Proof of Service MailCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 16, 2019I 2 -) -+ _5 6 l 8 L) t0 11 12 11 I -) l;l l5 i6 11 18 t9 20 21 22 _ .,) 21 l_s 26 2l 28 DeuvEe [,alv Gnoup 5776 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 288 Pleasanton, CA 94588 Telephone: (925) 463 -3288 Fax: (925) 463-3218 Xiaojuan Zhang. Plaintill', SUPERIOR COTJRT OF THE STATE OF CALIFOIIN]IA COUNTY OF SANTA CLAITA Case No.: 19CV318183 PROOF OI,- SERVICE Case Management Statement Sleren Kuochun Yu: Does l-5. inclusive. VS. BGSM, Inc.; and Del-endants At the tirne of service, I was ovcr 18 years of age ancl ant entploycd in the County of Alamecla. State o1'Califbmia. Stoneridge Mall Road. Suite 288. Pleasanron. CA ()/+5gfl. not a part) to lhis action. I My business adclress is 5776 On the date listed belor,v" Isen'ed true copir:s ol-the follouing clocunrcnt(s): Plaintilf-s CIM-1 10 Case Management Statement. Shannon B. Jones SuexxoN B. JoNps Lerv GRor,p. INC. 208 W. El Pintado Road Danville. CA94526 BY U.S. MAIL: I enclosecl the documcnt(s) in a sealecl envelope or package addressed to the person at the address above. I deposited such envelope or package vrith the United States Postal Service with the postage firlly prepaid in Irlesanton. CalitbrrLia. I arll readily lamiliar with the collection and processing o1'corresponclerrce as depositecl rritl-i thc U.S. Postal scrl'ice in the ordinary collrse,rl'business. I declare under pcnaltl of perjurl'under thc laws o1'the Llnitr-cl States o1'Amcrica that thc fbregoing is true and correct and that Ianr i:nrplol,ed in the'ofirce ot'a nrcmber of the bar of this Court at whose direction the servicc was made. Executcd on 812312019 in Plcasanton. Calil,crnia. l| ,s ,.t4* v vln Vanessa Yu ',/-) Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 8/23/2019 2:24 PM Reviewed By: J. Duong Case #19CV348183 Envelope: 3304733