Proof of Service MailCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 4, 2019Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 6/10/2019 4:14 PM Reviewed By: M. Olaivar Case #19CH008608 Envelope: 2989784 .13 acacua IO ll 13 l4 10 RAJ V. ABHYANKER, California SBN 233284 Email: LegalForce RAPC Worldwide, P.C. 1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 10 Mountain View, CA 94040 Telephone: (650) 965-8731 Facsimile: (650) 989-2131 Petitioner SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA RAJ ABHYANKER et. al., Case No.: 19CH008608 Petitioner, PROOF OF SERVICE V' Date: August 15, 2019 PATRICK BENITO Time 1:30 p‘m‘ ’ Dept: 1 1 Judge: Hon. Carol Overton Respondent. l Proof of Service I(i I7 18 19’ 20 Ed h PROOF OF SERVICE I declare that I am employed in the County of Santa Clara, the State of California in the office of a member of the bar of this coun at whose direction the following service was made. I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to the within the action. My employment address is 1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 10, Mountain View, California. Today, I served on the interested parties in this action the document(s) entitled: 1. Exhibit List 2. Exhibits 1-22 by the following methods to the addresses listed in the attached Service List. [X] BY PRIORITY MAIL: I served the document(s) by enclosing them in a United States ‘ Postal Service (“USPS”) Priority Mail envelope clearly addressed and deposited the sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid with the USPS at Mountain View, CA. [ ] BY ELECTRONIC SERVICE: I caused such document(s) to be served Via email on the interested parties at their email addresses listed. [ ] BY PERSONAL SERVICE: By placing a true and correct copy of the above document(s) in a sealed envelope clearly addressed, I caused such envelope to be delivered by hand to the offices of the designated addressee(s). [ ] BY FEDERAL EXPRESS: By placing a true and correct copy ofthe above document(s) in a sealed envelope clearly addressed, I caused such envelope to be delivered to the FEDERAL EXPRESS Service Center, and to be delivered by their next business day delivery service to the designated addressee(s). [ ] BY FACSIMILE: I caused the document(s) to be transmitted via facsimile t0 the offices of the designated addressee(s). I declare under penalty of peljury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on June 10, 2019, at Mountain View, CA. LegalForce RAPC Worldwide, P.C. A «V/ Jolly\Ma'tH§§ 2 Proof of Service 'JI coexl¢ IO SERVICE LIST Parties to be served Patn'ck Owen Benito 1442 Terra Nova Blvd. Pacifica, CA 94044 3 Proof 0f Service Service by Priority Mail