DeclarationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 27, 2019\DOOflQm-hWNI-d NNNNNNNNNH-Il-nn-sflw-n-nr-nfl WQQM‘IWNflQWWQQM-th-O 1QCV345243 Santa Clara - Civil Electronically Filed SCHEER LAW GROUP, LLP by Superior Court of CA, SPENCER P. SCHEER #107750 County of Santa Clara, JOSHUA L. SCHEER #242722 . REILLY D. WILKINSON #250086 a" 8/26/23? 93%”! JONATHAN SEIGEL #168224 ev'ewe Y- ams TIMOTHY J. SILVERMAN #145264 Case #1 9CV345243 BRYAN P. REDINGTON #3 13764 Envelope: 33081 70 85 ARGONAUT, SUITE 202 ALISO VIEJO, CA 92656 Telephone: (949) 263-8757 Facsimile: (949) 308-7373 P.065-OSSS Attorneys for Plaintiff PROVIDENT CREDIT UNION SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA SAN JOSE JUDICIAL DISTRICT PROVIDENT CREDIT UNION, Case No.: 19CV345243 Plaintiff, bECLARATION 0F RICK NEWSON JR. vs. IN SUPPORT 0F ENTRY 0F DEFAULT UDGMENT CCP 585 CRISTIAN PACHECO, and DOES l through SO, inclusive. Defendants. I, Rick Newson Jr., declare: 1. I am employed by Provident Credit Union ("Plaintiff" herein) as Collections Manager. I have personal knowledge of the facts stated herein, am competent to testify thereto, and would so testify if called as a Witness. 2. Plaintiff is a state credit union that is duly licensed and qualified to do business in the State of California with its principal place of business in Redwood City, California. DECLARATION IN SUPPORT 0F ENTRY OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT CCP § 585 1 Harris WOONJONUI-hL-QNW NNNNNNNNNfl-‘H-Hflr-u-nna-n WHOIM-FWNHaWWQQMhWN-O 3. My duties as Assistant Collections Manager include supervision and control over the employees and the bookkeeping procedures for Plaintiff. I am a custodian of records for Plaintiff. As part ofmy reSponsibilities I have access to and review records maintained by Plaintiff. I am familiar with the business records maintained by Plaintiff, including its records pertaining to accounts of credit union members, as well as the methods and procedures by which Plaintiff creates anda'or maintains such business records. The information described herein, and referenced below, was found by me in the business records of Plaintiff. As a regular practice, Plaintiffmaintains records 0fvarious acts and events connected with the accounts of its members, including records ofcontact with its members and payment history. These records are made at, or near the time, they are created by, or from information provided by, persons with knowledge ofthe activity and transactions reflected in such records, and they are kept in the ordinary course of business conducted by Plaintifi'. It is the regular practice of Plaintiff to make these records. I found all of the documents identified below in Plaintiff’s records. 4. 0n August l7, 2018, Defendant Cristian Pacheco executed a Membership Application for purposes of Opening a Checking Account. A true and correct copy of the Application is attached hereto as Exhibit “l”. Plaintiffapproved Defendant for membership and Defendant opened Checking Account N0. xxxx6330 (the “Account") with Plaintiff. Defendant received and agreed to the terms of Plaintiff’s Master Account Agreement (“Agreement"). A true and correct copy ofthe Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit “2" and is incorporated herein by reference. Pursuant to the Agreement Defendant would deposit filnds into the Account and could draw against the account according t0 standard banking procedure. 5. Plaintiff has performed all conditions, covenants and terms on its part to be performed. DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF ENTRY 0F DEFAULT JUDGMENT CCP § 585 2 UI-btaJN \DOOMJON 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 6. During October 201 8 to December 201 8, Defendant‘s Account became overdrawn in the sum of $9,860.83, as evidenced by the Account Statements attached hereto as Exhibit “3”. 7. The Agreement, on pages 2-3, Liabiligz, requires that the Defendant immediately restore any amount by which his account is overdrawn. 8. Plaintiff has made repeated requests to Defendant that Defendant cure the overdrafi balance. However, dCSpite said requests, the Account remained overdrawn. Because the Account remained overdrawn, Plaintiff closed the Account and charged off the amount due and owing on December 18, 201 8. A true and correct copy of the October 201 8 Account Statement evidencing Defendant’s overdrawn account is attached hereto as Exhibit “4”. Defendant continued his default and failed to restore his account for the overdrawn sums. 9. Afier crediting Defendant for payments totaling $5,800.00, there now remains an unpaid principal balance due from Defendant in the sum of$4,055.83. A true and correct copy of the loan ledger is attached hereto as Exhibit “6”. In addition, interest has accrued at the legal rate of 10.00% on the unpaid balance from the date of charge-off, December 18, 2018, through the date of entry ofjudgment pursuant to California Civil Code Section 3287. 10. Defendant has failed and refused and continues to fail and refuse to pay this amount t0 Plaintiff. I l. Pursuant to Exhibit 1, the Agreement, on pages 2-3, Liability, Plaintiff is entitled to reasonable attomeY's fees and costs for collection on this account. Plaintiff has incurred attorney's fees in the amount of $883.00. DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF ENTRY OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT CCP § 585 3 WW‘QONU‘deN-fl muQm-wah-O‘OWQQM3‘IJN-O 12. Imakc this declaration for and on behalf of Plaintiff. The facts contained herein arc within my personal and firsthand knowledge. I believe that Defendant has no defense to this action. I3. l have personaliy reviewed the Defendant's account records. l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State ofCalifornia that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: f/Zg/I? firek NewsKJr.” v IA Fax DECLARATION [N SUPPORT 0F ENTRY OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT CC? § 585 4’ Vami’fiODK'BEPAI' I MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION - PRIMARY P0 Box 8007.fledwood City,CA 94063-0903 (800)632-4300 (550)508-Dfil9fax providentcu‘urg PERSONAL ACCOUNT SIGNATURE CARD New Associate D Updated Information ASSOCIATE TYPE E anary Owner D Trustee D Custodian D Attorney in Fact D Executor D Representative Payee D Court Ordered Conservator PRIMARY ASSOCIATE M330 | ‘r Member Number Promo Code IPACHECO l [CRISTIAN lM f Last Name Suffix First Name Ml. [SAN Jose ICA H; MY Current Address City State Zip How Long (Yrs/Mos) | I I | I Previous Address (If less than 2 yrs at current) City State Zip How Long (Yrs/Mos) E1993 Q5689 £6196 LCA [5/11/2016 |1/12/2022 Birth Date Soc a Security # I.D./Driver License # State LD. Issue Date LD. Expiration Date IMORA |t408)-___km; I Mother's Maiden Name Home Phone Cell Phone Work Phone flive or work in the followifl Counties/Cities: Santa Clara County E-mail Address Eligibility (community, association. employer, 0r family) lcopAN EXPRESS [DELIVERY DRIVER [$0.00 Employer (or premous empbyer if retired 0f not emphyed) Job Title (0r minor. disabled. homemaker. etc.) Gross Annual Income l |_ l L EmployerAddress City State Zip D Retired D Unempioyed Housing: D Rem D Own Live with Relative 50-00 Rent/Mortgage Per Month AUTHORIZATION Background: US Citizen D Permanent Resident D Nonflesident Alien? By L. mung below, i certify m accordance wuh iRS W-Q nstrucx r )ns unde; uenaiues ol oequty, (1) that mu Sucial Secunly Number: .ax-aycr Iommficauw Nun”. ur 0n rr-is applration is correct. and (2) max I arr. not. unless designated belzw Subject to back~up wnhholding. Lnless des gnaled below. Iafllrm ma: l have - ot beer nonfied mat I am Subject lo back-up wntchotding as a vesul' o! a failure to report all dividends or nteresz. 