StipulationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 19, 2019PIAITACHMENT FM-1112 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA STREETADDRESS: 201 Nonh Fast Sheet, San José, CA 95113 MAILING ADDRESS; 191 North First Stmet CITY AND ZIP CODE: San José, Cafrfornia 951 13 BRANCH NAME: Family Juslice Cenmr PEmwNER: M(kach RESPONDENT: ?OEX STIPULATION FOR COURT COMMISSIONER To ACT WENUMBER: As TEMPORARY JUDGE FOR ALL PURPOSES \ q C H 008,687 Commissioner CHRISTINE COPELAND , is a judicial officer of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clam, and may act as a Temporary Judge if all the parties agree in writing. Your signature below means you agree the above-named Court Commissioner shall act as a Temporary Judge for all purposes in this matter until final determination of the case, including all post-trial matters. Dated: L‘t "'1 ’20 SIGN T PRINTED NAME OF PARTY ANDIOR ATTORNEY “DWLFL 'Mla’hflrl/fii, (iPetifionerf (Afiomey for Petitioner) (Respondent) (Anomey for Respondent) (Claimantfomel Party) (Aflomey for ClaimanUOther Patty) Interpreter Witness Declaration D Interpreter: The B Petitioner U ReSpondent is unabIe to read or understand this Stipulation because: a. D hislher primary language i5 (specify): b. D other (specify): I certify under penalty of peljury under the laws of the State of California that l have, to the best of my ability, read or translated for the U Petitioner D Respondent this Stipulation. He or she said they understood this Stipulation before signing it. Date lnterpreter's printed name Interpreter’s signature FM1112 REVmm STIPULATION FOR COURT COMMISSIONER T0 ACT Page I on AS TEMPORARY JUDGE FOR ALL PURPOSES