Judgment DefaultCal. Super. - 6th Dist.June 10, 2019JUD-1 00 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, Safe Darnunlbcr. and address): Joshua Neal D.B.A. Imperial ResolutionsH 2026 N Riverside Ave. Ste (3-251 Rialto, CA. 92377 ‘ TELEPHONE NO: (95 1] 7224 658 E-MAIL mcaess {omens};- Arrormav pea (Nam); FAX N0. (Optional): In Pro Per FOR COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA. counrv 0F 53mg, Clam STREETADDRESSI muucADDREss: 191 North First Street cmr AND up c005: San Jose, CA 951 13 amucm mme: Downtown Superior Court PLA'NT‘FFi joshua Neai D.B.A. Imperial Resolutibns DEFENDANT; Bret Binda JUDGMENTD By Clerk Byuefault I XI By Court E After Court TrialE 0n stipulauon E Defendant Did Not Appear at Trial CASE NUMBER: 19CV348905 . JUDGMENT 1. BY DEFAULT a. Defendant was properly sewed with a copy ofthe summons and compiaint. b. Defendant failed to answer the complaint or appear and defend the action within the time allowad by law. c‘ Defendant‘s defauit was entered by the clerk upon plaintiffs application d~ B Clerk's Judgment(Code Civ. Proc, § 585(a))‘ Defendant was sued only on a contract orjudgment of a court of this state for the recovery 0f money. (D (1) D pfaintift‘s testimony and other evidence.. I ,\ I CourtJudgment(Code Civ. Proo. § 585(b)). The court considered (2) plaintiffs written declaration (Code Civ. Prcc.. § 585(d)). 2. [j 0N STIPULATION a. Plaintiff and defendant agreed (stipulated) that a judgment be entered in this case. The courtapproved the stipulated judgment and b. m the signed written stipulation was filed in the case. c. E the stipulation was stated in open court E the stipulation was stated on the record. 3. E AFTER COURT TRIAL. The jury was waived. The court considered t_he evidence. aA The case was tried on (date and time): before (name ofjudicial officer): b. Appearances by: a Plaintiff (name each): (1) (2)E Continued on Attachment 3b. E Defendant (name each): (7) (2) [j Continued on Attachment 3b. D Plaintiffs attorney (name each): i_ (1) -, (2) E Defendant's attorney (name each): (1) (2) c. D Defendant did not appear at trial. Defendant was properly served with notice of trial. d. E Astatement of decision (Code Ciu. Proc., § 632) D was not E] was Form Approved fc: Oelional Use Juuzdal Councfl ot Caldarnia JUOAOO [New January 1. 2602] JUDGMENT requested. Palm lot 2 Code c? CMP Ptomdmc, 99‘ 5’55. 554 '3 Filed June 4, 2020 County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of the Court 19CV348905 By: LDelMundo # PLAINTIFF: Joshua Neal D.B.A. Imperial Resolutions CASE NUMBER: Bret Binda ’ I9CV3‘48905 DEFENDANT: JUDGMENT~15 ENTERED As FOLLOWS BY: THE COURT E THE CLERK 4. E Stipulated Judgment. Judgment is entered according to the stipulation ofthe parties. 5. Parties. Judgment is ' . a. for plaintiff {name each): c. E for cross-complainant (name each}: Joshua Neal D‘B.A. Imperial Resolutions and against defendant (names): and against cross-defendant (name each): Bret Binda ‘ a Continued on Attachment 5a. E Continued 0n Attachment 50. b' E {ordewndam (name 660“)" d‘ E for crossdefendant (name each): 6. Amount. a. Defendant nafned in item 53 above must C. D CrOSS'def-endant named in Item 5C abOVe mus! pay pay plaintiff on the complaint: crosscornplainant on the cross-complaint: (1) Damages igisaoéoo (1) D Damages $ (2) Prejudgment t ' '“ (2) E Prejudgmem s interest at the 100/ interest at the annual rate of .9 annual rate 0f % (3) E Attorney fees ‘9 (3) E Attorney fees (4) Costs $276 (4) E Costs $ (5) E Other (specify): $ (5) C] Other (specify); s (6} TOTAL 3 41 17.23 (6) TOTAL 3 b, a Piaintiff to receive nothing from defendant d.)E Croés-comptainant to receive nothing from named in item 5b. cross-defendant named in item 5d.D Defendant named in item 5b to recover E Cross-defendant named in item 5d lo recovar costs $ costs $D and attorney fees S D and attorney fees $ 7. a Other (specify).- Date: D JUDICIAL OFF‘CER Date: D Clelk. by I , Deputy (SEAL) CLERK‘S CERTIFICATE (Optional) l certify that this is a true copy ofthe originat judgment on file in the court. Date: Clerk, by . Deputy Jumoo {Han January t. 2W2] JUDGMENT Signed: 6/2/2020 02:26 PM June 2, 2020 June 2, 2020 Mark Pierce