0r because me IRS has notified me mat I am no longer subject t0 back-uu w‘lhnoldnng. (3) I am a U.S culazen o: U S. res dent alan unless I have checked the box on this form regarding my background mat I am a nor-(esrdent al'en and have or wm complete a W-B BEN lo cerlify foreign status. D I am subjecl io back-up withholding Ncler the IRS does n01 require ysur consent (o any prov sions c: trns dscumem omer than me cert'fisa'aznns rem nred lo avoid back-up wizhrtololng By signing below. I acknowéedge recexpt of Provident's Master D snlosuve and Serves Charge Srheduls or acknowtedge copies. w" be ma‘ied lo ma and agree m lher {arms and condr. ans. This autnor zes Provzdem to do an k‘dependem credxz rev-ew. r'cludlng me ver hcat'cn of my employment h story, ans :maning :red‘x reoons now and In the ruture. Prowdem wul also rev‘ew all agners through CnexSysten s meden: has the r gm {o (umish omer cred: repomng semces wnh untOrmauou about my credit. ' =axed documenls/SIgnalures are consvderea as legally bindnng as origina‘ dOCuments/sgnatures and shall ce sulhcient unless originals are required by a th rd pariy. cam rumou us:W Nancy Tmong_s. ""tirgcaum Vurmcci intI-xrsl am L,- “ v.01 . . "17’2““ Norm San Jose 811712018 Primary Assocnate Signature Date rrarmozpanmcn: ume- us Pflmoufl: Pursmm: 1‘: 'he USA Patna: A: (Unizmg and Strengznemng An-enca by Pm. uu 9 Appmpnaze Tnt‘ts Rammed :0 In'ercen: ant) Obstlus'. Terrznsm). Fedevat isw vequues al| finar-;ial msuzutor 3 lo :main. verify, ana 2:: :3 rlorrnauon ma: identifies each person who :pens an acroum What mis means hr you: When you open an account, we will ask tor youv narre‘ address. date of bu'r' anu other nnl..«rna‘|;:vu 'ha: wil! allow us :0 idenrlly you. We may also ask 'x:- see your amer's license o: other :aenzuwmg documents. OPEN 'QQIB EXHIBIT“: " I Important Account Information for Our Members •Terms and Conditions • Electronic Transfers • Funds Availability • Truth in Savings Effective October 1, 2016 - __ r,;; PROVIDENT ~ NCUA rrr. c R r o 1 T u N 1 a N ., MJ~c life cJsy 2016_ 10 MD101 3.75X8.S_FINAL_Mas1er AcclAgreemenl.indd 1 9122/16 10:49 AM EXHIBIT " 2 • TABLE OF CONTENTS TERMS ANO CONDITIONS OF YOUR ACCOUNT •..• ·-· ....... - . .2 lrnportart lnloN'lalion A00<.11 Prooe ol A£aiut11 llifd ~r'°"ry DesiTilllon , . . ·-- ...... --·-· .. . . ~ Stoo Pa~or•ls .. . ... -··· ....... - .... .. .. .......... ··--·-· .... ·-· . S TeleptloM r..1nsl'f•s • . ............ S Trilf!'sler Llrnii{tliO(IS . . .... 6 ~ts800 Termll'MIM., • .~ N<'.ll>Ot$ .. • .. . . ...... • ' ' • .6 Sla1t~:o . - ·6 P ayfl\Otlt Otoer onems .. .... ? Pledges ... ·-· . ·-·-·----· . ..... . .. 7 a-tel Processlfl!l ............ ·--·-· .. .. .. ..... . .... • • ... .. .... ....... . . ..... 1 ~ P,opel<:e.... ,_ ........ ·-· .•• • • .. ... 9 Claim OI l~ . . .. . .. ............... , ..... , .. 9 Farty ~awaJ Pe<1~h1es.. ... • ............................. ..... 9 or ame Cl!all9ff--· .. . ....... .. . , ............................... g lrll!ll !lo:M'1~ 1 ACli Tran&ae:ll~ . . ......... ·-········ . g Leg~ Actlor-s A!'«Uig Y(NI ~I ......... ·-·--· ........ ,.... 10 Tcl1Jll10'1lc ln~uctlOPS -···· ·- . , .. .... .. •. . . ......... .. . 10 w.or.101inJj ~ Rooog$ A«O~ .. .......... .. -· ·-· ............ . . 22 Pr•MMlr t.;one~ Ma.rr.1!'1 ... .... .. . ·- .. . .. .. .. .. ................. . .. 23 ~A,l)(;ount. ...... ............................. , , .................... :r.J Tf!fm Slt..we C«miai .. Acc:ou!i . .. . .. . .. ...... ...... _,..... .. • .. • .... .... 2• Yarcal!I& Add-On rem> S~ Ce••ftcate Aocoun4 . .. . .. . .. ... . , , • 25 Add °'1 Tenn Stani Ce11olle~te{F1ired Aa!el ..... ...... .... .. . .. . 26 Y()l.lh Adil On Tenn S1'ate ~e ACCO\.sll 1F1ired Aae} .. ·-· .. .. . .26 0.-..oeilr8 Cert1heale l\oooutlt . ... . 31 Va<.-ible 24 RA Add-On Ttml ShMt Certl'cate Accourt . .. . . ...32 H..,.. SihV'~s Acoo.inl (HSAl .... .... ...... . • .. . ........................... J'3 He-$~ A'(()C)oJfll Adl:l -Oo feOns Unless ii would be 1ncoosisten1 10 do so words and phrases used in this documen1 should be construed so the singular inciudes the plural and lhe plural includes the singular. BYLAWS· Our bylaws. which we may amend from lime to time, establish basic rures about our credit union policies and opet which is greater in numbe1 than the frequency permtted, or wheh is for a<> amount greater or less than any withdrawal limitations We will use the date the transaction is completed by us (as opposed lo the dale you Initiate ill to apply the frequency imitations. In addition. we may place limitations on the account until your identity is verified Even ii we honor a nonconlorming request, Wf3 are not required to do so later. II yOU viotate the stated transacl10n timilal1Dns (ii any>. 1n our discretion we may co se your account or reclassify t as a transactton account. II we reclassify your account. yoor account w be subject to the lees and earnings rules of the new account classification II we are po'esenled with an item drawn against your account that would be a ·substitute check, as defined by raw, but tor an errOl or defect in the item witroduced in the subst~ule check creation process, you agree that we may pay such item See the funds avaitabjtity policy disclosure for information at>out when you can witharaw funds you deposit. For those accounts lo which our lunds avaitabilily policy disclosure does not apply, you can ask us when you make a deposit when those funds will be available for withdrawal. An item may be returned after the funds from the depos~ of that item are made available for withdrawal. In that case. we wiU revetse the credit ol I/le item. We may determine I/le amount of available funds in your account for the purpose of deciding whether to return an item lor insufficient lunds at any lime between the time we receive the item and when we relurn the item or send a notice in lieu of return. We need only make one determination. but ii we choose to make a subsequent determination, the account balance at the subsequent time will determine whether there are insullident available funds. A temporary debit authorization hold affects your account balance • On debit card purchases. merchants may request a temporary hotd on your account for a specified sum ol money, which may be more than the actual amounl of your purchase. When ttiis happens, our processing system cannot determine that the amount of the hold exceeds the actual amount or your purchase. This temporary hold. and I/le amount charged to your account, will evenluaUy be adjust&drawal requests that overdraw yollf account. However. the fact lhat we may honor withdrawal requests lhal overd. STOP PAYMENTS· Unless otherwise provided, the rules in lhis section cover stopping payment of items such as checks and drafts. Rules lor stopping payment of other lypes of transfers of funds. such as consume1 electronic fund transfers, may be established by law or our policy. If we have not disclosed these rules to you elsewhere. you may ask us about thOse rules. We may accept an order lo slop payment on any ilem from any one of you. You must make any stop·payment order in the manner required by law and we musl receive ii in time to give us a reasonable opportunity 10 act on ii before our stop-payment culoff lime. When you place your slop·paymenl order we will tell you what inlormalion we need to stop payment. This information musl be exact since stop-payment ordets are handled by computers. If your information is not exact your order wdt 001 be elfechve and we will not be responsible for failure lo stop payment. You may stop payment on any ilem drawn on your account whether you sign lhe item or not. Generally. if your stop-payment order is given to us in writing ii is effective for six months. Your order will lapse alter that time If you do not renew lhe order in writing before the end of \he six·monlh period. II lhe original slop·payment order was oral your slop-payment ordet witl lapse after 14 calendar days tt ycu do not confirm your order in writing within lhat time period. We are not obligated to notify you when a stop·payment order e•pires. A release of lhe stop-payment request may be made only by the person who initiated the slop-payment otder. If you slop payment on an item and we incur any damages or expenses because of the stop payment. you agtee to indemnify us for those damages or e•penses. including attorneys' fees. You assign