Clerk Rejection LetterCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 28, 2019SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA DOWNTOWN COURTHOUSE - CIVIL DIVISION 191 North First Street San José, California 95 1 13 (408) 882-2100 - Public Case Information Website: https:IIcmportalscscourtnrqlportall Providing access to Ioca1 cases through online search & retrieval. - Maln Website: www.scscourmgg Providing access to rules. self help information, forms, fees, locations 8. phone numbers. Civil Filing Rejection Letter Case Number: 1QCV345365 [ 1 E § Case Title: MIDLAND V CRUZ Dear Sir/Madam: The Document is being returned forthe following reason(s): 1. D The Civil Case Cover Sheet adopted by Rule 3.220 is missing. Please submit the cover sheet within 1O days ofthis Notice 0r you may be subject to sanctions under California Rules of Court, Rule 2.30. D The case number is D missing, D incorrect, or D incomplete. D The documenté MUST be on adopted Judicial Council forms. D Forms are obsolete. D The document is incomplete. Please complete information where “Red" check marks are pIaced. D The document is missing an original signature. D The document requires a $__ Filing Fee or Waiver of Fees granted by this Court. NWWPPN D The document i5 not in compliance with Rule 2100-2119 as follows: a. D Caption page required c. D State Bar Number required b. D Two-hole punch and stapled d. D Telephone number D Request for Dismissal is incomplete. Please provide the information requested. Complete: a. D item 1a. D item 1b. b. D item 2, need consentof D Cross-Complaint D Intervener D Complaint .m 9. D An Order of Court is required prior to filing this document 10. D The case was dismissed 0n: 11. D The document is filed in the incorrect Court. 12 D Other; Unclear on what check #34580238 is for . lfthis is regarding wage garnishment, please contact the sheriff's department. The court does not process these checks. Notes for Future Reference: 15. D T0 expedite your requests for Writs or Abstracts. please submit an endorsed filed copy of yourjudgment. 16. D Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of your copies. 17. D Please make checks payable to: Clerk Superior Court Date: 12/03/2021 Clerk ofthe Court ‘ D.WW Clerk, by . , Deputy The Cour: smflis no! aulharized 10 give you legal advice or instruct you 0n which legaiforms ta use, as this constitutes an unauthorizedpractice aflaw. T722 Cour: recommends lira: you seek appropriate lega! assistance. r f1 CV-5020 REV 12/03/15 P VVWI\IU ADP, INC. - l GARNISHMENTPROCESSING SERVICES D lsbu rsement Statement P.O. Box 221230 ' ' z)“ EIPaso TX 79912 Payment Date: 11/26/21 .‘ 52¢® ’ Check Number: 34580238 ; "3 Page Number: 1 : RTIAQT (408)213-2548 MODERA LLC Disbursement Profided for. 12833 SARATOGA SUNNYVALE RD 3H ul lea] SDHGUDDZ GODDDD g SARATOGA CA 95070 S SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA I ° CNTY OF SANTA CLARA. CIVIL DIVISION E 191 N 1ST ST g SAN JOSE CA 95113-1006 gw ' E If you are an AgenchCreditor or Attorney, please can 1-800-823-6731 3 N you are a Custodlal Parent. please can 1-866324-51 91 o Case Number Employeelomigor SSN Obllgee SSN Med. Insurance! Withholding! Support Addltlona! Payment Information {Memo1 EmpioyeeJObligor Name 0b1lgea Name Termination Earnings 5'055 ~ Amount - State TotalWW FELN 'ndmmfls! Dams! W193; Paid Fans Pflvmen! 1QCV345365 631-40-1679 N 11118121 4900 0.00 49.00 MIDLAND FUNDING LLC CRUZMCTORIA A 11118121“ 462085845 'd m a g n: .92 .E 49 Ej ‘ o _/ .1 u; D < (DOON aj O! 1 92 ,, Lu I LuI m‘ ' Paymert adjusted - Maximu'n allowabLe CCPA rants t" Additiornl amomt paid to en-plcyee for period other than current pay period. e.g; vacation or salary advance PAGE TOTAL 49m D 0° 49ma I )‘JWEJII‘J ?J'EJJ‘IE'S-J JTJ‘rJ: UAT‘U‘OP TRQ'L‘JE‘II- EH 'ATIEIEJ’J‘U'EJI‘JI (I . cz’ "/7 -v (b “/EFUFWDEJCUJ‘IIE‘JFJ"AUYI'HEJ‘IVFIQJchY-a69149 Ep MFIE‘A'J‘JIUEJ‘W EJH‘A‘ Fj'ADUAL’LWIAJ‘JDIE‘IEJ‘JL‘YIPHEJI‘JHPJAHJ a 34§§ozaa '_ 59:1,544155'1, " rPa tothe' ' o, W, .,SUPE'RIORi‘COURT‘TjfioFCADFORNIA“: .. \. p Thisamwnt *****49 DOLLARS 00 CENTS *****49.00 void 6 months after date of issue JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA mg zjtfi ’Columbus, 0H v An A ulhorized represen tauye{s) ofADP z. Il'BlISBDESBII' liflthLELHBE ll'l-QEEEELEEII' Hu :r-IPnr’\::Ir-I.\I'n'073-Tr‘x;:|Imr-‘Av'r 'I.\';T..\'.\I v‘lrl-Hhéx'r.']. I'JFJT-r-va . \-.'I/ riflw'v'W-V V-n-h'l t Irh m‘u-r .‘wn .I .anlvv- ~?rx \IIL'vyll’H/I'Ir-'.w"r-‘ I5-‘7-Jllvnr3 -P'l‘v-‘U-‘fAlf-lxrfiv‘Jn-fJ‘Iv-falfr- 'm HOLD AT AN ANGLE TO VIEW ADP WATERMARKS DE 0F DOCUMéNT coNfAlNéADP WATEHMAIFKKS. HOLD AT AN ANGLE ToAyIVEw. E | | « g I I’1 O I I 32‘ Z o ‘ a I i 5‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 5 i I o[#‘i - 1 * 3 C/ _ \\‘ ‘ j: a I I :3 x xv§