Proof of Service PersonalCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 27, 2019POS-020 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, Stale Bar numba, and address) FOR COURT USE ONLY Silvia S. Cones 3025 Dryden Avenue GilroyCA95020 F I L E D TELEPHONE No FAX NO (Optional) APR 9‘8 2019 E-MAJL ADDRESS (Optimal) ATTORNEY FOR (Name; SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Santa Clara STREEr ADDRESS- 191 North First Street MA'L'NG ADDRESS San Jose CA 951 13 CITY AND ZIP CODES BRANCH NAME. Limited PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: Silvia S. Cortes RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: Monica Lucero CASE NUMBER: PROOF 0F PERSONAL SERVICE-CIVIL 19CH008546 LEWING OFFICER FILE NUMBER: 19883147 (Do not use this Proof ofService to show service of a Summons and Complaint.) | am over 18 years of age and not a party to this action. l served the following docu ments (specify): Nr‘ m The documents are listed in the Attachment to Proof of Personal Service-Civil (Documents Served) (form POS-020(D)). 3. I personally sewed the following persons at the address, date, and time stated: a. Name? Monica Lucero b- Address 55 WestYoungerAvenue San Jose CA 95110 0‘ Date: 04/03/2019 Remarks: d- T'mei 11:16 amD The persons are listed in the Attachment to Proof of Personal Service-Civi/ (Persons Served) (form POS-020(P)). Remarks: Hearing date: 04/1 6/201 9 Time: 9:00 am Fee for service was: $40.00 Bill to Court 5. My name, address, telephone number, and, if applicable, county of registration and number are (speciM: 233m: . S. Gutierrez ress‘ 55 W Younger Ave San Jose, CA 951 1O Telephone number: (408) 8084800 6. m | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 7. E | am a California sheriff or marshal and certify that the foregoing is true and correct. _ . Laurie Smith, hen’ff Datei Friday, Apnl 5, 2019 County ofSa D Signature of Sherist Authorized Agent 53:32.2.”82‘322‘1 Li'é’a‘iféé’flfi'au“ PROOF 0F PERSONAL SERVIce-CIVIL C°d5°‘c""P'°°ed"'°- 5 “’1‘ POSO2O [New January 1, 2005] W-Wumnfo ca 90V Court Copy {503-920(0) SHORT TITLE: Silvia S. Cortes vs. Monica Lucero CASE NUMBER:- _ 190H008646 ATTACHMENT T0 PROOF OF PERSONAL SERVICE-CIVIL (DOCUMENTS SERVED) (This Attachment is for use with form POS-020) The documents that were personally served are as follows (describe each document specifically): CH-1 10 TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER, CH-1 00 REQUEST FOR.C|VIL HARASSMENT RESTRAINING .ORDERS, QH-1 09 NOTICE OF COURT HEARING, CH-1 20 RESPONSE T0 REQUEST FOR CIVIL HARASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDERS, CH-1 20-INFO HOW CAN l RESPOND TO A REQUEST FOR CIVIL HARASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDERS?, CH-800 PROOF 0F FIREARMS TURNED ‘IN, SOLD, OR STORED, CM-010 CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET, CH-250 PROOF 0F SERVICE 0F RESPONSE BY MAIL (CIVIL HARASSMENT), CH-800-INFO HOW DO 'l TURN IN, SELL OR STORE MY FIREARMS?, FW-001 -|NFO~, FW-001 (BLANK) REQUEST TO WAIVE FEES, FW-003 (BLANK) FEE WAIVER Form Approved for Optional Use Jamie. Councilowanfomfa ATTACHMENT TO PROOF OF PERSONAL SERVICE-CIVIL .. PaB-LM; P03020(D) [NEW January 1, 20051 (Documents Served)