to us an rights against the payee or any other hOkler of the ilem. You agree to cooperate wilh us in any legal actions lhal we may take againsl such persons. You should be aware lhal anyone holding the item may be enlilled lo enforce payment against you despite lhe stop-payment order. TELEPHONE TRANSFERS • A lefephone transfer of funds from this account 10 another account wilh us. it otherwise arranged for or permilted, may be made by the same persons and under the same conditions generany applicable to withdrawals made in wriling. Unless a different limitation is disclosed in writing. we restrict the number of transfers from a savings 5 I 2016_10_MD101 3,7SX8 .5~FINAL_Masler AcctAgreemenl.indd 6 9122116 10:49 AM account to another account or to third parties. to a maximum of s x per month (less the number of ·preauthorized transfers· du1ing the month). Other account transfer restrictions may be descnbed elsewhere TRANSFER LIMITATIONS • Fa< savings and money market accounts you may make up to si< transfers or withdrawals by means of a preauthor1zed, automatic, or telephon c transfer to another account of yOUfS or to a third party 01 by clleck. debit card. or similar Older to a third party during any calendar month (or statement cycle of at least four weeksl. A preauthorized transfer includes any arrangement wtth us to pay a thord party from your account at (i) a predetermined time· (ii) on a fixed schedule or (1iil upon oral or w1itten orders inctudmg orders rece ved th any unauthorized signatures or altetations you must promptly notify us or the relevant facts As between you and us, if yoo fail to do either of these duties. you must beat the Joss entirely yourself or Sha are for the child s benelit For this type of account, the child's SSNITIN is used for the Backup WilhhOlding Certif.cation BACKUP WITHHOLDING/TIN CERTIFICATION· Federal tax law reQwes us to report interest paymenls we make to you of $ t O or more rn a year. and to include your taxpayer idenl1lrcation number (TIN) on the 1eport (the taxpayer idenlifrcato<>n number is your social sei;ut~y number ol you are an indivK!ual). Interest includes dividends. interest and bonus paymenls for purposes of this rule. Therefore. we requore you to provide us with your TIN and to certoly that it is correct. In some circumstances. federal law 1equires us to withhold and pay lo lhe IRS a percentage ol lhe inte1est that is earned on lunds in your accounts. This is known as bad!up withholding. We will not have 10 wilhhOld interest paymenls when you open your account II you certify your TIN and cerlily that you are not subject to backup wilhholdong due to underteporting ol interest. (There are special rules if you do not have a TIN but have applied for one, ii you are a foreign person. or rl you are exempt lrom the reporting requiremems.} We may subsequently be required to begin backup w1lhh01d1ng if the IRS informs us that you supplied an inco11ecl TIN or that you underreported you1 interest income. CREDIT VERIFICATION • You agree that we may verily credit and employment history by any necessary means. including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. SECURITY • It is yout 1esponSlbihly lo prolecl the account number(s) and access device(s) (e.g .. an ATM card. point·ol·sale catd and/or PIN) lor yout account(s). Do not discuss. compare. or share informai.on about your account number(s) or access device(s) with anyone U<11ess you are wdting to gove them full use ol your money. Checks and electronic withdrawals are processed by automated methods, and anyone whO obtains your account number or access device could use it to withdraw money from your account. woth or without your permission. Except tor consumer electronic funds transfers subject lo Regulation E, you agree that if we offer yO'igatiori to monitOf Of enlo1ce lhe terms of the trust or tellers. 9 2016 10 MD101_3.75X8.5_FINAL Mesler AcctAgreemerit.indd 10 9122116 10:49 AM LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT· If we are served with a subpoena. restrain ng O!der. w1 l of altachment 0t execu11on. levy, garn1shmen1. search warrant. or s1rn11ar order relating lo your aocount (termed ,egal action" in this sectiOn). we w I comply with that legal action Or. in our d1sctel on, we may freeze the assets in lhe account and not allow any payments oul or the account uni I a final court determrnation regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than alt of you . In these cases. we will not have any ab1 lly to you ii there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way rest"1Cted access lo your funds in accordance with the egal action Any fees 0< expenses we 111cur in responding to any legal action Lincluding. without rmrtalion attorneys· lees and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable 10 your account(s) provided ersewhere may specify additional fees lhat we may charge for certain legal actions. TELEPHONIC INSTRUCTIONS • Unless requ red by taw or we have agreed otherw se in wri1ing. we ere not required to act upOn instructions yO'.J gove us via faCSlllllle transmission or leave by voice mail or on a telephone answe~ng machine MONITORING AND RECORDING TELEPHONE CALLS AND CONSENT TO RECEIVE COMMUNICATIONS • We may monitor or record phone ca s for securily reasons to maintain a record and to ensure lhat you receive courteous and efficient service You consenl in advance lo any such 1ecording. We need llOI rellllnd you of our recording before each phone conversation. To provide you w th the best possible service in our ongoing business retalionsh1p for your account we may need to contact you about your account from time 10 time by le!ephone, text messaging or email. However. we must first obtain your consent lo contact you about your account because we musl comp y wilh 1he consumer pro1ect1on provisions on the lederal Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA). CAN·SPAM Acl and !heir retaled lederal regulations and orders issued by the Federal Communications CorMllSSIOn (FCC). Your consent is limil~d lo this account and as authorized by applicable aw and regulations Your consent does not authorize us to conlacl you for telemarketing purposes (unless you otherwise agreed elsewhere). W1lh the above understandings. you aulhonze us 10 contact YoU regarding !his accounl lhroughoul its ex stance using any telephone numbers or email addresses lhat you have previously provided to us or that you may subsequently provide to us. Th.s consent is regardless of whether Iha number we use lo contacl you 1s assigned lo a iandline. a paging service. a cellular wireless service. a specoa ized mobile radio service. other radio common carrier service 0< any oth&r serv ce for which you may be charged ror lhe call. You further authorize us to contact you lhrough the use of voice, voice mail and lext messaging. inc uding the use of pre-recorded or artilicial voice messages and an automated dialing device. If necessary. you may change or remove any of lhe telephone numbers or emaij addresses at any lime using any reasonable means lo notify us. RESOLVING ACCOUNT DISPUTES· We may place an administrative hold on lhe funds in ycur aocounl (refuse payment or wilhdrawal ol Iha funds) if it becomes subjecl to a claim adverse to ( 1) your own interest, (2) others cta1m·ng an interest as survivors or beneliaaries of your accounl: or (3) a claim arising by operation of law. The hold may be placed for such period of time as we believe reasonably necessary lo allow a lega proceeding to determ ne the ments of Iha O'aim or until we receive evidence satislactory lo us that the dispule has been resolved We w1t not be liable l0t any items lhat are dishonored as a consequerice of pacing a hold on funds in your account for these reasons. WAIVER OF NOTICES. To the extent permilled by law, you waive any notice of non-paymenl, dishonor or protest regarding any ilems credited lo or charged against your account For example, ii you deposit a check and it is returned unpaid or we rece·ve a notice of nonpayment, we do not have to nollfy you unless required by federal