Petition Name ChangeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.June 12, 2019NC-1 00 ATI'ORNEY FOR (name): AwoaNEY 0R fARTY wTHour ATTORNEY STATE BAR NUMBER NAME: A ‘l Ale‘ khan; FrRM NAME STREETADDRESS “($64% (101$ ernflvokw Cf CA ZIPCODE: qg [yNS“ h J STATE: TELEPHONE No.: FAX No; EMAILADDRESS: boxé D %gmh 'Cfim SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF MAILING ADDRESS: 191 NORTH FIRST STREET CITYANDZiP cons: SAN JOSE, CA 95113 STREETADDRESS: 191 NOTH FIRST STREET BRANCH NAME PROBATE DEPARTMENT PERION’ OF MK of ach petitioner): M/Aflnl WEE; c v 3 z;PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME 8830 DBefore you complete this petitlon, you should read the Instructions for Filing a Petition for Change ofName (form NC-1 imust answer all questions and check all boxes that apply to you on this petition. You must file this petition In the supel county where the person whose name ls to be changed resides. o-INFO). You or court of the 5. If this petition requests the change of name of any person or persons under 18 years, this request is being made resi. Petitioner(presentname): A I l. A4 a(A/la Vl t. . Petitioner requests that the court decree the following name changes (list every name that you are seeking to ch: ' Presentna e Pro osed name A ll A46 1 [(IEyU/h‘ changedto AMCI flgeJM changed to c. changedto d. changedto E Continued (ifyou are seeking to change additional names, you must prepare a list and attach it to this petit Attachment 2.) . Petitioner requests that the court issue an order directing all interested persons to appear or file objections to sho this petition for change of name of the persons identified 'In item 2 should not be granted. , The number of persons under 18 years of age whose names are to be changed is (specify): a. E two parents.E one parent.E near relative (name and relationship):D guardian (name):E otherfspecafiz}: . E This petition seeks to change name of (check one) to conform to that person's gender identity. $099.6 puutioner D (name): . For each person whose name is to be changed, petitioner provides the following information (you must attach a c the attachmentName and Information About the Person Whose Name ls to Be Changed (form NC-1 10) for each item 2): a. The number of attachments included in this petition is (specifi/ number): b-f. (These are the items on the attached page or pages of form NC-‘I 10.) es in this county. nge): :H’lll 0n HS w cause why by meleted copy of aerson identified in Page 1 ol‘l Form Adopted tor Mandatory Use Judiclal Couw‘l of Calilomia NC-1 00 [R ev. Septem ber 1. 2018] PETITION FOR CHANGE 0F NAME (Change of Name) Code of Civil Procedure. § 1275 e! seq. NC-110 CASE NUMBER: FOR CHANGE OF NAME h. 1 9 C V 3 FEATDMN OF (Name ofpetitioner or petitioners): MUU {4 l 48830 NAME AND INFORMATION ABOUT THE PERSON WHOSE NAME IS TO BE CHANGED Attachment to Petition (form NC-100, form NC-ZOO, or form NC-500) (You must use a separate attachment for each person whose name is to be changed. pretitioneris a guardian o; supplemental attachment, Declaration of Guardian (fonn NC-1 106), must also be completed and attached for eac is to be changed.) 7. (Continu d) Petitioner applies for a decree to change the name of the following person: Attachmer V b. Self Other (1) Presentnamme (specify). AAMAg! (fl Ikka n' '- (2) Proposed name (specify). (MCI km h (3) Born on (date orbirth): 0 7/0}/ [’Hfl and presently D under 18 years of aqe Ema 18 years of age (4) Born at {place ofbirth): (A l.'Fof n lq“ , sq n 1‘°Se (5) Sex (as stated on original birth certificate): ale E Female ~ (6) Current residence address (street, city, county, and zip code): “HM C.“ eKhaVflC.“ Ci , swim Cia fa , 4g 12 c. Reagan for name change (explain). ODWc 1‘ {St Mme d. Relationship ofthe petitionerto the person whose name will be changed: (1) self (4) E. near relative (indicate relationship): (2) Parent (5) E Other (specify): (3) D guardian of 'a minor, a minor whose name S“ ”Jojo; e. lf the person whose name will be changed is under 18 years of age, provide the names and addresses, if k Iown, of the following persons: ' (1) Parent (name): (address): (2) Parent (name): (address): (3) (Onlyifneitherparent is living) Near relatives (names, relationships, and addresses): f. If the person whose name will be changed ls 18 years of age or older, that person must sign the following declaration: DECLARATION l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that (check one) gt am not E l am under the jurisdiction oft jail and (check one) California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (in state prison or on par 1 am not E l am required to register as a sex offender under Penal Code .._ -__- . .-. .... .‘- ......,.= .3 To BE omega) (SIéNATURE oYPERson WHOSE NAME Is 'r( - (TYPF‘ On DDINT h..." section 290. le) or in county BE cHANcED).- I ll I (lfpetifimm Io I aywamueu uy am auumey, the attorney's signature follows): Date: (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE 0F ATTORNEY) (Each petitioner must sign this petition in the space provided below or, if additional pages are attached, at attachment.) l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information in the the end of the last foregoing petition is true and correct. Date: h fiffl/\Ai I AAe i 1C 01 I’i I (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (§IGNATURE OF PETITIONER) Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) _ (SIGNATURE OF PETITIONER) I I ADD ADDITIONAL SIGNATURE LINES FOR ADDITIONAL PETITIONERS I l SIGNATURE 0F PETITIONERS FOLLOWS LAST ATTACHMENT page 1 of 1 Form Adopted tor Mandalay Use ATTACH MENT To dee o Civil Pmcedum. § 1275 et seq. Judidal Council oi Califqmia www.couflscagov PETITION FOR CHANGE 0F NAMENC-11O [Rem September 1. 2018]