Case Management Statement FiledCal. Super. - 5th Dist.July 16, 2019E-FILED 8/17/2021 12:07 PM Superior Court of California County of Fresno By: L. Whipple, Deputy oooxxmmhwm.‘ NNNNMNNNN-A-kfl-h-x Romina Keshjshyan, Esq. Bar N0.: 303522 RK LEGAL, PC 655 N. Central Ave., Suite 1700 Glendale, California 9 1 203 Telephone: 1-323-744-4124 Facsimile: 1-323-763 -7770 Alexander G. Mardirossian, Esq. Bar N0.: 305302 HM Legal Group 790 E. Colorado Blvd, Suite 790 Pasadena, California 91 1 01 Telephone: 1-8 1 8-660-5088 Facsimile: 1-8 1 8~806~9067 Attorneysfor Plaintiffs Doug M. Larsen, Esq., SBN: 142852 Trinity E. Taylor, Esq., SEN: 310947 FISHMAN, LARSEN & CALLISTER 71 12 North Fresno Street, Suite 450 Fresno, California 93 720 Telephone: 1-559-256-5000 Facsimile: 1-559-256-5005 Attorneysfor Defendant SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF FRESNO BONNIE SANDOVAL, individually, and on behalf 0f all other members of the general public similarly situated and 0n behalf 0f other aggrieved employees pursuant to the California Private Attorneys General Act, Plaintiffs, VS. POWELL PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY, an unknown business entity; and DOES 1 through 100, inclusive, Defendants . - 1 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT Case N0. 19CECG0261 3 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE STATEMENT Date: Time: Location: August 26, 2021 3 :30 pm. Department 502 Complaint Filed: July 16, 2019 FAC Filed: September 10, 201 9 Jury Trial Date: None Set CONFERENCE STATEMENT [\J TO THE HONORABLE COURT, ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: Defendant, POWELL PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY (“Defendant”) and Plaintiff, BONNIE SANDOVAL (“Plaintiff’), (collectively, “the Parties”) hereby submit the following Report in advance 0f the August 26, 2020 Further Case Management Conference. I. Settlement Negotiations On February 12, 2021, the Parties reached a resolution Ofthe above-entitled action during mediation with Thomas Simonian. II. Status 0f Settlement Agreement The Pafiies have finalized the Memorandum 0f Understanding and the Pafiies expect the Joint Stipulation 0f Class Action Settlement and Release t0 be signed soon. Once the Joint Stipulation 0f Class Action Settlement and Release is executed, Plaintiff will file a Motion for Preliminary Approval 0f Class Action Settlement. III. Other Matters for the Court Plaintiff calendared a Motion for Preliminary Approval 0f Class Action Settlement for January 5, 2022, at 3:30 pm. in department 502 0f the above-entitled court. The Parties request that a Fufiher Case Management Conference be set for 60-90 days after January 5, 2022, the date 0f the Motion for Preliminary Approval 0f Class Action Settlement. Respectfully Submitted, Dated: August 13, 2021 RK LEGAL, PC HM LEGAL GROUP g T3 9‘ .2 , By: , "-‘M'flyfiziuv; Roxfi'in’a Ké‘shi'éhyan Alexander G. Mardirossian Attorneysfor Plaintiff, BONNIE SANDOVAL /// /// - 2 _ JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE STATEMENT OONQU‘IADJN \O 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Dated: August 16, 2021 FISHMAN, LARSEN & CALLISTERWBy: Doug M. Larsen Trinity E. Taylor Attorneysfor Defendant, POWELL PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY _ 3 - JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE STATEMENT \OOONQMAUJNH NNNNNNNNNr-‘H-np-‘p-r-‘Hp-AHH OONONMAWNP‘OQOOQQMAUJNHO PROOF OF SERVICE CCP §§ 1011, 1013, 1013a, 2015.5; FRCP 5(b) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF FRESNO I am employed in the County 0f Fresno, State 0f California. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action; my business address is 71 12 N. Fresno Street, Suite 450, Fresno, California 93720. On August 17, 2021, I served the document described as JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE STATEMENT on the interested parties in this action D by placing the original thereof enclosed in‘a sealed envelope addressed as follows: fl by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed as follows: Romina Keshishyan, Esq. Alexander G. Mardirossian, Esq. RK LEGAL, PC HM Legal Group 655 N. Central Avenue, Suite 1700 212 S. palm Avenue, Suite 200 Glendal‘fi CA 91203 Alhambra, CA 91801 h @h [e l m m ga group 0m X BY MAIL D I deposited such envelope in the mail at Fresno, California. The envelope was mailed with postage thereon fully prepaid. g As follows: I am “readily familiar” with the firm’s practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing. Under that practice it would be deposited with U.S. postal service on that same day with postage thereon fillly prepaid at Fresno, California in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date 0r postage meter date is more than one-day after date 0f deposit for mailing in affidavit. g (BY ELECTRONIC MAIL) I emailed a copy of the above-referenced document(s) from to the email address(es) listed above. D (BY OVERNIGHT COURIER) I caused the above-referenced envelope(s) to be given to a courier service for delivery to the addressee(s). Executed on August 17, 2021, at Fresno, California. X (State) I declare under penalty of perjury under th laws of the State of California that the above is true and correct. SharthWhite