Regulation CC or other law. FUNDS TRANSFERS • The terms used in this section have Iha meaning given to lham in Article 4A of lhe Uniform Commercial Code · Funds Translers (UCC 4AI. This section will generally not apply 10 you if you are a consumer However. even ii you are a consumer. this section wilt apply to that pan of any funds transfer lhat is conducted by Fedwire Th.s section is subjec1 to UCC 4A as adopted in lhe state 1n which you have your deposit w'th us This agreement is also subject to a I cteanng house asS0C1ation rules, ru es of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Syslem and their operating circulars If any pan of this agreement is determll'led to be unenforceable, the rest of the agreement remains effective. Th s agreement controls funds transfers unless supplemented or amended 1n a separate written agreement 10 2016_ 10_MD101 3.75X8.5 FINAL_Master AcctAgreement.indd 11 9122/16 10:49 AM signed by us. This agreement does not apply to a funds transfer if any part of the transfer is governed by lhe Electronic Fund Transfer Act of 1978 (EFTA). except this agreement does apply 10 a funds transfer that is a temiuance transfer as defined in EFTA unless the remiuance transfer is an electroruc fund transfer as defined in EFTA. Funds transfer - A funds transfer is the transaction 01 sanes ol transactions that beg n with the originator's payment order. made for the purpose or making payment lo the beneficiary ol the order. A funds transfer is completed by the acceptance by the benelic.ary's bank or a payment order lor lhe benefit of the beneficiary of the oroginato<'s order. You may give us a payment order ora,y. electronically. or in writmg but your order cannot state any condition 10 payment to the beneficiary other than lhe tune of payment Credtt entries may be made by ACH. Authorized account • An authorized account is a deposit account you have with us that you have designated as a source ol payment of payment orders you issue to us. II you have nol designated an authorized accounl. any account you have with us s an authorized account to the extent that payment of the payment order Is not .nconsistent with the use of the account Acceptance of your payment order • We are not ob~gated to accept any payment order that you give us. although we normally will accept your payment order if you have a wilhdrawable credit in an authorized account sufficient to cover the order If we do nor execute your payment order. but give you notice of our rejection of your payment order after the execution date or give you no notice we are not iable to pay you as restotution any interest on a wilhdrawab e ctedot in a non-interest-bearing account Cutoff time - ff we do not receive your payment order or communication canceling or amencMg a payment order before our cutoff time on a funds transfer day for that type of order or communication. the order or communication w1 be deemed to be received at the opening of our next funds transfer business day. Payment of your order • If we accept a payment order you g ve us, we may rec91Ve payment by automatica iy deducting from any authorized account the amount of the payment order plus the amount of any e•penses and charges for our services in execu lion of you• payment order. We are entitled to payment on the payment or execut'on date. Unless your payment order spec'fies otherwise. the payment or execution date is the funds transfer date we receive the payment order. The funds transfer is completed upon acceptance by the benehciar{s bank Your obhgation to pay y00< payment order is excused if the funds 1ransfer is not completed, but you are still responsible lo pay us any expenses and charges for our services However. i f you told us 10 route the funds transfer through an intermediate bank. and we are unable to obtain a refund because the intermediate bank that you deSJ< share drafl. share savings or money market accounl(sl with an A TM card • with a Visa Oebil Card • see Service Charge Schooufe for a 1s1 of applicable fees Some of lhese services may not be available at • 11 lerminals. Types or ATM Card Point-of-Sale Transactions • You may access your sha'e draft or share savings accounl{sl to purchase goods (in person). pay for serviets (in parson). get cash from a merchanl. if rho merchanl permi ls. or from a parlicipat1ng linancial instilution. and do anylhing thal a participaling me•chant will accept Point·of·Sale Transactions· frequency and dollar limitations • Using your card. • you may make no more than 10 transaclians per day • you may not exceed $2.500.00 In 1ransaclions per day Types ol Debit Card Poinl·of-Sale Transactions • You may access your share drafl account(s} to purchase goods (in person. online. or by phone). pay for ser\'ices (rn peu place noncash items (for example. checlare accounts on the matutijy dale which have the saned below, if any) 01 we receive wrilten notice from you within the grace period menlioned below. of any. We can prevenl renewal if we mail notice to you at leasl 30 calendar days before 25 20t6_10_MDt01_3.75X9.5_FINAL_Master AoctAgreemenl lndd 26 9122116 t0:49 AM malurity If e1lher you or we p1evenl renewal dividends will nol accrue aller final maturity. Each renewal term win be Ille same as Ille original lerm, beginning on the maturity dalg OMdends win be calculated on the same basis as during lhe orgina 1erm. You wll have a grace period or seven calendar days after malurity to wilhd•aw lhe funds wilhoul being charged an early withdrawal penally. ADO-ON TEAM SHARE CERTIFICATE ACCOUNT (FIXED RA TE) Rate Information • For the dividend rate and corresponding annual pe1cenrage yield. 1efe1 10 the ·re1m Share CerlificalellRA Rale Guide" ptovlded on con,unctoon wilh lllis dtldosure. Compoundlng frequency • Div'dends will be compounded every monlh. Crediting frequency • Dividends will be crediled lo your accounl every mol\lh. Dividend period - For lh1s accounl type. lhe dividend period is monlhly. Minimum balance requlremenls: The minimum balance required lo open lhis account is $250.00. Your accoun1 will be autornalicaHy closed if your balance remains al zero for t 80 days or more. You must maintain a mwtimum daily balance of $250.00 on your accounl each day to 004ain the disclosed annual percenlage yield. Dally balance compulalion method - Dividends are calculated by the daily balance melhod which applies a daily periodic rate lo the balance in the account each day. Accrual of dividends on noncash deposits • Dividends will begin to aCCl\Je on lhe business day you P'ace noncash ilems (for a.ample. checks) lo your account Transaction limitations: The maximum amounl you can deposit is SS00.000.00. Deposits lhat bring lhe balance over SS00.000.00 are al lhe discrelion ol Provtdenrs management. There are ro ~m11ations on Iha frequency or riming ol additions. excepl lhat no addil ons ean bo made 1n lhe lasl seven days before maturily. You may make wilhdrawals of principal rmm your accounl before maturiry. Principal wlhdrawn befou< account. Time requirements • Your account will mature after lhe lerm indicated in lhe "Term Share CerlificatellRA Rate Guide" pmvided in conjunction with lh1& disclosure. Early withdrawal penalties (a penalty may De imposed 10< withdrawal$ before maturily) · • If your account has an ongmal ft'alU11ty of 12 months or more The penalty we may impose will equal t80 days. In certain circumslances such as lhe death or incompelence of an owner <>1 this account. the law permits, 01 m some cases requires. the waiver of lhe early withdrawal penally Olher exceptions may also apply. for example. 1f lh1$ is part ol an IRA or other lax-deferred savings plan. Withdrawal of dividends prior to maturity . The annual percentage yield is based on an assumption lhat div dends win remain in the accounl unh maturily. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. Automalically renewable account • This aocounl will automa1ically renew at maturoty. You may prevent renewal ii you withdraw the funds in the accounl al maturity (or withm the grace period mentioned below, if any) or we receive wntten notice from you wilhin the grace period mentioned below. 