 a. I am: ’ (1) not a registered Californm process server." [‘12) exempt from regislratlon under BusinessJ and Professions Code section 22350(b)_ r ~ ‘ a registered California process server. (l) [:3 owner L_J employee DC] independcntcontractor, (ix) Ragis!rafionNo.: 2017329227 1' ' (W) .COUniyi los Angeles has) . , ‘ , . 5‘, 8. m i declare under p‘unan‘w of perjuly under (he laws of mo State ol California that H16 foregoing Is true and correct, or 9. [:3 I am i: California sheriff or mqrshal and l comfy that (ha foregoing is true gnd corr‘e'ct. f om; 8/12/19 3,} Sheldon'Roberts b Shh“ Alcfl (MM: 0F PERSON wno SERVED MIflM/SHERIFF 0R MARSHAL) "(SIGNATURM ’ 9.5%" .mm ~ w ' ‘ . ‘ - ' ' ' ' "o 4,. .au {4..qu a x pnooz: 0F sERVICE 0F SUMMONS "“1"“