Acknowledgement ReceiptCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 16, 2019POS-015 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, Slate Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY f-JASUN C. MOLINELLI , SBN 204456 HANSON BRIDGETT LLP 1676 N. Calfornia Blvd .,. 6th Floor Walnut Creek, CA 94596 TELEPHONE NO: (925) 746-8476 FAX NO. (Optlonal): (925) 746-8490 E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional) : ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Pla intiffs Greenlee's Cinnamon Bread & More, Inc.; Deron Robertson; Janette Robertson SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Santa Clara STREET ADDRESS: 191 N. 1st Street MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Jose, CA 95113 BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: GREENLEE'S CINNAMON BREAD & MORE, INC . . DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: DLA PIPER, LLP, et al. ' CASE NUMBER: NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT-CIVIL 19CV348173 TO (insert name of patty being served): .=:D~L..,_A~P~IP~E=-'R~,t...:L=-'L=-'P ----------------'------------ NOTICE The summons and other documents identified below are being served pursuant to section 415.30 of the California Code of Civi l . Procedure. Your failure to complete this form and return it within 20 days from the date of mailing shown below may subject you ( or the party on whose behalf you are being served) to liabi lity for the payment of any expenses incurred in serving a · · summons on you in any other manner permitted by law. If you are being served on behalf of a corporation, an unincorporated association (including a partnership), or other entity, this form must be signed by you in the name of such entity or by a person authorized to receive service of process on behalf of such entity. In all other cases, this form must be signed by you personally or by a person authorized by you to ackn.c>wledge receipt of summons. If you return this form to the sender, service cif a summons is deemed complete on the day you sign the acknowledgment of receipt below. Date of mailing : 6/20/2019 JASUN C. MOLINELLI (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) ► (SIGNATURE OF SENDER-MUST NOT BE A PARTY IN THIS CASE) ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT This acknowledges receipt of (to be completed by sender before mailing): 1. D A copy of the summons and of the complaint. 2. [2] Other (specify): FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT; SUMMONS; ADR PACKAGE; CIVIL LAWSUIT NOTICE; CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET; CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT (BLANK) (To be completed by recipient): Date this form is signed: July 10, 2019 CHRISTOPHER S. SUN TYPE OR PRINT YOUR NAME AND NAME OF ENTITY, IF ANY, ON WHOSE BEHALF THIS FORM IS SIGNED) ► (SIGNATURE OF PERSON ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT, WITH TITLE IF ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE ON BEHALF OF ANOTHER PERSON OR ENTITY) Pa e 1 of 1 Form Adopted for Mandatory se Judicial Council of Calilornia POS-015 IRev.-January 1, 2005) NOTICE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT - CIVIL Code of c;._,( Procedure, §§ 415.30, 417.10 Amertcan LegalNet, Inc, Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 7/16/2019 1:55 PM Reviewed By: Y. Chavez Case #19CV348173 Envelope: 3133840 19CV348173 Santa Clara - Civil Y. Chavez