11 any. We can prevent renewal if we mail notice to you at feast 30 calendar days Delore matunly. II either you or we prevent renewal, dividends will not accrue alter final maturity. Each renewal lerm will De the same as the original term, beginning on l he matunly dale. The dividend rate will be the same we offer on new term share accounts on lhe maturity date which have lhe same le Dividend period · For this account 1ype. lhe divdend pe110d i'!- monlhly. Minimum balance requlremenls: The minimum balanee required lo open this accounl IS $500 00 Your ac:couol will be aulomaticaUy ciosed 11 your balance remain$ at zero for 180 days°' more. I 2016 10 MD101 _3.75X8.5_FINAL Master AcctAgreement.indd 30 9122/16 10:49 AM I You must maintain a m1n1mum daily balance of $500.00 in your accoun1 each day to Obtain the disclosed annual pe1cen1age yield Dally balance computallOf'I method • Dtvidrawal penalty. You can only withdraw dividends credited in the term befo1e maturity of thal term without penalty. You can withdraw dividends anytime during the term of crediting after they are credited to your account. Individual Retirement Accounts are also subject to limitations and/or penallies imposed by the Internal Revenue Service. Please see your IRA Agreement or your tax advisor tor additional inlormalion. 31 20t6 tO_l•AD101 3.75X8.5_FINAL_Master AcclAgreement.indd 32 9122116 10:49 AM I Time requirements • Your account will mature after the term indicated in I/le "Term Share CeCe earnings. Automatically renewable account • This account w1U automalicalty renew at maturity. You may prevent renewal if you wilhdraw lhe funds in the account al maturity (or within lhe grace period mentioned below. If any) or we receive wrillen notice from you within the grace period mentioned below, ii any. We can prevent renewal if we mail notice to you at least 30 calendar days before maturity. tf either you ()( we prevent renewal, dividends will not accwe after final maturity. Each renewal term will be the same as the original term. beginning on the maturity date. DNidends wiM be cak:u4ated on tM same basis as dunng the original term. You w111 have a grace period of seven calendar days after maturity to withdraw the lunds without being charged an earty withdrawal penally. Fees: There Is an annual service charge and cancellation service Charge for IRA Accounts. Refer lo Iha ·service Charge Sehedule" lor those fees. HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT (HSAI Requirements: No minimum balance is required. Courtesy Pay is not available on this account. Refer to the "Setvice Charge SehedtJle" provided in conjunction Wtth this disck>sure for any appUcal)le fees. Heallh Savings Accounls have specific elig1brllly reQuiremenls. You. as the owner of the account are solely responsible for ensuring that you satisfy the Health Savings Account elfgibll1ty reQuiremenls set forlh in lntemal Revenue Code Section 223. If you eslabtiSh an HSA and you are nol otherwise eligible you will be subiect lo adverse tax consequences. We recommend lhal you contact qualified ta• or legat counsel before establishing an HSA. Rate Information: The d1Yidend race and annual percentage yield may change every dividend period. We may change the dividend race for your accounl as delermined by lhe credit union board of d1'ectors. This account is subjecl 10 a tiered variable rate. For the current dividend rate and corresponding annual percenlage yield, refer lo the ·savings and Checking Rate Guide" provided in con1unclion with Chis disclosure. Compounding and crediting • Dividends w~I be compounded every month OiVldends wilt be credited to your accounl every month. OMdend period • For tt>is account type. the dll/idend period is monthly. for example. Iha beginning date of the ijrst dividend period ol the cafenda< year is January \ . and lhe ending date ol such dividend period is January 31. All other dividend periods lollow this same pallern of dates. The dividend declaration date is the lase day of the dividend period. and for the example above ls January 31. If you dose your account before dhlldends are paid, you will noc receive the accrued dividends. Mlnlmum balance 1equifements: There is no minimum balance requirement. Your account wil be automaticany closed if your balance remains at zero tor t BO days or more. Oally balance computation method • Dividends are calculated by the daily balance method which applies a daily periodic rate to the balance in the account each day. Dividends on Certificates are based on a 365 day year. Accrual of dividends on noncash deposits • Dividends will begin to accrue on the business day you place noncaSh items (lor example. checks) to your account. Transaction limitations: No lransaclion limitations apply to this account unless Olhesed annual percentage yield. I 2016 10 MD\01 3,75X8.5_FlNAL_Mastar A<:1:1Agreement.indd 34 9122116 10.49 AM Dally balance computation method • Dividends are calculated by the daily balance method which applies a daily periodic rate lo the balance in the account each day. Dividends on Certificates are based on a 365 day year Accrual of dividends on ooncash deposits • Dividends will begin to accrue on the business day you place noncash items (for example, checks) to your account. Transaction limitations: Tho maximum amount you can deposit 1s SS00.000.00 Deposits to Add·On Certificates that bring the balance over S500.000 00 are al the discretion o f Provldent's management. There are no limitations on the frequency or liming of addi1ions. except that no additions can be made in the last seven days before malutl be the same as the original term. begonn ng Ofl the maturity date. The d vidcnd rate will be Iha same we offer on now term share accounts on the maturi ty date wh;ch have the same term. minimum balance Iii any) and other featu,os as lhe on.ginal term share account. You wiU have a grace period of seven calendar days after maturity to withdraw the funds without being charged an early withdrawa penalty Fees: Foes may apply. Refer to the ·service Charge Schedule" for detai s Health Savings Accounts (HSA). We permit somo electronic fund transfers to and/or from your HSA. The electronic fund transfers we permit are offered tor the convenience of managing your HSA. However, electronically moving funds to or from your HSA - for example depositing more than the allowable amount. or geltiflg additional cash back on an HSA debit card transaction - can raise a variety of lax concerns. As a result. before electronical y accessing any account you may have with us, ii is a good practice to make sure you are using tho correct access device (Such as a card) or accessing the appropriate account for lhe transaction. Also ii is your respons bilily 10 ensure the contributions, dislnbut1ons, and other aclions related 10 your HSA, comply with the law. including federat lax !aw. As always. we recommend consulting a legal or lax professional if you have any queslions about managing your HSA. The terms of this d sc osure are intended lo work in conjuncliOfl with the HSA Ag1eement provided 10 you ear!ter. In the event of a confhct, lhe terms ol the HSA Agreement control. You understand lhal your HSA is intended to be used for payment of qualified medical expenses It is your responslbllily to satisfy any lax liability resulting from use of your HSA for any purpose other than payment or reimbursement of qualified medical expenses We do not monitor the purpose ol any transaction to or from your HSA Nor are we responsible for ensuring your ellg1bi~ty for making contributions or ensuring withdrawals are used for payment or reimbursement of quahf1ed medical t xpenses. Refer to your HSA Agreement for more Information relating 10 the or your HSA. 34 2016 t0_MD101_3.75X8.5_FINAl.._Master Acc!Agreemenl.indd 35 9122116 10:49 AM GETTING IN TOUCH Touch To~ Teller Call Center & loans by Phone Send Documents by Fax (800) 626·0224 (800) 632-4600 (650) 508-0619 Community Branch Locations 2250 South Shore Center Or .