RequestCal. Super. - 6th Dist.December 28, 2018SC-1 14 PARTY (Name and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY _ g5C&Mum")1PM TELEPHONElNoéorx(Opfional): mm WEI g‘wmw E MAIL Aooaess rcpnbnau- $1450 f FAX N0. {apu‘onal}: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: (Szupermr Court . ivil Division0'" ANDZ'P °°°E- 191 N. First St. BRANCH NAME: San Jose. CA 951 l3 PLAINTIFF; Wm Jim’s WW WWW DEFENDANT: Anne, abbfwm CASE NUMBER: REQUEST To AMEND PARTY NAME BEFORE HEARING (SMALL CLAIMS) fl Q 9C 0?, Q g 6g. IMPORTANT NOTICES A copy of this request must be mailed or personally delivered to each of the other parties in this case if your claim has already been served. File the original request with the court and keep a copy. lf your claim has not yet been served. you should not file this form. File and serve an 'amended‘ claim to correct the panies' names (form SC-1 00 or SC-1 20) instead. Or dismiss your claim and start over by filing a new claim if the statute of limitations on your claim has not run out. A decision on your request to amend your claim will be made at the hearing. The judge can grant or deny your request or continue the hearing. REQUEST 1. lamthe E plaintiff E defendant inthis case. 2. l request that my small claims claim be changed to amend parties' names as follows (explain): AW geta/V'thtfllo’b , ’TVLQ.’ W €95, W it&VQ/S tartar wax.) Msgqgaadon MW chin» um acme)W W ?Mu/ stekkrsarw WM avg, W 6:0.‘12/ {-94.10 3. a. A copy oi this request was mailed E personally delivered to each of the other parties in this case on (date): at the following address (specify name and address): b. a (Optional) Each ofthe otherparties was also notified ofthisrequestby E telephone E e-mail E fax on (date): I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: mys/W ‘t/o'tfl) ) HYPE on PRINT NAM“E) SIGNATURE) Page t of 1 Code 0| CIvil ProcedureF°"“"F’P’°““'.°'°P"°.“'”‘° REQUEST To AMEND CLAIM BEFORE HEARING (SMALL CLAIMS) gmmmJudicial Councrl o! California SC-1 14 [New'January 1. 2004]