Request Postponement Small Claims No FeeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.December 4, 2018x Request to Postpone Trial Clerk stamps here when form is filed. See instructions on other side. 5 ® My nameis: Roma” (:KL‘T Mailing address: P o a g 0 F- H (pill SQtA [MW?LNJ (I 0‘4: 99’0 99 Phonez‘ LIIUK’ 710’1} 3'3 I am a (check one): Mplaintiff D defendant in this case. __"' ® My trial is now scheduled for (date); 7/M/l? ' ® I ask the court to postpone my trial until (approximate date): M&CT’ £4061? (a(oI/e/ DoH-a I am asking for this postponement because (explain): ' D [fyour answer will notfit in the space below, check this box and attach your answer on a separate sheet ofpaper. Write "SC-150, Item 4 " at [he top. “Trina, Far ‘ swarm has 77Q gw/L II COM ((2! flap? 4 QJAu-é {\A'J ' +rwu; vam/LW, Superior Court of California, County of Superior Court Civil Division 191 N. First St. San Jose, CA 95113 Fill in your case number and case name: Case Number: /Xsc;‘07éégsw Case Name: 5cm Us Mama; ® Ifyour trial is scheduled within the next 10 days, explain why you did not ask for a postponement sooner. D Ifyour answer will notfit in the space below, check this box and attae/h your answer 0n a separate sheet ofpaper. Write “SC-I50, Item 5 “ at the top. ,I'I Lu aswr alum 075 l3 owl bot 9W4 Q ap/Q/éflzs S 0% Lm-I-i L (4+6, [a gr wade I’ Cums l‘hmteafi. © Has your claim been served by a method allowed by law? (Seeform SC-104B, What]: “ProofofService"?, for information about how the claim can be served. Check and complete all that apply): D Ifyour answer will notfit in the space below, check this box and attach your answer 0n a separate sheet ofpaper. Write ”SC-150, Item 6" at the top. a. D No. I am a defendant and have not filed a claim in this case. b- D Yes. The parties listed below have been served: (ni\‘/ name county (2) name county c. M No. The parties listed below have not been‘served (list names).- (1) CW3 sHpAe/f Warez (2) , whoilitves. in:__..v‘__ 4 who lives in: , s_fimassemedtonzi.-,___.__. date was served on: date d. D I do not know. The court clerk maiIed my claim, andI do not know if the court received the signed receipt for these parties (list names).- (1) <2) I declare unde penaltyof perjury under the laws Lof the State of California that the information above is true and correct. Date: LII €// q WWrzfie/Lr Type 0r print your name 2W _ Sig re Judicial Council of California. www.courfinfacagov New July 1. 201 0, Optional Farm Code of Civil Procedures. § 116.570. Cal. Rules of Court. rule 3.2107 Request to Postpone Tri‘al (Small Claims) SC-‘I 50 How do _l ask for a postponement? Fill Q” ”Form SC 150, Request t0 Poszpone Trial, including because he Qr she has n defendants - - x héri (or if) the cl'aim Was ‘ ' requested o‘fi thi ff ' d t pay a requirgd fee seQ Wcourt oh thQ schedu Q trlalrdate