• Unit C 1050 El Camino Real, Suite C 2171 Jun1pero Serra Boulevard. #150 2916 Central Avenue, Suite B 2475 Iron Point Road, #11 O 22302 Foothill Boulevard 15425 Los Gatos Boulevard 209 Broadway Avenue 8301 Edgewater Drive 2390 El Camino Real, #110 210 Redwood Shores Parkway 701 Sacramento Street 450 Golden Gate Avenue. #2· 0558 1705 East Capitol Expressway, #20 1757 Technology Drive. #10 2727 S El Camino Real, Suite B 11030 Bollinger Canyon Road. Ste 190 398 W El Camino Real. #112 7 42 Bancrott Road Shared Branches Alameda Belmont Daly City Eureka Folsom Hayward Los Gatos Millbrae Oakland Palo Alto Redwood City San Francisco San Francisco San Jose San Jose San Mateo San Ramon Sunnyvale Walnut Creek 94501 94002 94014 95501 95630 94541 95032 94030 94621 94306 94065 94108 94102 951 21 951 10 94403 94582 94087 94598 In addition to Provident's community branches, you can also 4~ access your account at over 900 credit union branches = - JUSt look for the co-op• Shared Branch logo. Free ATMa Look for these logos for surcharge-free nationwide account ~ ~ /}~. access. We share ATMs with "~'k~ ... ~ ‘ F“: t Q Hm i‘i‘ AI'HI EH 'v:-I 1H I "Ah I'l a A '_ ' "* II. lullllt' r; 5|" rev 03-16 In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Transfers Telephone us at 1-800-632-4600 or Write us at PO. Box 8007, Red\.Yood City, CA 9c063-0903 as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no Inter than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST stntement on vlhich the erro~ or nroblem appeareci. (1) Tell us your name and account number (if any). (2) Describe the error or the transfer you are unsure about. and explain as c early as you can why you bel!eve it is an error or why you need more information. (3) Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. We will investigate your complaint and will cor'ect any error promptly. If we take more than 1 O business days to do this. we \.Viii credit your account for the amount you thinr< is in error. so that you will have the use of the money during the time it tokes us to complete our investigation. The Annual Percentage Yield Earned (APYE) reflects the actual earnings of the account balance during the statement period based on the rate. Member Number: .6330 Beginning Date: 09/01I2018 Statement Date: 0913012018 Ending Date: 0913012018 W Page: 2 69/07 09m ATM Pos Debit Payment/Transter Debit I V -71.61 33.10 TMOBlLE'POSTPAID FDP,TMOBILE"POSTPAID F 800-937-8997 WAUS #3222 #291 00681 09107 09107 Deposit 76400 797. 1 0 09107 09/07 Withdrawal -469 00 328. 10 09107 09108 ATM POS Debi! Putchase APL" |TUNES.COMIB!LL,APL' -1 3.99 314.11 ITUNES.COMIB! 866-712-7753 CAUS #3222 #231 00740 09I07 09108 ATM POS DebK PurChase 43.99 300.12 APL‘ITUNES.COMIBiLL.APL'ITUNES.COMIBIL 800-275-2273 CAUS #3222 #21 1 00738 09107 09108 ATM POS Debit Purchase VENMO‘ Visa Direct 60.00 240. 1 2 NYUS #3222 # CNP TX 09108 09108 ATM POS Debut PaymentITransfer Debit COMCAST -179 25 60.87 CALIFORN CS 1X COMCAST CALIFORN C 800-266-2273 CAUS #3222 H1 100047 09108 09108 ATM POS Debit Purchase EL JALAPENO ROJO SAN 44.48 46.39 JOSE CAUS #3222 #T8844284 09I10 09110 ATM POS Debit Purchase APL‘ iTUNES.COMIBILL.APL* -2.00 44.39 ITUNES.COMI8! 8663123753 CAUS #3222 #23100382 09110 09110 ATM P08 Debi! Purchase APL’ 1TUNES.COM!B:LL,APL" -OV99 43.40 |TUNES.COMIB! 866~712-7753 CAUS #3222 #221 00382 09111 09I11 ATM POS Dabét Purchase STARBUCKS STORE ~7 45 35.95 03457.8TARBUCKS STORE 03 SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 #2910000? 09/13 09/13 ATM POS Debit Purchase SHELL Service Station.SHELL -30 02 5,93 L03 ALTOS HhLCAUS #3222 #89622601 09124 09124 On-Us ATM Cash Deposit Cash Deposit PROVIDENT 200.00 205.93 CU,1757 TECHNOLOGY DR SAN JOSE CAUS £222 1t XK5988 09I24 09124 ATM POS Debit Purchase SHELL Service Station,SHELL -3D.DU 175 93 SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 #1 4685301 09124 09I25 ATM POS Debit Paymentn'ransfer Debit COAST NATL 4542 10051 INSURANCE C,COAST NATL INSURAN 888-8880080 FLUS #3222 # 8416060 09I25 09/25 ATM POS Debit Purchase 49.99 50 52 APL‘ITUNES.COMIBILL.APL*ITUNES.COMIBIL 800-275-2273 CAUS #3222 #251 00590 09128 09128 ATM POS Debit Purchase SHELL Service Station.SHELL -30.02 20.50 LOS ALTOS HILCAUS #3222 #89622601 YuT-D Dividends: 0.00 Annual Petcentage Yield Earned (APYE) is 0.00% From 09I01I18 Through 09130118 Total Overdraft Fees This Period: 0.00 Year~To-Date: O.00 Total Returned Item Fees This Period: 0.00 Year-To-Date: 0. 00 Reportable Dividends of $10 or More Are Reported to the IRS as Interest Income for the Year. For 201B YTD Finance Charge 0.00 YTD Dividends (Includes IRA) 0 00 3H2 rev 08-46 SII1 Member Statement CRISTIAN M PACHECO SAN JOSE CA - Important Message Take advantage of a wnde range of investment and insurances semces from IRA roliovers! long g term care, 529 Plans and life insurance. Contact t us today to get started by calling (800)656-4096. SBHEDULE ABRANCH APPUINTMENTUNLINE Did you know you can book an appointment Online t0 visut a branch? «V WEPROVID NT'rICREDITUNNOI N Member Number: “330 Beginning Date: 1010112018 Statement Date: 1013112018 Ending Date: 10I31I2018 Page: 1 New Balance Membership Savings Account “4476 Beginning Balance 5.00 l I v Ending Balance 5.00 f 1 1 Y-T-D Dividends: 0.00 1 Annual Percentage Yield Earned [APYE) is 0.00% From 10/01/18 Through 10131118 Total Overdraft Fees This Period: 0.00 Year-To-Date: 0.00 Total Returned ttem Fees This Period: 0.00 Year-To-Date: 0.00 Super Rewatd Checking Account: -5301 Beginning Balance 20.50 Deposits 10,500.00 0 Checks 0.00 Miscellaneous Debits 20,380.64 Service Charges 0.69 Ending Balance -9.860.83 09130 09130 ATM POS Debi! Purchase CHEVRONICLAIRE'S. -1 1.00 9 50 INC .CHEVRONICLAIRE'S. #1 004 1 801 rev 08-16 SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Transfers Telephone us at 1-800-682-4600 or Write us at P.O. Box 8007, Redwood City. CA 9é063-0903 as soon as you can. if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 6O days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. (1) Tell us your name and account number (if any). (2) Descn‘be the error or the transfer you are unsure about, and explain as cleariy as you can why you beheve it is an error or why you need more htormation. (3) Tell us the doflar amount'of the suspected error. We will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take more than 10 business days to do this, we will credit your account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to compiete our investigation. mm“ NCUA The Annual Percentage Weld Earned (APYE) reflects the actual earnings of the LENDER “mm...“mw account balance during the statement period based on the rate. Member Number: -6330 Beginning Date: 1010112018 Statement Date: 10/31/2018 Ending Date: 10/3112018 Page: 2 10/01 10/01 Single - Tfr from ECK 16002774265 5,000.00 5,009.50 10101 10101 ATM POS Debit Purchase SHELL Service Station.SHELL -60.03 4,949.47 LOS ALTOS HILCAUS #3222 #89622601 10101 10101 ATM POS Debit Purchase CVS/PHARMACY #.09805-1720 -500.00 4,449.47 S Base Campbefl CAUS #3222 #30980504 10/01 10101 ATM POS Debit Purchase FGT‘ESCAPETIX -236.90 4,212.57 ‘ 888-512-7469 TXUS #3222 #2710027? 10/02 10/02 ATM POS Debit Purchase APL" ITUNES.COMIBILL.APL* -1.29 4,21 1.28 lTUNES.COM/Bl 866-712-7753 CAUS #3222 #2910078? 