Hearing AppellateCal. Super. - 6th Dist.September 11, 2019SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA DOWNTOWN COURTHOUSE 191 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 951 13 CIVIL DIVISION Karriem J. Baker Law Office of Karriem J Baker 404 Natoma Street FOLSOM CA 95630 RE: People vs Thai Quoc Nguyen CASE NUMBER: 19AP002590 I C1897965 NOTICE TO APPEAR IN COURT TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED CASE: YOU ARE HEREBY DIRECTED TO APPEAR IN THIS COURT FOR A HEARING: Date: March 26, 2021 Time: 2:00 PM Dept: Department 11 For: Oral Argument Location: 191 N. First Street San Jose California 95113 Date: February 22, 2021 Nahal Iravani-Sani, Judge of the Superior Court If you, a party represented by you, or a witness to be called on behalf of that party need an accommodation under the American with Disabilities Act, please contact the Court Administrator's office at (408) 882-2700, or use the Court's TDD line, (408) 882-2690 or the Voice/TDD California Relay Service, (800) 735-2922. DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAIL: | declare that | served this notice by enclosing a true copy in a sealed envelope, addressed to each person whose name is shown below, and by depositing the envelope with postage fully prepaid, in the United States Mail at San Jose, CA on February 22, 2021. CLERK OF THE COURT, by Tunisia Turner, Deputy cc: Kaci R Lopez District Attorneys Office 70 W Hedding St West Wing 6th Floor San Jose CA 951 1O CV-5065 REV 07/01/16 CV-5065 REV 07/01/16