Order Submitted MatterCal. Super. - 6th Dist.August 27, 2019KOOONONUI-PUJNH NNNNNwwwwb-Ab-Ab-Ab-Ab-Ab-Ab-Ab-Ab-Ab-A OONONMJ>WNHOKOOONONMJ>WNHO SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA APPELLATE DIVISION PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Plaintiff and Respondent, V. IAN THOMAS BERRY, Defendant and Appellant. N0. 19AP002580 Trial Ct. N0. C 1 886349 MEMORANDUM DECISION Appellant Ian Thomas Berry was found guilty by a jury 0f driving under the influence 0f alcohol and driving with a blood alcohol concentration 0f 0.08 percent 0r higher. Weh. Code, § 23 152, subds. (a) and (b).) As t0 both counts, the jury found true the special allegation that Berry’s blood alcohol concentration was 0.15 percent 0r higher. Weh. Code, § 23578.) Berry’s appointed counsel filed an opening brief stating the case, the facts, and asking this court t0 conduct an independent review 0f the record t0 determine whether there are any arguable issues, as required by People v. Wende (1 979) 25 Cal.3d 436. Berry was notified 0f his right t0 submit written argument 0n his own behalfbut has not done so. Filed March 12, 2021 County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of the Court 19AP002580 By: tturner \DOONO‘xUl-RUJNH NNNNNNNNNb-tt-tt-tt-th-tu-tp-tp-tu-tu-t OONO‘NUl-bUJNHOKDOONO‘NUl-PWNHO Having found n0 arguable issues during our independent review 0f the entire record, we affirm the judgment. (Ibid.) Lie, PJ/ WE CONCUR: Chung, J. U Ibarra, J.