10/02 ' 10102 ATM POS Debit Purchase CVSIPHARMACY #,02294--821 600.00 3.71 1.28 ‘ The Ala San Jose CAUS #3222 #30229403 10I02 10102 ATM POS Debit Purchase CVSIPHARMACY #,02294--821 -500.00 3.211.28 The Ala San Jose CAUS #3222 #30229403 10102 10102 ATM POS Debit Purchase WALGREENS STORE 1399 W -500.00 2,71 1.28 SA.WALGREENS STORE 13 SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 #99999999 10/02 10102 ATM Withdrawal Withdrawal 7ELEVEN-FC.143O -20.00 2.691 .28 FRUITDALE AVE SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 #7E003032 10/03 10103 ATM POS Credit Return CVS/PHARMACY 500.00 ‘ 3.19128 #02294,CVS/PHARMACY #0229 SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 #7000071 4 10/03 10103 Single - Tfr from ECK 16002774265 5,000.00 8.191 .28 10/03 10/03 ATM POS Debit Purchase SHELL SeMce Station,SHELL -50.01 8,141 .27 LOS ALTOS HILCAUS #3222 #89622601 1OI03 10103 ATM POS Debit Purchase TMOBILE'POSTPAID -121.12 8,020.15 IVR,TMOB|LE'POSTPAID I 800-937-8997 WAUS #3222 #26100410 10IO3 10I03 ATM POS Debit Purchase VENMO‘ Visa Direct -1 45.00 7,875.15 NYUS #3222 # CNP TX 10103 10I03 ATM POS Debit Purchase SAFEWAY STORE £05.78 7.269.37 1476,8AFEWAY STORE 14 SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 #14760007 10103 1OI03 Single - Tfr to ECK 334055824833 -4,000.00 3,269.37 10I03 10I04 ATM P08 Debit Purchase WALGREENS STORE 1399W -8.18 3,261.19 SA,WALGREENS STORE 13 SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 1 #99999999 10104 10104 ATM POS Debit Purchase EB GIVE THANKS 2018-N.EB 479.25 3,081.94 _ GIVE THANKS 201 8014137200 CAUS #3222 ' #2771?962 10104 10104 ATM POS Debit Purchase SHELL Service Station,SHELL -80.00 3,001.94 LOS ALTOS HILCAUS #3222 #89622601 10104 10I04 ATM POS Debit Purchase OLD NAVY US 6210 SAN -73.73 2,928.21 JOSE CAUS #3222 fl 003 10/05 10106 ATM Withdrawal Withdrawal PROVIDENT CU,1757 410.00 I 2.888.21 ‘i TECHNOLOGY DR SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 # XK5988 ‘ 10105 ‘ 10106 ATM Pos Debit Purchase sp - -34.45 ‘ 2.35376 GLOWINGMASKPURGE,SP ' GLOWINGMASKPU MISSISSAUGA ONCA #3222 #NJYIFGZE 10105 10106 Foreign Transaction Fee -0.69 2,853.07 10105 10106 ATM POS Debit Purchase JEANS PALACE SAN -32.76 2,820.31 JOSE CAUS #3222 #93912168 10105 10/06 ATM P08 Debit Purchase SP1017 - GILROY GILROY -1 74.38 2,645.93 CAUS #3222 1306269248 10105 ‘ 10106 ATM POS Debit Purchase SMOKE EATERS - SANTA 44.31 ‘ 2,601 .62 § C,SMOKE EATERS - SAN 724-2831878 CAUS #3222 é #7922392? 1 "‘!i"l 1' ' send_mqumesw.naxamz aeawhaucw 059406343993 j « ' 1%“ fig" ,so n -L’L «,1.‘4‘- 3112 rcv 08-16 3‘12 Member Number: Statement Date; '10166 mice 10/06 10107 10/06 10107 10106 10107 10107 10/06 10103 10:08 10108 10/09 10103 10/09 10109 10109 10109 10109 10:10 10110 10110 10.!10 10:10 10110 rev 08-16 "6330 Beginning Date: 10/0112018 1031/2018 Ending Date: 1013112018 Page: 3 ‘ , ATM POS Debit Purchase ADIDAS 61 14 GILROY 440.60 2,461.02 CAUS #3222 #0000921 7 ATM POS Debit Purchase IN N OUT BURGER 100,|N N -28.56 2,432.46 OUT BURGER 10 GILROY CAUS #3222 #01986912 ATM POS Debit Purchase ZUMIEZ #073 SAN JOSE 420.12 2.31234 CAUS #3222 #01794554 ATM POS Debit Purchase SHELL Service Station.SHELL -38.03 2,274.31 SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 #14685301 ATM POS Debit Purchase 43.99 2,260.32 APL'ITUNES.COWBILLAPL‘ITUNES.COMIBIL 800-275-2273 CAUS #3222 #25100660 ATM POS Debit Purchase SHELL Service Station,SHELL -70.24 2,190.06 L03 ALTOS HILCAUS #3222 #89622601 ATM POS Debit Purchase CA'S GREAT AMERICA -23.96 2,166. 12 FOODS_CA'S GREAT AMERICA SANTA CLARA CAUS #3222 #3691 1334 ATM POS Debit Purchase CA'S GREAT AMERICA -23.96 2,142.16 FOODS,CA'S GREAT AMERICA SANTA CLARA CAUS #3222 #3691 1342 Single - Tfr to ECK 334055824833 -1 ,800.00 342. 16 ATM POS Debit Purchase CVSIPHARMACY #,02294--821 -200.00 142 16 The Ala San Jose CAUS #3222 #30229403 ATM POS Debit Purchase -2.99 139.17 APL‘ITUNES.COMIBILL,APL*ITUNES‘COMIBH. 800-275-2273 CAUS #3222 #271001 51 Returned A2A Transfer a Unauthorized 6,000.00 4,860 83 Returned A2A Transfer e Unauthorized -5,000.00 -9,660 83 Y-T-D Dividends: 0.00 Annual Percentage Yield Earned (APYE) is 0.00% From 10/01/18 Through 10/31/18 Total Overdrafi Fees This Period: 0.00 Year-To-Date. 0.00 Total Returned Item Fees This Period: 0.00 Year-To-Date: 0.00 Reportable Dividends of $10 or More Are Reported to the IRS as Interest Income for the Year. For 2018 YTD Finance Charge 0.00 YTD Dividends (Includes IRA) 0 00 Member Statement I Important Message ‘ Your 2018 Provident tax documents will be CRSMN M PACHECO mailed to you and avaiiable within online banking SAN JOSEcm : information. visit scHEnuLEBRANBH APPflINTMENToNLmE {QRV Did you know you can book an appointment online to visut a branch? rEPROVlD NT providentcunrg VGlc as o I 'r UN ion Member Number: “6330 Beginning Date: 11/01/2018 Statement Date: 12131/2018 Ending Date: 12I18I2018 Page: 1 ‘ A A New nnmnce Membership Savigs Account: “4476 Beginning Balance 5.00 Ending Balance 0.00 12118 12/18 Account Closing wnhdrawall Redemption -5.00 ‘ 0.00 w l v-T-n Dividends: 0.00 § Annual Percentage Yield Earned (APYE) is 0.00% From 11101118 Through 12l18l18 lotal Overdraft Fees This Period: 0.00 Year-To-Date: 0.00 Total Returned item Fees This Period: 0.00 Year-To-Date: 0.00 Reportable Dividends of $10 or More Are Reported to the IRS as Interest Income for the Year. For 201 8 YTD Finance Charge 0.00 YTD Dividends (Includes IRA) 0.00 3H1 rev 08-16 In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Transfers Telephone us at 1-800-632-4600 or Write us at P.O. Box 8007, Redwood City, CA 94063-0903 as soon as you can, if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hem from you no later than 60 days nfter we sent you the FIRST stntement on which the erro~ or rrohlem af)pearec:I. (1) Tell us your name and account number (if any). (2} Describe the error or the transfBf; you are unsure about. and explain as clear1y as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information. (3) Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. We will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take more than 1 O business days to do this. we will credit your account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigntion. The Annual Percentage Yield Earned (APYE) reflects the actual earnings of the account balance during the statement period based on the rate. Member Statement CRISTIAN M PACHECO sAN Jessc“ r--Important Message g], 'Take advantage of a mde range of investment and insurances services from IRA roilovers long ' ' term care. 529 Plans and life insurance. Contact us today to get started by calling (800)656-4096 W __. A_V, H __. swmmmnANGHAPPUINTMENIW Did y0u know you can book an appointment onllne to visit a branch? (“V W'PROVIDENT pvovidentcunrg VIC Re D I 1' u NI o N Member Number: "6330 Beginning Date: 10/01/2018 Statement Date: 10131I2018 Ending Date: 101312018 Page: 1 > New Balance Membership Saving Account: W476 Beginning Balance 5.oo Ending Balance 5.00 ‘ Y-T-D Dividends: . Annual Percentage Yield Earned (APYE) is 0.00% From 10/01!“ Through 10131118 Total Overdraft Fees This Pernod: 0.00 Year-To-Date' 0.00 Total Returned Item Fees This Period: 0.00 Year-To-Date: 0‘00 L Super’ReTNard Checking Account: “'5301 y Beginning Balance 20.50 k Deposits 10,500.00 | o Checks 0.00 g Miscellaneous Debits 20,380.64 ' Service Charges 0.69 Ending Baaance .9380.” A----- 09130 ‘ 09130 ATM POS Debit Purchase CHEVRONICLAIRE‘S. SAN JOSE CAUS #3222|NC..CHEVRON/CLAIRE'S, #10041801 -1 1‘00 9.50 rev 0846 EXHIBIT "4 In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Transfers Telephone us at 1-800-632-4600 or Write us at PO. Box 8007. Redwood City. CA 940630908 as soon as you can. if you think your statement 0r receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error 0r problem appeared. (1) Tell us your name and account number (if any). (2} Describe the‘ error or the transfer‘y'ou are unsure about. and explain as cleady as you can why you behave it is aq error or why you need more hformation. (8) Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. We will investigate your comptaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take more than 1O business days to do this. we will credit your account for the amount you think is in error. so that you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. The Annual Percentage Yleld Earned (APYE) reflects the actual earnings of themmsmm account balance during the statement period based on the rate.LENDER 3112 Member Number: Statement Date: r 10/01 10/01 1 0/01 10/01 1 0/02 10I02 10l02 10/02 1 0102 1 0/03 1 0/03 1 0103 1 0/03 10I03 10103 10/03 1 0/03 10/04 10/04 10/04 10/05 10/05 10I05 10105 10I05 1 0105 10/01' 10/01 10/01 10/01 10/02 10102 10/02 10102 1 0/02 1 0103 1 0/03 1 0/03 1 0/03 ‘l 0/03 1 OIO3 1 0/03 1 0/04 1 0/04 1 0/04 10I04 1 0/06 10l06 1 0I06 1 0106 1 0106 1 01'06 “6330 Beginning Date: 10I0112018 1081/2018 Ending Date: 1013112018 Single - Tfr from ECK 16002774265 5,000.00 ATM POS Debit Purchase SHELL Service Station.SHELL -60.03 LOS ALTOS HILCAUS #3222 1589622601 ATM POS Debit Purchase CVSIPHARMACY #.09805--1720 -500.00 S Basc Campbeil CAUS #3222 #30980504 ATM P08 Debit Purchase FGT‘ESCAPETIX -236.90 888-512-7469 TXUS #3222 #2710027? ATM POS Debit Purchase APL‘ ITUNES.COM/BILL,APL* -1 .29 ITUNES.COMIBI 866-712-7753 CAUS #3222 #2910078? ATM POS Debit Purchase CVSIPHARMACY #.02294-821 -500.00 The Ala San Jose CAUS #3222 #30229403 ATM POS Debit Purchase CVSIPHARMACY #,02294-821 -500.00 The Ala San Jose CAUS #3222 #30229403 ATM POS Debit Purchase WALGREENS STORE 1399W -500.00 SA,WALGREENS STORE 13 SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 #99999999 ATM Withdrawal Withdrawal 7ELEVEN-FC,1430 -20.00 FRUITDALE AVE SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 #7E003032 ATM POS Credit Return CVSIPHARMACY 500.00 #02294,CVSIPHARMACY #0229 SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 #70000714 Single - Tfr from ECK 16002774265 5,000.00 ATM POS Debit Purchase SHELL Service Station,SHELL -50.01 LOS ALTOS HILCAUS #3222 #89622601 ATM POS Debit Purchase TMOBILE'POSTPND 421.12 IVR,TMOBILE'POSTPAID I 800-937-8997 WAUS #3222 #261 0041 0 ATM POS Debit Putchase VENMO‘ Visa Direct 445.00 NYUS #3222 # CNP TX ATM POS Debit Purchase SAFEWAY STORE 605.78 1476.SAFEWAY STORE 14 SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 #1 4760007 Single - Tfr to ECK 334055824833 4,000.00 ATM POS Debi! Purchase WALGREENS STORE 1399W -8.18 SA,WALGREENS STORE 13 SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 #99999999 ATM POS Debit Purchase EB GIVE THANKS 2018-N.EB 479.25 GIVE THANKS 201 801 41 37200 CAUS #3222 #2771 7962 ATM POS Debit Purchase SHELL Service Station,SHELL -80.00 LOS ALTOS HILCAUS #3222 #89622601 ATM POS Debit Purchase OLD NAVY US 6210 SAN -73.73 JOSE CAUS #3222 # 003 ATM Withdrawal Withdrawal PROVIDENT CU.1757 -40.00 TECHNOLOGY DR SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 # XK5988 ATM POS Debit Purchase SP ‘ -34.45 GLOWiNGMASKPURGEfiP ‘ GLOWiNGMASKPU MISSISSAUGA ONCA #3222 #NJYEFGZE Foreign Transaction Fee -0.69 ATM POS Debit Purchase JEANS PALACE SAN -32.76 JOSE CAUS #3222 #93912168 ATM P05 Debit Purchase SP1017 a GILROY GILROY 474.38 CAUS #3222 #08269248 ATM POS Debit Purchase SMOKE EATERS - SANTA 44.31 C.SMOKE EATERS - SAN 7242831878 CAUS #3222 #7922392? r‘fi ",1 ‘ Buxjs‘tfitiifiedyohfibn' Page: 2 New Eilanance 5,009.50 4,949 47 4,449.47 4.212.57 4,21 1.2a 3.71 1.2a 3,21 1.2a 2.71 1.28 2.69128 3,191.28 8,191.28 8.141.27 8.020.15 7,875.15 7,269.37 3,289.37 3,261 .19 3.081.94 3,001.94 2.92821 2,888.21 2,853.76 2.353107 2,820 31 2,645.93 2.601 .62 ENT Enfrfu N I n N {M Mu my. . pd}. ' 3112 Member Number: Statement Date: {I ‘ f ' 10/06 1 oroe 10/06 1 0106 10107 1 0108 10108 10108 1 0109 1 0109 ‘IOI‘IO 1OI10 10110 10106 1 0107 10107 1 0107 1 0108 1 0108 10I09 1 0l09 1 0109 1 0109 1DI10 ,2’1 0/1 0 1/4 rev 0846 “6330 Beginning Date: 10I01/2018 10131I2018 Ending Date: 1013112018 ATM POS Debit Purchase ADIDAS 61 14 GILROY 440.60 CAUS #3222 #0000921 7 ATM POS Debit Purchase IN N OUT BURGER 100.IN N ~28.56 OUT BURGER 1O GILROY CAUS #3222 #01986912 ATM POS Debi! Purchase ZUMIEZ #073 SAN JOSE 420.12 CAUS #3222 #01 794554 ATM POS Debit Purchase SHELL Service Station,SHELL -38.03 SAN JOSE CAUS #3222 #14885301 ATM POS Debit Purchase -1 3.99 APL‘ITUNES.COMIBILL,APL‘ITUNES.COMJ'BIL 800-275-2273 CAUS #3222 1325100660 ATM POS Debit PurChase SHELL Service Station.SHELL -70.24 LOS ALTOS HILCAUS #3222 #89622601 ATM POS Debit Purchase CA'S GREAT AMERICA -23.96 FOODS,CA'S GREAT AMERICA SANTA CLARA CAUS #3222 #3691 1 334 ATM P08 Debit Purchase CA'S GREAT AMERICA -23.96 FO0DS,CA'S GREAT AMERiCA SANTA CLARA CAUS #3222 #3691 1342 Single - Tfr to ECK 334055824833 -1 ,800.00 ATM PCS Debit Purchase CVSIPHARMACY #.02294--821 -200.00 The Ala San Jose CAUS #3222 #30229403 ATM P03 DebifPurchase ' -2.@ n APL‘ITUNES.COMIBILL,APL'ITUNES.COMIBIL -"‘ 800-275-2273 CAUS #3222 #271 001 51 Returned A2A Transfer - Unauthorized 6,000.00 Returned A2A Transfer - Unauthorized 6,000.00 Y-T-D Dividends: 0.00 - Annual Percentage Yield Earned (AP_YE) js 0.00%- 7 * '- From 1OIO1I18 Through 10/31/18 Page: 3 .‘an Haunts 2.461 02 2,432.46 2,312.34 2,274.31 2.260 32 2, 1 90.08 2,166.12 2,142.16 342.16 142.16 13917 *x. ‘ 4.566. 3 4-- -9.aeo_a ¢~ Total Overdraft Fees This Period: 0.00 Year-To-Qate: 0‘ 00 Total Returned item Fees This Period: 0.00 Year-To-Date: 0.00 Reportable Dividends of $10 or More Are Reported to the IRS as Interest Income forthe Year. For 2018 YTD Finance Charge 0.00 YTD Dividends (Includes IRA) 0.00 "L- xyagga Hvrfi-T " Baum .cns‘wssmoa Member Statement CRISTIAN MPfiflfil SAN JOSE CA_ Important Message Your 2018 Provident lax documents wrll be mailed to you and avanabie within oniine bankmg | for members enrolled in e-Documents. For more information visit ‘ i l _.,_. swmmmnANcHAPPUINIMENIDNLM Did y0u know you can book an appointment online to visit a branch? «v W'PROVIDENT providentcunrg fie a a D IT u N I o N Member Number: ”6330 Beginning Date: 11/01/2018 Statement Date: 12/31/2018 Ending Date: 12/18I2018 Page: 1 ‘ New Balance Membership Saving Account: “4476 Beginning Balance 5.00 ‘ Ending Balance 0.00 12118 12118 Account Closmg Withdrawal! Redemption -5.00 0.00 v.14) Dividends: 0.00 ‘ Annual Percentage Yield Eamed {APYE} is 0.00% From 11101118 Through 12118118 Total Overdraft Fees This Period: 0.00 Yefio-Date: 0.00 Total Returned Item Fees This Period: 0.00 Year-To-Date: 0.00 Reportable Dividends of $10 or More Are Reported to the IRS as Interest Income for the Year. For 2018 YTD Finance Charge 0.00 YTD Dividends (Includes IRA) 0 00 3111 rev 03-16 EXHIBIT "3’ ' In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Transfers Telephone us at 1-800632-4600 or Write us at PO. Box 8007, Redwood Qty. CA 94063-0903 as soon as you can. if you think yOur statement or receipt is wrong or if y0u need more information about a transfer on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you he FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. (1) Teil us your name and accouqt number (if any). (2) Describe the error or tne transferjyou are unsure about. and explain as creariy as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information. (3) Tell us the doilar amount of the suspected error. We will Investigate your complaint and wil correct any error promptly. If we take more than 1O business days to do this. we will credit your account for the amount you thunk is In error, so that you wilE have the use of the money dun'ng the time it takes us to compiote our investigation. __.~_...--- NCUA The Annual PercentagelYeld Earned (APYE) reflects the actual earnings of the ~~~~~~-~- account balance during the statement period based on the rate. swuwsm LENDER m - ' c:- E 8 i Member AchoumSummaryr > Collection Account r- 7 r I V Collect on Account [CK -“5331 - } Milan cmsrlm M PACHECO (4081‘ rm Zone. PST ’E?” _ ' c311 Amcqnt :nfom‘ atlor Etonusesfl Current Ealance ISADSS 83': Date Oa-erdra-rm- mxlfl-‘2C1B l'1 ??daysr Colfitcttor Status LGL-iMSMSfl-BQGO f _ _--- ---.----u Lettefs ‘ ficcrued Interest: 5000 r: Overdraft: Account Status; Gmd ~nged0ff N“ Mote ‘l Uncoilecled Funds SD OD 3 NSF Items 7.") fl From:ses Made O '- . i . Ship Trace DDP OD Lumu 80 DD = UCF Items c Ptomrses Broken 0 DD Optjcr. Pay None r. Rem. Items a Ccdlector Mame; Lawrencemm 99mm" ___._ 7 Last Deposd Amount 55.300“: LastBeposn: Dale 12512019 1-09.34 l v___ ‘ NefiTask Pendmg Tasks fiescheaule Effective Dt Best: mc-r Create: Ev, ’ FEWQ‘JG T! #92019 Pedorm Inbound Outbound Call Bien Seno J ' " _ Qusplay Acct a Ccumon Hmon- Stamgfha I (é) [way NI Notes acme SystemMed Notes M Dania? Addaioml Cements 0mm Note ' Create Dz Eescrapteon Fug: Hue Created Er, n Accueises 4J5IZD19 10:41:00AM Sly invfil362? S?ES ?5 sbmtd for pymnt‘” Ya Bien Sena ‘ Em)“ Hm 3&5i2fi19 12 DO'E'G AM Status was changed fran- Acti-.-e to LGL-WSHW $300 Rick Henson v 1 ' c ) ‘I!__ : 7 ,___,;_. ' , ..______, ;- “ 7-_4_#W .71“ , E: ' ,_- 7 W PROVIDENTa caton umau Make life easy EXHIBIT " b "